Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 641 Begins Operation

Chapter 641 Begins Operation

Select radio operators.

This requires confidentiality and loyalty.

Confidentiality and loyalty can be achieved by members within the division. What is needed now is a person in charge, a person with professional ability.

Mei Muzhizi found the task of selection not difficult. First of all, he went to various training classes to see which training class's people he wanted.

After thinking about it, Mei Muzhizi decided to start from the training class at the telegraph office. Why?
The reason is very simple. For training courses offered by other professional institutions, even if you fail to pass the assessment after training, your identity has been known and it may even leave a very deep impression on the other party.

This is not conducive to confidentiality.

However, the training courses here at the Telegraph Bureau are open to the public, and they will not conduct a very detailed investigation on you in the initial stage. Instead, they will conduct a detailed investigation on you when you pass the assessment and are about to start working.

Then the other party will not be interested in investigating those who have not yet joined the company.

Secondly, there are a lot of participants and the training courses are basically very frequent because they cost money.

That is, students have to pay money when they come.

Even so, many people still flock to it. After all, it is possible to work in a telegraph office, which is a great temptation.

Therefore, having a large number of people is also one reason.

Mei Muzhizi believes that with so many people, no one will have too deep an impression of the students from a particular batch.

This is also conducive to confidentiality.

After comprehensive consideration, of course the choice is from here, so Mei Muzhizi's attention is focused on this matter.

However, there are certain problems with this choice, that is, the professional ability of this kind of training class is definitely not strong, especially for those of you who are eliminated, then your professional ability will definitely be more problematic.

Otherwise, they would not be eliminated.

Therefore, if Mei Mu Zhizi wants to choose a suitable candidate, he needs to screen carefully.

First of all, Mei Muzhizi told himself that what he was selecting were people with professional abilities, not talents with professional abilities.

There is a big difference between the two.

If you want to find talent, it is very likely that you will not be able to find it at all, which will waste a lot of time.

The telegram code already exists.

The radio station will be in place soon.

If you continue to delay at this time, although it will be safer, it will inevitably waste a lot of time.

For intelligence personnel, they can be cautious and spend more time, just as Mei Muzhizi and Song Shutang discussed, but it does not mean that they can be slow.

If you are too slow, you will definitely delay things.

Then Mei Mu Zhizi lowered the standards, and there was no problem with this decision.

But she still wanted to find someone with relatively strong professional ability as much as possible. She couldn't just find someone randomly.

Mei Muzhizi managed to get the list of recent classes of the telegraph bureau's training classes, but he didn't look for the ones too early because practice makes perfect.

It requires talent but it also requires day and night practice.

If you leave the training class for too long and are not selected to do related work, this person will definitely gradually become unfamiliar with it and even forget the knowledge you learned.

Mei Mu Zhizi did not take into consideration those who were too old, as they were no longer worth selecting.

Therefore, Mei Mu Zhizi read the recent issues.

The time is relatively close.

The main thing to look at is the personnel who are not engaged in related work. Mei Mu Zhizi also spent money to get the assessment scores, so why was he eliminated? Of course, this is the most direct thing that can express everyone's ability.

But after watching it, Mei Muzhizi was a little disappointed.

Those with good assessment results can basically get jobs, after all, talents in this area are still scarce.

Even if they cannot send or receive telegrams, many people can still do related work. After all, there are many types of jobs in the telegraph office and they can all be learned slowly.

Even those who fail to pass the assessment will be wanted by companies and other units, because some jobs allow you to have a private radio station, and you only need to register it.

They often send stuff related to work content, so someone needs to be responsible.

But it is not confidential, so you don't need someone with outstanding abilities, as long as they can complete the sending and receiving tasks.

Therefore, those who have not passed the assessment but have good grades will also have job opportunities.

You can even pick up a radio maintenance guy.

In short, as long as you are slightly useful, you will be given a job.

