Chapter 33

In fact, after Kong Jie reported this matter to the higher-ups, the higher-ups can guess what kind of feeling Bai Lixiu can make.

More Bailixiu's analysis is most likely nothing more than in-situ preservation, burial or destruction.

The reason for doing this is naturally because the little devil's bacterial weapon is too lethal and spreads too wide.

At this stage, the Eighth Route and the little devils are basically fighting on their own land. The army of little devils is basically stationed in densely populated places such as counties. Here, besides the army of little devils, there are Many ordinary people do.

Therefore, if you want to use the bacterial weapons seized from them against the little devils, you have to disregard the lives of your own people.

Therefore, the only possibility of using bacterial weapons against the little devils is to throw them in the homeland of the little devils. However, the current Eighth Route has no bombers that can sail long distances, even ordinary fighter jets. On the homeland of the little devil.

As for transporting it to the United States, it is not to say that the United States will self-destruct its image and violate the internal digging agreement. How to transport it out is a problem. Kong Jie's new second regiment is still out of the little devils and the consular area Inside!Every major checkpoint is guarded by a team of little devils!

Moreover, this bacteriological weapon is made of ceramics. If it was accidentally broken during the transport team, it would be the eight roads that suffered the most, or the local people.

So even if a big killer like a bacterial weapon was seized from a little devil, he still faced the embarrassing situation of having bullets but no guns.

After Kong Jie reported the bacterial bomb to Chief Lu, Chief Lu urgently contacted the higher-ups. After some discussion, the result was not beyond Bailixiu's expectations.

Because the order given by Chief Lu to Kong Jie was to bury and destroy these batches of bacterial bombs on the spot, and we must pay attention to the unnecessary casualties and troubles caused by the leakage of bacterial bombs.

"Hey! Brother Baili, after some discussion, the order issued by the higher-ups is to bury and destroy them. Be sure to pay attention to the leakage of bacteria, hey! If only we had a bomber, then we can hang this thing on the bomber and directly destroy it." Throw it to the little devil's hometown, let the little devil taste the power of this thing!"

The order Kong Jie received was almost the same as what Bailixiu had guessed, so Bailixiu didn't have any balance in her heart, so she comforted Kong Jie and said to Kong Jie:
"Head Kong, there is no way to do this! Who told us to lag behind! Besides, it is not safe to dig a hole and bury it. I suggest that it is best to find a deeper cave, preferably tens or hundreds of meters deep. Just put this thing in and then blow up the cave, so that even if the little devil finds out, it will be very difficult to dig it out again!"

Kong Jie naturally agreed with Bailixiu's proposal, and immediately asked the soldiers and fellow villagers, and found out that there is a cave with a depth of about [-] meters in a mountain about five miles away from the New Second Regiment's camp. It is said that Xiong Xiazi once lived in it.

But regardless of whether it is Xiong Xiazi's hometown or not, for the safety of everyone, Xiong Xiazi can only donate his cave.

As for why it had to be buried instead of just throwing the bacterial bomb into the fire and burning it, this is naturally because during the re-burning process, the ceramic bacterial bomb could not withstand the pressure difference between the inside and the outside and burst open. Bacteria can let themselves fly.

Moreover, some bacteria are very resistant to high temperatures. For example, anthrax bacteria need to be heated at high temperature and high pressure above 110 degrees for six to 10 minutes to be completely killed.

And what kind of bacteria is in the little devil's bacterial bomb? Is it plague, cholera, or anthrax bacillus? Bai Lixiu dare not open it to take a look. There is no equipment that can be used for research, so the best way is to find a deep hole and then spread a layer of quicklime and blow the cave down.

With the sound of a roar, a hundred germ bombs that made people terrified were buried.

Of course, the loss of these one hundred bacterial bombs still annoyed the little devil. For example, right after the bacterial bomb was buried, Ba Luxiu saw two little devil's planes hovering in the sky to investigate.

Bai Lixiu looked at the little devil's two scouting planes that were at least 600 meters above the ground through the gaps in the branches, then looked at the Zhongzheng rifle in his hand, and finally sighed and gave up wanting to use it. The unrealistic idea of ​​shooting down the plane with a rifle with a caliber of only [-] mm in his hand.

Although the aluminum skin of the aircraft is very thin and fragile, basically every shot has a hole, but what can be done, even if it hits the aircraft's fuel tank, ordinary bullets cannot cause the aircraft's fuel tank to explode.

At most it is to open a hole in the fuel tank to let the oil flow a little faster.

If you really want to shoot down the little devil's plane, unless you set up a concealed machine gun position in advance, when you lure the plane to a height of only 400 meters or 300 meters, you suddenly shoot and focus on the plane, causing the plane to be shot more than a dozen times Or dozens of rounds, so even if it can't kill the pilot of the plane or damage the engine of the plane.

It can also cause the plane to leak fuel too quickly so that there is not enough fuel to fly to the airport for landing.

After dealing with the episode of the bacterial bomb, Bai Lixiu returned to the right track. According to Li Yunlong's previous discussion with Kong Jie, he helped Kong Jie pull out the little devil's bunker in his resident.

When Bai Lixiu led a dozen snipers to help Kong Jie clean up the bunkers in the station, Li Yunlong's independent group was still the same as the original plot. people were arrested.

Originally, Zhu Ziming was still very stubborn, but Kazuki Yamamoto was not a simple person. After talking directly about some cruel criminal laws in ancient China, Zhu Ziming was scared out of his wits and agreed to work as an undercover agent for the little devil.

Of course, compared to Li Yunlong's independent group who just got an undercover agent, Chu Yunfei's side is not easy, because the little devil directly sent a very capable lobbyist to find Chu Yunfei's three Qian Bojun, the battalion commander of the first battalion of the [-]th regiment.

As for the little devil who had to go to great lengths to persuade Qian Bojun, it was naturally that the little devil was aware of Qian Bojun's careful thinking and the 2000 people in Qian Bojun's hands.

That's right, although Qian Bojun was only a battalion commander of the 5000th Regiment, Chu Yunfei's [-]th Regiment was a reinforced regiment with more than [-] people in each regiment.

As for Qian Bojun as the first battalion, the trump card in Chu Yunfei's hand was naturally strengthened by Chu Yunfei, and 2000 people were directly recruited, which was more than Li Yunlong's regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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