How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 106: Chapter 104

Chapter 106: Chapter 104

Qiu Meng was no stranger to Qin Miao who came back early, and she just glanced at Qin Miao when she was playing LOL vigorously, and then continued to play.

Qin Miao just said, "I'm back."

Then turn on your simulator and start practicing.

It stands to reason that there is still a week before the start of the race, which is enough for Qin Miao to easily brush up his proficiency on the American circuit to 100. He doesn't need to be in such a hurry.

You should know that the place where the race will be held a week later is not at the Circuit of the Americas, but at Ferrari's private track, Fiorano Circuit.

Qin Miao didn't have the skill proficiency bonus that hard work can make up for one's weakness on the Fiorano track, so Qin Miao couldn't just run on the simulator for a day or two to get familiar with the track like before. Pretty much.

In order to get a good result in this test, Qin Miao not only needs to be constantly familiar with the driving lines and braking points of this track in the simulator, he also has to find time to drive his 488 down the track to experience it personally. the track.

Speaking of which, Qin Miao has been in the Ferrari youth training for 4 months, and he has never been to the Fiorano track once.

So taking advantage of the free time and necessity during this period, Qin Miao decided to measure the length and details of the track with his feet.

Because the assessment will start in a week, Qin Miao needs to prepare for it, so Qin Miao has no time to go to the simulator of the Ferrari F1 team. He just stays at home in the afternoon and starts to learn the proficiency of the track .

Before dinner at night, Qin Miao finally completed the set goal, brushed the proficiency of the American track to 100, and made up ten purple lucky draws.

However, Qin Miao didn't rush to start the lottery draw. Instead, she went to eat dinner amidst Qiu Meng's calls. After dinner, she cleared the table, washed the dishes, and went to take a shower.

After doing this, Qin Miao sat quietly on the bed, and waited until she was completely calm before starting the lottery draw in the system.

The purple ten-game lottery draw is still so fancy, just like opening a CSGO box.

However, because Qin Miao is in the tenth company, there was an animation screen in front of Qin Miao that ten boxes were opened at the same time and started to scroll at the same time.

Qin Miao's heart is very calm at the moment. Although it is not possible to achieve the state of not being happy with things or sad for oneself, Qin Miao feels that she can calmly face all the rewards given by the system.

[Congratulations on getting:
Human-vehicle integration (purple)*3
Free attribute points: 5*3
1 million racing fund*[-]
Purple skill upgrade card*1
Passive Skill: Guide of the Research Department (Purple)
Guide of the research department: when equipped with this skill, the team's average skill score +10
Passive Skill: Best Pirelli Tire User (Purple)

The best Pirelli tire user: No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, as long as you use Pirelli tires, the relative loss of tires will be reduced by 30%. 】

Qin Miao took a look at the rewards given in this lottery.

There is nothing to say about the first item. Qin Miao still has two blue skill cards that combine human and vehicle, which are useless. I just don’t know what functions the purple skill card has more than the blue one.

The second item is also easier to understand. The reward given is five attribute points that can be freely allocated on Qin Miao's attributes. There are three points in total, that is, fifteen attribute points that can be freely allocated. In other words, it is the key prop to solve the urgent need.

The things given in the third item are simple and clear, so I won’t repeat them here.

The fourth item is more interesting. This item can raise the rank of any skill of Qin Miao to purple.

As the grade is improved, the effect of the skill will naturally be improved accordingly.

Qin Miao already had a general idea at this time. If there is no accident, this prop should be used by Qin Miao in [Comfort Machine Soul].

After this skill level is upgraded to purple, it is estimated that as long as Qin Miao casts a spell, his car will not have mechanical failures during the competition in the future, and the car body may even be harder than normal.

At that time, the golden left front...

Keke is far away.

The latter two are the two purple passive skills.

[Guide of the research department] Qin Miao couldn't understand the specific meaning of this skill for a while, because according to the description of this skill, it mainly improves Qin Miao's proficiency in team skills, but Qin Miao didn't Find the sub-option of fleet skills in the system.