After all, radio stations are the main force of communications nowadays, and a lot of service personnel are needed in the surrounding areas.

Therefore, the results of her child's birth can only be described as terrible. Although Mei Mu Zhizi was prepared to lower the standards, she did not expect that the results would be so bad.

With such results, Mei Mu Zhizi really can't choose them.

In fact, according to the training requirements of Mei Mu Zhizi back then, none of the people in these training classes were qualified. Even those who passed the assessment did not meet the standards and were even far from it.

But in this situation you have no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

But even so, there is no one for you to choose.

Mei Muzhizi initially wanted to choose a woman, so that at least she would have more control over her. But she was worried that there wouldn't be so many people to choose from, so she thought a man would be fine.

Gender issues were not considered.

I still miscalculated now.

Mei Muzhizi even wanted to try other training classes. After all, the training classes of those institutions had higher professional requirements.

But this idea made her a little hesitant. After all, the problem was still the same as before, that is, she didn't want to attract attention.

There was no other way but for Mei Muzhizi to report his current selection process and results to Song Shutang.

Let’s see if Song Shutang has any ideas.

He did not report it specifically in the office, but Mei Muzhizi told the matter after returning to his room at night.

After all, this matter is confidential. Although no one will hear it if it is reported in the office, Mei Muzhizi thinks it is better to report it privately.

After listening to the problem Mei Muzhizi was talking about, Song Shutang thought that she had indeed encountered certain difficulties. After all, the situation was obvious.

Song Shutang said: "The personnel for this sub-district have been selected. Currently, four people have been selected. These four people are completely trustworthy and may learn faster."

“But no one taught them.”

"The radio station has been taken back and placed in the subdivision. A secret room has been arranged for them. Normally, no one is allowed to approach it. They are allowed to familiarize themselves with it and practice on their own."

Song Shutang has not been idle these two days either. He has already taken the radio from Hisahi Masato, but the other party warned him not to do anything rash.

Song Shutang certainly said that he would not do anything rash, and he did not dare to do anything rash.

Because his radio station is located, if Song Shutang wants to use it to send intelligence, he will expose himself instead, so he will not do such a thing.

"Then we must solve this problem as soon as possible." Mei Mu Zhizi said. "Why not just pick one at random first, pick a tall one among the short ones, and then change it when there is a suitable one later."

Song Shutang did not let the organization and the Military Control Commission take this opportunity to insert personnel as radio operators.

The reason is that Song Shutang is sure to know the information sent and received by the radio operators.

Therefore, there is no need to arrange for people from the organization and the Military Control Commission to come here. Doing so will not obtain new intelligence, but will make it easier to be exposed.

Instead of doing this, it’s better not to bother.

"It seems that's all it can do."

Mei Muzhizi actually didn't want to make this choice. After all, it was really hard for her to accept.

But now the personnel and radio stations in the division are ready, so you can't delay any longer.

So Mei Mu Zhizi could only endure the discomfort and start selecting from these people the next day. However, just when Mei Mu Zhizi was feeling so uncomfortable, he made a new discovery.

Mei Mu Zhizi discovered that in one of the training classes, there was a person who had performed well in the first few assessments, but did not participate in the subsequent assessments, including the final one.

Don't know why.

Mei Muzhizi secretly inquired about it and found out that this person had signed up for the training class at that time, and that he studied well and had good test scores.

But something happened at home, and my parents got divorced because my father had another woman.

The whole family was in great disorder.

In the end, the mother committed suicide by taking poison, but the father followed the woman and left, not wanting to be contaminated by bad luck.

The student could only go back to deal with the funeral and was unable to continue studying and taking assessments.

And this student is a woman.


In Mei Mu Zhizi's view, this is a sign that the person is easy to control. Secondly, it means that he has no relatives, which makes it even easier to manipulate him.

The most important thing is that the grades are not bad.

Judging from the assessment content, although I did not participate in the entire course of learning, I have no deficiencies in basic abilities.

