Chapter 191

The support from the bombers came very quickly. In just over ten minutes, two B26 bombers carrying nearly four tons of incendiary bombs appeared in Bailixiu's sight.

Naturally, Bailixiu immediately informed Wu Qianli that they should evade quickly, and Wu Qianli naturally knew the power of the bomber, so he didn't care about it immediately, and immediately hid back in the tunnel he dug before.

And under the reminder of Bai Lixiu, the hole was sealed with soil, leaving only a small hole for breathing.

call out!call out!call out! ·····
With the sound of bombs falling, all the incendiary bombs carried by the two bombers were dropped.

That's right, this time the two bombers were not carrying any bombs, but incendiary bombs, because the Mi Army found that incendiary bombs were very useful against the tide aid troops who were all wearing cotton clothes.

As long as a little bit of sparks contaminate the cotton-padded clothes, the whole person will turn into a big fireball in a short while, and it can't be extinguished. Of course, even if you take off the burning cotton-padded clothes quickly, you must know The current tide is more than minus 30 degrees!

In such weather, the only cotton coat that can keep warm is taken off, and the consequences are naturally conceivable.

Therefore, it is generally not to deal with heavy fortifications such as bunkers, but to use incendiary bombs to deal with these tide aid troops with extremely weak air defense forces.

After all, the explosion damage range of incendiary bombs is much more useful than those heavy bombs. Regardless of the great power of blockbusters, a blockbuster weighing several hundred kilograms can easily blow up a building.

But dealing with scattered infantry is really not as good as incendiary bombs, because these heavy bombs will explode after landing, so they are a few meters away from the bombs, and then lie down, basically the fragments and shock waves of the bombs will not It worked, but at most it was just uncomfortable being shaken by the shock wave of the explosion.

The reason for this is that the scattered shrapnel of the bomb that exploded on the ground will form an angle of about fifteen degrees with the ground, so lying down is naturally the most effective way to effectively avoid the scattered shrapnel of the explosion.

And compared to standing, the body's bullet-receiving area when lying down is naturally much smaller than when standing. After all, the height of the body when lying down is only [-] centimeters at most.

Of course, it is best to lie down with your feet facing the explosion point, so that the damage to your body and brain will naturally be smaller.

However, this does not mean that nothing will happen if you lie down. If the bomb falls within the lethal range of the bomb shock wave, unless you are hiding in a bunker, you will be considered to have escaped the explosion fragments. But it will still be shocked to death.

However, this is only for the bombs that exploded on the ground during World War II. With the advancement of electronic technology, the timing of bomb explosions has become more and more precise, so air-exploded bombs have emerged.

This kind of bomb will explode at a height of a few meters or more than ten meters from the ground. Faced with such a situation, even if you lie down, it still cannot change the area of ​​the bomb. Of course, this is not the most terrifying thing. Cluster bombs designed by individual soldiers, such bombs are specially formulated for maximum area destruction.

A cluster bomb is a collection of small bombs into a general air bomb. Each small bomb is called a sub-bomb, so it is also called a sub-bomb.Specifically, it means that several to hundreds of sub-bombs are loaded into a projectile body of the same size as a general bomb, and each sub-bomb is a ball about the size of a tennis ball.After being air-dropped by an aircraft, it disintegrates in the air, causing regional damage by spreading sub-bombs to a wide range of ground.Take advantage of its quantitative properties to increase coverage and lethality.

And according to different types, cluster bombs can also be used to attack cluster targets such as cluster tanks, armored combat vehicles, troop assembly areas, or large-area targets such as airport runways, and have strong damage capabilities.

Fortunately, because of the preparations and Bailixiu's reminder, although Wu Qianli and the others were within the explosion range of the incendiary bomb, they hid in the tunnel and blocked the entrance of the tunnel , so there were no casualties.

Smith looked at the mountain that was engulfed in flames, and naturally understood that under such bombardment, the sniper or gunner in the cave in the mountain wall would have no effect at all, so after thinking for a while, Smith ordered to release smoke bombs not far in front of the Watergate Bridge, and the purpose was naturally to interfere with Bailixiu's sight.

In order to achieve the cover of the helicopter bridge, but for such a smoke cover, Bai Lixiu also laughed!

Because don't forget that Bailixiu's star-piercing heavy sniper has an infrared thermal imager on it!
Although it is said that after decades, some people have invented smoke bombs that can interfere with the entire band to the infrared band, but it is obvious that this kind of smoke bombs cannot be equipped by the current Mi Army.

Therefore, when Smith thought that under the cover of smoke bombs, he could build a bridge swaggeringly, another high-explosive bomb from Bailixiu let Smith know that the tactic of covering smoke screens would not work.

In this way, Smith was in a stalemate as the head of the first lion in the army battle of the Mi Army. Regarding such a deadlock, Smith's adjutant said:
"Or, let's just abandon the convoy and go on foot to Xingnan Port! We are only more than 60 kilometers away from Xingnan Port."

But after the adjutant finished speaking, Smith looked at him like a fool. What is it? It’s only more than 60 kilometers. Do you think they, the old soldiers who are used to cars, would choose to travel in this freezing weather? , Walk more than 60 kilometers to go back!
Fortunately, things are dead, but people are alive. As there is no way to use the helicopter as a crane, they have to find their engineering forklift to use as a crane.

And Bailixiu is actually quite used to them using forklifts as cranes. After all, in that era decades later, sometimes when something needs to be hoisted on the construction site or in the factory, it just happens not to If it needs to be hung too high, tie the wire rope for hanging things to the shovel teeth of the bucket of the forklift to hang.

After all, the bucket of a large forklift can also be lifted to a height of six or seven meters, so it is enough to use a forklift as a temporary crane for bridge erection.

And in order to prevent Bailixiu from attacking their forklift driver again, they also got a thick steel plate to block the side of the driver's seat that is close to Bailixiu's shooting, so naturally there is no need to worry about the forklift The driver was killed.

Bai Lixiu was only slightly aware of this, and didn't think it would be of any use. After all, if Bai Lixiu thought about it, she could replace it with an armor-piercing shell to hit the engine of the forklift.

But Bailixiu didn't do this, because the good show is still to come!

(End of this chapter)

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