Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 637 Headquarters Message

Chapter 637 Headquarters Message
The matter in Jinling was secretly handled by Mei Muzhizi.

Song Shutang was ostensibly responsible for investigating undercover personnel in the division.

This way, it is convenient to act with one light and one dark.

The investigation into the undercover personnel had not made much progress, but eventually three suspects were identified. Finally, Song Shutang arranged to eliminate all three.

You are the district chief of the secret agent headquarters division, so your style of doing things cannot be gentle. In order to avoid some troubles, secretly getting rid of three people is the most normal choice.

Why do we sometimes have to get to the bottom of things?
Are you worried about wrongly accusing someone?

Not so.

Instead, he wanted to investigate the other party's identity and then interrogate him to obtain new information.

To put it bluntly, it's all for intelligence, not so-called innocence.

Therefore, when faced with this situation, Song Shutang made such an arrangement, which seemed very normal to Cao Xinrong, Yan Feng and others.

Even when they reported the results of the investigation to Song Shutang, they had already thought of the possibility of such a situation.

Since they all thought of Song Shutang, there was no need to think of any other solutions. They could just cut the Gordian knot and everyone could feel more at ease.

However, you can't make this matter too obvious. It may not be a good thing if other members of the division know about it, so this situation should be handled in secret.

Because the division had previously arranged for some people to go to Jinling, and they also said they had other tasks, so now they can secretly deal with this person and use the excuse of arranging a task.

So it won't arouse anyone's suspicion.

Why didn’t these three people come back afterwards?

In a nutshell, he encountered trouble while performing his mission and died in the line of duty. Who can refute this?
After all, the members in the division don’t know what happened, so they won’t make too many guesses.

But even though the three people have been dealt with now, the previous arrangement within the division is still maintained, that is, tasks are given in advance to people who are responsible for ensuring their innocence, and people are responsible for daily tasks.

This also shows that the investigation is not over yet, so everyone should not think too much about it.

Secondly, although you have investigated three suspects and believe that they are most likely the problem, you have not yet confirmed their identities. So it is okay to make such arrangements for the time being just to be on the safe side.

Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng could also take a break, because they had put a lot of effort into investigating this matter. Song Shutang gave them a holiday, allowing them to rest on two days at a time.

The two of them did not refuse this holiday. They have been working all the time, and there have been many unexpected events in the division, so they have never slacked off.

Now I finally have some free time to rest, which is a rare opportunity.

So the two of them took two days off to rest.

Just come back to work. After all, they are responsible for leading the team. If they are away from the division for a long time, it will have some impact.

And that's how this kind of work is. If you're away for a long time, people may not need you that much anymore.

So generally speaking, if there is no problem, most people will not rest for a long time.

Song Shutang didn't pay any attention to their enthusiasm for work. In short, if they are willing to work, let them work. You can't stop them.

Song Shutang's mission was completed, and Mei Muzhizi also sent information about Jinling.

In Song Shutang's office, Mei Muzhizi said, "Our people are in Jinling, and the investigation is not going smoothly because the Jinling Division of the Special Agent Headquarters has launched an investigation first, targeting the good officials who had problems in Shanghai before. Our people are worried that if they get involved at this time, they will be discovered by the people in the Jinling Division."

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake.

Besides, you are not a strong dragon yet.

In Shanghai, you can compete with Li Qun with the help of the Japanese, but if you arrive in Jinling and are discovered by the Jinling branch of the secret service headquarters, you will be unable to move forward.

They can even put you under house arrest.

After the mission is completed, I will let you return to Shanghai.

Moreover, it will not be handed over directly to the division, but instead to Li Qun at the secret service headquarters, which will cause trouble again.

Therefore, the people in charge of the operation in Jinling knew very well that if they wanted to achieve something, the first step was to avoid being discovered.

If discovered, the outcome would definitely be house arrest.

If Li Qun wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, it is possible that he would leave their lives in Jinling, so the people who went there were very cautious in this regard.

Song Shutang certainly supported their caution. After all, he didn't want these people to be exposed, and it would have a bad impact on him if they were exposed.

