Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 642 Successfully Intercepted

Chapter 642 Successfully Intercepted
There are actually many code books in the secret service headquarters.

Because they will enable different password books for different partitions to prevent problems in one partition from causing the entire password to be exposed.

Secondly, there will be intelligence personnel secretly sent to various places here at the secret service headquarters. When these personnel contact the secret service headquarters, they will also activate new and independent code books.

This also occupies a considerable part.

So the code book of the secret service headquarters is kept extremely confidential, and it is very difficult for you to obtain it.

Even the radio operators in the secret service headquarters cannot know all the codes. The translators here may know them separately and will not let one person know them all.

The more important ones probably needed to be translated by Li Qun himself, rather than through the hands of others.

In this situation, Song Shutang understood that it would be very difficult to complete the final step. He only had an idea now, and he needed to slowly improve the plan on how to do it in the end.

Rather than perfecting a plan, it is more about waiting for the opportunity.

Song Shutang believes that this matter cannot be successful just because you want it, but it depends on whether the other party will give you a chance. If the other party does not make any mistakes or negligence, you will never be able to achieve this goal.

Therefore, luck definitely plays a dominant role in this matter.

However, Song Shutang did not tell Mei Muzhizi these words. It was still too far away, and it would not be too late to deal with the things at hand first.

Not many people in the division in front know about the radio station, and those who know are asked to keep it confidential.

This is currently the partition's top secret.

At the same time, Mei Muzhizi found professional radio operators to train people in the division, and everyone gradually had a clearer understanding of their work.

When screening these people, we consider loyalty and understanding. It would be best if they have both to be competent for the job, so the current training progress is very good.

It just requires you to be proficient in using the radio, there isn't much technical stuff involved.

The most important thing is connection.

Practice makes perfect.

Therefore, they also receive a lot of specialized training, and Mei Mu Zhizi has visited them several times and found that the professionals they hired are very good.

So they increased her salary and put her directly in charge of the radio station work in the district, making her a leader.

It was somewhat unexpected that the other party gave such high praise to Mei Mu Zhizi.

He expressed gratitude and said that he would work hard.

After all, her life was terrible before, but now she has power and money, so she will do whatever you ask her to do.

Song Shutang couldn't say anything about such a person.

Because many people now have this mentality, they don’t think there is anything wrong with the Japanese puppet government.

Even a little bit of going with the flow.

But the situation in this world really makes people just want to survive. Fortunately, there are still countless people struggling and sacrificing in an attempt to awaken these people.

The secret work here in the division went smoothly. After the radio room was on track, they began to pay attention to the progress of the mission in Jinling.

However, since they started using the radio to capture intelligence from the Secret Service Headquarters, they have not found any intelligence from the Secret Service Headquarters to Jinling, nor have they found any intelligence from Jinling to the Secret Service Headquarters.

It seems like there has been no contact during this period.

This made Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi a little strange. After all, Jinling was now responsible for the investigation mission, and it stood to reason that they would report once in a while.

It shouldn't happen so often.

"Could it be that before our radio station was put into use, Jinling had already completed the investigation and the mission came to an end?" Mei Muzhizi speculated.

Their people have already returned from Jinling, so you really don’t know the situation of the investigation here in the Jinling division.

If the other party has completed the work report before you capture the radio signal, then there will not be frequent contact in a short period of time.

But Song Shutang thought that this shouldn't be the case.

If the other party has already completed the investigation, it is impossible for him to not get any information at all.

Even if we can't get any news from Jinling, we can at least get news from Nie Hong.

Or was it that the results of the Jinling investigation were so important that Li Qun did not tell Nie Hong, so Nie Hong was not aware of it?
Although Song Shutang made such a guess in his mind, he felt that it was unlikely.

Although it took them a long time to put the radio station into use, he didn't believe that Jinling had just found out the result. This matter was definitely not suitable for investigation.

If it was so easy to investigate, why would the Military Control Commission have to kill people in Shanghai? They would surely have expected an investigation to be launched.

So Song Shutang said, "Wait a little longer."

