The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 193 Successfully Delayed Until Dark

Chapter 193 Successfully Delayed Until Dark

After Smith's adjutant heard Smith's question, he said very simply:

"Even if the Aid Chaojunmen invented a new armor-piercing projectile, there is still a limit. We only need to increase its thickness! For example, when going on the bridge, the front of the turret faces the direction of shooting, and then add external steel plates to increase the thickness."

After hearing the words of his assistant manager, Smith also felt that it made sense, and immediately let the other normal tanks attach steel cables, and then pulled the tank that was destroyed by Bailixiu and blocked on the steel bridge that could only pass through one lane. Walk.

However, Bailixiu will not let it go like this. After all, Bailixiu also understands that the second time Smith will never be the same as the last time, let the tank pass the bridge swaggeringly, maybe get an external armor plate or something like that To increase the tank's protection against Bailixiu's armor-piercing projectiles.

You must know that the star-piercing heavy sniper in Bailixiu's hand is said to be something produced by Chaowan Space, but the caliber is still only [-]mm after all. , At most, the armor plate with a thickness of [-] to [-] centimeters is already top-of-the-line.

If Smith hung a steel plate five or six centimeters thick on their tank to enhance the protection of the Pershing tank, then Bai Lixiu's star-piercing heavy sniper would really not be sure to penetrate it.

So Bai Lixiu moved the muzzle of the gun a little and aimed at the tank that was about to drag the destroyed tank on the bridge.

As a result, the roof of this tank was blown off, of course not only this one, but all tanks within Bailixiu's field of vision and range were also hit.

With one gunshot after another, all the tanks of the Mi Army Marine War One Lion blocked in the north of Shuimen Bridge turned into brilliant sparks under Bai Lixiu's heavy sniping.

Bai Lixiu blasted about [-] tanks in a row before stopping. Of course, this is not because Bai Lixiu has no armor-piercing shells.

It is because the convoy of the Mi Army Marine Fighter Lion is really long, so in order to protect the convoy, Smith did not arrange all the tanks at the forefront of the retreating team, but a large part of the tanks were placed in the front of the retreating team. The middle and rear of the team.

Therefore, Bailixiu naturally couldn't reach the tanks in the middle and rear of the convoy because of the range and shooting angle.

But Bailixiu was a little reluctant to use the armor-piercing shells to hit the truck that the rice army was evacuating.

After all, he only praised about a hundred armor-piercing bullets after so many days. It’s okay to fight this tank. After all, there are less than a hundred tanks in the Mi Army’s land battle, but there are 400 to fight this. There are so many delivery trucks, even if Bailixiu fired all the armor-piercing bullets, it wouldn't be able to destroy one tenth of the trucks!

However, Bailixiu's fight was straightforward, but Smith's face was ugly and terrible. Of course, he didn't feel sorry for these bombed tanks. After all, in the country with strong industrial capabilities, producing tanks is like making dumplings. Yes, as long as the raw materials are sufficient, there are as many as you want.

It's just that the embarrassment now is that Bai Lixiu has blown up so many tanks at the head of the Shuimen Bridge, which has blocked his retreat route as a land warrior.

More than 30 tanks weighing more than 40 tons were all blocked at the bridgehead, and it was a very troublesome thing to clean up. However, Smith looked at the darkening sky and could only order helplessly to his adjutant:

"Hurry up and arrange for the truck to clean up the wreckage of these tanks. After cleaning up, we will go directly to the truck first. We saw that there was no anti-tank rifleman on the opposite side and did not attack the truck. This shows that the bullets in his hand must not be That's a lot! And even if we blow up the truck on the bridge, we can just knock the truck off the bridge with a crowbar."

That's right, after seeing Bailixiu only attacking tanks and not trucks, the sharp-eyed Smith immediately discovered the fact that Bailixiu did not have many armor-piercing bullets, so he prepared to let the trucks pass first to consume Bailixiu of bullets.

It is so arrogant that he directly intends to use a transport truck to consume Bailixiu's bullets. There is no way that Smith doesn't even care about the tank, let alone such a transport truck that is much cheaper than the tank.

After all, according to the purchase price, thirty or forty such trucks can be worth the purchase price of a Pershing tank, so Smith naturally doesn't feel bad about these trucks.

Following Smith's order, these trucks began to use the traction steel rope to drag the thirty tanks destroyed by Bailixiu blocked at the bridge head.

Of course, a truck can't tow a Pershing tank weighing more than 40 tons, but it doesn't matter. Since the traction of a truck is not enough, it would be better to pick up a few more.

However, Smith's idea is very good, but Smith forgot that when the steel bridge was repaired, it was already past four o'clock, and now the wreckage of more than 30 tanks blocked at the bridge head must be towed away.

If this road is the kind of eight-lane or sixteen-lane road decades later, it can still be used, but now the road connected to the Shuimen Bridge is only two lanes wide, barely enough to pass each other. .

Tanks are much wider than cars, so the more than 30 tanks blocked on the Shuimen Bridge are naturally one after another, so when dragging the tanks, they can only be dragged one after another.

So under such troublesome circumstances, the wreckage of more than 30 tanks was only half cleared until after five o'clock in the afternoon when the sky was almost completely dark.

Looking at the sky that had completely darkened, Smith, the lion chief of Land War One Lion, could only sigh helplessly in the end, then waved his hand, indicating that the soldiers who worked hard to drag the tanks did not need to work overtime, and lit a fire to cook on the spot. Defend on the spot, wait until dawn tomorrow, and then deal with the tanks blocking the north of the Shuimen Bridge.

However, what Smith didn't know was that his decision became the last order to bury the land warrior lion.

Bai Lixiu turned on the infrared night vision function of the scope and looked at the Mi Jun who finally stopped dragging the wreckage of the tank, and he was relieved. To be honest, Bai Lixiu was really afraid that the Mi Jun land battle lion would really work overtime To drag away the mutilated tanks blocked at the Shuimen Bridge, and then run overnight, all the efforts of Bailixiu will be in vain.

It's just that when Bailixiu watched Mi Jun set up a camp and start a fire to cook, he suddenly felt unbalanced, because the magnification of his star-piercing scope was too high and too clear, Bailixiu knew it very well. I saw the hot ham, steak and sandwiches on the dinner plate brought out by Mi Jun from the field kitchen, and even the steaming hot milk in the cup.

As the saying goes, if there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Seeing this, Bai Lixiu looked at the dark baked potatoes just taken out of her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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