Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 643 Importance

Chapter 643 Importance
Mei Mu Zhizi's involvement will indeed bring some trouble.

But it is undeniable that there are more benefits.

For those things that will be difficult to deal with because Mei Mu’s child knows about it, we can find other ways to deal with them when the time comes.

Or just give up.

In short, it cannot affect the situation where Song Shutang can grasp the intelligence. Originally, Song Shutang was in the Shanghai division and could only know the intelligence here.

The secret service headquarters still has to rely on Nie Hong.

But now?

Song Shutang can directly obtain the intelligence that the Special Agent Headquarters gives to the Jinling Division. In other words, if the Jinling Division has important matters to notify the Special Agent Headquarters, Song Shutang can intercept them.

In other words, he obtained information in this regard, and could get information about Nanjing while he was in Shanghai.

What does this mean?
It goes without saying that Bu Kaijie knows that the significance is far-reaching.

This is of strategic significance to the entire intelligence work of the Military Control Commission. Bu Kaijie knows how Boss Dai will react after he reports this news.

Song Shutang's lurking in Shanghai was undoubtedly a huge success.

This is beyond the original intention of arranging Song Shutang to come to Shanghai, and even exceeds it by a lot.

The significance of this matter is completely different.

Bu Kaijie now finds it difficult to describe what he feels when looking at Song Shutang.

It seems that this action is just to obtain the telegrams from the Jinling Division. Whether it has such great value has not yet been verified by time.

But you have to fully understand that the potential is endless.

Facing Bu Kaijie's gaze, Song Shutang said, "You don't have to look at me like that."

"You have made a great contribution this time."

"But no matter how great the contributions of the undercover personnel are, nothing will change."

Bu Kaijie had to admit that what Song Shutang said was right. No matter how much credit the undercover personnel gave you, it would be meaningless.

So what they care about is not the credit at all.

But to resist Japan and save the nation.

"The fact that you have this kind of intelligence is a start for us," Bu Kaijie said.

"So I hope to get more codes for the sub-districts of the secret service headquarters."

"I will talk to my superiors about this matter."

Actually, are you saying that the telegram codes in other agent headquarters divisions have been exposed?

Of course there are.

After all, it had been such a long time, it was impossible for the Military Control Commission not to know about it.

But what’s the use of mastering it?

It doesn't make sense.

How do you intercept enemy messages?
You don't know when the enemy will send a message, and it is difficult for you to keep the radio turned on and wait for the other party to send a message.

Your radio station will undoubtedly expose you.

Although when the radio is not working, there is no signal fluctuation and the enemy's detection equipment cannot find you.

But you have to understand that you don't have a safe environment where you can always watch the radio.

Even if it's a radio station that requires electricity, you have no way to explain your electricity bill.

That is to say, in some places, even if you know the code of the telegram, you still cannot obtain the telegram, so your password is meaningless.

What you have in your hands is a piece of waste paper.

Even if the telegram is leaked in the future, it will be meaningless for you to discover it, as the enemy may have already completed the operation.

But what about Song Shutang?

The radio station he has here is a legal one and can even be kept on all the time.

There would be no trouble in intercepting the message.

Even if the Japanese discovered that there were radio fluctuations here, they would not say anything, after all, everyone knew what this radio station was.

Therefore, the importance of Song Shutang's radio station lies in the fact that it is not afraid of search.

Available at any time.

Although there is no way to send messages at will, there is no problem in intercepting telegrams.

This is the most important function.

If the Military Control Commission can provide more codes for the telegrams of the special agent headquarters divisions, Song Shutang can intercept them.

This is their greatest value.

Bu Kaijie took this matter very seriously, but he said: "Boss Dai will not allow the departments to tamper with the telegram codes."

Of course, I want to get the code of the telegram.

But if you suddenly start to attack the telegram codes everywhere, it would be fine if they are not exposed.

But what if it is exposed?
Wouldn't this alert the enemy and make them discover that such things are happening everywhere? This would undoubtedly be a step forward.

Instead, it weakened the function of Song Shutang.

It is very likely that after Li Qun realizes what is happening, he will directly arrange for all passwords to be changed. What will you do then?
On the contrary, Song Shutang was worse than he is now.