Don't rush.

If the matter had really been investigated in Jinling, Song Shutang believed that he would have received some clues. Even if Li Qun wanted to hide it from Nie Hong, Nie Hong would definitely want to investigate.

After all, it concerns the Military Control Commission.

Mei Muzhizi thinks that this is the only way now, you have no other choice but to continue waiting.

Moreover, Mei Muzhizi is not in a hurry because they set up this radio station for long-term development.

Rather than for the present.

It doesn't matter even if Jinling's investigation is over.

Because they couldn't interfere.

The people who were previously assigned to Jinling to investigate have all been sent back. Even if you intercept the telegram now, what can you do?
There is still no way.

So Mei Muzhizi cared about this matter, and just wanted to try whether he could intercept it successfully, and whether the password was really correct, to see if he could decipher the telegram successfully.

This is what Mei Muzhizi wanted, so she could accept Song Shutang's suggestion to wait a little longer.

Just when the two decided to wait and see, the person in charge of the radio room developed by Mei Mu Zhizi came over and asked for a meeting outside the office.

When she let the other person in, she saw that she was holding a piece of paper with some content copied on it.

He said directly: "This is the message just intercepted."

The message is just a bunch of numbers, but that's how encryption works.

No one else can understand.

Of course, the person who intercepted the message couldn't understand it either.

However, Mei Muzhizi had the code book in her hand, which she could use for translation.

So Song Shutang said calmly: "Well done, keep watching."


The new head of the radio office was very happy to see that he had finally received the telegram. After all, the treatment was too good. If he did nothing, he would be worried and at a loss.

Now that I can do things, I feel more at ease. After the other party left, Song Shutang said to Mei Muzhizi: "Translate it."

Mei Muzhizi immediately locked the office door and began to translate the contents of the telegram.

Soon, Mei Muzhizi handed the translated content to Song Shutang.

The two of them looked through it quickly.

Song Shutang said, "The Nanjing side said that they have already found some clues. They said that the reason why the officials from Nanjing were assassinated in Shanghai was because they were investigating the people from the Military Control Commission in Nanjing. In order to prevent them from continuing to investigate further and exposing the people from the Military Control Commission after they return, they chose to kill them to silence them."

"It seems that we have indeed found some clues here in the Jinling Division." Mei Muzhizi thought this statement was reasonable.

Why were two unimportant officials killed in Shanghai?

And it still cost some price.

It even seems unreasonable to everyone.

Now it can all be explained.

That's because these two unimportant officials might affect the important undercover personnel of the Military Control Commission in Nanjing, so they were assassinated in Shanghai. The purpose was to protect the undercover personnel of traditional Chinese medicine in Nanjing.

The value is equal.

Song Shutang said, "This news is very important. The Jinling Division can re-investigate these two officials to find out what tasks they were responsible for in Jinling before. Maybe they can be dug out."

“I think the order given here at headquarters is the same.

“But there is nothing we can do about it.”


Mei Muzhizi felt it was a bit of a pity. After all, the content of the telegram showed that the clues found by Jinling were quite good.

It can also be seen that the undercover personnel of the Military Control Commission in Nanjing are more important, and it will be a great achievement if they are captured.

It is difficult for you to intervene in such a situation and you can only watch.

But Song Shutang said: "But there is no problem with our thinking, and there is no problem with the password. Now it has been confirmed."

When Mei Mu Zhi Zi mentioned this matter, he smiled and said, "That's true. Perhaps we learned the news faster than the headquarters."

It’s not that Mei Muzhizi was talking nonsense. After all, the headquarters needed to receive the telegram, have it translated by a translator, and then present it to Li Qun.

Song Shutang and his team skipped some steps, so they naturally knew the answer faster.

However, Li Qun has already obtained the information at the secret service headquarters.

He also issued an order to Jinling to investigate and dig out the members of the Military Control Commission who were lurking in Jinling.

However, Li Qun gave the order directly to the radio room and did not tell anyone else. After all, there was no need to tell this matter if you were in Shanghai, and it was not the people in Shanghai who were responsible for the operation, so who would you tell?

