How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 10 10: The game begins

Chapter 10 10: The game begins

Students who did not participate in this competition went to the rest area on the second floor to watch.

Although the downstairs preparation area is closer to the race track, the second floor has a better view, and there is a platform that allows the audience to overlook the entire track.

And the players who competed in the arena were all the classmates who used to get along with me day and night, which made the students watching upstairs suddenly feel a sense of strangeness.

Most of those who did not participate in the competition were girls, and the relationship between everyone is usually pretty good.

So when the students were preparing below, these girls contributed their greatest enthusiasm and cheered for the students in the audience.

Of course, as the squad leader, Zhu Hong received the most encouragement.

And most of the male students went down to participate in the competition. After all, it was a chance to play karting for free, and there was an irresistible bet. The active male students would definitely not let go of this opportunity.

The cheers and cheers on the stage reached the ears of the drivers in the audience. Although they were all wearing helmets and there was engine noise around them, the cheers from the students on the stage were even louder.

Although this competition was a temporary idea and did not make too much pre-competition preparation, but as the administrator of the karting hall, the coach carefully checked the condition of each car and the equipment worn by the students before the competition started. Something is not up to standard.

After all the preparations were completed, the starting lights hanging above the starting area were activated.

He explained to his classmates during the training just now that if a kart race is to be held here, the starting signal is to start when the red light is off.

Moreover, the extinguishing time of the starting light is controlled artificially, and there is no possibility of prediction.

After making sure everyone was ready, the coach flipped the power switch of the starting lights, and a row of five red lights hanging from the ceiling came on.

Although I think more about finishing the race and going home to play the game, but the sequelae after the simulated racing race still made Qin Miao subconsciously stretch his left foot forward when he saw the five red lights, wanting to step on it. Hold the clutch to prepare for departure.

After stretching her left foot and not stepping on anything, Qin Miao realized that she is now the one in the car.

But even so, after the five red lights in front of him went out, Qin Miao, who had fully integrated into the current environment, subconsciously wanted to start in the most comfortable way for him.

When Qin Miao realized that she was not the driver again, Qiu Meng stayed where she was.

After about half a second, Qiu Meng started off with her classmates and opened the starting grid together.

In fact, Qiu Meng's reaction speed is not slow, and it is at the middle level compared with other students, but Qin Miao is a professional e-sports player who can run professionally.

The reaction speed can be said to be the fastest among all the students.

That's why Qin Miao reacted and even stepped on the gas pedal, but Qiu Meng and the others hadn't reacted yet.

Qin Miao's reaction speed was about 50 milliseconds faster than Qiu Meng's.

But in the end Qiumeng drove the car out, but the regular start meant that Qiumeng could not bring any advantage to their team at all.

We are all classmates, and they don't have sufficient theoretical knowledge like Qin Miao and Zhu Hong, so everyone drove very politely when turning into the first turn.

After the first turn, everyone lined up in a straight line.

After arriving here, Qin Miao relaxed and leaned on the seat.

Because Qiumeng drives very smoothly, even in karts.

And the driving skills of the students are also very average, it is very difficult to overtake, and it is also very difficult to be overtaken by others, so a small train is formed behind.

But there is an outlier here, and that is Zhu Hong.

Zhu Hong himself starts from pole position. Although Zhu Hong's skills are not comparable to those of professional players, compared with his classmates, Zhu Hong can beat them by more than two seconds per lap.

So the students watching from above could see that Zhu Hong gradually distanced himself from the students behind him at a very obvious speed.

And as the number of laps increases, the gap between the two sides grows wider.

After five laps were completed, Zhu Hong's group and No. 2 classmates opened up a terrifying distance of half a lap.

Soon after five laps, the students returned to the parking area to change.

Zhu Hong was the first to go in, but due to the great advantage, after Zhu Hong drove the car back to the parking area to change, and Fan Yue drove the car out, the second student gave his car to him. into the parking area.

Qiu Meng's driving skills can only be said to be average, so when they switched to Qin Miao, their positions did not change, and they were still ranked fifth.

After the two drove the car into the parking area, they quickly changed places.

Sitting in the driver's seat and adjusting the seat under her buttocks, Qin Miao kicked the accelerator and rushed out.

After that, there is actually nothing to say. Although Qin Miao is only a player who can run e-sports competitions on the simulator, his practical ability is very weak.

But they drive karts.

The speed of the entertainment kart itself is not fast, and the speed will be even slower if there are more people on the car.

It was still very easy for Qin Miao to drive, and the skills of the students were average, so what was presented was a one-sided massacre.

Perhaps on the straight road, the students in front of Qin Miao could still maintain the gap with Qin Miao, but when they came to the bend, Qin Miao was able to close the distance with the car in front at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The details of cornering are not at the same level at all.

Qin Miao easily used his own corner cutting and line routing to enter the corner faster than his classmates and exit the corner faster, and then rely on his speed to eat the classmates ahead of him on the straight.

While Qin Miao was killing all directions below, a look of surprise and astonishment flashed across the face of the proprietress who was leaning on the side to watch the fun with her arms folded.

When Qin Miao broke the fastest lap of her tandem karting just now, she was playing with her mobile phone and didn't pay attention to how Qin Miao drove.

At first, she thought that Qin Miao was able to break the fastest lap of the karting field purely because Qin Miao was young, light in weight, and no one was going to set this lap time.

But now after such observation, the proprietress found that Qin Miao really has skills.

Although his driving style is a little more aggressive, his control over the kart is very meticulous.

Although this is just an entertainment kart, the control difficulty is not high, but such a delicate and aggressive control style is really beyond the reach of an ordinary student.

Thinking back to his employee talking about Qin Miao to him just now, the female boss had a thoughtful look on her face.

But recalling the Qin Miao she saw when she came to open the door in the morning, and Qin Miao's shy expression when she saw her, the female boss had her own judgment.

And having said that, after all, Qin Miao is just a guest who came here to play, and his specific plan has nothing to do with him. Thinking of this, the female boss shook her head helplessly, and then continued to watch the game with great interest.

Now she is a little curious, is five laps enough time for this seemingly talented kid to catch up to the first place?

(End of this chapter)

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