But after hearing this report, Song Shutang asked, "Does that mean they are in Jinling now and cannot carry out any operations at all?"

"We can carry out actions, but they are all relatively marginal. For example, we dare not contact the things that the officials who were killed in Shanghai were responsible for before their death, as well as their friends.

"The edge is fine, but wouldn't the Jinling district investigate these things faster than us?" Song Shutang must now consider the issue from the perspective of the district chief, that is, whether this investigation can still yield results.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "So they want to ask us what they should do."

"We assigned them to go there, but they didn't make accurate judgments based on the actual situation. Instead, they asked us." Song Shutang expressed dissatisfaction with the work abilities of several people.

You said that the task assigned to you was to go out of town.

This resulted in some information inconsistencies, and Song Shutang also found it difficult to grasp the local situation.

To put it bluntly, it is up to you to take charge, and you must have certain ideas and temporary responses.

But these people brought the ball back and asked what the division was going to do?
The division does not have a clear understanding of the specific situation in Jinling. Can it make the most prepared arrangements?

Therefore, Song Shutang's dissatisfaction is understandable.

Those who can be assigned to perform this kind of task all have some abilities, but the people assigned by the division this time seem to be lacking in ability.

Mei Mu Zhizi said helplessly: "Although we carefully selected these people, we still lack experience after all. We dare not arrange experienced people."

It's contradictory, but there's nothing you can do about it.

After all, the trip to Jinling has to be secret, and people like Mei Muzhizi cannot be arranged to go there, otherwise the people who go there will inevitably have some problems with their abilities.

Moreover, this was the first time that he was independently responsible for such an important task, which also involved a situation in which he might be targeted by the Jinling Division. It was understandable that he did not dare to make a decision for the time being.

At the beginning, everyone wanted to be safe and didn't want to make mistakes, so they left the problems to the partitions.

Song Shutang seemed to calm down a little and said, "According to what they are saying now, the Jinling Division has already taken action, and the chances of them investigating are slim to none."


"So why not just let them hide themselves first, and then think of a solution on the sidelines. The focus is still on the Jinling Division. We can observe secretly to see if they will have any follow-up actions, so as to obtain what intelligence they have investigated."

"I will notify them in this way, but this will put us in a passive position. Even if we can eventually find out the information about the Jinling Division, I am afraid that the other party has already completed the mission." Mei Muzhizi said.

She knew that there was nothing wrong with Song Shutang's current arrangements, and that this was the only way to arrange these people; there was no other way.

But the disadvantages of your arrangement are obvious. You are definitely not as fast as Jinling Division, and may even be much slower. So in this case, it seems unnecessary for you to arrange personnel to go to Jinling. There is also the risk of exposure. It is better to give up the mission.

But this task was proposed by Mei Muzhizi, and she definitely didn't want to give up.

"What do you think?" Song Shutang asked.

Mei Muzhizi said, "The Jinling Division is responsible for the investigation here under the order of the Shanghai Special Agent Headquarters. They will most likely report anything they find out via telegram. We know the frequency of the radio station at the Special Agent Headquarters. As long as we get a radio station here and keep it at the same frequency as the Special Agent Headquarters, we can intercept the telegram."

This is indeed not difficult.

After all, they know the radio frequency of the Secret Service Headquarters very well, and they are all from the Secret Service Headquarters.

But Song Shutang said: "The radio station at the secret service headquarters will receive work reports and intelligence from various divisions in the field, but the encryption method of each division and the headquarters radio station is different. Even if we get the message, we have no way to decrypt it."

You can know the frequency of the radio station.

If you have a radio, you can also intercept the messages.

But you have to understand that each division and even each radio station in different places use different encryption methods to communicate with the agent headquarters.

And now only Li Qun knows this encryption method.

Wan Liang may have known something before, after all, some of the work was directly related to Wan Liang, but Wan Liang is dead now, and the only one who knows these is Li Qun.

Ding Yingzhuo certainly doesn't know.

You intercepted a telegram, but without the code you have no idea what the other party said.

