How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 31 31: Unexpected joy

Chapter 31 31: Unexpected joy

"Are you ready?"

After igniting the car, amidst the roar of the engine, the driver turned his head and asked Qin Miao.

Qin Miao barely heard the question he asked, and gave him a thumbs up to indicate that she was ready.

The other party nodded after receiving the signal, and then slowly drove the car out of the parking area while fueling lightly, and shouted to Qin Miao: "If you feel unbearable on the track, you can reach out and pat my arm."

While talking, he pointed to his elbow that was close to Qin Miao.

Qin Miao made an OK gesture to indicate that she understood.

But before Qin Miao let go of his hand, the AMG, which had only been driving steadily out of the P room at a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour, suddenly accelerated.

Caught off guard, Qin Miao was directly pressed down on the seat by the sudden push back.

However, this feeling of pushing back soon weakened, because the speed limit in the maintenance area of ​​the last race was 60 kilometers per hour, and after the speed reached 60 kilometers, the speed was limited by the electronic control system.

But when he accelerated suddenly, his whole body felt like he was being pressed by a heavy weight, and his heartbeat missed half a beat, but it was like a spark in a haystack that ignited a fire in Qin Miao's heart.

This is the G force!This is the feeling of pushing back!

Qin Miao didn't feel the fear of a novice when he first came into contact with a racing car. After experiencing the push back feeling of a GT3 car, he was even more excited.

He likes the feeling of fighting against the G masterpiece, and he finds it very interesting to do so.

Soon, AMG drove out of the pit lane.

But after driving out of the maintenance area, the excitement that Qin Miao had just born was gone.

Because from the time the car leaves the maintenance area, except when the driver steps on the accelerator and brakes, he needs to fight against the lateral G force every time he turns, otherwise others will be thrown back and forth by the G force on the chair.

Qin Miao thought he was going to be thrown out when passing the high-speed corner several times, thanks to the five-point safety belt that locked him firmly on the chair.

During the whole process, Qin Miao felt a force pressing him down. The difference between front, back, left and right lies in the specific pattern of the curve in front of him.

And when braking in front of a high-speed curve, Qin Miao always had the illusion that his eyeballs were about to be thrown out.

And when the car started on the straight, Qin Miao felt the gravity reversed again, shifting from below to the back.

In short, the G force is quite malicious for Qin Miao, who is a newcomer who is riding a GT3 for the first time in a car.

If it weren't for the Hans system pulling behind Qin Miao's helmet, given the strength of Qin Miao's neck, a heavy brake could break his neck.

After a few laps, Qin Miao finally understood why the necks of F1 players were as thick as their heads. When the G force came over, you really couldn't stand it without a good neck.

Qin Miao, who was sitting on the GT3, didn't have any extra thoughts to observe the changes in the outside world in the first three laps. He just fought against G force.

After the fourth lap, Qin Miao got used to the feeling of being ravaged by the G force a little bit. When the G force came over, Qin Miao could barely control her physiological and subconscious muscle tense reaction.

At this time, he was able to draw a certain amount of attention to observe the operation of the driver next to him, and he could feel the road feeling from this AMG through the vibration of the car body and the feedback of G force.

To be honest, Qin Miao didn't really discover the gap between the simulator and the real racing car until now.

Although it is not a sky or a ground, the simulator does have a lot less details than the real driving, the feedback of the tire pressing on the shoulder, the vibration of the body and tires when cornering at the limit, the change of the suspension stroke, and even It's the whine of the tires when cornering at the limit.

These are all simulators and G-force seats that cannot be so real.

Open the simulator in the game, no matter how good your simulator is, no matter how expensive the G-force seat is, you can't really simulate the feeling of sitting on a GT3 car and speeding on the track .

After the fourth lap, Qin Miao's heart began to calm down gradually. Although his body was still being thrown back and forth uncontrollably by the G force, his mind had already begun to feel the sensation of the body under him at every turn. Taiwan AMG has changed.

Of course, there were also things that surprised Qin Miao.

【Ding! 】

[Complete practice circle, track proficiency +1]

【Shanghai International Circuit Current Proficiency: 1】

Completing the practice circle in a car can also get proficiency?
Qin Miao really didn't expect her skills to be so easy to talk about.

However, Qin Miao also knew that the main reason for the system to play this thing was that in the last lap, he carefully observed some operation methods, braking points, and changes in the body posture of the driver who was driving him when cornering.

Although Qin Miao is not a driver, after this lap, he is no different from running a lap, but there is no practice.

After that, Qin Miao gradually got used to the feeling of staying in the car, and also began to get used to the bumps. With the passage of time and the increase of lap speed, Qin Miao's proficiency in the track of the previous race came to 20.

In fact, this AMG GT3 ran a total of 26 laps in this hour, but there were 4 laps because Qin Miao hadn't adapted to the G force, and there were [-] laps where Qin Miao was a little distracted, and the system judged that the two practice laps were invalid.

After running for an hour, Qin Miao only got 20 proficiency points in the end.

However, Qin Miao didn't care about the loss of these two points of proficiency, because the proficiency of running the track in a car was already a surprise, and Qin Miao would not ask for more.

After AMG ran on the track for an hour, it gradually slowed down and drove back to the maintenance area.

Soon the car stopped in front of the P room.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Qin Miao saw a familiar figure standing at the door of Room P, looking at her side expectantly, and immediately waved happily to herself after seeing the car she was sitting in.

Qin Miao also wanted to respond, but at this time he was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand, so he could only smile reluctantly at Qiu Meng.

As an ordinary person who does not usually exercise a lot, the racing car he got on for the first time was not a low-level car, but a GT3.

After driving on the track for nearly an hour in a more aggressive way, he still has the strength to be abnormal.

After the car was parked, Qin Miao unfastened her seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car.

Qiumeng came over to help Qin Miao. She also chatted with the team staff just now, and Zhongqiumeng learned a lot about racing from them.

It was also through chatting that she realized that driving a racing car is a very exhausting thing.

Qin Miao did stagger when he got out of the car, but he still stood firm with his own strength.

Qiumeng helped Qin Miao remove the mask of his helmet. Her original intention was to help Qin Miao dissipate heat, but after opening Qin Miao's mask, what Qiumeng saw was a sincere smile on Qin Miao's face.

Qiu Meng was dazed by Qin Miao's smile, but soon she stabilized her emotions and asked curiously, "Why are you so happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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