Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 636: Intervention in Jinling

Chapter 636: Intervention in Jinling
Li Qun ordered the Jinling Division of the Special Agent Headquarters to launch an investigation. Nie Hong could only send the intelligence to the Military Control Commission in this matter. As for the subsequent events, it had nothing to do with him.

It’s not that Nie Hong doesn’t want to take care of it, but you have no way of intervening in this matter at all.

When the main battlefield became Nanjing, they were out of reach.

Reporting intelligence is all they can do now, and the next response needs to be completed by Jinling.

But I think it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, the Military Control Commission would definitely guess that such a situation would occur. You need to consider how to deal with various situations in advance so as not to be caught off guard.

At the same time, personnel from Shanghai also began to leave, and Song Shutang's work here came to an end.

Ding Yingzhuo was very proud of the high level of his execution of the task this time, and he couldn't help feeling a little proud when facing Song Shutang, who thought Ding Yingzhuo's performance was very good.

This kind of deliberately performed attitude actually has no flaws.

After being busy for many days, the division can take a break here. Song Shutang continued to ask them to investigate the traitor. After all, the investigation of the traitor has not been completed yet, and you certainly can't give up.

As for the person who was previously responsible for the assassination, after several days of pursuit without any results, he had reduced his efforts.

After all, everyone knows that if you don't catch the other party immediately after they leave like this, the subsequent search will basically be difficult to be effective.

So they had no choice but to give up the pursuit.

The people in the partition are in a completely different mood now than they were before.

Before, everyone was in a good mood because of their achievements or scramble for credit, but this time, something went wrong with the mission of protecting the officials in Jinling, and they were depressed afterwards.

Regarding this matter, Song Shutang signaled Mei Muzhizi to comfort him and told them not to keep caring about it. After all, the matter had passed and it was not good to keep having this attitude.

Just isolate them and catch the people lurking in the zone as soon as possible.

This issue has been discussed many times, but there has been no progress, otherwise Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng would have wanted to take credit for it long ago.

Anyway, Song Shutang doesn't care. Just leave the problem to them, no matter how they investigate.

He had some free time today, so he went shopping with Mei Muzhizi and had dinner together outside.

While eating, Mei Mu Zhi Zi said, "The situation in the district is not bad now. As long as we can hold on, at least we don't have to worry about being targeted."

"Then hold on steady."

What Song Shutang wanted was a three-way balance of power, so Mei Muzhizi also thought it was a good idea. Song Shutang of course wanted them to play it safe.

Don't disrupt this situation.

But Mei Muzhizi understood that Song Shutang and Nie Hong definitely wanted to plot against Li Qun, but she did not mention this matter now because it was not convenient to say it to their faces.

When the meal was almost over, Mei Mu Zhi Zi said, "There are no additional tasks in the sub-district right now, so we can take a break."

"They are mainly undercover agents. I will be worried until I find them out."

"But we have selected trustworthy people who can take charge of the work, so you don't have to put too much pressure on yourself." Mei Mu Zhizi also understood that if the undercover personnel were not investigated, it would be a major problem for intelligence work.

However, she also wanted to comfort Song Shutang so that he wouldn't be under too much pressure every day.

He also knew that the other party had good intentions, so Song Shutang said, "I understand."

Seeing this, Mei Mu Zhizi changed the subject and said, "I have actually been wondering these past few days why the Military Control Commission targeted these two officials. After all, they were not important enough, but the price the Military Control Commission paid was not small."

"How did you infer that?" Song Shutang was not surprised that Mei Muzhizi would think about this question.

After all, given Mei Mu Zhizi's abilities, it's normal for her to consider this.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "I think it has something to do with Jinling."

"Do you think it's for Jinling?"

"Otherwise, I really can't understand why they killed these two officials. It was totally unnecessary."

"So what do you think it is specifically?"

"I'm sure it's hard to judge the specific situation right now, but it's undeniable that this matter must be investigated from the Jinling side. If these two officials have discovered something, maybe we can catch a big fish."

Seeing that Mei Muzhizi's thinking was now completely normal, Song Shutang also began to think.

After all, you can't just ignore such statements.

After thinking for a moment, Song Shutang said, "Your inference should be correct. The director has arranged for the Jinling Division of the Special Agent Headquarters to begin the investigation."

