Chapter 427 Rewarding No Brave Man

As for the internal reasons for the decline of Mohism, there are more, but it is still considered a problem with Mohism.

First, practicality is greater than theory, making it difficult to pass on Mohist thought.For a certain thought or theory, there are generally two tendencies, one is biased toward theory, and the other is biased towards practicality.On the whole, the practicality of Mohist thought is more prominent.Mohism's ideas of universal love, non-aggression, and thrift are mostly based on the consideration of current social problems.

For example, the Mohist advocates that the strong do not bully the weak, the many people do not rob the few, the rich do not insult the poor, the nobles do not disdain the common people, and the cunning do not deceive the stupid, etc., all show that the Mohist sees the current social problems and hopes to Through the proposal of these ideas and theories to solve problems, let the society develop in the direction expected by Mohism.

But the world is impermanent, one time and another, and the propositions at that time may not be suitable for the future society.Of course, the Mohist theory has its value. It takes the good of the whole society as its starting point and takes the interests of the lower class people into consideration. The lower class people with low status are looking forward to the establishment of the Mohist system.The ideas of universal love and economical use advocated by it still have extraordinary reference significance.

Second, some theories are too idealistic.Some scholars attribute the decline of Mohism to the pursuit of too high ideals, which makes sense. "Universal love" is an ideal social state, but human nature is self-interest, and equality is something that cannot be met. Moreover, the feudal society has distinct classes, and it is impossible to achieve equality between the nobles and the common people.

Frugality, festival burial, and non-pleasure are to a certain extent separated from people's daily life. These theories are actually aimed at princes and nobles, making their lives frugal and reducing the burden on common people.This kind of thinking had positive significance to the society at that time, but the ritual and music system had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it was difficult to implement it under such cultural conditions.

Third, attach importance to technology out of the times.As the most important school of science and technology among the pre-Qin philosophers, Mohism's scientific and technological thinking is commendable, but the emphasis on technology by Mohism was to a certain extent divorced from the needs of the times at that time, and technology has also become one of the reasons for the decline of Mohism.The Mohist scholars explored science and technology while ignoring the innovation of academic theory, which greatly weakened the inheritance ability of Mohism.

A large part of the reason why the Mohism flourished in the pre-Qin period was that the rulers of Qin State needed the technological capabilities of the Mohism, that is, to manufacture war weapons. However, as the society gradually stabilized, the Mohism gradually lost its value, and the Mohism had no respect for itself No matter how innovative theories are, they gradually fail to keep up with the development of the times and the progress of ideas, so their voices become weaker and weaker in the torrent of history.

We must know that the feudal society was formed during the Qin and Han Dynasties, and all social systems were in a state of imperfection. The most important thing for a ruler to achieve unification is to unify in thought. During the Han Dynasty, the "single respect for Confucianism" was based on Confucianism. Thought-based synthesis of various schools, and finally established the dominant ideology of ancient China for more than 2000 years.

All kinds of thought have their own characteristics. If they cannot reflect the needs of the times at that time, such as being ahead or lagging behind, this school of thought will gradually disappear.The Mohist emphasis on science and technology means advanced thinking, which surpassed the needs of the early feudal society and also violated the emperor's need to maintain national stability, so the Mohist thought was gradually eliminated.

Fifth, lack of innovation.Any theory that wants to gain a long-term foothold in history must always innovate, and at the same time treat other ideas with an inclusive attitude, "take the essence and discard the dross", and constantly improve itself through reference and innovation, so that it can develop for a long time. Not lost in history.

But Mohist thought did not have this quality from its inception.When Mozi learned the art of Confucius, he thought that the etiquette system was too cumbersome, and the burial was a waste of money, so he ran counter to it.He attached great importance to theory, but paid more attention to practice. He believed that if he could not practice the rules and regulations of Mohism like Dayu, he would not be enough to become a Mohist.

Strict rules and codes of conduct laid the root of the ruins of Mohism in the later period.In addition, Mozi has a stubborn and tenacious character. He firmly believes in his ideals and is willing to fight for them all his life. On the one hand, this spirit can provide him with a strong motivation to move forward, but it is also the reason why the Mohist doctrine is so exclusive. It is difficult for Mozi to accept differences. opinions, let alone criticize their own doctrines.

In addition, Mohism's internal giant system is very strict, which also makes it difficult for Mohism to innovate.In the Mohist school, Juzi has considerable power, and Mohists must obey the Juzi absolutely, even if they become officials in the future, they still have to abide by the Mohist regulations.The strict system restricts Mohists from questioning Mohist thought, making innovation even more difficult.

Of course, each era belongs to another era. Under the impact of modern times, especially Western technological weapons, Mozi’s idea of ​​emphasizing the development of science and technology has been taken out again, and the modern idea of ​​everyone’s awakening, everyone’s equality and freedom It even trampled the Confucian monarchs, ministers, fathers, and sons into the ditch.

So the theory of Mohism, which disappeared for 2000 years, has become popular again in modern times, especially among men of science and engineering. Of course, Confucian culture is still prevailing in the management field. For example, Bailixiu is a modern Mohist thought admirers.

Of course, when Bailixiu was thinking about the reasons for the rise and fall of the Mo family in the past 2000 years, Zhu Biao returned to the blacksmith workshop after Bailixiu left, and said to the blacksmiths:

"You have also seen Mr. Baili's actions just now, so do you have any ideas on how to make a firecracker that is not afraid of rain?"

The prince Zhu Biao had just finished speaking. Yesterday, the blacksmith apprentice who was promoted by Zhu Biao to be in charge of the War Bureau because he made a rifling machine said:

"Your Highness, using a hammer to detonate the gunpowder has nothing to do with rain and water resistance! I just tried it, and the gunpowder still won't hit the hammer when it's wet!"

That's right, the blacksmith apprentice tried it with wet gunpowder just now, but found that only dry gunpowder can be hammered, and wet gunpowder cannot be hammered!

Zhu Biao looked at the helpless blacksmiths, and finally sighed:
"In this way, you can tell each other in the military battle that whoever can make a waterproof firecracker will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver, and will take care of it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Biao also left the Bingzhan Bureau. After all, Zhu Biao is now the prince of the supervisory country, and there are many things to deal with besides the Bingzhan Bureau. Naturally, it is impossible to stay in the Bingzhan Bureau all day to study. Waterproof gun.

Of course, Zhu Biao also gave the blacksmith in the military battle bureau half a month's chance. If he couldn't get a waterproof firecracker in half a month, then Zhu Biao had to find Bai Lixiu for a solution.

However, the fifteen days passed in a flash. When Zhu Biao came to Bingzhanju again, he was still facing the craftsmen of Bingzhanju who were at a loss.

Zhu Biao looked at the craftsmen whose eyes were bloodshot, and Zhu Biao knew that they had all worked hard, but they were blinded by it. If they didn't know it, they didn't know it. Inspiration didn't explode so easily.

In the end, Zhu Biao sighed and said to the soldiers guarding him:

"Go and invite Mr. Baili here!"

(End of this chapter)

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