Chapter 234 Iron Bulletproof
After John shot, he retracted his head immediately, not giving Liu Wenwu a chance to aim at all.

Of course, because of the long distance and the silencer on Liu Wenwu's side, John naturally didn't notice it. Of course, even if Liu Wenwu was found, he wouldn't be too worried, because his current position is a thousand miles away from the Mi Army's sniper position. 100 meters away, it has already exceeded some of the range of the sniper rifle modified from the rifle in the hands of the rice army sniper.

Therefore, even if it is discovered, it is not easy to hit it with a single shot.

After John retracted his head behind the sandbag bunker, he thought of his deputy squad leader and partner Jack and said:
"Everyone is very understanding! By the way, did you find out the location of the person who shot the opposite side just now?"

After hearing John's question, Jack shook his head and said:

"The guy on the opposite side installed a silencer. I didn't hear the gunfire, and I didn't dare to observe for too long, so I didn't see it!"

After hearing Jack's words, John sighed:
"Since when, the equipment of the Aid Tide Army is more advanced than ours, and they have already used silencers. Aren't they afraid of affecting the accuracy? Or they have already developed a better silencer that will not affect the accuracy. I have to urge the logistics R&D department! And their sniper rifles are more powerful than ours, and their range is also farther than ours, wait for you to pay attention, look further away, observe!"

Jack nodded to John's proposal to express his understanding, and after John finished speaking, he started his plan to fool the children.

I saw John throwing the canned food with only a little residue left in the direction of the child, and this fresh child had seen this kind of canned food before, and Scout Liangliang had given him this kind of canned food before.

After all, Chaoxian is now in a time of war, so the grain harvest has naturally been greatly affected, so the food of this Chaoxian child has been on the verge of starvation for a long time.

But now when he saw the can, he immediately dropped Liangliang and ran towards the can, and then picked it up to have a look, only to find that there was only a little bit of food residue in the can.

But this trendy kid didn't dislike it, but stretched his index finger in, scraped the residue onto his finger, and ate it.

Just after the child ate the remains of the can, another can was thrown out, and just like that, this trendy kid was led step by step to their trenches under John's flickering.

In this way, this fashionable child was introduced into the trenches of the rice army snipers.

Regarding the fact that the Mi Army sniper fooled the Chaoxian kid into the trench, Class [-] didn’t know what the Mi Army sniper was going to do, but Liangliang still wanted to get it back, and at this time, Fat Dun saw that there was still a sniper in the trench. Zhang big steel plate.

I don't know what this big iron plate was made from, maybe it was the curtain armor of the tank track.

But Fat Dun knew that such a thick steel plate might not work as a cannonball, but it was absolutely no problem as a bullet.

It's just that Liu Wenwu is not in the trenches now, but about 800 meters away from the trenches, so Fat Dun and the others naturally don't want to waste time doing nothing.

So Fat Dun said to Chen Dayong:
"Dayong, there is a big iron plate here, I will bring Liangliang back with it on my back, then you have to give my baby a nice and educated name, don't use Ruifeng, Ruixiang to fool me What is it!"

Chen Dayong heard Pang Dun's words, and then looked at the stone slab made by Pang Dun, which weighed at least two hundred catties, and asked Pang Dun worriedly:
"You can't do it! You can't move your back!"

Fat Dun heard Chen Dayong's words:

"Don't look down on me! Although my culture is not as high as yours, you can't catch up with me in terms of strength! I have carried three hundred catties of stone slabs before!"

So with the help of all the soldiers in the fifth squad, he used a rope to help the iron plate, and then put the iron plate on his back. After climbing out of the trench, he walked backwards step by step towards the bright and fallen place. go.

However, the snipers of the Mi Army actually thought of using iron plates as bullets when they saw the opponent.

Immediately, he was naturally rude, thinking that he would be robbed by the iron-clad fat pier.

It's just that the defensive power of the two hundred catties of iron plates is indeed good. Although the sound of clanging bullets hitting the iron plates is endless, they still haven't penetrated the iron plates and hurt Fatty.

And Fat Dun walked firmly towards the place where Liangliang was lying against the endless stream of bullets.

And Chen Dayong, Xiao Xu and others who were hiding in the trenches also fought back with rifles and submachine guns, but they knew that the opponents were all snipers, so they didn't dare to aim and shoot for a long time, they just took a little aim and then shot. The Mi Army does not pose any threat at all.

In fact, what these rice army snipers wanted to hit was the rope tied to the iron plate, because they knew that as long as the rope was broken, the iron plate would not be easy to carry.

It's just a pity that although their guns have scopes, it is still difficult to hit the rope 200 meters away.

Although they can easily achieve a headshot within 400 meters, it is still somewhat difficult to break a rope thinner than a finger within 200 meters. After all, such shooting is much more difficult than a headshot.

This kind of difficulty is no less than that of making two shots and one hole on the target paper. After all, the rope that Fat Pier is carrying is only as thick as a bullet.

But if others can't do it, it doesn't mean that John, the squad leader of the rice army sniper squad, can't do it.

The reason why John was able to become their squad leader was because of his extraordinary ability to convince these snipers, and this was naturally John's extraordinary marksmanship.

And John has the ability to shoot two holes within 200 meters, so John is naturally very confident in breaking the rope.

And John's gun is equipped with the only [-]x mirror in the entire sniper squad.

For ordinary snipers, it is enough to install a quadruple lens. After all, the maximum range of their sniper rifle converted from a rifle is only 800 meters, and a quadruple lens is more than enough for them.

It’s just that John is different. He thinks that only with a higher magnification lens can he see more clearly and shoot more accurately. John is an ace sniper who pursues precision too much.

So John's first shot broke the rope that was pulling out of the trench.

Then the second shot broke one of the two ropes tied to the iron plate to fix the iron plate.

However, just as John was about to shoot the third rope, Liu Wenwu, who had never fired a shot, finally shot.


Accompanied by weird gunshots again, Liu Wenwu fired the third shot of this sniper battle with this PTRD-41.

Then on Mi Jun's side, John, who was about to fire the third shot, was headshot by Liu Wenwu.

Still the same as the previous Dan who was headshot, the whole head is gone.

Jack, who had been in the same sniper position with John, was stunned when he saw John's appearance!
He didn't understand what kind of weapon the opponent used to produce such a terrifying effect.

(End of this chapter)

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