How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 104 Chapter 102: Opportunity Appears

Chapter 104 Chapter 102: Opportunity Appears
After eating, Qin Miao went to wash the dishes. In the evening, Qiu Meng stopped teasing Qin Miao and asked Qin Miao to play games. After booking the plane ticket back to China, she continued to study.

Starting today, Qin Miao's life has become as regular as when she was studying at school, and time flies by like pressing the fast-forward button.

The intensity of daily training is constantly increasing. Although the increase is not much, the accumulation of small amount adds up. In just one month, Qin Miao's training volume increased by one-fifth, but Qin Miao just resisted. these training.

At the same time, Qin Miao also has an extra task, which is to help Ferrari's F1 team test the simulator.

At that time, Qin Miao went to Ferrari's F1 team to practice his driving skills on the simulator after the morning physical training as usual.

After all, it is an F1 car simulator, and Ferrari has no plan to be backward compatible with other cars, so Qin Miao naturally drives a Ferrari SF90 when practicing on weekdays.

Just when Qin Miao was brushing up his proficiency on the track, Binotto passed by. It happened that Binotto saw Qin Miao's results and felt that Qin Miao's results were very good.

As the team leader of the Ferrari F1 team, Mr. Bi naturally knew that only Ferrari's youth trainees could train here during this period of time, and he was a little surprised that the youth trainees could achieve this result.

So Binotto, who was not too busy, watched Qin Miao's training behind the engineer for a while, and then gave Qin Miao a task to help test Ferrari's new components.

Although this task suddenly sounds cumbersome, it is necessary to test the performance of the vehicle in the simulator after installing new parts. After the test is completed, it is necessary to convey the driving experience to the engineer based on the feedback from the simulator.

But Qin Miao doesn't have so much work to do, because Ferrari itself has a professional simulator test driver, and Binotto gave Qin Miao this task just to give Qin Miao more time to train with the simulator. , he simply felt that this kid was talented and wanted to promote him.

So from this day on, Qin Miao can basically earn one or two hours of simulator training time every day.

And there is one thing to say, the training effect of this simulator is really good, basically it can add 0.9 track proficiency to him every day.

This period of time naturally allowed Qin Miao to brush up a lot of track proficiency and purple lottery.

And Qiu Meng came back from China much faster than Qin Miao had imagined. Although the girl said that it might take a week for her to come back, in fact she came back in five days.

At that time, Qin Miao was coming back from outside with a plastic bag in his hands.

Because the taste of the food every day is very bland, Qin Miao can barely tolerate this tasteless food after only eating for a day or two, and with the supervision of Qiu Meng.

But now that time has passed, Lu Bosi can't stare at Qin Miao every day, and there is no Qiu Meng to take care of him, so Qin Miao sneaks out to buy some side dishes such as old godmother, moldy tofu, and mustard return.

Although these things are not easy to find in Italy, and they are expensive to find, but as long as the thinking does not slip, there are more ways than difficulties.

Qin Miao drove to find a Chinese restaurant, and managed to get such a treasure from the Chinese owner.

Then Qin Miao, who was looking forward to entering the door with these things, saw Qiu Meng wearing an apron and doing hygiene at home.

Qin Miao was stunned at first, but soon became excited. The sudden appearance of this girl was definitely a big surprise for Qin Miao.

But the surprise quickly turned into shock.

Because Qiumeng didn't come alone this time, Qin Miao's mother looked at Qin Miao expressionlessly on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing his mother, the smile on Qin Miao's face froze, and the whole person froze in place as if he had been immobilized.

Qin Miao is not a person who can speak well. At this time, when she saw her mother coming, she must have posted it flatteringly, but Qin Miao just stood there stupidly, at a loss. .

Although her mother never beat her since she was a child, Qin Miao knew that she went abroad quietly, and even found a long-term and stable job abroad without even discussing it with her mother.

This matter was indeed done too hastily, so Qin Miao thought that her mother might be furious, and no matter how bad it was, she would have to scold herself severely.

But fortunately, my mother didn't ask the teacher for the crime as soon as Qin Miao was worried.

But my mother didn't show her approval of Qin Miao's job. From the bottom of her heart, she still didn't approve of Qin Miao's becoming a driver, because it was really an extremely dangerous sport.

But to Qin Miao's surprise, even though her mother didn't support it, she didn't object either, because this was also the path Qin Miao wanted to take, and she chose to respect it.