Li Qun felt that it was a good thing that Song Shutang's people could be driven back as early as possible, otherwise they might come out to have an impact now that we have entered the really important stage of investigation.

Furthermore, Li Qun has already told the Mei Agency that the Jinling Division will be responsible for the investigation and will ensure that no disturbance occurs in Shanghai.

It was after the people from Song Shutang came back.

Then the Mei Agency will of course warn others, because the Japanese still want to see clues in the investigation, and it is not advisable for you to influence each other like this.

Moreover, it is reasonable to arrange the Jinling Division to be responsible for this matter, so you people in Shanghai should not get involved.

Therefore, Li Qun is not worried about Song Shutang intervening again. After all, if you intervene again at this time, not only will you offend the Japanese, but Li Qun will also have legitimate reasons to take action against your people.

You'll never come back.

Song Shutang really had no intention of intervening, but another piece of intelligence was delivered, which was sent from the secret service headquarters to the Jinling division.

After Mei Muzhizi translated it, it turned out to be just as they had guessed. Li Qun asked the Jinling Division to investigate and catch the members of the Military Control Commission.

After Song Shutang burned the information, he said, "It seems that we can only wait for good news from the headquarters."

"Yes." Mei Muzhizi also knew that Song Shutang didn't want to hear good news, but there was no other way. Since you failed to grab the credit before, you have already lost the opportunity to continue the confrontation.

After talking to Mei Muzhizi for a while, they just ignored their thoughts on the affairs of Jinling. After all, you can't pay attention to them anyway.

However, after sending Mei Muzhizi away, Song Shutang planned to report the matter to the Military Control Commission because he felt that Nie Hong might not be aware of it.

It is possible that Li Qun told Nie Hong, but it is more likely that he did not tell him.

Because Nie Hong did not participate in this operation. Generally speaking in intelligence work, if you do not participate in the operation, you will not inform the news.

Secondly, since Song Shutang is here in the division, it is safer for him to meet Bu Kaijie because this is his territory.

The secret service headquarters is Li Qun’s territory, and Ding Yingzhuo is also there.

Nie Hong needed to be cautious when meeting with people from the Military Control Commission and try to reduce meetings as much as possible.

So the matter was handed over to Song Shutang to be responsible for the notification. The next day, Song Shutang found an opportunity to tell Bu Kaijie the news.

After listening to this, Bu Kaijie said, "It seems that the Jinling Division also has some capabilities."

"So their investigation is correct?" Song Shutang asked.

"There is indeed no problem with the investigation."

"So if they continue investigating along this line of thought, will it have an impact on the hidden personnel?"

"If we investigate in this direction, it will definitely affect the undercover personnel, but after killing the person in Shanghai, we have bought some time.

During this time, the higher-ups have made some arrangements to deal with the hidden personnel in Jinling. It seems that these arrangements can not cope with the investigation of the Jinling Division. "

"You still can't guarantee it?"

"This kind of thing is hard to guarantee, anything could happen, but if you prepare in advance, you should be able to be certain."

"I'll let you know if there's any new information."

"How did you get the news?"

Song Shutang told Bu Kaijie about his arrangements, and he was immediately surprised, because Song Shutang had mentioned it casually during their previous chat, but he had not taken it to heart.

I didn't expect that it has been successful now.

Bu Kaijie said excitedly: "Doesn't that mean that all the information from Jinling will pass through you?"

"Of course, but the person in charge of the translation is Mei Mu Zhi Zi, and she also knows the intelligence. If some confidential intelligence ends up with a problem, she will most likely be suspicious."

It’s not that Song Shutang wants Mei Muzhizi to know all this, but the proposal was made by Mei Muzhizi at the time, and it would be unreasonable not to let the other party know.

So we can only let the other party participate as well.

However, Bu Kaijie thinks this is not a problem, because if you cannot obtain intelligence, then you have no way out, but when you can obtain intelligence, you can choose to deal with it or not, or how to deal with it in a safer way.

These are all rare.

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