The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 190 1 Sniper is at the gate, don't drive the car

Chapter 190 Don't drive a thousand cars
Hearing Smith's question, one of the people observing with a telescope replied:

"I saw it, it should be in a hole in the stone wall. I saw it more than a second before the helicopter exploded. There was a flash of fire from that hole! This is probably what was revealed when the large-caliber weapon on the opposite side fired muzzle flames."

In fact, Bailixiu also discovered through the high-power scope that many Mijun were looking at this side with binoculars, but Bailixiu would not give up shooting in order not to reveal his shooting position, and let them build the bridge.

Sure enough, Smith heard the man say that he found the target, so he quickly replied:
"Where is it?"

So under the guidance of that person, the lion head of the rice army land battle one lion saw the hole on the mountain wall more than 600 meters away.

To be honest, if it weren't for reminding the lion chief Smith of the Mi Army's land battle, it would be really hard to find the hole that is only more than ten centimeters on the mountain wall more than 600 meters away!
After all, the reconnaissance telescope used by the Mi Army at this time is still the M15 telescope. The magnification of this kind of telescope is only seven times, so the magnification effect is naturally limited.

Therefore, looking at a target more than 600 meters away, even after zooming in, it is still as difficult to determine as looking at a bottle of mineral water more than 200 meters away.

In fact, this is not because the Mi Army cannot manufacture telescopes with higher magnifications, but because telescopes with a magnification of seven or eight times are the limit of hand-held telescopes.

If the magnification is too high, not only do you need a larger caliber objective lens, but it is also very easy to shake your hands. For example, none of the astronomical telescopes with a magnification of hundreds of times can be held in your hand, and they are all equipped with brackets.

For example, modern anti-material heavy sniper rifles are equipped with 32x or even [-]x scopes that basically require snipers to lie on the ground or mount them on a shooting bracket to shoot, and they are not like shooting games at all. Shooting in hand.

After finding the target, it was easy to handle. Immediately, Smith ordered his tanks to turn their guns and fire at the stone wall. However, the tanks of this era are not equipped with as many auxiliary firearms as the tanks decades later. electronic equipment.

Therefore, it is still relatively difficult for tanks in this period to accurately hit a shooting hole that is only a little larger than a mineral water bottle more than 600 meters away.

It was only with the aid of the telescope that the tanks successfully aligned their muzzles, and then dozens of tanks fired together.

The power of the 600mm tank shells is quite astonishing. Immediately on the stone wall where Bai Lixiu was located, gravel flew randomly and smoke was everywhere. The shooting port is [-] meters away, but we must also guard against blind cats encountering dead mice.

Therefore, Bailixiu immediately moved the shooting point decisively with the star-piercing re-sniper and the radio station.

Last night, Bailixiu dug two through passages on the left and right sides of the shooting cave to connect to two shooting holes more than ten meters away, so Bailixiu ran to the left shooting hole, Then set up the sniper rifle and continue to wait for the helicopter bridge of the Mi Army.

After several rounds of shelling wasted hundreds of shells, Smith stopped the tank soldiers from continuing to shoot, and then picked up the binoculars to check, and found traces left by a pile of shells on the stone wall Only then nodded in satisfaction, thinking that the sniper inside should be dead, then waved his hand to signal the third helicopter pilot to build a bridge.

It's just that when the third helicopter hoisted a one-ton steel girder and hovered over the Watergate Bridge again to prepare to build a bridge, the helicopter was hit again, and then the pilot died suddenly on the spot. He lost control and fell off the cliff, rolling over a kilometer.

Smith, who saw this scene, naturally knew that the shelling just now was just a useless effort. The tank gun at such a long distance really couldn't accurately send the shells into the firing port with a diameter of only ten centimeters.

At this time, Smith's adjutant suggested to Smith:

"Long pipe, the opponent's shooting hole is really too small, and our shells are not so accurate, so Wu proposed to send a team of soldiers to be transported to the top of the mountain by helicopter, and then descend from the top of the mountain with a rope. Get rid of this sniper!"

Smith was naturally very moved by the adjutant's proposal, and immediately ordered the H19 helicopter to take a dozen or so heavily armed soldiers to the top of the mountain.

Of course, in order not to become the fourth plane wreckage, the helicopter pilot deliberately raised the height of the helicopter flight, fully raising it to a height of 3000 meters before flying to the mountain where Bailixiu is located with peace of mind.

However, after such a long period of tossing, it is already past three o'clock in the afternoon. With the current sunset time in winter, Bai Lixiu knew that he only needed to persist for two more hours.

When it was completely dark at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Smith should give up the idea of ​​repairing the bridge and move on, and Bailixiu also got accurate news that tonight, the reinforcements of the Tide Relief Army will rush tonight Arrived, and then launched a siege and annihilation campaign against the Mi Army Marine Yishi who was trapped at the Shuimen Bridge.

But now Bailixiu knew that the helicopter was flying high and coming towards him. It was because Smith found that the shelling could not help him, so he switched to manually solve it.

Because the flying was too high, Baili Xiu immediately used the radio in his hand to send a message to Wu Qianli and others who were ambushing on the hillside.

After Wu Qianli and the others received the news, they naturally hid in the tunnel dug last night and waited for it.

The distance of more than 1000 meters is only three to four minutes at the speed of a helicopter. At this time, in the tunnel, Wu Qianli handed a bazooka to He Changgui, and then said to him:
"Your bazooka is the most accurate. When the helicopter lands and releases people, shoot that helicopter down for me!"

Facts have proved that a helicopter rides on a dozen or so rice army soldiers, how could it be the opponent of more than 100 people here at Wuqianli!
Therefore, when the H19 helicopter of the Mi Army had just put people on the top of the mountain, it suddenly saw more than 200 people rushing towards them on the mountainside, which was only more than 100 meters away from them.

So the helicopter pilot didn't care too much, and immediately wanted to pull the helicopter up to get out of danger.

It's just that a bazooka shell shattered his dream, and immediately the helicopter turned into a fireball, and then fell straight from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

As for the dozen or so soldiers of the Mi Army, before they had time to surrender, all the submachine guns held by Wu Qianli and others were thrown away.

And the scene of the helicopter being shot down by the bazooka on the top of the mountain was naturally seen by Smith, who was [-] kilometers away from the Watergate Bridge. Immediately, Smith, who was angry, called for bombing support.

(End of this chapter)

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