The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 6 Let the Bullet Fly for 1 Seconds

Chapter 6 Let the Bullet Fly for [-] Seconds (Please invest, please recommend, please collect)

The reason why Zhang Dabiao hit the ground with his fist was naturally because he saw the cavalry company but couldn't save it.

According to Zhang Dabiao's estimate, they are at least 800 meters away from the cavalry company. By the time he rushed over with the soldiers, the cavalry company would have been killed by the little devil's cavalry long ago.

At that time, instead of saving the cavalry company, they would also take in the less than a hundred people left in the company on their side.

After all, according to the observation just now, the little devil cavalry on the opposite side has at least one brigade, more than 300 people.

So Zhang Dabiao said bitterly and helplessly after hitting the ground with his fist angrily:
"There's no way to save it, it's too late. By the time we run over, the rest of the cavalry company will have been killed. Besides, the 90 or [-] of us rushing over to get them are simply giving away heads! And it's so far away. It's just a waste of bullets before we shoot!"

However, Zhang Dabiao thought that shooting was a waste of bullets, but Bailixiu didn't think so. Although it was more than 800 meters away from the cavalry company, even if you opened your eyes wide, you couldn't see people who were not much bigger than the tip of a needle.

So if you want to aim, unless you are born with hyperopia, it is impossible to aim at the little devil cavalry 800 meters away with the naked eye.

But it's different now, because now Bailixiu has an [-]x scope attached to the official rifle in Bailixiu's hand!
Therefore, the little devil cavalry 800 meters away can still be seen very clearly, especially the officer Kuroshima Morita in the middle who is wearing the officer's costume, and Bai Lixiu can also see clearly.

Others may not be familiar with it, but Bai Lixiu, who was a fan of Liangjian in his previous life, remembers it clearly. When the narration of the subtitles of Liangjian introduced this Kuroshima Morita, he is not just an ordinary chief, but also the royal family of the little devil Member, and also a hereditary baronet.

Such an identity is much more noble than that of an ordinary chief.

This also means that if Bai Lixiu sniped him 800 meters away, then the remaining little devil cavalry would probably leave the remaining [-] cavalry companies including Sun Desheng, and head towards Bai Lixiu, the chief culprit who killed Kuroshima Morita, came to kill him.

Thinking of Bailixiu here, she still has to try, save!Rescue Sun Desheng, one of the three tragic characters in this bright sword.

So Bai Lixiu began to calculate the trajectory. This kind of ultra-long-distance sniping is not as casual as a 200-meter sniping. It only needs to be aimed at the front sight.

Because the bullet will be affected by air resistance and gravity after flying out of the muzzle, and the ballistic trajectory will gradually slow down and gradually fall.

For example, the reason why the effective range of the Zhongzheng rifle is 1000 meters is because the bullet will be affected by air resistance in the air, so it has been decelerating all the time, and after flying to 1000 meters, the bullet will start from the beginning The supersonic state of 810 meters falls to the subsonic state below 340 meters.

And the distance traveled by the bullet when falling from supersonic speed to subsonic speed is called effective range.

The reason for this regulation is not that subsonic bullets have no power, but that bullets will produce huge irregular disturbances when they fall from supersonic speeds to subsonic speeds. Such disturbances will greatly affect the original trajectory of the bullet when it flies, making the original trajectory becomes random.

But fortunately, although more than 880 meters is very far, it is still far from the effective range of 1000 meters of the Zhongzheng rifle.

Fortunately, Bailixiu checked the ballistic table of the Mauser 900K rifle before, and knew that the bullet speed of the Mauser 390K rifle would drop to about [-] meters when it was [-] meters.

Although the Zhongzheng rifle is called the Zhongzheng rifle, it is almost a complete imitation of the Mauser [-]K rifle, so the ballistic performance must be basically the same. However, as an authentic military fan, I have naturally paid attention to the ballistic table of the [-]K rifle.

Therefore, according to the muzzle velocity of 810 meters plus the terminal velocity of 390 meters, and then divided by two, the average speed of the bullet flying over the distance of 900 meters is 600 meters per second.

Then divide the average speed of 600 meters per second by the distance of 900 meters, and naturally it takes 900 seconds for the bullet of the Zhongzheng rifle to fly over the distance of [-] meters.

After getting the time it takes for the bullet to fly 900 meters in the air, we can naturally use the constant of [-] as the acceleration of gravity, and then multiply it by [-] seconds to know that the falling speed of the bullet at this time is [-] rice.

Then divide by two to get the average falling speed of [-] meters, and then multiply it by the time of [-] seconds to get the falling distance of the bullet fired by the Zhongzheng rifle after flying for [-] seconds is [-] Twenty five meters.

However, the distance of Kuroshima Morita at this time is not 900 meters but more than 880 meters, so the flight time of the bullet must be a little shorter, so the bullet will fall a little bit shorter under the influence of gravity, about 11 rice.

This also means that if Bai Lixiu wants to hit Osamu Kuroshima Morita 880 meters away, his crosshair must be aimed at 11 meters above the head of Osamu Kuroshima Morita, so that the bullet will just hit Osamu Kuroshima when it flies to Osamu Kuroshima. Mr. Shima Morita.

As for why there is no need to calculate the trajectory at a distance of 200 meters!
First of all, the air resistance of the bullet flying a distance of 100 meters is not very great for the deceleration of the bullet. It will only decelerate about 200 meters, and then the slower the speed of the bullet, the weaker the air resistance will be for the deceleration effect of the bullet. For example, when you are 70 meters, you may only slow down by [-] meters.

Then bring it into the above calculation formula, the time it takes for the bullet to fly 100 meters is only about [-] seconds.

Although the [-]-second bullet is also affected by the acceleration of gravity, the falling distance is only [-] meters, which is [-] centimeters.

Even if you aim at the head at such a distance, it will not deviate due to the influence of gravity. At most, you aim at the center of the eyebrows and hit the nose.

The time required for the bullet to fly at a distance of 200 meters is only [-] seconds, and the falling distance of the bullet in [-] seconds is only [-] meters. This distance is at most aiming at the head and hitting the chest. Hit the stomach in the chest, aim at the stomach and hit the thigh.

But once the flying distance of the bullet exceeds 300 meters, the acceleration of gravity will have a great impact on the trajectory of the bullet, because the bullet at this time has been affected by gravity and the falling distance is very large, which has exceeded the distance of one meter. There will be situations where even the chest that is aimed at may not necessarily hit the thigh.

Of course, this is only for the ballistics of Zhongzheng rifles. The ballistics of different guns are different, so the speed of the bullets will naturally be different, so it is necessary to adjust the aimed ballistics according to different guns.

After calculating the trajectory, Bai Lixiu aimed at 11 meters directly above Kuroshima Morita and fired without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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