Chapter 659 A boring desert journey

As a result, a very strange situation occurred along the way, that is, I saw a very cool and sci-fi-looking airplane sliding on the ground instead of flying in the sky.

There is also a very huge glass barrier on the back of the aircraft.

However, because the solar photovoltaic panels on the back of the Kunpeng's fuselage have very high light absorption efficiency, four times the amount of sunlight hitting the back of the Kunpeng's fuselage does not cause the back of the fuselage to heat up.

On the contrary, it actually feels cold to the touch.

Seeing this situation, Baili Xiu suddenly thought, wouldn't it be possible to fly closer to the sun after flying into space, without having to worry about heat problems, and it could also absorb more light energy.

And when the Kunpeng was brought out, Zhong Wuyan, Xiao Qiao, Ah Ke, and Yao were even more happy, because this meant that they finally no longer had to squeeze into the same bed, and the Kunpeng's room was enough for everyone. Everyone can sleep in one room.

And apart from that, the biggest advantage is the air conditioner. Although the command vehicle of the original joint caravan leader was equipped with an air conditioner, the power of the air conditioner was only that much, and the heat insulation measures of the command vehicle were also limited. Not very good.

Therefore, the cooling effect of the air conditioner is very limited, so the surface temperature is 30 or [-] degrees Celsius, the air is [-] or [-] degrees Celsius, and the interior of the car is more than [-] degrees Celsius.

Naturally, such a temperature will not make the people in the car very comfortable. After all, if you want to feel comfortable, you have to reach a comfortable temperature of 25 degrees.

Of course, the air conditioning effect of the king-class Kunpeng is still very good. Let alone 25 degrees, it can easily reach minus 25 degrees.

The journey in the desert is also very boring. Except for the first day or two, which is a bit fresh, the rest of the time feels boring.

But fortunately, there is still a little bit of fun occasionally, and this bit of fun is when demons or large groups of demonized creatures attack the joint caravan convoy.

On the night of the second day after leaving the Protectorate, the joint caravan was once again attacked by a group of desert scorpions.

However, this time they did not escape like last time, because the number of demonized scorpions this time was not as large as last time, only less than one-fifth of last time.

And with the cooperation of Zhong Wuyan and Yao, especially against such large-scale and numerous demonized creatures, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

If you shoot it in one shot, it will be a large area of ​​death, and its monster-killing efficiency is higher than that of Baili Xiu, Xiao Qiao and A Ke combined.

And after killing more than half of the number or killing the leader, the sand scorpion group will automatically collapse.

After the group of demonized sand scorpions collapsed, Buyao happily dragged a demonized sand scorpion with a length of about two meters and a relatively complete body to Bailixiu and said to Bailixiu: " Brother Baili, how about we eat the meat of this scorpion for breakfast today! There must be a lot of meat from such a thick roasted scorpion leg!"

Bailixiu looked at the bullet hole on the scorpion's head and understood that the scorpion was probably killed by his bullet. After all, Xiao Qiao's wind blade could not leave a complete scorpion corpse.

The same goes for Ake's laser, which will cause additional explosion damage if hit by a high-temperature laser. Only bullets from his Star Love pistol will not damage the body.

However, Bailixiu is still somewhat resistant to making scorpion delicacies. After all, except for crabs and lobsters, Bailixiu still hates eating insects and other foods.

Although in the country where Bailixiu traveled before he traveled, almost any animal that was edible and not poisonous could escape the fate of being eaten.

Most of the poisonous insects are protein toxins, so they are no longer poisonous after frying or cooking. However, there are a very small number of biological toxins that cannot be decomposed by high temperatures.

However, some insects are difficult to catch and are rare in number, and are even protected species. Therefore, although there are tens of thousands of insect species, only a few are often eaten.

The first most commonly eaten insect is the cicada pupa. Speaking of silkworm chrysalis, the first thing everyone thinks of is silkworm pupae.When we were children, we especially loved feeding the white silkworm babies.The silkworm babies look very cute eating mulberry leaves.Later, when the silkworm baby grows to a certain size, it makes its own cocoon, and then spins silk to wrap itself in the cocoon, and this cocoon is called a silkworm chrysalis.And this kind of delicacy is eaten from the cocoons made by cute silkworm babies.When I think of the silkworm baby, I can't stop talking.

However, silkworm chrysalis is a high-protein food, very nutritious, and has certain medicinal value. Anyway, the baby silkworms are of no use. Making them into fried snacks is also loved by some people.

In addition to cicada pupae, the second most commonly eaten food is fried cicada monkeys. One of the most common insects in summer is cicada monkeys.Every day we hear cicada monkeys calling cicadas in the trees.This is also a sign that heralds the coming of summer.However, the life cycle of mature cicada monkeys is very short, only a few weeks, which is also very pitiful.Cicada monkeys die after falling from trees, and their bodies are swept into trash cans by sweepers.However, in order not to waste, some people like to take back the dead cicada monkeys on the ground and make fried snacks, which are crispy and taste great.

The third type of insect snack is frozen bamboo shoots. Speaking of this name, everyone will definitely think that it is a frozen plant.In fact, this snack is also made from insects.And it's still a worm.The frozen soil bamboo shoots are soft, delicious, and very elastic. It's a delicious thing to eat in your mouth!However, many people are deterred from eating this delicacy because its raw material is worms, which is really a pity.

The fourth type is fried grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are also a very common insect in rural areas and are called locusts.The grasshopper itself is very ugly and makes people very scared when they see it.The fried grasshoppers are quite delicious, with a crispy texture.Anyone who has eaten fried grasshoppers will be conquered by its delicious taste, because it is so fragrant.

Of course, in addition to the above four kinds, there is another insect snack that is often eaten, and that is the scorpion, which is the scorpion that Yao wants Bailixiu to make now. Scorpions are an insect that people are very afraid of, because some poisonous scorpions have Contains highly toxic substances.

In particular, the poisonous needle on the tail of the scorpion can kill people. Of course, just like the pufferfish, not all of it is poisonous. Except for the tail of the scorpion, other parts of the body are not toxic.

What's more, except for a very small number of biological toxins that cannot be eliminated by high temperature, most biological toxins can be eliminated by high temperature. Of course, the toxins in puffer fish cannot be eliminated by high temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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