How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Thinking of Qiumeng, Qin Miao remembered that Qiumeng used her mobile phone.

After taking out the mobile phone, I found that a person whose ID is "wife" sent me a lot of messages.

But Qin Miao remembered that he had never added a person whose screen name was his wife, and he had never made a note of this.

With curiosity, Qin Miao opened the chat box with this person.

【are you home yet? 】

【Have you had lunch yet? 】

[Miss me? 】

【why do not you talk? 】

【Qin Miao, you won't be angry with me, will you? 】

[I thought of it!You may be sleeping right now]

【Then send me a message when you wake up】


When Qin Miao saw these messages, she thought that the person on the other side sent the message to the wrong person, but after looking at the other person's profile picture, she scrolled up the chat history between the other person and herself.

Good guy Qiu Meng is seamlessly switching her identity, directly substituting herself into the identity of her girlfriend.

After finding out that the other party was real, Qin Miao didn't know how and who she should face Qiu Meng for a while.

You say you like it, Qin Miao thinks that her feelings for him are still at the stage of being at the same table.

Tell me you don't like it, Qiumeng is good-looking, and I'm not kidding, most of Qiumeng's position is based on Qin Miao's aesthetic point. If it wasn't because of Fan Yue, who Qin Miao met first, Qin Miao first fell in love with Definitely Qiu Meng.

Most importantly, this girl gave it for nothing!
A beautiful girl given for free is twice as lethal to a virgin like Qin Miao who has never been in a relationship.

But there is one thing to say, Qin Miao has no extra time to feel sad about Fan Yue because of Qiu Meng's uproar, now Qin Miao has a headache, what kind of identity should he face Qiu Meng.

On the other hand, Qin Miao also began to suspect that the system had robbed her of her money, because all the rewards of the system had already been cashed out, whether it was the medicine in her hand or the rewards for improving her physical fitness.

But the money was not given to me, and now my Alipay and WeChat balances combined still do not exceed 50 yuan, only the bank card still has more than 4000 yuan.

Is it possible that the system has to scratch the lottery ticket by itself, and then give it to itself in this way?
Originally, it was just a rant in my heart, but after thinking of this, Qin Miao's brain became fully active.

After all, the system has said that the racing fund is a legitimate source of income. If ordinary people want to suddenly get a large sum of money from a normal source, apart from winning the lottery, the only thing they have to do is the sudden sudden death of some particularly rich elders in the family, and the death of their will. Only part of his property will be given to you.

Qin Miao doesn't think there are any particularly rich elders in her family, so if she wants to get a sum of money legally, she can only buy lottery tickets.

Looking at the time, it was about an hour and a half before my mother came back from get off work, enough time for Qin Miao to go out for a run.

Taking out her mobile phone to search for the location of the nearby Fucai store, Qin Miao opened the bottle of health care medicine in her hand.

It is still a familiar taste, and after drinking it, I feel refreshed, just like taking a big sip of iced Coke in the hot summer.

After confirming the store closest to her home, Qin Miao put on her shoes and went out.

On the way, Qin Miao was thinking about how to reply to Qiumeng, and at the same time thinking about where to go for something to eat later.

Although I don't know why I haven't eaten for so long and now I'm still not hungry, but under the influence of inertia, Qin Miao feels that he still needs to eat.

Qin Miao came to the store after replying to Qiumeng with a message [waking up].

The clerk is a middle-aged aunt who is a bit fat.

After Qin Miao came in, she said directly to her aunt, "Hi, boss, I'm here for a lottery ticket."

The aunt didn't say much, and after looking up at Qin Miao, she took out a green lottery ticket from under the counter and said, "One ticket is 20 yuan, this kind can win up to 100 million yuan."

Qin Miao didn't understand anything when she played this game for the first time. After scanning 20 yuan with her mobile phone, she started scratching with her fingernails.

Then Qin Miao discovered that the number in the winning area was 7, and after scratching other areas, there was indeed an area showing the number 7, which meant that Qin Miao had already won the prize.

Then scratch the amount below the winning number: 750.

This means that Qin Miao exchanged 20 yuan for 75 yuan.

Ordinary people should jump up excitedly on the spot after seeing this scene. After all, the sky-high windfall money, who can restrain this kind of joy?
But after Qin Miao saw the winning lottery ticket, he was more aware of it. After all, he couldn't spend the money indiscriminately, and could only use it to devote himself to the racing business.

Even after she regained her senses, Qin Miao still felt that she was at a loss. The money was given to him by the system, but it cost him 20 more to exchange the money.

The only problem now is that Qin Miao doesn't know why, but he won 60 when he won the prize with only 75 in the system competition fund.

Of course, this thought just flashed through Qin Miao's mind. Isn't it good that the system gives more money?
At the same time, Qiu Meng's small face rushed into Qin Miao's mind irresistibly.

Although she still felt awkward, Qin Miao subconsciously felt that it was necessary for her to tell her girlfriend about such a big incident.

Although at this time Qin Miao still doesn't know what kind of identity and mentality she should use to face Qiu Meng who forced her to confess her love.

But Qiu Meng's domineering behavior still imprinted a thought on Qin Miao's heart: she is your girlfriend.

So Qin Miao took a photo of this scratch with her mobile phone and sent it to Qiu Meng, who was marked as [wife], before going to the aunt to redeem the prize.

Soon Qiumeng sent a message.

【? ? ? 】

【what? ? ? 】

【Hit the jackpot? 】

[No, why! 】

[75 million? ? ? 】

Seeing that Qiu Meng, who was calm and calm in the morning, turned pale with shock at the news she sent, Qin Miao couldn't help showing a smug smile on her face.

[Ahem, I bought one on a whim when I was just leaving the house, I wanted to try my luck]

[Unfortunately, 75 small and medium]

A message came quickly from the opposite side.

[70 is called Xiaozhong? 】

【[○`Д○]!Qin Miao, you really deserve to die! ! ! 】

【Why is it not me who made a fortune! ! 】


【You are my boyfriend now】

Qin Miao originally thought that Qiumeng would say at this time, isn't your money my money?

But it turns out that Qin Miao still doesn't understand his deskmate.

【I didn't expect that I could be prosperous】

【And this is the effect I had on the first day I became your girlfriend】

[Hey Qin Miao, if we two get married, will you win more prizes in lottery tickets? (*ω)】

Qin Miao: ...

[I'm going to redeem the prize, and I'll treat you to dinner after the money is in hand]

【No, keep the money for yourself】


[It is not easy to make money, even if it is a windfall, so I still hope that you will spend the money where you need it, such as investing or buying a house. 】

(End of this chapter)

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