The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 32 Nuclear, Biochemical and Which One is the Scariest

Chapter 32 Nuclear, Biochemical and Which One is the Scariest

Kong Jie nodded after hearing Bailixiu's words. He naturally knew about this kind of thing. He, a small regiment leader, must have no power to decide the outcome of this kind of weapon that can affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

As for the surrounding soldiers who were unloading ammunition, their hairs stood on end when they heard the conversation between Bailixiu and Kong Jie.

The look at Bailixiu was no longer the doubt and disgust that Bailixiu had when he kicked the soldier, but gratitude and gratitude.

After all, these fighters may not be afraid of death, but don't forget that most of these fighters are recruited from the surrounding villages, so their wives and family members are all nearby!

If the little devil's germ bomb is leaked, the final result will naturally affect the family.

As for the soldier who was about to hit the bacterial bomb made of ceramics with his bayonet, he slapped himself two big mouths on the spot after listening to Bai Lixiu's story.

Bai Lixiu looked at that still somewhat dazed expression and said to Kong Jie:
"Okay, Commander Kong, you should hurry up and call Luli to report the situation, and ask how to do it! I will direct the soldiers to separate the bacterial bombs from the ordinary bombs and wait for the decision from above."

And Kong Jie nodded again and again when he heard Bailixiu's words, then turned around and ran back to the regiment headquarters in the village to call Lvchang!
After Kong Jie left, Bai Lixiu looked at the soldiers of the new second regiment who were a little at a loss on the field, so he said loudly:

"You all heard the words of Captain Kong and I just now. This little devil's bacterial bomb is very powerful. Once leaked, it will cause a terrible plague. Therefore, everyone must be careful when handling ammunition now, and don't do it casually. Throw it away!"

Bai Lixiu said after thinking for a while and said:

"Now everyone listen to my command, hurry up and send some people to the homes of fellow villagers in the village or take out your marching quilts, and lay a few more layers on the side of the truck. It won’t be broken! Then separate the box marked with the number 731 from the ammunition box and place it separately!”

So the soldiers of the New Second Regiment began to unload ammunition from the truck in an orderly manner under the command of Bai Lixiu.

Of course, just in case, Bai Lixiu even opened the ordinary ammunition boxes one by one to check whether they contained ordinary ammunition or bacterial bombs.

To be honest, if there are chemical weapons such as mustard gas or bombs such as atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs in the car, Bai Lixiu is not that afraid. After all, these two weapons require a certain dose Only then will it be effective.

Based on the load of these ten trucks at most, it will spread to a radius of ten or twenty miles. After all, the explosive equivalent of the famous little boy is only about 10,000 tons, and the fatal range is one or two kilometers. The number of people is only [-]+ people.

This is because the little boy exploded in the center of a densely populated city. If it exploded in this sparsely populated rural area, it would be thankful that 1000 people could be killed.

But bacterial weapons are different from nuclear weapons and chemical weapons. Although their lethal effect is slow, it may take one to two days or even a week or a month to completely die after being infected.

But the scary thing about bacterial weapons is that they have the characteristics of bacteria, that is, they can replicate themselves, and self-reproduction means they have life and can be regenerated.

Just like the famous Resident Evil, at the beginning, a small bottle of T virus stock solution only the size of a thumb was smashed and leaked, which then led to the infection of the entire Hive Laboratory, and then infected the entire Raccoon City. The entire planet has not been spared, and almost all humans, including animals and plants, have died.

If this was replaced with a nuclear bomb, how many big Ivans would it take to cause such a large-scale lethality!
Of course, in Li Xiu's world, bacteria and viruses are not classified into the same category, but in Bai Lixiu's view, no matter whether it is bacteria or viruses, the two are similar. They are all replicating infections, and their power is not strong. It will be weakened or even strengthened by the number of people infected.

So this is different from ordinary chemical drugs. For example, the lethal dose of arsenic is about one gram, so if this gram of arsenic is distributed to ten or a hundred people, none of them may be poisoned to death.

In the same way, putting one gram of arsenic in a well may not kill even a mouse. Therefore, compared with chemical weapons or nuclear weapons, biological bacteria and virus weapons are the most harmful because they are not as powerful. It's not about the dose, it's about the dose itself.

As a result, after a group of soldiers carefully unloaded, the ammunition box containing the bacterial bomb was finally separated from the ammunition box containing ordinary ammunition.

And the number of bacterial bombs is not very large. Fifty boxes of bacterial bombs were found in [-] tons of ammunition. According to the fact that each box contains two bacterial bombs, there are only a hundred such bombs, and a hundred miles Xiu also felt it, a box only weighed thirty or forty catties.

However, Bailixiu knew that the bacterial bombs, which were less than one ton in total, could kill tens of hundreds or even tens of millions of people if they exploded and spread.

Of course, when Bai Lixiu sorted out the bacterial bombs, Kong Jie also ran to the regiment headquarters and dialed the number of Lvchang. After the call was connected, Kong Jie said to the communication soldier who answered the phone:

"Hurry up and call Chief Lv, I have something very important to report!"

Regarding Kong Jie's words, the communication soldier who answered the phone on the other end of the phone naturally did not dare to neglect and immediately called the chief green to answer the phone.

"Hi! I'm Chief Lu. Kong Jie, you have something important to report. Could it be that Bailixiu who disagrees with my assignment!"

Kong Jie hurriedly interrupted when he heard Lvchang's words:
"No, Chief Lu, even Li Yunlong dare not question your allocation! It was Bai Lixiu who discovered something extraordinary in the [-] tons of ammunition we just seized, so I hurriedly reported it to you!"

The Lv Chang on the other end of the phone was naturally confused. There was something important that Kong Jie had to report in such a hurry, so he said:
"Kong Jie, can you finish your sentence!"

"Bailixiu discovered a bacterial bomb, which is the kind of bomb that the little devils used to bomb Baoshan Town, Dianxi on May [-]th last year, which can create a large-scale plague!"

Sure enough, Lv Chang was shocked when he heard the news reported by Kong Jie. You must know that the plague caused by Dianxi last year did not kill one or two people, but hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. ah!

So Lu Chang naturally didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he thought for a while and said to Kong Jie:
"Don't act rashly for the time being, I will report this matter to the higher authorities immediately, you have protected the batch of bacterial bombs, and there must be no mistakes!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Kong Jie to say anything else, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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