So according to Boss Dai's personality, he would definitely not do such a thing. Although he wants to master more passwords, he will do it step by step instead of alerting the enemy.

Song Shutang said, "I believe Boss Dai will take care of this matter."

He wanted to obtain the telegram codes of each partition, but he also knew that he couldn't be impatient, otherwise he would be putting the cart before the horse.

So in this case, Boss Dai can make any arrangement he wants, and Song Shutang believes that Boss Dai will make the arrangements very well.

Bu Kaijie said: "Keep going, there must be no problems with this matter, I will report the news as soon as possible."

"it is good."

After finishing the meeting with Bu Kaijie, Song Shutang went back.

Today's meeting seemed to be about progress in the Jinling investigation, but in fact the matter of the radio station was more important, so Bu Kaijie reported the matter of Jinling directly and let them handle it.

I reported the radio station's problems to Boss Dai and saw how he would arrange it.

When the Military Intelligence Bureau learned that Nanjing had indeed found some clues, it also began to respond.

They also thought that the enemy would act quickly, and now the speed was within their expectations, or even slower than they expected, so it was not difficult for the Military Control Commission to deal with it.

Why was it slower? That was naturally because Song Shutang arranged for the people in the division to go to Jinling, which delayed the time of the Jinling division.

This is also helpful to the Military Control Commission.

It's just that the help isn't that obvious.

The investigation continued in Nanjing, and the Military Control Commission also prepared for the response in advance, and the two sides began to play a game of chess.

It seemed that since the Military Control Commission had made so many preparations in advance, it would not be so easy for them to suffer a heavy blow. Song Shutang was not too worried afterwards.

As for Bu Kaijie reporting to Boss Dai, he also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and he even hoped that Boss Dai knew about it.

Then you will understand his importance.

Only then will you understand the importance of lurking in Shanghai.

Only in this way can Yan Qinghui's safety be better guaranteed. At first, Song Shutang and Nie Hong thought that Boss Dai would be coerced by them and might choose to fight to the death.

But what about now?
Boss Dai may no longer have a chance to fight to the death.

If you deal with Song Shutang, it means you have to give up this radio station, a radio station that can intercept telegrams from the secret service headquarters.

Boss Dai wants Song Shutang to die, so you replace him with someone else to lurk. Can he get such a radio station?

The answer is of course no.

So Song Shutang now wants Boss Dai to know these things, which is actually to tell the other party that we already have the chips for rebellion, and at this time you must also ensure the safety of the chips in your hands.

The bargaining chip in Boss Dai’s hand is Yan Qinghui.

Even Song Shutang was thinking that if things at the radio station could be stabilized, or even if he could get some important intelligence, he and Nie Hong could put pressure on Boss Dai.

Let him release Yan Qinghui.

But now this is just an idea and it is not mature yet.

So we can only keep waiting.

For the formalities, Song Shutang also went to see Uncle Li once to inform him of what happened here. He also wanted to see if the organization here could grasp the telegram codes used by the various divisions of the secret service headquarters, or other undercover personnel to communicate with the secret service headquarters.

Uncle Li's opinion on the radio station was similar to Bu Kaijie's, and he also asked Song Shutang to be extra cautious.

As for what Song Shutang wants, the organization does not have it at the moment. After all, the secret service headquarters is also very cautious.

The code of the telegram is top secret.

And if it is felt that the message password has been leaked somewhere, it will be changed directly.

Therefore it is difficult to master.

To be honest, it was mostly luck that Song Shutang was able to grasp the code of the telegram in the Jinling division this time.

The main reason was that the Jinling Division was busy investigating the task given by Shanghai, which allowed the people hired by Song Shutang to take advantage of the opportunity. Otherwise, this task would have been difficult to complete.

Even if you can complete it, there is a high probability that you will leave clues and alert the enemy.

Once the enemy becomes alert, they will change the password, and the password you get will be useless.

That's why we say Song Shutang and his friends are lucky.

Anyway, I will pay attention to what the organization has said here, and if I have a chance to get the password later, I will definitely tell Song Shutang.

After all, it couldn't be that Song Shutang gave the intercepted telegram to the organization and asked the organization to translate it.

This is very slow.

