Chapter 7 Killed a Colonel

However, following Bailixiu's gunshot, Zhang Dabiao looked at Bailixiu in surprise.

Does he think he can snipe and kill the little devil cavalry 800 meters away!

However, Bai Lixiu didn't take Zhang Dabiao's feelings into consideration. After shooting again, he kept staring at Colonel Kuroshima Morita with his eyes. Even Mr. Kuroshima Morita, who was playing hand-to-hand combat among the rest, suddenly fell off the horse while clutching his heart.

Afterwards, the little devil cavalry next to him dismounted to check the situation of Hei Dao Morita, but Bai Lixiu's shot just hit the heart of Hei Dao Morita, so naturally there was no possibility of rescue.

The captain of this little devil cavalry brigade with more than 300 people felt a little bit in his heart after seeing his immediate superior, Mr. Kuroshima Morita, just hang up like this.

You must know that his joint captain is not an ordinary joint captain, but a member of the royal family, and he also has the title of baron!

Now that he died in his first cavalry brigade, if he went back in such a disgruntled manner without any explanation, one can imagine what his future life would be like when he was pursued by the royal family later.

So at least he, the captain of the cavalry brigade, has to avenge the captain of the regiment, so that he can have an explanation after going back!

So the captain of the little devil's cavalry brigade immediately ordered the cavalry to change their targets and kill Bai Lixiu in the direction where Bai Lixiu shot.

Bai Lixiu saw through the scope that the little devil's cavalry had abandoned their original target cavalry company and instead charged towards them, he knew that his plan had succeeded.

After killing the team leader of the little devils, the cavalry of this group of little devils came towards him as he expected.

So Bai Lixiu immediately said to Zhang Dabiao who was watching from the side:
"Battalion Commander, hurry up and get ready to fight, the little devil's cavalry is coming towards us!"

Said that he was afraid that Zhang Dabiao would not believe it, so he handed Zhang Dabiao the center-positive rifle with a scope in his hand, and let Zhang Dabiao look at it himself.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Dabiao saw a group of little devil cavalry rushing towards him, he immediately ordered to prepare for battle.

And Bai Lixiu was not idle here, but aimed and shot at the little devil cavalry galloping towards this side.

However, unlike just now when both sides were standing still, it was undoubtedly much more difficult for the cavalry of the running kid to aim and shoot.

After all, the little devil's cavalry is now in a moving state, so the advance of the little devil's cavalry movement must be taken into account when aiming and shooting.

During the distance of 600 meters when the little devil's cavalry arrived at the foot of Bailixiu's side of the mountain, Bailixiu only shot four shots, killing three of the little devil's cavalry.

Although it is blessed with the talent of super precision, the talent of super precision cannot predict whether the little devil cavalry will bend down in the next second.

Although there were more than 300 people fighting against less than [-], the difference in strength was nearly four times, but the cavalry of the little devils launched the attack here, and they did not carry any weapons such as grenades.

And when the little devil's cavalry brigade charged towards the hillside where Bailixiu was hiding, Zhang Dabiao also began to arrange for a company of soldiers to start looking for cover on the spot, such as behind a big tree, behind a big rock, or dig a small hole on the spot. Pit or something.

As for digging the defensive facilities in the trenches, there is really no time. After all, it only takes three to forty seconds for the cavalry to charge five to six hundred meters.

Just when the little devil's cavalry brigade switched targets from Sun Desheng's cavalry company to Bailixiu's first battalion and first company, Sun Desheng here was naturally very confused.

He, Sun Desheng, was already ready to kill himself and die for the country, but what people didn't expect was that at this critical moment, the captain of the little devil on the opposite side was suddenly shot and died.

Sun Desheng looked in the direction of the gunshot, but even if Sun Desheng stared wide-eyed, he couldn't see where the shooter was. He could only tell from the gunshot that the shooter was about a mile away. On the top of the hill, it was from the top of the hill that the gunfire came.

The distance from the top of the mountain to here is at least two miles, and Sun Desheng couldn't believe that he could kill the enemy with one shot at such a distance.

But no matter whether Sun Desheng believed it or not, the little devil's cavalry brigade had already pursued in the direction of the gunshot.

"Company commander, what should we do now, follow up...!"

A soldier of a cavalry company next to him asked Sun Desheng after seeing that the cavalry of the little devil gave them up to chase the man who killed their commander, but Sun Desheng interrupted the soldier before he finished speaking:
"Why are you chasing him to death? Take a knife and fight someone's gun? Hurry up and clean up the battlefield just now to collect some weapons!"

Sun Desheng is not stupid, he can not die, he wants to die, since someone has attracted the hatred of the little devil cavalry, and wants to save them, then they are still stupidly going up, wouldn't they feel uncomfortable!

Besides, they just wanted to help the guns in their hands ran out of ammunition. When Sun Desheng led the remaining thirty or so soldiers of the cavalry company to collect ammunition, the cavalry brigade of the little devil had already rushed to the foot of the mountain. Then it was necessary to ride hard on the horse and rush towards the battalion and company on the top of the mountain.

However, although horses can climb mountains and walk on mountain roads, the speed of horse climbing is much slower than the speed of charging in Pingding.

However, when the little devil's cavalry rushed to the middle of the mountain, they encountered a devastating blow. The firepower network formed by six light machine guns caused heavy losses to the little devil's cavalry brigade in an instant.

That's right, there are six light machine guns. Now nearly one-third of the light machine guns in the independent regiment are in the hands of the first battalion and the first company.

The reason for this is that when the siege broke out, the first battalion, first company and third company of the independent regiment were responsible for blocking the rear, so Li Yunlong concentrated almost half of the regiment's light machine guns in these two companies.

You must know that Li Yunlong's independent regiment is considered a wealthy regiment in the Eighth Route Army. After going through the Lijiapo battle and the battle of the observation group, it is quite rich, so the total number of light machine guns in the whole regiment has reached [-]. The level of support is on average to the level of nine companies in the independent regiment, which is also the level of two companies in one company.

Then Zhao Gang ordered to retreat, let the third company be the forward, and when the first company was in the rear, he distributed a light machine gun to the first company, so although the first company has less than 100 people now, there are six light machine guns.

The best way to face the cavalry charge is to suppress the bullets with the extremely fast rate of fire of the machine gun.

But at this time, the cavalry brigade of the little devil was beaten up by these six machine guns.
Of course, this is not even more tragic, but what is even more tragic is that when the little devil cavalry brigade charged towards the top of the mountain, its captain and squadron leader were all sniped by Bai Lixiu.


(End of this chapter)

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