It's a pity that the mother's level is easy to pass, but Qiumeng's level is not easy. After discovering the old godmother and other things in Qin Miao's hand, Qiumeng inevitably scolded Qin Miao. It can be said that Lu Bosi has repeatedly instructed Qin Miao not to eat heavy oil and salt on weekdays, and Qin Miao is committing crimes against the wind.


Mom didn't stay in Italy for long, only three days.

The main reason is that Qin Miao's life is already on the right track. After training in the morning and training on the simulator at the F1 factory in the afternoon, he returns home to practice on the simulator prepared by Ferrari. He only has time to spend with his family at night.

But this is a foreign country after all, and the three of them don't dare to go out at night. At most, they can only take a walk around Ferrari's staff dormitory.

It's boring to stay here. Qin Miao's mother ran out for a trip after she had spent the freshness of the Ferrari factory.

What gave Qin Miao a headache was that her mother didn't want to travel alone, so... she let Qiumeng go

That's right, after confirming the relationship between the two children and observing Qiumeng for a period of time, Qin Miao's mother has fully recognized her daughter-in-law.

It happened that Qin Miao's mother saw that Qiumeng was staying with Qin Miao. Every day she was either studying or being teased by Qin Miao, which was boring.

They simply took Qiu Meng, the interpreter, and the two started traveling together in more famous places in Europe.

Only Qin Miao was left in a mess at home.

I want to say a very scary thing, you must not be afraid.

You may not believe wife...was abducted by my own mother.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Miao, who has been an otaku for 18 years, to lack entertainment activities. Qin Miao, who has not experienced much extravagant life, can still spend most of his boring time by playing games.

No, isn't Zhou Guanyu who is in Europe with me also a single dog, the two of them can always get together to play CSGO after training every day.

Even because the two played more frequently, not only playing games, but also learning tactics and the use of props, it took the two of them two months to rank among the top [-] in FPL.

However, after the two of them played to this level, they felt extremely strenuous, and they had to concentrate on every game. Unlike those top professional players, FPL players at this level were still walking around.

This is not to say that their talents are here, but that the two of them don't have more time to hone their game skills. With the limited rest time, the two of them can only go so far.

After the two of them confirmed that their strength was nothing more than that, they decisively started to play badly, and found the fundamental purpose of playing the game in the first place: "Happiness."

After that, the rankings of the two began to dive at an incredible speed.

After just half a month, the two were kicked out of the league by FPL because of their lack of strength.

But the two didn't care, because basically the friends of professional players who often played in FPL had already joined them.

Time passed in this ordinary and turbulent daily life.

The external environment of Qin Miao’s house is first-class and the best place. Ferrari has done a good job in greening. When you open the curtains, you can see the lush scenery outside the window. As the stars move, the sun rises and sets, and the lush green outside the window also changes with time. Under the infection, it turned into a golden color.

Qin Miao's clothes changed from short-sleeved to long-sleeved, and it gradually became rainy outside the window.

Zhou Guanyu hasn't played games with Qin Miao much recently. He is intensively preparing for the last race of F2 this season, which is the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on November 11, which is also the start of this year's F29 Grand Prix. Final battle.

And near the end of the year, Qin Miao's work began to increase. The Ferrari F1 team found that Qin Miao's performance on the simulator was getting better and better, and his speed was getting faster and faster. The name of the machine driver, and I'm free in the afternoon, so why don't you help test this batch of new parts on the simulator.

So, Qin Miao, who used to have at least two hours of spare time every afternoon, started a life of eight to five in the morning.

Of course, because Qin Miao became the official simulator driver of the Ferrari team in this way, Qin Miao got to know many managers and senior engineers of the Ferrari F1 team, and became acquainted with Mr. Bi.

Qin Miao has no complaints about this kind of life. On the contrary, Qin Miao likes this regular life very much, and is never tired of helping the team test new parts in the simulator, because Qin Miao can rely on the Ferrari simulator Brush proficiency.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Miao's skills gave Qin Miao another big surprise.

Because Ferrari's simulator is only a simulator after all, the simulator data obtained by the staff can only be used as a reference, and they cannot guarantee the specific effect of installing it on the car.

However, Qin Miao can use the proficiency obtained from the original lap of the SF90 as a benchmark reference, and then compare the proficiency given by Ferrari to the newly installed parts on the car as a reference to judge the accuracy of the data given by the simulator.

It was also because Qin Miao pointed out that there were problems with the data of some parts more than once, which helped Ferrari save a lot of time and cost. Qin Miao also obtained the position of Ferrari simulator driver as a newbie with no racing experience at all.

