Chapter 235 The Bombing Attack
After John's death, Jack, who had always obeyed John's orders, didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether the mission should continue, so he notified his immediate company commander through a walkie-talkie.

And just a few minutes before Jack called, the company commander of the Mi Army also received an order from the headquarters to cancel the decoy operation, because Liangliang was very likely to carry important information on his body.

So to cancel this mission and bring Liangliang back to continue interrogation, they are very suspicious that the scout has sent out the information.

The difference from the movie is that the plot has changed because of the addition of Bailixiu. Here, without any casualties, John, the monitor of the opposite sniper squad, and Bailixiu were also killed. One shot killed most of the company's strength.

So as it should be, the company commander of the Mi Army finally started his best trick, which was to call the air bomber and demand the bombing.

Therefore, Jack, the deputy squad leader of the sniper squad, was asked by his company commander to hold Liu Wenwu and the others before the bomber arrived, preventing them from rescuing Liangliang.

After all, the Mi Army has lost so much here, and even their ace sniper John has been killed, so for their own face, or morale, they must be killed, and they are regarded as the king of guns by the tide aid troops Liu Wenwu, in order to reduce the morale of the aid troops.

So, Jack told him the order from the company commander, asking the remaining snipers to hold Liu Wenwu on the opposite side, and not allow Liu Wenwu to pick up Liangliang before the bomber arrived.

However, just after Jack finished speaking, he found that a sniper in their sniper squad had already started packing his things with a backpack.

That's right, this person is the Knight sniper who was the first to break down and wanted to escape in the movie, and was finally persuaded by John.

Seeing the actions of Knight's sniper, Jack, who was the deputy squad leader of the sniper squad and who automatically took over the command of the sniper squad after John's death, asked:
"Nate, what are you doing?"

But Knight said indignantly:

"I don't want to die for this stupid plan, spending power to trap them, it won't work at all! Let's not try to kill him! I shouldn't be in this place, this damn station should end! Fuck his war , go to your plan, go to your plan!"

After finishing speaking, the sniper named Knight ignored Jack and wanted to withdraw from the back passage of the trench.

However, Jack, as the deputy squad leader of the sniper squad, naturally took over the command of the squad according to the wartime regulations after John's death. Of course, when he took over the power, he would also take over the corresponding obligations. If Ante really slipped away , then with the beginning of Knight, other snipers will naturally slip away.

At that time, what will he do to keep Liu Wenwu, and if the task is not completed, and even know that there is a deserter in their sniper squad, then the first person responsible must be Jack, the deputy squad leader. There is no way to let John die. Woolen cloth!

So Jack immediately stood in front of Knight and said:
"Hey! If you really do this, then you will definitely be sent to court, and I won't charge you for running away!"

However, after being silent for a while, Knight said:

"Our ace sniper John is dead, what else do you want us to do, this battle is not equal at all, we haven't found his shadow until now, and we have already killed a brother before killing the other person, Even the squad leader is dead, what do you want us to do, I tell you Jack, I quit, I want to go home, I don't understand the meaning of this war, this is a wrong war!"

After all, Knight ignored Jack, and just pushed Jack away and walked directly towards the traffic ditch where the trench was evacuated.

But they didn't know that Liu Wenwu was not in the trench at the bottom of the valley, but on a half slope 100 meters away, so the height here was just right enough to see Knight evacuating along the traffic ditch.

Naturally, it was impossible for Liu Wenwu to know about the conversation between Knight and Jack, knowing that Knight wanted to evacuate or quit, so Liu Wenwu pulled the trigger and fired his fourth shot.

Since the field of view is better on the hillside, Knight's upper body can be seen, so Liu Wenwu aimed at Liu Wenwu's upper body.

So Knight, who hadn't walked [-] meters, was shot in the waist.

"Jack! Jack help! Jack help me! Please Jack!"

Knight was shot in the waist by Liu Wenwu. This shot almost broke Knight into two quarters, but although he didn't break into two quarters, he still couldn't stand up.

So Knight began to crawl back to the trench and shouted to Jack and the others, hoping that Jack could save him.

It's just a pity that Jack and the others couldn't bear to turn around after seeing Knight's injury, because they knew that Knight's injury was hopeless.

Of course, this is also the case. In less than a minute, Knight lost too much blood, and his shouts became weaker and weaker, and finally he died.

After Knight lost his vitality, Jack said to the three remaining members of the sniper squad:

"See! Even if you want to leave now, you can't leave now. The god of death on the opposite side will not let you go, and will not even accept your surrender, because you have hurt the friend of the god of death, and he will not let you go Yes! Think about it! Now we only need to fire a few shots casually, delay the time, wait for the bombers to come over and carry out carpet bombing, and we will be the great heroes who defeated the god of death, even more powerful than John Sniper, when the time comes, the headlines will be ours!"

Sure enough, following Jack's words, the three snipers who were still depressed and had to surrender also regained their fighting spirit.

Jack glanced at the three snipers who were full of fighting spirit again, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The sniper squad originally had seven snipers including John and himself, but now there are only four left.

Of course, according to the surrender regulations of their Mi army, the casualties of these seven people were three and the remaining four still did not reach 60.00% of the casualties!
After all, based on 60.00% of the casualties, the seven of them had to die and only two of them would surrender before they surrendered, so now they still have to continue to perform the above tasks to delay time.

On the other hand, the fat man came to Liangliang with the iron plate on his back and protected Liangliang under his body. After a closer look, he found that Liangliang was not dead, and was still breathing weakly.

Immediately, he was surprised and inexplicable. After all, he was only planning to bring the body back, and now he is happy to be able to bring the living back.

You must know that in the original plot of the movie, Liangliang woke up after being given a booster shot by that trendy kid, and he is still in a coma at this moment!
What's more, Liu Wenwu and the others didn't have the same infrared detection equipment as Bailixiu, so naturally they couldn't confirm whether Liangliang was dead or alive.

(End of this chapter)

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