How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Lottery System

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Lottery System

At the scene of the race, Qin Miao caught up from fifth to third in just two laps.

And the second student was less than two meters in front of Qin Miao, and Qin Miao was already putting pressure on the other party.

However, judging from the fact that the opponent never looks back to observe his position when cornering or driving straight, the opponent should not be very good at defending.

In fact, this is not a good thing, because when these novices play karts, they basically don't look at whether there is someone behind them when they are overtaken. They take the route they think is the most suitable.

This can easily cause other people to collide with him when overtaking on a curve.

Qin Miao naturally knew this too, so when he overtook him, he took the straight road, relying on his speed advantage after coming out of the corner to eat the opponent raw on the straight road.

When Qin Miao was killing the Quartet, Qiu Meng, who was sitting behind Qin Miao, grabbed the hands behind Qin Miao's seat tightly with both hands to prevent herself from being thrown out by Qin Miao's G force when cornering, half surprised and half worried He looked at Qin Miao.

This guy is so serious and so fast, he hasn't given up on that idea yet, right?

Does Qin Miao really want to get this joking truth or dare so much, and then go to Fan Yue to confess her love?

If Qin Miao knew what Qiumeng was thinking at this time, she would definitely give Qiumeng a big roll of her eyes.

Although I have liked Fan Yue for three and a half years, and even though I feel very uncomfortable now, I am not a love brain, and I will not be affected by these romantic things to affect my most basic judgment.

Now that she has been relieved by Qiu Meng's persuasion, Qin Miao will not have any subjective thoughts about Fan Yue except that she will be uncomfortable for a period of time due to the inertia of her body.

But there is one thing to say, Qin Miao is also an ordinary person, and will not have any thoughts about Fan Yue subjectively, but this does not mean that Qin Miao will not subconsciously want to show off in front of Fan Yue.

So Qin Miao chased very fiercely in the arena, completely heading for No.1.

Rewards and the like don't matter to Qin Miao, but today, Qin Miao has to pretend anyway.

On the third lap, Qin Miao surpassed the classmate in front of him on the starting grid until relying on his speed advantage after exiting the corner, and began to chase Fan Yue in front.

At this time, there are still two and a half laps before the end of the race, and Fan Yue in front is about 200 meters away from Qin Miao.

Although it sounds quite long, considering that it is Fan Yue who is driving now and her driving skills are just like that, it is very likely that Qin Miao will catch up with her.

And Qin Miao's team, who had already reached the second place and started to chase, and Zhu Hong's team, who was riding Juechen, naturally attracted everyone's attention.

After all, most of the people on the field were pecking at each other, only these two groups were a little interesting.

Qin Miao, who was advancing at full speed, was fast. By the end of the third lap, he was only 100 meters away from Fan Yue's car.

The distance between the two cars is getting closer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fuck, Qin Miao is too fast, isn't it?"

"That's right, and have you noticed that Lao Qin's wiring looks very smooth, and it looks very comfortable."

"This technology can be played by playing games? Anyway, I don't believe it."

"I feel that Qiumeng is about to cry in fright behind Lao Qin. I have seen her looking at the lap recorder several times."

"Haha, Lao Qin's car is fast, but it's a bit scary."


The audience on the stage's anticipation and tension about whether Qin Miao could surpass the car in front had completely disappeared by the 4th lap of the race.

Although Qin Miao still hadn't caught up with Fan Yue in front of him at this time, the distance between the two cars had been shortened to less than 10 meters.

And Qin Miao is still approaching quickly.

At the end of the fourth lap, when it came to the big straight at the first turn, it was already doomed for Qin Miao to pass Fan Yue.

Seeing the fast Qin Miao, the students suddenly realized!
This is the father beating his son!

Fan Yue, who was driving in the driver's seat, didn't notice that Qin Miao was following him, but Zhu Hong, who was sitting in the back seat, spotted Qin Miao who was chasing him at an unbelievable speed.

Seeing Qin Miao approaching quickly, Zhu Hong who was sitting in the back seat was very anxious, but he was helpless. He couldn't let Fan Yue defend Qin Miao, could he?

It was inevitable for Qin Miao's car to overtake him before the end of the race, but Zhu Hong had no choice but to watch helplessly.

Soon the two cars crossed the starting line one after the other, and the last lap began.

At this time, Qin Miao had already sucked into Fan Yue's wake, and then on the straight out of the first turn, Qin Miao pulled his head directly by relying on the speed of the car, blasting Fan Yue.

Zhu Hong, who was sitting in the back seat, was about to grit his molars when he saw this scene.

Qin Miao, you grandson!Is this the lap time made by someone who has never played karting? ? ?
Zhu Hong tried his best to take advantage of the five laps, and Qin Miao caught up in only four laps. This was done when there was a car in front of Qin Miao that needed to pass before continuing to advance.

You have this skill, you tell me you have never played karting?
how?Computer games can really simulate reality, right?Why don't I believe it?

You just came to disgust me on purpose, right?

Qi Zhuhong was really angry, but not to the limit.

Now Zhu Hong feels like the plan he spent a lot of time, energy and money on has been disrupted.

Originally, Zhu Hong should be angry. After all, the students can come here to play because he paid for it.

But Zhu Hong thought of his purpose of coming here today, gritted his teeth and restrained his inner anger.

Although Qin Miao who suddenly came out disrupted the plan that had been made long ago, but Zhu Hong had an extra retreat because he kindly left the opportunity for other students.

In addition to Zhu Hong's anger after being disrupted by Qin Miao, he was also a little dissatisfied, which was dissatisfied with his driving skills.

Although judging from the lap speed, Zhu Hong's driving skills are completely beaten by Qin Miao, but Zhu Hong thinks that his strong point is his offensive and defensive ability.

He didn't believe that Qin Miao could surpass him in his own defense when he started from the front row.

Although he subconsciously knew that he might not be able to outrun Qin Miao even if he started from the front row, Zhu Hong didn't want to admit his defeat before he was actually defeated by Qin Miao in actual combat, especially in front of Fan Yue.

In the end, the result of this competition came to an end after Qin Miao crossed the line.


【Mission: Milk Tiger Roaring in the Forest (Completed)】

[Unlock lottery function]

[White lucky draw chance*1,]

[Congratulations for unlocking the lottery draw ability, with a bonus of ten white draws*1]

The moment he crossed the line, a system prompt sounded in Qin Miao's mind.

Qin Miao was stunned for a moment when he suddenly heard the sound of the system, and then realized that he still had a task to win the championship of this small competition.

It's just that the reward for this task is a chance to draw a lottery, which is basically not attractive to Qin Miao, who never gets good things in lottery draws.

Qin Miao also looked at the rewards given to him on the way to drive the kart back to the parking area.

To be honest, Qin Miao didn't feel much about one white lottery draw, but the ten white lottery draws later reminded Qin Miao of those ten consecutive krypton gold mobile games.

The sense of sight is too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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