Chapter 5 Saving the Cavalry Company

As soon as Zhao Gang saw Li Yunlong's situation, he asked worriedly:
"Old Li, you are sick!"

Regarding Zhao Gang's question, Li Yunlong naturally said stubbornly:

"No sick!"

At this moment, Monk Wei reminded:
"True or false, devils are moving towards our wings!"

Hearing Monk Wei's reminder, Zhao Gang knew that he could no longer hesitate in such a situation, so he issued an order immediately:
"Establish the team leader, change the rear team to the front team, withdraw!"

Although being framed, Li Yunlong still shouted:

"Old Zhao, you can't leave the cavalry company behind!"

However, Zhao Gang really didn't listen to Li Yunlong this time. After all, what the leader fears most is indecision, and in this situation, to rescue the cavalry company is like saving the grandpa with a gourd baby.

With Sun Desheng's cavalry company to contain the little devil's cavalry, the other teams of the independent regiment naturally retreated a lot.

After all, two legs can't run with four legs, but it's still very easy to run two legs with two legs, especially the kid who is generally less than 1.5 meters tall.

"Huh! Huh! Finally got rid of it!"

Panting heavily, Bai Lixiu said with a tone of narrow escape, in his previous life, although Bai Lixiu had fired a gun, he had never done such an exciting thing.

You must know that just when he was running away, the sound of the bullet piercing through the air was echoing in his ears.

And just now he saw with his own eyes that a little soldier who was running with him less than half a meter away from him was hit by a bullet and never got up again.

But fortunately, the little devils' endurance is also limited. After they ran across the plain and entered the hills, the little devils stopped chasing them.

"Quick, count the number of people!"

Just after Bai Lixiu took a few breaths, Zhang Dabiao, who was moving with the first battalion and company, ordered.

That's right, the first company and the third company of the first battalion were originally with Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters, but after breaking out, in order to disperse the pursuit of the little devils, the first company and the third company acted separately.

Zhang Dabiao led the first company that had suffered a relatively large loss because of charging to rescue the cavalry company, while Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong took the third company that did not suffer much loss.

Then after some counting, there are now only two platoons left in the company, which is less than 100 people.

And Zhang Dabiao looked at a company of soldiers who were panting heavily and almost exhausted, so he said:
"Everyone has worked hard, let's fix it for a while!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dabiao came to the side of Bailixiu, looked at the scope that Bailixiu had tied to the Zhongzheng rifle, and said:
"Is this the telescope you made from the bottom of the leader's wine bottle? How did you tie him to the gun!"

Regarding Zhang Dabiao's question, Bai Lixiu said directly without hiding anything:
"Battalion Commander, this will allow the gun to shoot farther!"

As he said that, he handed the Zhongzheng rifle with a scope tied in his hand to Zhang Dabiao, and Zhang Dabiao took the Zhongzheng rifle with a scope tied in Bai Lixiu's hand and saw that it was indeed the case.

Objects that were already a little blurry from two to three hundred meters away can be clearly seen after being magnified by an eight-fold scope.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Dabiao immediately said excitedly:

"Good boy, if every soldier's rifle is equipped with this thing, they will all become sharpshooters!"

"That depends on how many wine bottles the leader has!"

Bai Lixiu was half joking, but when Bai Lixiu was joking with Zhang Dabiao, Sun Desheng's cavalry company was having a hard time.

After all the independent regiments retreated, the cavalry company surrounded by the little devils' cavalry was led by Sun Desheng. With their superb riding skills, they rushed left and right and finally broke out of the little devils' encirclement.

It's just that although they rushed out, the casualties of the cavalry company were also huge. The cavalry company with three platoons of more than 100 people now has only about [-] cavalry companies with less than one platoon.

Fortunately, the current cavalry company is only a mile away from the hills and jungles. It only takes half a minute for Sun Desheng to take the seeds of the remaining cavalry company away from the little devil's pursuit. .

However, at this moment, a cavalryman said to Sun Desheng:
"Commander, I'm out of bullets!"

However, following the cavalry's words, the rest of the cavalry also reported that they had no bullets.

This is bad. Although there is only more than one mile away from the mountainous area, it only takes half a minute for the cavalry company to charge, but once the soldiers of the cavalry company run out of bullets.

Then the little devil's cavalry naturally dared to catch up and shoot close without any scruples. After all, the little devil's horses were much better than the horses captured by the cavalry battalion of the puppet army.

The reason why I didn't dare to chase too close just now was naturally because I was afraid of the guns of the cavalry company, but now that there are no bullets in the guns of the cavalry company, I am no longer afraid.

Knowing that if he escaped like this, he could only become a living target for the little devil cavalry to practice their guns, Sun Desheng, the commander of the cavalry company, was naturally unwilling to die like this, so he immediately turned his horse's head, and then drew out his saber, Get ready for hand-to-hand combat with the little devil cavalry chasing behind.

And the little devil who led the team to chase was the captain of the cavalry regiment, Kuroshima Morita. Of course, Kuroshima Morita did not bring all the more than 1000 people from the entire cavalry regiment, but only brought a brigade About 300 little devil cavalry came to pursue Sun Desheng's cavalry company.

That's right, Kojima Morita thought it would be a shame to use more than 1000 people to chase cavalry with less than 100 people, so he brought a large group of devil cavalry to chase, of course, the main thing is to bring more people so that others retreat There is no one to chase after the eight roads.

As for why the little devil's cavalry regiment only has more than 1000 people, instead of three or four thousand people like the little devil's infantry regiment, it is mainly due to the little devil's strange organization.

However, when Sun Desheng was about to lead the cavalry company's [-] or so cavalrymen to fight hand-to-hand with the little devil's cavalry, Bai Lixiu looked at this side with the scope on the gun because he heard the gunshots before.

At this time, Sun Desheng's cavalry company was naturally discovered, but at this time, Sun Desheng's cavalry company was nearly two miles away from the mountain where Bailixiu and the others were resting. Of course, it should be 880 meters to be more accurate. .

That's right, the reason why the distance can be judged so accurately is naturally that Bailixiu is more accurate and easy to use than the laser rangefinder. Super accurate talent.

With the blessing of this talent, Bailixiu's eyes can be more accurate than a laser rangefinder.

After discovering the cavalry company, Bai Lixiu hurriedly shouted at Zhang Dabiao:
"The battalion commander, the battalion commander, the cavalry company, the cavalry company of the independent regiment rushed out!"

Zhang Dabiao rushed over when he heard Bailixiu's words, and then under Bailixiu's guidance, he saw the cavalry company more than 800 meters away.

But after looking at it for a while, Zhang Dabiao suddenly slammed his fist hard on the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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