How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 21 21: Bad Woman

Chapter 21 21: Bad Woman
After arriving at the tax bureau, line up, get a slip, pay taxes, and issue invoices.

After a set of procedures, the 60 yuan of racing fund provided by the system has become Qin Miao's legitimate income that is completely legal and compliant.

After leaving the tax bureau, Qin Miao looked at Qiumeng and asked, "Where are you going next? I basically have no idea about traveling. Since you want to come out to play, then you can arrange the rest of the itinerary."

Qiu Meng chuckled: "Leave it to me!"

Qin Miao took out her mobile phone from her backpack pocket and opened the memo.

Qin Miao went over to look curiously, and saw that the memo neatly listed the activities she planned to take Qin Miao to play in the past few days, the snacks she planned to eat, and the places she planned to take Qin Miao to check in.

For a moment, after seeing the dense notes on Qiumeng's phone, Qin Miao regretted telling Qiumeng that she was coming to Changsha.

But it was too late to say anything now, Qin Miao could only go to check in with Qiumeng in the hotel that had been booked in advance amidst Qiumeng's energetic voice.

Just when Qin Miao thought Qiu Meng would continue to take a taxi, a black Volkswagen Passat stopped in front of them.

Qin Miao didn't pay attention to it at first, until Qiu Meng opened the trunk of the Passat and waved to Qin Miao to take the luggage over, did Qin Miao realize that something was wrong.

Soon, what happened in front of him verified Qin Miao's thoughts. The driver of the Passat got off the driver's seat and handed the key to Qiu Meng.

It didn't take long for Qin Miao to realize that Qiumeng didn't call an online car-hailing car this time, she rented a car directly!

After putting the things away, looking at Qin Miao's hesitant expression, Qiu Meng smiled and said deliberately: "What does your expression mean? Didn't you tell me that you got your driver's license?"

Qin Miao knew what the girl was planning after listening to Qiu Meng's words, so Qin Miao said helplessly, "It's true that I got a driver's license, but I never touched a car after I was 18 years old. Yes, and I haven't brought my driver's license yet."

Unexpectedly, instead of panicking, Qiu Meng came to Qin Miao and patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "It's okay, your car control is so precise on the field, and the line is so aggressive. It will be too bad, I believe you!"

Qin Miao was even more helpless: "The two are not a concept at all, okay! The main reason is that I am afraid that something will happen, and it will be troublesome."

Qiu Meng took a good look at Qin Miao's bewildered and annoyed expression, and then said in a voice with a hint of trickery: "Do you think there is a possibility that I can also drive?"

Qin Miao: ...

"Hey! You bastard!" Qin Miao was really angry with Qiu Meng, and she reached out to grab Qiu Meng's arm, but this was her girlfriend after all, and Qin Miao didn't dare to use too much force or beat her up.

So Qin Miao just pulled her into his arms, but when Qiu Meng lay in Qin Miao's arms and raised her head with a smile on her face, all the anger in Qin Miao's heart because Qiu Meng teased him deliberately dissipated in the invisible.

Instead, Qiumeng turned against the guest. Instead of getting up in Qin Miao's arms, she hugged Qin Miao's waist with her backhand, and pressed her profile face tightly to Qin Miao's chest.

The driver delivering the car at the side looked at the young couple who seemed to be hugging each other, his body froze first, and then his whole face became a little distorted.

Then he secretly cursed "Farewell to the village" and left.

Damn, such unlucky things can happen in the last class.

Qiu Meng didn't stay in Qin Miao's arms for too long. After holding her for more than ten seconds, the girl lowered her head and let go of Qin Miao, who was a little stiff.

"Get in the car." Qiu Meng greeted Qin Miao, and took the lead in taking the driver's seat.

Qin Miao recalled for a while the softness on her chest just now, and the feeling of embracing the whole world when she held Qiumeng in her arms.

Quite a bit unfinished.

Are all girls' bodies so soft?No wonder it is said that women are made of water.

And Qiumeng's figure is obviously much better than I imagined.

Sitting in the co-pilot and putting on the seat belt under Qiu Meng's reminder, Qin Miao asked, "How long have you had your driver's license?"

Qiu Meng replied very casually: "Half a month, I signed up for the driver's license test after my 18th birthday, and this driver's license has not been issued for a long time."

Qin Miao suddenly became nervous. He threw out all the big and small things from his mind. It seems that this girl got her driver's license in a shorter time than herself...

Seeing Qin Miao suddenly grabbing the handle of the car roof with a nervous look, Qiu Meng suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing him again.

So after starting the car, Qiu Meng slammed on the accelerator, and the car sprinted forward.

It's just that Qiu Meng underestimated Qin Miao's talent in cars. The sudden gas pedal didn't change Qin Miao's expression at all. He just watched the surrounding road conditions nervously.

Qiu Meng pouted and felt a little regretful, but then drove the car smoothly to the hotel they both booked.

Park your car, check in, pay, return to your room, and leave your luggage.

After a set of procedures, the two came to a double room.

In fact, Qin Miao had expected that Qiu Meng would take the initiative to choose the big bed room. After all, Qiu Meng was really active sometimes.

It's a pity that Qiumeng didn't go as Qin Miao wished this time, they shared a double room.

"I'm so tired~" After returning to the room, Qiu Meng lay down on the bed, whimpering with unknown meaning.

Qin Miao rolled her eyes helplessly, I brought all the luggage up by myself, you are so tired!

But Qin Miao didn't say it out. After putting away her backpack, she asked, "Do you want to pack your things?"

Qiu Meng thumped twice on the bed and said, "I'll come, I'll come, don't mess up my things..."


Taking out the toothbrush, towel, toothpaste and other daily necessities from her suitcase, Qiu Meng put them away one by one.

When Qiu Meng was cleaning up, Qin Miao also discovered that the hotel room was equipped with a computer.

After turning on the computer, Qin Miao simply looked at the configuration of the computer. Although it is only a 1070 configuration, it is still no problem to play ordinary games.

Not to mention that the racing game played by Qin Miao does not require much computer performance.

Realizing that it would take some time for Qiu Meng to pack up her things, Qin Miao simply sat on a chair, ready to see what games were played on the computer.

After turning on the computer, Qin Miao found that the computer in this hotel used the control software of the Internet cafe, and the built-in games of the computer were similar to those of the Internet cafe.

After looking through the game list, Qin Miao did not find Assetto Corsa, but found "F1 2019".

After seeing this game, Qin Miao suddenly remembered that the proficiency of the Spa track in his system was stuck at 91.2.
It just so happens that the game "F1 2019" has the track of Spa. Although there is no steering wheel, you can only play with the keyboard, but as long as you play it seriously, the system can more or less increase your proficiency? ,

Thinking so, Qin Miao opened the game, chose Mercedes' W10, and the track was Spa.

Qin Miao originally wanted to turn off the auxiliary function to test the waters.

It's just that Qin Miao found that without traction control, he couldn't even drive out of the maintenance area.

He simply went back to the maintenance area to reset the auxiliary function, and then Qin Miao used the up, down, left, and right keys on the keyboard to complete the circle awkwardly.

Of course, there is no need to look at the grades. Qin Miao, who has no way to achieve fine control, can't run very fast at all.

However, after the lap was completed, the system prompt still came.

【Ding! 】

[Complete practice circle, track proficiency +0.12]

【Current Proficiency of Spa Circuit: 91.32】

[The simulation level of the simulator is 12%, and the obtained proficiency is (1*0.12)]

Good guy, the decimal point has been extended to the last two digits...

(End of this chapter)

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