The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 240 The Difference Between Stepping Machines and Radio Stations

Chapter 240 The Difference Between a Walkie-Talkie and a Radio Station

Of course, Bai Lixiu didn't stop after shooting the first tank, and blasted the two behind tanks with two consecutive shots.

Compared to hitting the sight glass of some tank, making the tank blind, and then killing the tank, Bailixiu's method is naturally simple, efficient, and effective.

Of course, this is also based on the advanced level of Bailixiu's weapons, otherwise he would still have to choose to use the observation mirror like Chen Dayong.

The destruction of the three tanks shocked the three Mi Army snipers hiding in the trench even more. One of the Mi Army snipers turned to Jack, the deputy squad leader of the sniper squad, and asked:
"Jack, have you seen the trajectory of the rockets? Why did the three tanks explode in an instant? Did the Tide Aid Army release some new weapons against tanks?"

Jack could only shake his head for his subordinate's greeting, while the other subordinate saw that Jack was silent and said:

"Jack, now that the company commander is dead, and we only have a walkie-talkie, we can't get in touch with it. Isn't it helpless? So can we surrender? I heard that the tide aid army treats the prisoners well. very good!"

That's right, the communication equipment carried by their sniper squad is a walkie-talkie. Of course, the communication range is only three or four kilometers shorter than that of the walkie-talkie decades later, so they can only be contacted by the company commander. Although such a short communication The distance may seem poor, but it has epoch-making significance.

You must know that in ancient times when communication technology was backward, combat command relied heavily on the tacit understanding between commanders at all levels, and it was very difficult to efficiently coordinate several armies in noisy large-scale battles.

After the emergence of radio and wired telephones, senior commanders have been able to grasp the dynamics at the lion and regiment levels in a relatively timely manner, but it is still difficult for regiment and battalion-level commanders to grasp the combat dynamics at the company and platoon levels in a timely manner.

However, all of this changed during World War II, especially the large number of individual walkie-talkies equipped by the Mi Army, which raised the operational flexibility of grassroots units to a higher level.

Unlike high-power wireless radios, individual walkie-talkies have a short communication distance, generally only a few kilometers, but the advantage is that they are small in size and light in weight.

Therefore, this kind of equipment is generally used in company and platoon-level combat units. It is responsible for contacting superior commanders, cooperating with neighboring troops, and timely responding to superiors in reconnaissance or encountering situations. Adjust accordingly.

Compared with the previous communication method relying on messengers, the walkie-talkie is much more efficient and timely, and the communication is more secure, and it is possible to clearly know whether the information has been accurately delivered.From today's perspective, a walkie-talkie is as convenient as a walkie-talkie.

In the field of walkie-talkie technology, the United States is at the forefront of the world. Although Germany and other countries also had their own related equipment during World War II, they are not as good as the United States in terms of technical performance, portability, or equipment penetration rate.

In 500, a small company named Galvin Manufacturing Company in the United States was born with a registered capital of just over US$[-]. Although it was a clown duck at the beginning, five employees made some car radios for sale, but later it After the name change, it can be said that everyone knows that it is the famous Motorola.

In the 30s, Motorola was deeply rooted in the electronic market and accumulated rich technical experience. Before the outbreak of World War II, it successfully designed the SCR-536 walkie-talkie, which is what we often see in movies. Great communication equipment.

In the movie plot of the sniper, the call between the company commander of the Mi Army and the sniper of the Mi Army is this kind of walkie-talkie. After all, it has not been a few years since World War II, so this type of walkie-talkie is naturally impossible to eliminate .

This kind of walkie-talkie weighed 2.3 kilograms, which was already very light at that time. The working band was 3.5-6 MHz, and the communication distance was 1-4.8 kilometers. If it was in a dense forest, it would also be reduced to 300 meters. distance.Originally used by the Secret Service, it was quickly adopted by the military.

Although the communication distance is short, it is enough for platoon-level units. They only need to contact the company or battalion headquarters not far away.This kind of electronic equipment was the only one in the United States at that time. Not only that, but its more attractive feature was that it cost only thirty dollars a piece, and a total of 13 pieces were built during World War II.

It is precisely because there are so many, it is naturally impossible for the Mi Army to be easily updated, so it is also caused, and it is still in use until the Korean War.

These walkie-talkies are put into the troops in the form of one for each platoon, and the company headquarters also has one for mutual communication, while the artillery platoon has two, which may be due to the higher demand for artillery communications.

Of course, if it is the transmission of information or instructions at a longer distance, it still needs to use a radio station. After all, even modern walkie-talkies cannot make language calls over tens, hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers.

In fact, the individual quality of most of the infantry of the rice army in World War II was not significantly different from that of other major powers in the same period. However, they were fighting for the island with the desperate little devils, and the opponent had a geographical advantage, so they won in this kind of battle. In addition to more powerful weapons and sea and air support, the configuration of walkie-talkies also plays a big role, making troops more flexible in combat, and can always call for artillery support or air support at critical times.

For example, the biggest function of this kind of walkie-talkie is to cooperate with the artillery to achieve precise artillery strikes. After all, many artillery can fly several kilometers or more than ten kilometers, or even fire behind the mountain, and the impact point of the shells cannot be seen at all. Therefore, if there is no If people report on the point of impact from time to time, then the artillery has no way to adjust the angle of the artillery.

In fact, other countries also had similar equipment at the same time. For example, Xiaoguizi developed the No. 19 wireless machine in Showa 6, but the reliability is not as good as the SCR-536, the size is the same as a radio station, and the output is even rarer. Didn't work.

After the Mi Army sniper, who thought he was isolated and helpless because of the short distance of the walkie-talkie, expressed his thoughts, Jack, the deputy squad leader of the Mi Army sniper squad, said to the two worriedly:

"But we have already wounded that scout, will the other side not allow us to surrender!"

Speaking of that, Jack suddenly saw the trendy kid who was attracted by the canned food before, so he immediately thought of a good way, so he immediately pulled the trendy kid over and said to the two:

"No matter how good the captive is, it's not as good as our safe return, so we took this child as a hostage and asked the opposite side to let us go. I just happen to be able to speak a few Chinese and can barely communicate!"

That's right, the deputy squad leader of the sniper squad still felt that surrendering was too embarrassing, so he thought of such a bad move, and he also heard that the relationship between Chaoxian and the Chaoxian Army is very good, so if you use Chaoxian's children to threaten There is still a high chance that the Aid Tide Army will get away like that.

After all, captives are captives no matter what, and if they didn't complete the sniper mission this time, they won't do it next time.

(End of this chapter)

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