Chapter 192 The Solomon Effect
I have to admit that although it is helpless to use a forklift as a crane, the work done by the forklift is still very beautiful.

It only took less than an hour to erect a steel bridge of more than ten meters.

The load-bearing columns that were originally blown up by the explosives buried by Bailixiu have also become steel load-bearing columns replaced by structural steel beams, although in terms of durability and load-bearing capacity, they may not be as good as the original reinforced concrete Poured bridge.

But this all-steel bridge can easily bear a weight of forty or fifty tons.

At this time, after Bailixiu's disruptive delay, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

That's right, although Bailixiu blew up four helicopters of the Mi Army in a row, it only delayed the original bridge opening time from three o'clock to four o'clock.

However, in terms of cost, it is very cost-effective to exchange four high-explosive bombs for an hour of delay.

After seeing that the bridge was finally erected, Smith also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he came to the Water Gate Bridge, the road behind would be easy. The troops should not have arrived here yet.

Immediately, Smith waved his hand and quickly signaled the tank to take the lead to clear the way. Now Smith couldn't believe it. There were still explosives under the bridge. After all, he just ordered the engineers to check the bottom of the bridge carefully.

However, when the first tank drove onto the steel bridge that had just been erected, a bang was heard, and the turret of the Pershing tank that was on the steel bridge was blown away in the huge explosion. go out.

And by the way, several soldiers of the Mi Army were killed. Yes, the explosion of this tank is naturally because Bai Lixiu replaced his star-piercing heavy sniper with a shell-piercing fin-stabilized armor-piercing projectile specially used to deal with tanks.

Now Bailixiu has nearly a hundred rounds of sabotage armor-piercing rounds and sixty or seventy rounds of high-explosive rounds in his hands!

After all, in the past few days, although Bailixiu participated in the bombing of the bridge, the most used ones were high-explosive bombs used to deal with the enemy's firepower, while the armor-piercing shells used to deal with tanks were rarely used, so this Only then did he praise nearly a hundred rounds of shell-piercing shells.

And Smith looked at the Pershing tank whose turrets had been knocked off on the steel bridge, frowned and asked his adjutant:

"This is an armor-piercing bullet specially used to deal with tanks on the opposite side, but what kind of anti-tank rifle is so powerful that it can penetrate our Pershing tank at a distance of more than 1000 meters?"

You must know that with the advent of rocket launchers and conical charges, as well as thicker and thicker tank armor, anti-tank rifles that could have played a certain role in the early days of World War II have completely disappeared.

The battlefield is already dominated by anti-tank rocket launchers such as Bazooka and Iron Fist.

During World War II, the most powerful anti-tank rifles did not have a penetration depth of more than 76 millimeters, but the side thickness of the turret armor of today's Pershing tanks has reached [-] millimeters.

This thickness should be enough to defend against the armor-piercing of all anti-tank rifle bullets today, but the Pershing tank whose turret has been blown up in front of you now proves that the armor-piercing depth of the anti-tank rifle on the opposite side is exactly How terrible it is.

Naturally, Smith and the others didn't know that what Bailixiu was holding was the equipment produced by Chaowan Space.

Of course, even if what Bailixiu is holding is not the super-play space equipment, but the Solothurn anti-tank rifle captured from Chu Yunfei during the bright sword period, after replacing it with the shell-piercing bullet, it can easily Doubles its armor penetration.

After all, since the advent of armor-piercing shells, the armor-piercing effects of using armor-piercing shells and not using armor-piercing shells under the same caliber are two different concepts.

After all, armor-piercing shells are designed to deal with armor. Unlike armor-piercing shells that use shaped energy effects, they have a very fatal disadvantage, that is, they can be greatly weakened by reactive armor or grille armor.

We must know that the protective effect of reactive armor is equivalent to the protective effect of [-]mm homogeneous steel plate when dealing with armor-piercing projectiles, but when dealing with kinetic energy projectiles such as shell-piercing projectiles, its protective effect is only equal to the protection of [-]mm homogeneous steel plate armor effect.

And the grille armor, because of its special grille, can destroy the armor-piercing projectile's energy-concentrated conical charge cover before the armor-piercing projectile hits the main armor, so that the armor-piercing projectile cannot produce the high-energy metal jet with the energy-concentrating effect, thus Reduced armor penetration.

But this kind of grille armor is of no use to kinetic energy bullets such as sabotage armor-piercing bullets.

And Smith's assistant manager could only answer vaguely when facing Smith's question:
"This may be a new type of weapon for the tide aid army! After all, before Luomen, we didn't know that we could gather the energy of the explosive explosion by digging a hole in the explosive to deal with those thick armor!"

That's right, the Roman mentioned by Smith's adjutant is the one who discovered the energy-gathering effect of explosives.

The energy-gathering effect is also called the Luomen effect. After all, this thing was first discovered by others, so it naturally has the naming right.

This is the law discovered by the American Monroe in [-] in the experiment of dynamite.That is to say, after the explosive explodes, the explosive products basically fly outward along the normal direction of the surface of the explosive under high temperature and high pressure.Therefore, after the detonation of the charge with grooves, there will be a converging flow of explosive products with high velocity and pressure on the axis of the grooves, which will concentrate the chemical energy released by the explosive explosion within a certain range. .

So according to this principle, the hollow-charge armor-piercing projectile that can cause terrible penetration to the enemy's armor appeared.

When the inner surface of the charge groove is lined with a drug-shaped cover, after the charge detonates, the energy of the explosive explosion near the groove will be transmitted to the drug-shaped cover, so that the drug-shaped cover moves toward the axis at a very high speed, thus , under the action of detonation products of high temperature and high pressure, the drug-type cover forms a metal rod, which can be regarded as a fluid.Wherein, the inner surface of the drug-shaped cover forms a slender metal jet, and the outer surface of the drug-shaped cover forms a pestle.In the process of the drug-type cover being crushed and producing a jet, the explosion energy absorbed by the jet will not be dissipated like the explosion product.There is a velocity gradient in the axial direction of the metal rod, which causes the metal jet to break off during flight.

Of course, the performance and weight of the explosive, the charge structure, the way of detonation, the material of the liner and its geometric size have a significant impact on the formation and penetration of the metal flow.

After the detonation of the cylindrical charge, the detonation products scatter around in a direction approximately perpendicular to the surface of the original charge, and only the detonation products at the end of the charge act on the steel plate, and the area of ​​action is equal to the area of ​​the end of the charge.The cylindrical powder column with a cone hole is different: when the detonation products in the cone hole part are scattered, they first concentrate on the axis and converge into an airflow with high velocity and pressure, which is called the concentrated airflow.The energy of the detonation products is concentrated on a smaller area, and a deeper hole is punched in the steel plate, which is why the tapered hole can increase the destructive effect.

However, Smith didn't care about these things and said directly to the assistant manager:

"I want to ask, how to deal with such armor-piercing projectiles, I can't let my tank die anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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