The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 426 The Rise and Fall of the Mo School

Chapter 426 The Rise and Fall of the Mo School

That's right, in Zhu Biao's view, Bailixiu can come up with so many novelties, such as a four-wheeled carriage, such as this new type of firecracker, which only shows that Bailixiu is very likely to be a member of the Mohist family, and even very It may be the hidden Mohist giants of the contemporary era.

Because Zhu Biao knows that although other schools such as the Mohist school have retired after the abolition of Confucianism, other schools such as the Mohist school are still circulating.

Of course, when Zhu Biao thought that Bailixiu was the contemporary Mozi of the Mohist school, as a modern person, Bailixiu was thinking about what China had gained from Confucianism in China for 2000 years.

In the end, Bai Lixiu thought about it, and only thought that Confucianism imprisoned the Chinese people, making China's technology slowly lag behind the West.

The Mohist academic school was established in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Mo Zhai founded the Mohist School, which opposed Confucianism, put forward a set of unique theories, and built a fairly complete ideological system.These thoughts and theories involve all aspects of social life, are unique, and are sought after by the people of the time.In the pre-Qin period, Confucianism and Mohism were called "Xianxue". However, Mohism was only a flash in the pan after all. In the process of historical progress, Confucianism has become more and more popular, and has become the mainstream of feudal Chinese culture for nearly 2000 years, but it once stood shoulder to shoulder with Confucianism The Mohism gradually declined.

After the proposal of dismissing all schools of thought and respecting Confucianism in the Han Dynasty, the decline of Mohism became more obvious. The whole school was almost buried for 2000 years, and it was not gradually brought up until modern times due to the impact of Western technology.So what was the reason for the Mohism to decline when it flourished for a while.

As a man of science and technology, Bai Lixiu naturally sneered at Confucianism, but admired the declining Mohism. Of course, Bai Lixiu was not alone in thinking like this, most men of science and technology shared this kind of thinking. It is also the reason why most men in science and engineering are called straight nerves.

Mozi was a native of the Song Dynasty in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was born in handicraft industry and was good at machinery manufacturing. He was an expert at that time and was as famous as Lu Ban.Different from other schools of thought, the Mohist academic community is composed of scholars and craftsmen, which is an organic combination of two knowledge traditions.Because Mozi was born in the handicraft industry, there are aspects in Mohist theory that represent the interests of handicraftsmen.During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Mohism, which provided materials for various countries, continued to grow. It was very popular in the pre-Qin period and was respected by people.

Against the background of "a hundred schools of thought contending", the influence of Mohism was indistinguishable from that of Confucianism, which was the mainstream at that time. People at that time said that "no Confucianism is Mohism", which shows the grand occasion.The Mohist theory takes "universal love" as the core, and also includes frugal use, frugal burial, honoring the virtuous and so on.The origin of the Mohists is similar to that of Mozi, and most of them are of humble status in society. They aim at making profits and eliminating harms, and attach great importance to living a life of hardships and hardships.

Mohists live in poverty and hardship, and their discipline is very strict, so they must obey the leadership of the giant.It is said that the criminal law of the Mohist school stipulates that those who kill people should be punished with death. For example, the son of the Mohist tycoon at that time killed someone. Although Qin Huiwang had forgiven him, he was still sentenced to death according to the Mohist law.

According to the internal laws of the Mohist school, even if the Mohists go to other places to become officials, they must publicize the Mohist theory in the local area, and they would rather resign if it doesn't work.Most of the Mohists are laborers with certain knowledge. They are strict with themselves and pay great attention to practice. They are committed to maintaining social fairness and justice. They are leaders, organized and disciplined.

In the later period, Mohism gradually split up, and one branch became the "post-school of Mohism", which mainly inherited the ideas of Mohism on social ethics, such as epistemology, logic, etc.;The so-called "ranger" is not a person with high martial arts skills, but a kind of spirit, which generally refers to a person who is forthright and willing to make friends, despise life and value justice, and save people in danger.

In fact, Mohism began to decline after Mozi and his students, and it became even worse after Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty put forward the policy of exclusively respecting Confucianism.The society had changed at that time, and the hardships advocated by Mohism were not accessible to everyone. In addition, Mohism’s internal rules and regulations were too strict, and its ideas were no longer applicable at that time. Therefore, after the Western Han Dynasty, this school, which was once as beautiful as Confucianism, almost disappeared.There are two reasons for the disappearance of the Mohism, one is its own insufficiency, and the other is the influence of the outside world.

There are mainly three aspects of external influence that prevent the Mohism from flourishing.

First, it is natural that Mohist thought has been squeezed out by Confucian scholars who are in the mainstream.Both Confucius and Mo Di had traveled around the world, and they both hoped to spread their school of thought.When they preached their ideas of governing the country and the people to the princes, they often criticized other schools of thought. The rejection and suppression of Mohism by Confucianism was also one of the reasons for the decline of Mohism. For example, Mencius once said that "the Mo family loves both, and there is no father." In the process of mutual competition between Confucianism and Mohism, Confucianism obviously occupies the mainstream position, and its vigorous development limits other schools, including Mohism, of course.

Second, Mohism does not conform to the interests of the ruling class.Mohism represents the common people, and his ideas are beneficial to the common people, but not to the rulers. The core of the idea of ​​"universal love" is equality, which is very reasonable for modern people, but it was impossible to realize it in the ancient times when the monarch, minister and minister, father and son, and son and son.

The ruler’s way of governing the country is inconsistent with the ideas of Mohism. The unification of Qin directly proves the failure of non-offensive ideas.Although Mohist thought is very popular among the people, the ancient world was ruled by the emperor. It is very difficult to exist and develop in such an era environment, and the gradual decline is the inevitable result.

However, in modern times after 2000, the Mohist idea of ​​universal love has naturally been recognized by many people. After all, even the core Confucian monarchs, ministers, fathers, and sons have all been hit. What they pay attention to is the concept of father's kindness and son's filial piety, and a father must be kind to his son to be filial. Therefore, this view of Mohism is naturally highly respected in modern times, and this is one of the reasons why Mohism can be promoted in modern times.

Third, the rulers of the Qin and Han Dynasties had an autocratic orientation towards ideology and culture.The unification of the Qin Dynasty benefited from the legalist political views. After the first emperor established Qin, he still followed the legalist system of strict criminal laws. He could not tolerate the blooming of a hundred flowers since the Warring States period. Therefore, the tragedy of burning books and burying Confucianism occurred, and Confucianism was severely damaged. , various theories have also disappeared.

Different from other schools, Confucianism has actually been deeply rooted in the blood of the rulers and the common people. The rulers still use the Confucian ritual system to guide the society. Therefore, when Confucianism was the only one in the Western Han Dynasty, Confucianism was revived again.After Emperor Wu proposed Confucian autocracy, no one in Mohism dared to mention it.

Any academic thought is a product of the times, and Mohism is no exception.Mohist thought originated in the turbulent environment of pre-Qin society, and disappeared in the Western Han Dynasty. Its decline was influenced by the external environment, but the defects of Mohist thought itself cannot be ignored! .

(End of this chapter)

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