Chapter 31

I saw a soldier coming out of a little devil's truck with a box similar to an ammunition box.

The only difference is that the number 731 is painted on the box, and if you compare it carefully, you will find that this box is much larger than ordinary ammunition boxes.

The width of the box is about fifty or sixty centimeters, the length is about seventy or eighty centimeters, and the height is twenty or thirty centimeters.

Bai Lixiu had a bad feeling when he saw the 731 on the wooden box, but before Bailixiu wanted to say something, the soldier carrying the box took the wooden box After the box was moved from the car to the open space, he pulled out the bayonet at his waist and pried open the wooden box with the number 731 written on it.

And Bai Lixiu, who was still hesitating at the side, saw that the two bombs placed in the box looked like bombs, but the material was made of ceramics.

The soldier who opened the box was also very puzzled about the two ceramic bombs inside the wooden box, and said to himself:

"When will the little devil be as poor as us and can't afford to use iron-cased bombs and use ceramic ones instead!"

Speaking of which, the soldier planned to hit the ceramic bomb with the bayonet in his hand, and after seeing the appearance of the ceramic bomb, Bai Lixiu finally remembered the number Qin 31 on the wooden box containing the ceramic bomb. This is something.

That's right, this thing is the famous 731 special forces of the little devil in World War II.

Of course, unlike the special forces we imagined, this team is not for combat, but a research team specializing in bacterial weapons

So the wooden box that was pried open by the soldier was naturally the ceramic bacterial bomb produced by Unit 731, and what was contained in it was either plague bacteria or anthrax bacteria, a bacteria with a very high lethality rate.

It is very different from ordinary bombs. The bacterial bomb shell is made of ceramic.There are two paper clip-like grooves on the surface and inside of the shell, distributed in an "M" shape, and a two-centimeter horizontal groove on the waist.There is a screw port at the head of the cartridge case, which is used to place the detonator and the fuze, and the tail is equipped with equipment to adjust the falling speed.A small amount of explosive is placed in the groove of the shell case to burst the shell case, and the heat of explosion is small, which will not harm bacteria or fleas carrying bacteria in the shell case.After being thrown from the plane, the bacterial bomb explodes at a height of 200 meters from the ground, and the bacteria or fleas in the bomb can be scattered to the ground in a large area.In case the bacterial bomb falls to the ground, the impact force is strong enough to break through the pottery casing, and the bacteria can also leak to the ground.

It's just that when Bailixiu saw the soldier holding a bayonet and trying to hit the ceramic bomb, he was so frightened that he stepped forward and kicked the soldier over without even thinking about it. on the ground.

The soldier who was kicked to the ground looked at Baili Xiu with a bayonet in his hand, and the soldiers of the New Second Regiment who were carrying the ammunition also looked at Bai Lixiu with a confused expression, not understanding why Bai Lixiu was so good Standing there, he suddenly rushed over and kicked the person to the ground.

It's just that Bai Lixiu's action of kicking the soldier happened to be seen by Kong Jie who had just come out of the regiment's room after answering the call from Lv Chang. Kong Jie was also very puzzled by Bailixiu's behavior, so he was about to speak ask!

But before Kong Jie could speak, Bai Lixiu shouted:

"Everyone at the scene quickly put down the ammunition box in their hands and put it down gently. I have something important to say! Hurry up!"

It's just that the soldiers carrying the ammunition didn't listen to Bai Lixiu's words, but all looked at Kong Jie who had just walked over. After all, this is the New Second Regiment, and Kong Jie's words counted.

And Kong Jie saw Bailixiu's nervous expression, although he didn't know what kind of medicine was in Bailixiu's gourd, but based on Bailixiu's previous performance, Kong Jie felt that he had to give Bailixiu an explanation Therefore, he said to the soldiers carrying ammunition around him:

"Listen to Comrade Baili, and gently put down the ammunition box in your hand."

Under Kong Jie's order, the surrounding soldiers also bent down and gently put down the ammunition boxes in their hands. Xiu also looked puzzled and asked:

"Comrade Baili, what happened to you and why are you so nervous!"

When Bai Lixiu heard Kong Jie's question, he quickly pulled Kong Jie to the wooden box that the soldier had just pried open and said:

"Captain Kong, do you know what this is?"

Naturally, Kong Jie had never seen the real appearance of the bacterial bomb, so he asked in puzzlement:

"What's the matter, isn't it just two bombs! Although they are made of ceramics, don't you mean to say that the little devil is too poor to use iron to make bombs and should use ceramics!"

The reason why Kong Jie said this was naturally because there were many landmines and other bombs on the Eighth Route, and they used ceramics instead of iron, so naturally he felt that the little devil was poor.

When Bai Lixiu saw Kong Jie's appearance, he knew that Kong Jie would not recognize it as a bacterial bomb, so he said directly:
"This is a bacterial bomb! If it shatters, then we will turn into a dead place for several miles or even tens of miles or hundreds of miles around us. At that time, thousands of mountains and birds will be wiped out, and thousands of people will be wiped out. "

Kong Jie swallowed his saliva when he heard Bailixiu's description:

"Really, is it really that scary?"

Seeing that Kong Jie didn't quite believe it, Bai Lixiu said angrily:

"Why don't you believe me? Didn't you read the newspapers? In 30, that is, on May 10th last year, the little devils used such bacterial bombs when they bombed Baoshan, an important town in Dianxi, and directly killed Baoshan. More than [-] of the population killed one-fifth, and it also spread to the entire Dianxi, causing cholera in the entire Dianxi, and how many [-] people died, don’t you know?”

After hearing Bailixiu's words, Kong Jie thought about it carefully. At that time, it seemed that there was such a newspaper saying that the little devil used a brutal bacterial bomb to cause cholera in the entire Dianxi area and killed tens of thousands of people. , but after all, Kong Jie and his Eighth Road are located on Shanxi's side, and the straight-line distance from Dianxi is more than 10 miles.

Therefore, Kong Jie, the little head of the regiment, didn't care about it. After all, in Kong Jie's opinion, no matter how hard he fought, he would never hit the Dianxi area more than 5000 miles away!

So Kong Jie could only smile embarrassedly and said:

"It seems that a newspaper reported this incident last year, but after all, it was too far away from us, so I didn't pay much attention to it. The real power of this bacterial bomb is too scary!"

Bailixiu glanced at Kong Jie and said:

"It's not scary. Just ask the Dianxi people and you'll know. Well, Captain Kong, hurry up and call and tell the higher-ups about our discovery of the bacterial bomb! How to deal with this matter depends on what the higher-ups do! We will Don’t make up your own mind, just keep the germ bomb and don’t leak it.”

(End of this chapter)

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