Faced with this situation, Mei Mu Zhizi thought that he had finally found one that was presentable.

In Mei Muzhizi's heart, this person is actually just an average person.

If you go by their standards, you are definitely not qualified, but now that such a person has appeared, Mei Mu Zhizi is already very happy.

So Mei Mu Zhizi found this woman and observed and interacted with her.

Discover that the other person’s current life is not satisfactory.

After all, I suffered several setbacks, but fortunately I had an education, so I found a job as a salesperson.

But they are not big supermarkets, just some small shops.

The salary is not high and the work is a lot.

It's not just about selling goods, there may also be various trivial matters that you need to be responsible for.

Then Mei Mu Zhizi directly used the idea of ​​changing jobs as the starting point and asked the other party whether she was willing. The other party was not very wary of such a beautiful girl like Mei Mu Zhizi.

I also talked about the idea of ​​changing jobs, but I didn't know what to change to.

Mei Muzhizi brought up the matter of radio, and the other party had indeed studied it and his grades were not bad.

However, because she missed too many classes, the training class did not allow her to continue studying and taking exams. Otherwise, she felt that based on her abilities, even if she missed many courses, she would not be worse than others.

Being said is a bit of action.

Mei Muzhizi's ability to bewitch people is still very strong.

The little girl was no match for her at all, so she took her down in just a few words.

The conversation also indicated that this job required a certain degree of confidentiality and might impose some restrictions on freedom, but when the girl was receiving training, she learned that telegrams were very confidential, so she did not find this strange.

Moreover, the price offered by Mei Mu Zhizi really made her excited.

Because now she has to rely on herself for all her expenses, she even has no house and can only rent one.

Renting a house is very expensive.

What Mei Muzhizi meant was that he would provide her with a dormitory, and the girl thought it was a good idea.

As for whether you will be deceived?
Looking at Mei Muzhizi's appearance, she felt that such a woman would not lie to her, and that she had nothing worth being deceived about.

After the deal was done, Mei Muzhizi asked the other party to pack his luggage and took him to the division.

After arriving at the subdivision, she was provided with accommodation.

Live in the subdivision.

Because we want to restrict each other’s freedom to a certain extent, of course we live in a partition.

After the girl arrived at the place, she found out what was going on, but the other party did not resist at all.

After all, when she attended the training class, she knew that there were many training classes for working for the Japanese puppet regime. She had thought about trying it, but she just didn't have the opportunity.

So if she joins the partition now, it would be a good idea for her.

Mei Muzhizi told him that the division's radio station was confidential, so outsiders must not know about it.

The girl expressed her understanding when she heard this, thinking that most people in this industry are like this anyway.

After the girl arrived, Song Shutang met her, praised her and encouraged her, then asked her to do a good job.

Mei Muzhizi took her to the radio room secretly set up in the division and asked her to teach the people in the division. She also told her a signal frequency and asked them to receive telegrams.

This woman didn't know where this frequency was from and thought it was partitioned.

As for the content, this woman cannot decipher it. She can receive the telegram, but without the code she cannot decipher it.

The decryption work was done by Mei Mu Zhi Zi.

So don't worry about this woman finding out anything from the telegram, you won't be able to understand it at all.

This also applies to people in the zone; you can’t understand it either.

So starting from today, the division's radio room has officially started to operate, and they can also begin to intercept telegrams within the agent headquarters. Although they can only intercept those in the Jinling division, this is a good start.

As long as this plan goes well.

Song Shutang’s next step is to learn how to encrypt telegrams in the Jiangcheng section.

At that time, we can let the organization and the Military Control Commission's undercover personnel in Jiangcheng try to see if they can get the telegram code. If they can get the telegram code, then we can also obtain relevant intelligence in this regard.

If we could get the master code book from the secret service headquarters, that would be a permanent solution.

But this is too difficult, even for Nie Hong.

So Song Shutang didn’t consider it for the time being.

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