Another skill [Best Pirelli Tire User] is relatively simple and straightforward. After using a specific brand of tires, you can directly become a tire protection master.

The red tires that others started to fail after seven laps, Qin Miao started to fail after nine laps, and his tire failure rate was nearly 30% slower than that of others.

Should it be said that it is a skill given by the purple lottery? Although the limit is very large, its effect is worthy of its limit.

After roughly scanning the things given in this lottery, Qin Miao decided to use the 15 free attribute points given by the system first.

At this time, Qin Miao's specific score is:

Overall Rating: 77.7
Stamina: 89
Mentality: 81
Stability: 85
Ranking ability: 77
Starting ability: 71
Race long distance: 79
Tire protection capacity: 65
Rain Fighting Ability: 59
Attack power: 79
Defensive Ability: 92
At this time, Qin Miao's highest score is defensive ability, and the lowest score is rain fighting ability.

However, Qin Miao, who had fifteen freely allocated attribute points, didn't care about his ability to fight in the rain.

Directly use eight free attribute points to fully fill up one's own defensive ability.

After a long time, Qin Miao also had a clearer understanding of the system's scoring system.

Before the score of 79 points, it only needs sweat and hard work to improve, but it takes a long time to break through the score of 79 points to reach 80 points, and it takes a long time to break through the score of 89 points to reach 90 points That's talent.

As for after 90 points, the effort required for each point of improvement is 10 times that of before.

So Qin Miao directly maximized his defensive ability, and then broke through the bottleneck of the three attributes of his stamina, long distance in the race, and attack ability that were stuck in the bottleneck.

So far, a total of 11 free attribute points have been spent, and Qin Miao still has 4 free attribute points left.

Fortunately, the system did not force Qin Miao to use up these skill points, so the extra 4 skill points were reserved by Qin Miao for future breakthroughs.

After adding points, Qin Miao's current attributes are as follows:
Overall rating: 78.8 → (+1.1)

Stamina: 90→(+1)

Mentality: 81
Stability: 85
Ranking ability: 77
Starting ability: 71
Race long distance: 80→(+1)

Tire protection capacity: 65
Rain Fighting Ability: 59
Attack Ability: 80 → (+1)

Defense ability: 100 → (+8)

After adding points, Qin Miao looked at his defensive ability which had reached the limit, but there was no excitement on his face, because the familiar and strange feeling invaded his brain again.

This feeling is the same as when Qin Miao received the B-class driver's license half a year ago. A pile of knowledge and skills were poured into Qin Miao's mind in an instant, which made him feel dizzy for a while, and even lost the pain for a while. The ability to scream.

But as before, it was only for a moment.

Soon Qin Miao returned to normal. After experiencing this indescribable pain, Qin Miao found that her thinking ability had undergone immediate changes.

Now Qin Miao has a lot of knowledge in his mind, such as some very advanced defensive operations, and a lot of defensive routines that do not violate the rules, and there are many defenses that will be punished but will not be punished too severely. operate.

These things seem to be like Qin Miao's hands now, they can be used easily and freely, like instinct.

After confirming that her state had improved significantly, Qin Miao didn't intend to waste the night's rest time, and directly started to practice on the Fiorano track on the simulator at home, and prepared to ride her own bike tomorrow. The electric scooter goes around the track.

Qin Miao is not very clear about other people, but Qin Miao even cut his daily physical training in half in order to get a relatively satisfactory result in the upcoming test. According to Lu Bosi's evaluation, Qin Miao's current physical training can only maintain his current physical strength. This practice will not lead to any growth. The only advantage is that it can save Qin Miao more time for track practice.

However, Lu Bosi also understands and supports Qin Miao's approach. At present, he and Qin Miao are cooperating pretty well, and the cooperation between the two of them is also very pleasant. If there is no accident, Qin Miao will hire himself for a long time. , became his physical trainer.

And if Qin Miao can get a good result in this test, then it is foreseeable that her future self will rise along with Qin Miao's status.

It is also because I know that it will be the race day for the Ferrari youth trainees in the near future, so Ferrari did not test the car at the Fiorano track during this period, and handed over the track to the young people for them to practice and familiarize themselves with. .