Moreover, Song Shutang could not tell the organization every telegram, as some of them might be useless.

If he wanted to tell everyone immediately every time, wouldn't that be too dangerous?

It's not worth taking the risk for some worthless telegrams.

Then you can only wait for an opportunity to report, but if you don’t know the content of the telegram, once it is very important intelligence, your delay may result in the loss of the opportunity to fight.

Therefore, the password must be known by Song Shutang.

In this way, he can translate the intercepted message as soon as possible, and then judge whether the content of the message is important. If it is very important information, he can find an opportunity to pass it on.

If it is not important, there is no need to inform, or you can inform later.

Therefore, the password of Song Shutang needs to be mastered.

Since he has mastered it, there is a high probability that Mei Mu Zhizi may also master it, so this is a problem.

After all, if Song Shutang suddenly added a partition to the radio station and switched channels, Mei Muzhizi would definitely be surprised.

Why add a signal channel for no reason?

You don't know the secret, so what's the point of intercepting it?
So when the time comes, you must tell Mei Mu Zhizi that you have got the secret.

Then after the other party knows about this matter, the situation will be the same as it is now. If there is a problem with the information later, Mei Muzhizi may suspect Song Shutang who knows the information.

However, Song Shutang felt that these problems could be dealt with.

After all, Mei Muzhizi trusts him very much, and if he tells her the password directly, the other party will trust him even more.

If all else fails, Song Shutang can say that he deliberately leaked the information in order to sabotage the plan of the secret service headquarters, so that Li Qun would not be able to make any contribution.

For their future.

This is also an explanation.

Although he helped the anti-Japanese organization, it makes sense for Mei Mu Zhizi to come.

Besides, they are only doing this for themselves, so it really doesn’t matter who the other party is. So Song Shutang thinks that mastering the password is the key, and then it will be easy to deal with Mei Muzhizi.

After all, he has been with Mei Mu Zhi Zi for such a long time, and he has been managing their relationship. If he can't hide anything, then it would be in vain.

So, as long as you can think of a reasonable explanation for Mei Mu Zhi Zi, the other party will definitely believe it.

In the next few days, Song Shutang did not receive any news from the organization. After all, there would be no gains so soon, and it still depended on luck.

There is also no news from the Military Control Commission.

After all, it would be difficult to discover it in a short time.

As for your compliment, Boss Dai will definitely compliment him, but there is no need to meet specifically for this.

None of this is serious business.

On the contrary, here in the division, Song Shutang was waiting to see how the investigation in Jinling was progressing and whether they had sent a message to Li Qun.

However, nothing has been discovered in the past few days.

Song Shutang asked Mei Muzhizi, "Is the investigation in Jinling not going smoothly?"

"I also think it's not going smoothly, otherwise I should have reported it to the director after such a long time."

"Since their investigation is not going well, we are happy to see it."

"But the direction of their investigation should be correct, so the possibility of gaining something from the investigation is relatively high."

Mei Muzhizi felt that since the investigation had been confirmed, there shouldn't be no progress.

"Do you think it is possible that the enemy has realized this and has withdrawn?" Song Shutang asked.

"If the enemy wanted to evacuate, they would not have chosen to act in Shanghai, and they would have acted at all costs. So their actions in Shanghai show that they are unwilling to evacuate, or cannot evacuate.

Moreover, after they take action, they feel that the problem may have been solved, so they will not easily withdraw. Even if Jinling's investigation alarms the enemy, they will not give up so quickly."

Mei Muzhizi's analysis is correct.

If you wanted to evacuate after doing so much, you would have done it long ago. There is no need to do this.

Moreover, even if the other party realized that the Jinling Division might be investigating, they might think that the investigation would not extend to them, after all, the person is already dead.

Death has no evidence.

Song Shutang said: "So now it seems that the investigation in Jinling Division has encountered obstacles."

"After all, the enemy killed people in Shanghai to silence them, so they must be on guard in Nanjing. It is understandable that the investigation has been hindered."

"Then let's continue waiting for news." Song Shutang said.

This is all they can do now. They can only wait for news and cannot intervene.

After knowing the news, it is nothing more than satisfying curiosity. There is nothing else to do, but it is okay to satisfy curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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