Chapter 14 14: Magic

After untying the chain on the tree and hanging the lock on the handlebar of the bicycle, Qin Miao turned her head and asked Qiu Meng, who had followed her, "Aren't you going to have dinner with the monitor?"

Qin Miao had already found an excuse to leave at this time, but he didn't expect Qiu Meng to leave just like himself.

"Actually, I don't like karting very much, it's too noisy."

Qin Miao nodded and said, "Then I'm leaving, I will contact you later."

Just when Qin Miao was about to ride his bicycle home, Qiu Meng stood in front of Qin Miao's bicycle and stopped him.

"As a member of the championship car team, I also have a truth or dare to use, you remember?" Qiu Meng's face was very calm, even with a little expectant smile.

Qin Miao stopped and nodded.

At this time, Qin Miao didn't realize what Qiu Meng was going to say to him. Qin Miao thought that what the other party wanted to say might just be asking him to treat her to a meal or something.

Then: "Qin Miao, I like you, and I want you to be my boyfriend."

Qin Miao never thought that one day, Qiu Meng would say such a sentence so seriously in front of her.

The person who used to fight with him was gone, and replaced by a bad woman with a gentle smile on her face, but who threatened Qin Miao with an agreement that was almost a joke.

The Qiumeng in front of him made Qin Miao feel strange, but Qin Miao felt that the girl in front of him was not joking with him.

"You... seriously?"

Perhaps it was because Qiu Meng had already said the same thing to herself, and Qin Miao was mentally prepared.

Or maybe it was due to some other reason, but Qin Miao didn't have any big mood swings suddenly facing Qiu Meng who said this seriously.

But Qiumeng didn't explain anything, she just smiled and approached Qin Miao, the faint fragrance of her body rushed into Qin Miao's nasal cavity, the girl's beautiful figure exuded an attractive youthful atmosphere, and her snow-white skin was dazzlingly white under the sun.

A weak and boneless little hand was directly inserted into Qin Miao's palm, fingers intertwined.

Qin Miao could clearly feel the smooth and delicate skin on Qiumeng's little hands.

"Remember the promise? I chose the big adventure. So we are now a couple!"

Qiu Meng intertwined with Qin Miao's fingers very naturally, as if she had practiced thousands of times, and the words in her mouth did not look like a bad woman who forced Qin Miao, but a bit like a gentle and virtuous wife.

"So...what you said...was true?" Qin Miao focused on something strange.

"When Zhu Hong confessed to Fan Yue?" Qiu Meng thought for a while before she understood the meaning of Qin Miao's words.

Then he nodded with a smile and said, "That's right! I was sincere at the time."

After thinking for a while, Qin Miao raised the hand held by Qiu Meng and gestured in front of her.

Although she didn't know why she didn't feel any resentment at being held by Qiu Meng in such an intimate way, Qin Miao still said, "Let go first, let's analyze it."

"Hey, I don't know what I'm doing. Today's accidents really happened one after another." Qin Miao complained, then looked up at Qiu Meng and asked in bewilderment, "Why are you blind? Did you see me?"

"And you, a girl, should be more reserved. It's really inappropriate to give it for free!"

Qiu Meng was not at all embarrassed, and she had no intention of letting go of Qin Miao's hand.

I saw the girl say in a soft but extremely firm tone: "This is my last chance, I don't want to miss you."

Qin Miao was speechless.

Facing a sudden free offer from a good-looking girl, Qin Miao, whose heart had just been torn off, still felt more caught off guard and confused.

The key is to know this girl Qin Miao very well. Qin Miao clearly knows that it is impossible for Qiu Meng before to do such a bold act.

"Give me the phone."

When Qin Miao was at a loss, Qiu Meng stretched out her little hand.

Seeing that Qin Miao still looked dumb, she was not angry, and reached out and took out the phone from Qin Miao's right trouser pocket.

After thinking for a while, Qiu Meng entered a string of numbers and successfully unlocked Qin Miao's mobile phone password.

Before Qin Miao could react, Qiu Meng changed all the notes in Qin Miao's WeChat and QQ address book to his wife.

After finishing all this, Qiumeng stuffed the phone back into Qin Miao's pocket.

"How do you know the password of my phone?" Qin Miao asked casually after recovering from the phone after it was put back.

Qiu Meng blinked and did not answer, but stood on tiptoe to help Qin Miao straighten her messy hair, and then said: "I know you have been hit a bit today, so you should go home and calm down today, what's the matter?" Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Qin Miao nodded numbly.

Qiu Meng held Qin Miao's hand tightly, then let go of Qin Miao's hand and said, "Let's go, be careful on the road."

Qin Miao nodded and stepped on the bicycle, turned to look at Qiumeng, wanted to say something but couldn't form any suitable words for a while.

In the end, he left after Qiu Meng's instructions.


For some reason, Qin Miao didn't feel any disgust towards Qiu Meng's bandit-like behavior, but at this time Qin Miao didn't have the extra thought to find out the reason.

After returning home, Qin Miao was no longer in the mood to play with the computer, so she closed the door and fell asleep.

Qin Miao went to bed at about 10 am, and when he woke up it was already early 4 pm.

This time Qin Miao slept soundly, without dreaming, without waking up halfway, and even her sleeping position didn't change much.

After waking up, Qin Miao went to the bathroom first, then sat on her bed and fell into deep thought.

First, get the system yourself.

When thinking of this, Qin Miao's mind moved, and an extra bottle of health medicine appeared in his hand.

He weighed the one-jin potion in his hand. The heavy feel and the metal touch from the can made Qin Miao confirm that his system was real. Even after thinking of this, Qin Miao was very concerned about his future plans. With a clear understanding.

Regardless of the actual race, at least after Qin Miao got the system, he is confident to win the first place in all domestic e-sports events.

Isn't Qin Miao's future life goal and the path he should take in the future?

After being happy for a while, Qin Miao started to sort out the second thing.

Then Qin Miao realized——he seemed to be broken in love...

Although I have never really started a relationship... wait a minute!

As soon as he thought of this, Qiu Meng's voice and smile broke into Qin Miao's mind with an arrogant and unreasonable attitude.

It seemed to me that I had a girlfriend within half an hour after losing my crush?

Wait a minute...why didn't I reject Qiu Meng?
And how could she be so shy and confess to me in front of my face, and force me to be her boyfriend?
Fuck!Qiu Meng attacked me!

Reality is sometimes more magical than fiction...

(End of this chapter)

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