Qin Miao also took this opportunity to walk two laps of the track, and at the same time drove his 3 with a GT488 aero kit on the track to waste two sets of GT3 Pirelli tires.

Because of the particularity of Qin Miao's car, the results Qin Miao made with this car are not of any reference. The main purpose is to let Qin Miao get acquainted with the feeling of driving on this track.

But Qin Miao felt that he had done everything he could on this track, and there was very little room for improvement.

And it was the day before the game started when I had this result and feeling.

At this time, Qin Miao had already done everything he could, and he didn't even have time to accompany Qiu Meng for the past six days.

The so-called do one's best and obey the destiny.

Qin Miao felt that she had done all she could, so on the last day before the start of the competition, Qin Miao calmed down and prepared to rest for half a day.

However, Qin Miao's system had to fight against him. When Qin Miao was ready to relax before the start of the game, the system task came.

【Ding! 】

[Contest detected]

[Mission: Showing the Sinister for the First Time
You've been overwhelmed long enough, it's time for the world to recognize your terrifying racing talents.

Task requirements: Win the championship in the upcoming race and lap at least one car of the same group.

Reward: All attributes + 2*N (Note 1: N=Number of ring cars at the end of the race) (Note 2: Half of the full attribute points will be converted into free attribute points), passive skills: [No disease, no disaster ], skill slot*1]

[No disease, no disaster]: Equipped with this skill, the host will not have any diseases before the host dies.

Qin Miao took a look and realized... the rewards given by this system task clearly showed that the system did not want Qin Miao to have any slack.

Even if it's not for this reward of all attributes + 2*N, for the sake of being free from disease and disaster in this life, and for the extra skill slot, Qin Miao knows that he can't afford to rest for a long time, so let's continue practicing.

So until the day before the start of the race, that is, the day when the racing cars were debugged and tested by the participating drivers, Qin Miao did not get more than half an hour of rest time.

Of course, if you pay, you will be rewarded, let alone a talented player like Qin Miao.

Although the surprise practice during this period could not make Qin Miao as familiar with the Fiorano track as Monza, Qin Miao could put the whole track including the entrance of Matthew in Qin Miao's mind. It is completely reproduced, but what is the state of the asphalt in those corners, where are the braking points in the corners, the effect of the ups and downs of the terrain on the car, the angle of the corners, the height of the shoulders, how the grip of the shoulder paint is.

Qin Miao firmly memorized these things while practicing round after round.

The next day, Qin Miao, Bosi and Qiu Meng came to the Fiorano track together.

Because Qin Miao took over Qiumeng's bicycle and used it too frequently, Qiumeng had no choice but to buy a new bicycle by herself.

When they went to the Fiorano track this time, the two rode their bicycles, and Lubosi could only helplessly watch the two ride away.

The good news is that the Fiorano track is nearby. Walk about 300 meters to the left of Qin Miao’s dormitory street to the entrance of the Fiorano track, so Lubosi didn’t go too long.

Although it was not the first time for Qin Miao to come here, he still waited for Lubos to arrive before entering the Fiorano track.

Because today Qin Miao is here to check and accept the F3 that will be driven in tomorrow's competition, so Lu Bosi needs to show the way.

As for the possible problems with the vehicles, Qin Miao is not worried at all, because these cars leave the factory after inspection by the manufacturer, and there are unlikely to be any hidden dangers, and Qin Miao still has a lot of human-vehicle integration skill cards.

After seeing my own car, I sat up and tapped the skill card, and all problems came out.

Even if there is really a problem that cannot be solved, it is not a big problem to appease the machine soul and persist until the end of the race.

In addition to the car inspection today, it is also necessary to drive the car to the track for practice and debugging.

Qin Miao didn't go to an engineer he was familiar with to help him adjust the car. It wasn't that Qin Miao was not popular and no one was willing to help him. The main reason was that he didn't know anyone in Ferrari.

The main content of his work on the F1 simulator is to debug the simulator and test the performance of new parts. He has more contact with designers like Li Qin, and basically has no contact with actual operating technicians.

(End of this chapter)

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