Chapter 241 Too Far To Hear
And it just so happened that they also brought a loudspeaker with them this time. This loudspeaker was originally used to shout when John planned to be in a disadvantaged position, or when Liu Wenwu wanted to escape.

And his learning Chinese is also what John intends to use for propaganda and communication. For example, in the original plot of the movie, John successfully used this method to invite Liu Wenwu out to return the scout Liangliang.

It's just that in the end, I didn't expect to be overshadowed by Liu Wenwu's death.

However, because of the appearance of Bailixiu, a lot has changed directly, even John was killed in advance.

So Jack had to use the horn prepared by John to save his life.

So Jack picked up the microphone of the loudspeaker and shouted in Chinese, which he was not yet proficient in:

"Mr. Liu Wenwu on the opposite side, we have given up our plan to arrest you, now we want to retreat, please Mr. Liu Wenwu to give us a way out, don't shoot, otherwise we won't guarantee the safety of this trendy kid!"

As he spoke, he pushed that trendy kid named Zhu Yuan out of the trench. Of course, the kid was tied with a rope, so there was no need to worry about the kid running away. Besides, even if he ran, the kid could flash out of him immediately What is the effective range of the firearm?

Because of the horn, even though they were 300 meters apart, the soldiers in the fifth squad in the trench could still hear clearly.

It's just that Liu Wenwu, the squad leader of the fifth squad, couldn't hear it. You must know that Liu Wenwu didn't stay in the trench like the soldiers of the fifth squad at this time, but was lying on the half-hillside 100 meters away from the rice army snipers superior.

So even though the sniper Jack of the Mi Army used a loudspeaker to shout, Liu Wenwu, who was 100 meters away, still couldn't hear him.

Of course, Liu Wenwu, who was 100 meters away, didn't hear it, let alone Bailixiu, who was lying on the top of the mountain 3000 meters away.

So the decision what to do at this time naturally fell on the soldiers of the fifth squad.

After listening to Jack's words, Fatty opened his mouth and said to everyone in class five:
"How about we agree to come down! After all, that trendy kid looks pretty pitiful!"

The reason why Fat Dun spoke first was naturally because his son had just been born, so when he saw the child, he couldn't help but think of his own son, and Xiao Xu, who was on the side, said after hearing Fat Dun's words:
"What if we agree, but they don't promise to let that kid go?"

Regarding Xiao Xu's words, the fifth class soldiers were silent and did not dare to guarantee Mi Jun's credit, but at this time Chen Dayong said:

"Okay! Don't think about these things. Do you hear clearly? The Mi Army sniper on the other side asked Liu Wenwu as the squad leader, not us, so it's up to the squad leader to decide whether to let go, not us. You guys are really blind worry."

After Chen Dayong finished speaking, Pang Dun said:

"But the squad leader is far away from us now! At least 800 meters away, can he hear it at such a distance?"

However, Xiao Xu shook his head immediately after Fatty finished speaking:
"Isn't this nonsense? We can all hear it very vaguely. It would be strange if the monitor could hear it!"

Fat Dun heard Xiao Xu's affirmation, and after thinking about it, he immediately said:

"Then I'll go tell the squad leader and see what he says!"

After all, Fat Dun planned to get up and climb out of the trench to inform Liu Wenwu.

However, just as Fat Dun was about to act, he was thrown down by Chen Dayong and Xiao Xu.

I saw Chen Dayong said angrily:
"You don't want to die. The opponent is full of snipers who can penetrate Yang at a hundred paces. Aren't you afraid of shooting at the opponent just running out of the trench like this?"

After hearing Chen Dayong's words, Fat Dun was afraid for a while, but he refused to admit defeat and said:

"Didn't they say they don't want to fight and prepare to evacuate? They probably won't shoot!"

Just after Fat Dun finished speaking, Xiao Xu said:

"Fatty, are you willing to bet your life on whether they are trustworthy? And even if you don't shoot the opponent, you will expose the position of the squad leader. If the opponent comes to force you after knowing the location of the squad leader What if the mortar covers the bombardment?"

When Fat Dun saw the two of them scolding him like this, he also said angrily:

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work. Why don't we just let us waste it like this? We can afford it. Liangliang can't afford it. How long do you think Liangliang can last?"

Sure enough, when Fat Dun said this, Chen Dayong became anxious. After all, what Fat Dun said was correct, so Chen Dayong couldn't care less, and immediately shouted to the outside:

"Okay! I agree, let's go!"

Jack on the opposite side was overjoyed when he heard what Chen Dayong said, and immediately said to the other two remaining snipers:

"Look! How important it is to learn a foreign language at a critical moment!"

After speaking, without waiting for the two of them to respond, he ran towards the traffic trench for evacuation first.

It's just that this Jack just ran out of the traffic trench less than 100 meters away, just like the Knight who had evacuated from the traffic trench before.

That's right, Liu Wenwu, who was [-] away, shot.

Of course, this time was different from the shot that hit Knight before.

The shot that hit Jack was obviously caused by Liu Wenwu deliberately raising the muzzle of the gun, so the shot hit Jack's chest.

The [-]mm bullet opened a big hole in Jack's chest. Not only his lungs were damaged, but half of his heart was taken away by the bullet.

Of course, there is also an advantage of this, that is, this American sniper named Jack will not suffer as much pain as the previous American sniper named Knight.

And Jack's death naturally made the remaining two rice army snipers panic, and they were about to follow Jack's pace and stopped abruptly.

The two Mi Army snipers looked at each other, and then one of the Mi Army snipers said:

"Why don't you surrender! We can't get in touch with the higher authorities, and we don't have much canned food. Perhaps surrender is our only option! Otherwise, even if we don't get killed by them, we will starve to death here!"

The other sniper of the Mi Army was even more straightforward, directly tearing off the white cloak used for camouflage on the back, and then tied the white cloak to the muzzle of the gun, stretched out of the trench and shook it a few times .

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hands and walked out of the trench. Another rice army sniper saw that his teammates were already like this, so he also raised his hands and walked out of the trench.

This time Liu Wenwu did not shoot, because he understood that this meant that the Mi Army was about to surrender, so naturally he would not choose to shoot.

So the two remaining snipers of the two rice army sniper squads boldly walked towards the trench of the fifth squad.

When Fat Dun saw the two surrendered Mi Jun, he immediately smiled and said:

"Unexpectedly, they actually surrendered!"

And Chen Dayong said:

"Difficulty, don't you know that our squad leader shot just now! Didn't you hear the sound of bullets whizzing over our heads? The reason why they surrendered must be that the bullet killed another Mi army just now, so the other side couldn't stand it. I just surrendered!"

(End of this chapter)

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