Mei Muzhizi was not surprised at all that Song Shutang had gotten hold of this information, because she thought it must have been Nie Hong who told him.

So she didn't ask about the source of the information, but said, "It seems that this matter is indeed important. The director has already realized that something is wrong and wants to investigate it."

"From what you said, we should also participate?" Song Shutang asked.

After all, after learning the news, Mei Muzhizi not only had no intention of giving up, but his tone sounded even more interested.

Mei Mu Zhizi immediately said: "Since it is an investigation, of course we can investigate it."

"But the people in the Jinling Division of the Secret Service Headquarters will not obey our arrangements."

"They won't obey orders, but we can arrange personnel to go to Jinling directly." Mei Muzhizi said.

Song Shutang realized that this was indeed the case. After all, he was now the district chief, and his district credentials were valid, so it was not difficult for him to arrange for personnel to arrive in Jinling.

Then you can arrange your own personnel to go to Jinling to investigate.

Song Shutang felt that Mei Muzhizi's proposal was indeed feasible. It was not that he wanted to investigate the intelligence of the Military Control Commission, but the Jinling branch of the Special Agent Headquarters was conducting an investigation. If Song Shutang arranged for people from the branch to go there, they might be able to provide some hindrance.

He could even investigate something first and tell Song Shutang, and then notify the Military Control Commission in advance.

After all, the people he arranged from Shanghai were able to find clues. Do you think the people from the Jinling branch of the Secret Service Headquarters couldn't find any?
Therefore, Song Shutang now agrees with Mei Muzhizi's proposal. Whether it is to disrupt the other party's investigation or to grasp the clues one step ahead, it is crucial.

Faced with this situation, Song Shutang did not agree immediately because he needed to meet with Bu Kaijie to report and see what the Military Control Commission thought.

If the Military Control Commission did not want more people to go to Nanjing, then he would of course refuse. The reason for his refusal was simple: he just didn't want to cause trouble or provoke the director.

So Song Shutang said in front of Mei Muzhizi: "I will think about this matter."

"it is good."

Mei Muzhizi thought it was understandable that Song Shutang wanted to consider it. After all, he needed to arrange for personnel to go to Jinling, which was indeed a considerable undertaking.

At the same time, Song Shutang also wanted to find an opportunity to make it clear to the organization. After all, the organization did not take action against the officials who came to Shanghai this time, so as not to affect the mission in Nanjing.

Then the division will arrange personnel to go there, who knows what they will find out, and reporting in advance will allow the organization to prepare early. After eating with Mei Mu Zhizi, the two returned to the division.

After that, he found an opportunity and went to meet Bu Kaijie. After the meeting, he told him about Mei Muzhizi's proposal.

Bu Kaijie said upon hearing this: "Don't say that Mei Muzhizi's proposal is indeed feasible. As the district chief, it makes sense for you to arrange for personnel to conduct an initial investigation in Jinling, and your starting point is very normal."

"My idea is to create some obstacles for the Jinling Division of the Special Agent Headquarters, and if there are really any clues, I can get hold of them first, then there will still be room for maneuver." Song Shutang said.

"Your idea is correct. You can arrange personnel to go to Jinling to participate in the investigation." Bu Kaijie knew this was beneficial as soon as he heard it, so he thought Song Shutang could start taking action.

But Bu Kaijie added: "But you have to understand that this matter will still provoke Li Qun. You may face pressure at that time, so be careful."

"I have already provoked Li Qun a long time ago, so a little more or less will not have much impact. Besides, I am secretly arranging personnel to go to Jinling, so the secret service headquarters will most likely not know about it.

Secondly, I will definitely not gain anything from this. As long as I don’t gain anything, I don’t have to worry about being exposed. Li Qun must know this.”

Song Shutang went there to cause destruction, not to make achievements.

Therefore, the division will definitely not find anything that requires them to show up in the end, so the people in the division can remain confidential, and when the matter is resolved, they can be sent back to Shanghai directly without anyone noticing.

"It would be best if it could be like this." Bu Kaijie thinks this is the most ideal state.

"In that case, I'll go back and make arrangements."

"it is good."