Song Shutang had thought about obtaining telegrams from the secret service headquarters before, so that he could obtain more intelligence, but he gave up because of many problems.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "We can inquire through the headquarters, or think of a solution here in the Jinling Division."

Are you trying to inquire here at the secret service headquarters?

How to find out?

Suddenly Song Shutang understood what Mei Muzhizi meant. She was probably talking about Nie Hong.

They probably wanted Nie Hong to get the code so that they could decrypt the telegrams from Nanjing. Even if Nie Hong could get more secrets, they could decrypt more telegrams.

Mei Muzhizi guessed the relationship between him and Nie Hong, so he made such a plan.

But Song Shutang couldn't let Nie Hong take action.

It is extremely difficult to obtain the code book. Li Qun is very strict in this regard, and Wan Liang did not master it until his death.

You ask Nie Hong to get it, what if something goes wrong?
That would affect the entire body.

Even the relationship between Song Shutang and Nie Hong was completely different from what Mei Muzhizi had imagined, so of course he couldn't do that.

"No." Song Shutang refused directly.

Mei Muzhizi thought about it and felt that Song Shutang wanted Nie Hong to be a surprise soldier to catch the enemy by surprise in the future.

So I don’t want to expose it too early.

After all, this task is optional, and even if you can't participate in it, the impact won't be that big.

Nie Hong's idea was a stroke of genius, how could it be exposed?

Therefore, Mei Muzhizi could understand Song Shutang's refusal.

So she said: "In this case, we have to think of a solution here in Jinling Division, but the password obtained from here is only the communication password between the headquarters and Jinling Division, and cannot be obtained from other places."

"Even if it's the Jinling Division, how can we get the password?"

Song Shutang had no knowledge of Jinling, so it could be said that he had no foundation for taking action in Jinling.

Mei Mu Zhizi said, "I can give it a try."


"I also know some Japanese spies in Jinling."

Although Mei Muzhizi had started lurking a long time ago, she also had some connections here, and the Japanese spy also went to Nanjing later.

"But if we let them get involved in this, I'm afraid it's not safe," Song Shutang said.

He wanted to get hold of the telegrams from the secret service headquarters, which would be of great help in obtaining intelligence.

But I don't want to take the risk of changing the current situation.

Seeing how cautious Song Shutang was, Mei Muzhizi understood that he was indeed inconvenient to act, but she did not think that Song Shutang was wrong. It might be that after becoming the district chief, he was not as radical as before.

She felt that if it was when she first came to Shanghai, Song Shutang would not refuse.

But since he wanted to play it safe, Mei Muzhizi also had a way to do it. He said, "Wan Liang should have people in the Jinling Division who were secretly contacting and providing intelligence. Now that Wan Liang is dead, these people have become a secret. If we can dig them out, we might be able to find out the secret of how Jinling contacted the headquarters."

Hearing this, Song Shutang was also thinking.

Knowing one encryption method is at least much better than not knowing any at all.

Moreover, this is from Jinling. The information whether Jinling contacts Shanghai or Shanghai contacts Jinling is quite important.

It's impossible for you to say that Song Shutang wasn't moved.

What Mei Muzhizi said also makes sense. It is impossible for Wan Liang to be in the Jinling division without any arrangements.

Now that Wan Liang is dead, the other party must have remained silent, fearing that others would know that he had a relationship with Wan Liang.

But if Song Shutang and his team can find out this information, they can give it a try.

Song Shutang thought for a moment and said, "You can try."

As for the radio station, don't do it now as it may arouse suspicion. Wait until you know the password before doing it.

And it’s not difficult for them to apply for this thing.

If the secret service headquarters doesn't give it to you, ask the Japanese for it.

If it doesn't work, you can make one yourself privately.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "Let me ask the people in Jinling to add another task and investigate this matter."

"it is good."

Now they have someone in Jinling who can take charge directly, which is actually more convenient.

The other party’s experience is not good, but his ability is okay, otherwise he would not have been selected to go to Jinling. He needs some time to train.

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