How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 22 22: The complete body of the racing simulator

Chapter 22 22: The complete body of the racing simulator
Although Qin Miao felt helpless by extending the decimal point to the last two digits, at least Qin Miao could enhance his proficiency in the track of Spa by playing this game.

Qin Miao has no other ideas, he just wants to raise the proficiency of the Spa track to 100.

So Qin Miao started to do lap times in this relatively uncomfortable way.

When driving a racing car, it is easy for Qin Miao to devote himself completely. His characteristics are very suitable for being a racing driver. After all, racing is a sport that requires concentration and cannot tolerate many mistakes.

So, even though he was not used to the hardware he was using, after just a few laps, he was still fully engaged.

In fact, Qiu Meng had already packed her things long ago, but she saw Qin Miao wearing earphones and constantly swiping around in the hotel's computer very seriously.

Qiumeng suddenly didn't want Qin Miao to go shopping with her.

Originally, Qiumeng wanted to take Qin Miao for a stroll around Changsha, and to leave some common memories between the two of them in these famous tourist attractions.

But seeing the current Qin Miao, he just found a little loophole and held on to the racing car.

Qiumeng suddenly felt that instead of making Qin Miao race against time like this, it would be better to accompany Qin Miao to walk his favorite and Qin Miao's most talented path.

When Qin Miao becomes famous in the future, when he looks back, he will find that he has participated in the success, failure, laughter, and sadness along the way.

Think about the pleasure of some cultivation.

Qiu Meng took out her mobile phone and checked the time. It was only around 02:30 in the afternoon, and there was enough time to take Qin Miao to training.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the map software, and found a racing simulation experience store closest to their hotel.

After confirming the distance from here to the experience store, Qiu Meng leisurely stood behind Qin Miao and watched him play games.

Looking at Qin Miao's still childish face, Qiu Meng didn't have many smiles on her face, it was more of a kind of tranquility and indifference after seeing all the glitz.

In Qiumeng's view, Qin Miao sees the importance of mutual companionship between lovers more thoroughly than she does.

Soon, after Qin Miao ran a flying lap where Qiu Meng knew that the result was not very good, when Qin Miao opened the debugging menu to adjust the car settings, Qiu Meng interrupted Qin who was a little bit using the keyboard to play the car racing idea Miao.

"Old... Qin Miao, I packed up, let's go."

Awakened by Qiumeng's greeting, Qin Miao turned his attention away from the game, and saw that he had reached a track proficiency of 91.8 after running several laps. Qin Miao also knew that he wanted to pass this race Dao's proficiency reached 100, relying on the computer in front of him to do it is not a waste of time.

He simply turned off the game and got up, curiously asked: "Where are you going to play? Have you figured it out?"

Qiu Meng chuckled, pretending to be mysterious and said: "Secret, you will know it when it arrives."

Qin Miao is helpless, he doesn't really like others to play tricks in front of him, if you have something to say, just talk about it, it's boring to cover it up.

But facing the smiling Qiumeng, Qin Miao couldn't bear to lose her temper. She couldn't help it. Who asked her to call her husband?
After turning off the computer, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng went out.

When they came to the parking lot, Qiu Meng was still driving.

To be honest, Qin Miao was a little surprised that Qiumeng's driving skills were so good. After all, this girl was about a month younger than him, and it was impossible for her to get her driver's license longer than herself.

But her driving style is very stable, she is not nervous when driving, her style is neither fast nor slow, and she has no intention of competing with other cars.

It's not like a novice female driver who just got her driver's license.

After more than ten minutes' drive, Qiu Meng found a place on the side of the road to park the car.

Qin Miao got out of the car, but this place can only be regarded as an ordinary street at best, there is a community on the side of the road, and there are some roadside shops under the community, there is nothing Qiu Meng would be interested in.

Just when Qin Miao was still wondering, Qiumeng, who had parked the car, walked to Qin Miao's side, and naturally squeezed her little hand into Qin Miao's palm, interlocking his fingers.

"This way!" Qiu Meng smiled and pulled Qin Miao into the corridor of the community.

To be honest, Qin Miao was even more puzzled, what exactly does this girl want to do?

Soon, as the two entered the community, they found that there were actually many shops in the community, and a signboard called the take-off racing simulation experience store caught Qin Miao's eyes.

Qin Miao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qiumeng with some surprise and asked, "Aren't you going out to play? You don't go to Juzizhou, Wuyi Square, why come to such a place that only I am interested in?"

Qiu Meng pretended to be unhappy and said: "Is it possible that your girlfriend is not someone who will force his partner to do something he doesn't like?"

Qin Miao rubbed her nose and explained, "Actually, I was just a little surprised...and you will be bored going to these places, right?"

"Just say you want to go up and have a look?"


"Then let's go! What nonsense."

Led by Qiu Meng, Qin Miao walked into this racing simulation experience store. The layout of the store was similar to Qin Miao's imagination, with several racing simulators placed against the wall.

There are three monitors put together on the brackets of these racing simulators. Below the monitors are steering wheels, racing seats, pedals, handbrakes, and other equipment.

Of course, what attracted Qin Miao's attention the most was not these very conventional racing simulators. After all, Qin Miao also had these things, but because Qin Miao didn't play much rallying, he lacked some equipment, but the most basic pedals and steering wheel Qin Miao Miao also has.

Perhaps compared with the ones in the store, Qin Miao's equipment is not so professional, and it still reveals the shabby characteristics of trash guys everywhere, but this thing is all about being able to use it.

However, what really caught Qin Miao's attention in this store were the two six-axis racing simulators in the middle of the store.

These simulators are supported by six white hydraulic cylinders, two hydraulic cylinders form a group, two groups of hydraulic cylinders in the front and one group of hydraulic cylinders in the back.

These hydraulic cylinders form a stable fulcrum based on a triangle, supporting all the equipment.

All the equipment is carried on a reinforced shelf, and this shelf is similar to other simulators, including racing seats, pedals, steering wheels, monitors, and even VR glasses.

This thing is so professional that there is even a surround sound system around it. The road feeling when driving will be completely transmitted to the driver's body through the six hydraulic cylinders under his body.

It is no longer like when Qin Miao was driving at home, the information feedback of the vehicle can only be felt through hearing, vibration and torque changes from the steering wheel.

Qin Miao walked up to the two high-end simulators with some curiosity, and touched the expensive machines with her hands, feeling ready to move.

Not much else to say, I have a racing fund of 60 now, so it shouldn't be a big problem to get one to go home, and with my mother's enlightenment, I won't have any objections.

Thinking of this, Qin Miao already had a picture of himself using this machine at home and participating in a competition with this machine in his mind.

While Qin Miao was still thinking about it, Qiu Meng's nice voice woke Qin Miao from his fantasy.

"Qin Miao, don't be a nymphomaniac, I've already paid the money, so hurry up and try."

Qin Miao turned her head and saw Qiu Meng walking over with a middle-aged man around 40 years old.

"Hello, I'm the boss here, my surname is Zhou."

"Hello, Boss Zhou."

"I'll teach you how to use it."

"Hey, okay thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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