And within nearly four months, Qin Miao has accumulated nine purple lottery draws, and there is only one purple lottery draw to make up a wave of purple ten consecutive rounds. By then, it will be a huge blow to Qin Miao's strength. Incomparable improvement.

The purple lottery draws are Hockenheim, Hungaroring, Monza, Marina Bay, Sochi, Suzuka, and Rodriguez Brothers.

Qin Miao drew the purple lottery track completely according to this year's F1 schedule.

This also corresponds to Qin Miao's work content.

For example, now, the American track of the US Grand Prix will be held soon, so Qin Miao's focus of work during this time is to help the team test the performance of Ferrari's SF90 on this track in the simulator, and what kind of tuning is the best. Suitable for this track.

Although the simulator cannot completely simulate the state of the car, it is more or less a reference, and it also has certain reference significance for the Ferrari team.

In addition to the chance to win the lottery, Qin Miao has also made gratifying progress in terms of strength.

Name: Qin Miao

Age: 18
Overall score: 64.4 → 77.7 (+13.3)

Stamina: 82→89 (+7)

Mentality: 70 → 81 (+11)

Stability: 80→85 (+5)

Rank ability: 55→77 (+22)

Starting ability: 60 → 71 (+11)

Race long distance: 60→79 (+19)

Tire protection ability: 55→65 (+10)

Rain combat ability: 22→59 (+37)

Attack power: 72→79 (+7)

Defensive ability: 88→92 (+4)

From the above data, it is not difficult to judge that Qin Miao has indeed made up for his shortcomings in the rain battle crazily, as Lawson expected during this period, and his score has soared from 22 points to 59 points.

Rao Lawson saw this terrifying speed of improvement and called him so terrifying.

But if you look closely, although Qin Miao's rain fighting ability has increased by 37 points in four months, Qin Miao's rain fighting ability is still the shortest piece of wood in Qin Miao's barrel.

Apart from the rain fight, Qin Miao's defensive ability was actually improved the most.

Don't look at the four-point increase in four months, but you must know that the higher the score, the more difficult it is to increase one point. Qin Miao's increase of four points after 90 points is basically the same as the increase of 80 points below 40 points about there.

Qin Miao also knew through the systematic scoring system that his racing car is indeed outstanding, but the most outstanding of his talents is his defensive ability.

There is only one physical strength left that needs to be talked about, because this attribute has been stuck at 89 points and has not been moved for more than a month. Qin Miao's daily training volume has not decreased, but Qin Miao's The physical attribute just didn't break through to the ninety mark.

During this period of time, Qin Miao spent some money to modify his Ferrari 488 for real car training. That's right, it was the Ferrari 488 that Lawson gave to Qin Miao.

At this time, someone will ask, isn't Ferrari not allowing customers to modify Ferrari without permission?If Ferrari is found out, it will even blacklist the customer and never sell cars to him again.

Qin Miao, as a Ferrari youth training driver, still lives in Ferrari’s staff dormitory. If the car is changed, it’s the leader who picks food and you turn the table, the leader plays cards and you touch yourself, the leader sings K and you cut the song. It’s a proper dung beetle cover Pyramid - do a big death.

But Qin Miao has nothing to do with it.

Because he, Qin Miao, directly got stuck in a Ferrari bug and went to the Ferrari factory to help him modify the car.

Isn't it allowed for customers to modify it without permission?I asked you Ferrari to help me change the head office, right?

Qin Miao didn't change too much, just installed the aero kit of 488 GT3 on his 488. The interior trim was not dismantled, the roll cage was not installed, and only the appearance was changed. However, the effect of the modification is still there. Qin Miao can barely catch up with the original data of the 488 GT3 after some tuning.

Because of Qin Miao's identity, the people from Ferrari's racing department he hired were the same people who made GT3.

At the same time, the addition of a driver from China to the Ferrari youth training camp caused a small disturbance in the racing circle, and then quietly submerged in the turbulent sea and disappeared without a trace without a trace.

However, domestic car fans have discussed a lot.