Bu Kaijie can make the decision on this mission directly without having to report.

But after Song Shutang left, Bu Kaijie still made a report.

If the Military Control Commission disagrees, Bu Kaijie will stop Song Shutang.

If you agree, no further action is required.

So Bu Kaijie agreed with Song Shutang's statement first for the sake of convenience, so that there is no need to notify him again.

Obviously, the decision of the Military Control Commission was consistent with Bu Kaijie's guess, with no discrepancy at all.

Agree with Song Shutang to arrange for district personnel to go.

After leaving Bu Kaijie, Song Shutang went to see Uncle Li and informed him of the actions taken in the division.

Uncle Li also said that he would report it to the organization.

The organization is aware of this matter and just needs to be more careful.

Moreover, these people went to Jinling to investigate the murder of an official, so the possibility of them having contact with the organization here is relatively small. By taking precautions, they can prevent various possible dangers.

After the organization and the Military Control Commission were fully notified, Song Shutang returned to the division and prepared to secretly select personnel.

This requires someone to lead the team and be responsible.

It cannot be Song Shutang, nor Mei Muzhizi, or even the district leaders like Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng.

Since it is a secret, you must arrange some inconspicuous people.

Otherwise, if someone notices that you are away for a long time, they might guess that you are carrying out a secret mission.

Although it is not necessarily possible to directly guess that they went to Jinling, they still have to be careful about this matter, and they can easily be recognized in Jinling.

So Song Shutang asked Mei Muzhizi to personally select a few people.

These people were all trustworthy and had been cleared of suspicion. Song Shutang personally selected six of them with good abilities, and then secretly assigned them the task, telling them to go to Jinling to investigate the incident.

At the same time, they were asked to keep strict confidentiality and were told that they would be rewarded after the investigation, and that if they could gain something, the reward would be even higher.

When they heard about the reward, they immediately said that they would conduct a serious investigation.

After the briefing, Song Shutang asked them to prepare themselves and then head to Jinling. They would meet up again after arriving in Jinling.

As for how to go, they discuss it among themselves, and where to meet up is also decided by themselves.

Song Shutang provided the funds directly.

When you go out on a mission, you must pay for the funds in advance.

Moreover, they all have ID cards, either zoned ID cards or ordinary ID cards, so it is not a problem for them to go to Jinling.

If he ran into any trouble in Jinling, he could show his work ID, which would at least ensure that he would not be beaten to death because of a misunderstanding of his identity.

Once the arrangements are made, let them go.

This departure is also a secret.

As far as the division is concerned, they just said that there were other tasks in the next few days, and even their superiors were not aware of it. They only knew that a few people were directly assigned tasks by Song Shutang.

You definitely need to give an explanation for this. After all, your subordinates are missing, so you have to tell us where they went.

Is it absenteeism without reason?

Even if he is absent from work without reason, we have to find him back. You work in the district, not anywhere else. Can you just not come if you want to?

In order to avoid people discovering problems and making a big deal out of the absence of a few people, Song Shutang simply said that they were carrying out a mission, so that everyone would not worry about the matter.

At most, a few leaders were curious about what the mission was, but no one else knew about it.

At the same time, the secret service headquarters was also unclear. After all, Song Shutang's arrangements were so confidential, how could the secret service headquarters possibly get any information about them?

Even if Li Qun had planted some people, they were excluded this time.

But Li Qun did not ignore the division, because Li Qun felt that if he could figure out this matter, Song Shutang should be able to figure it out.

So will Song Shutang take action?
Although Song Shutang did not have such convenience, after all, not everyone could command the Jinling branch of the secret service headquarters.

However, after fighting with Song Shutang several times, Li Qun felt that the opponent was not simple, so he wanted to pay more attention to him.

At the same time, he ordered Nie Hong to pay attention to it.

But after paying attention for a few days, he found that there was no movement here, and there was no problem with Nie Hong's report.

Li Qun felt that although he might have thought of it, it was normal that he had not arranged any action as it was out of reach. After all, it was indeed difficult to carry out the next step of the investigation.

So Li Qun asked Nie Hong to give up observing Song Shutang and the division, and focus on the secret service headquarters, while also speeding up the investigation of the Red Party's undercover personnel.

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