[Brothers, there seems to be a person named Qin Miao in Wofa's youth training]

[Qin Miao?This is a Chinese name, right?Another child's dream victim appeared]

[The second week? 】

[Who has this person's information, I searched on Baidu for a long time but couldn't find any information]

[He doesn't seem to be well-known in China, but I saw Zhou Guanyu's Weibo with a photo with him, and the relationship between the two should be good. (picture)】

【Yo, this Qin Miao is quite handsome, with delicate features】

[I want all the information about this handsome guy!Now! 】

[I just came back from overcoming the wall. Ferrari signed into the Ferrari Driver Academy in the middle of this year. He is from HN and is 18 years old. I have seen photos of him and Zhou Guanyu training together on the Internet. The relationship between the two should be good]

【Explore and report again! 】

[It's gone, this person has no game records, and after the news of the signing came out, there was no follow-up movement. I wonder if Ferrari hid him...]

【Isn't he and Zhou Guanyu on good terms?Go to Xiao Zhou's Weibo and ask what kind of route this Qin Miao is]

This is one of the discussion posts on Qin Miao in the post. Most of the people who know this news are still full of curiosity and expectations for a compatriot of their own to join Ferrari. It's a pity that Qin Miao has been practicing for a while. He didn't participate in any competitions, so the outside world naturally didn't have any news about him.

And after all, it is only Ferrari's youth training, and the domestic attention is really not high, so not too many people know the news.

However, Qin Miao's name and appearance are also engraved in the minds of many car fans. One is because Qin Miao's appearance is really good, and the other is that Ferrari's youth training has given Qin Miao more or less points.

On this day, Qin Miao completed the daily physical training in the morning. Although the physical attributes did not increase much, Qin Miao could feel that the time required to complete the standard training volume had been decreasing, so after the morning training was completed, he Usually have at least an hour and a half of free time.

Qin Miao usually goes to Ferrari's F1 team during these times.

Because Qin Miao also served as the simulator driver of the Ferrari F1 team, Ferrari's aerodynamic department and engine department, which were originally restricted to Qin Miao, also opened their doors to Qin Miao, waiting for Qin Miao's luck.

After all, as a simulator driver, some problems found on the simulator and the driving experience brought by new parts require him to keep in touch with the engineer.

Because of this, Qin Miao met another Chinese who works at Ferrari: Li Qin.

She was a round older than Qin Miao, so Qin Miao called him Sister Qin.

Li Qin works in Ferrari's aerodynamics department and has outstanding abilities. He is usually the person in charge of a sub-project.

And Li Qin naturally has the most basic affection for his compatriots who are good-looking and capable. In addition, the two need to maintain communication due to work, so they get to know each other after coming and going.

Now Qin Miao would go to chat with her when she had nothing to do, and drink some happy water and snacks by the way.

There was no way, Lu Bosi was in charge of the training room, and Qiu Meng was in charge of it at home, so Qin Miao was the only one who wanted to have some snacks or something.

Sometimes Qin Miao really has the illusion that she is fighting a guerrilla.

Just when Qin Miao was about to repeat the old trick and kill the half bottle of happy water and a pack of Weilong that she had kept at Sister Qin's place, Lu Bosi called.

After connecting, Lu Bosi's voice came over: "I forgot to tell you something, Boss asked you to come over after the training in the morning."

"Oh." Qin Miao agreed.

Seeing Qin Miao's indifferent look, Lu Bosi added: "Everyone in the academy has gone. If there is no accident, the assessment for the driver's seat next year will begin..."

Qin Miao was taken aback for a moment, and then he became energetic at a speed visible to the naked eye.

MGJ, I have worked so hard for so long, isn't it just to be able to eat the cakes painted by Lawson?
Now it's finally time for the other party to honor the pie he drew for him.

Now my buddies are both talented and capable, and even have contacts. A driver's seat is a certainty. I don't know if I have to spend a year in F3 before I can enter F2.

"Okay, I got it, I'll be there right away." Qin Miao replied, then hung up the phone and turned to walk towards the Ferrari headquarters.

Soon came to Lawson's office, Qin Miao adjusted her breathing, and finally knocked on the door.

Lawson's voice came from behind the door: "Come in."

Qin Miao pushed the door and walked in, with a smile on his face naturally.

In the past, Qin Miao could still treat all classmates and teachers equally because she was studying, and she could be not (man) humble (bu) and not (zai) arrogant (hu).

But after staying in Ferrari for this period of time, Qin Miao deeply realized some tricks in the workplace.

A free smile and a warm greeting may help others to do something that is easy for others but difficult for you.

So Qin Miao has also acquired these habits at this time, which I don't know whether it is good or bad.

However, Qin Miao has never forgotten her original intention: eat well, drink well, and live happily.

"Mr. Lawson, are you looking for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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