32 Chapter 32: Home
Although Qin Miao was exhausted, she still beamed with joy and said, "It's enjoyable, doing what I like the most, and at the same time, I have your company during this process. Can you not be happy?"

"Huh~ You're so nasty." Although the tone was disgusting, the smile on Qiu Meng's cute face bloomed uncontrollably.

Today, Qin Miao's wish to drive the F4 has come to nothing, because in his current state, he might not even be able to step on the brakes of the F4.

"Go back to the hotel, I'm tired, I can't run anymore..." Qin Miao, who has clear self-awareness about herself, said to Qiu Meng after taking off her helmet.

However, after saying this, Qin Miao became a little worried about the race that will be held the day after tomorrow. After all, he just ran for an hour in the car, and then he was too tired to say anything.

At that time, I have to go to the field and drive myself. Will I be too tired to get out of the car after a race?

Qiu Meng had nothing to do, she smiled and helped Qin Miao pick up the helmet she took off, and then asked Qin Miao to go to the team locker room to change, while she herself went to help Qin Miao refund the deposit.

Because Qin Miao was too tired, the original plan of the two of them to test drive the F4 was disrupted, so they had more than two hours of free time in the afternoon.

Qiu Meng didn't dislike staying in the hotel with Qin Miao, and even said that she was willing to stay with Qin Miao, even if she didn't do anything, just stayed together in a daze.

But after so many years, Qiumeng has understood a truth: opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared.

And Qin Miao now has a rare opportunity in front of him. He may not pay attention to this opportunity due to his lack of age and experience.

But Qiu Meng knew that many people couldn't dream of their easy opportunity.

After all, it is impossible for the invitation letters of ordinary competitions to be inlaid with gold threads, and even those invitation letters for very formal racing competitions will not do this.

And the invitation letter in their hands... was actually inlaid with a hemmed gold thread.

Qiu Meng didn't know what kind of game this was, but she knew that there must be a lot of big shots in this game.

Maybe this is the way Qin Miao achieves a class leap by relying on his ability.

So even though Qiumeng doesn't care about material enjoyment anymore, Qiumeng, who knows that Qin Miao wants to make a difference in the car racing business, wants to do her best to help Qin Miao, so that Qin Miao can live in the place he likes. The road goes farther and more smoothly.

"Let's go to the gym after going back to rest for a while." After Qiu Meng dealt with the money matter, she found Qin Miao who had changed at the gate of the convoy.

"Ah? Why?" Although Qin Miao didn't feel that her legs were weak and she couldn't walk, she did feel that she was exhausted after hearing Qiu Meng's words.

Qiu Meng’s behavior was not like a girl at all. She began to present facts and reason: "There is a race in two days, right? During the race, you have to drive? Although you don’t know what kind of car you drive, it must not be slow, right? But just In the past, you are so tired after sitting in a car for an hour, do you think you can drive well?"

"So in order not to make a fool of yourself by then, you have to start exercising now, and don't you think you are too thin? You have to build up your muscles, or I won't be able to sleep well at night."

Qin Miao: ...

Facing Qiu Meng's presentation of facts and reasoning, Qin Miao was stunned and couldn't even utter a single rebuttal.

There is no way, what Qiu Meng said is too reasonable.

However, Qiu Meng's last sentence still reminded Qin Miao of the experience this morning. Qiu Meng got into her bed directly after she fell asleep.

When Qin Miao woke up in the morning, she could see Qiumeng's sleeping face when she tilted her head. At that time, Qiumeng seemed to be sleeping with her chin resting on her shoulder. No wonder she said she was uncomfortable...

But Qin Miao still wants to struggle subconsciously: "The competition is the day after tomorrow, and it's useless for me to exercise now. Isn't this just cramming?"

Qiu Meng raised her brows: "Grind your guns before the battle, and you will be happy if you are unhappy! I don't care if your physical strength can improve a little! Anyway, you have to go to the gym to exercise this afternoon!"

Since it's useless to reason, Qiu Meng activated the girls' exclusive skills and rolled around!

Seeing Qiu Meng, who usually looked at her with a gentle smile in her eyes, suddenly became unreasonable, Qin Miao could only nod helplessly in agreement.

But Qin Miao still tried to struggle before agreeing: "It's fine if you want me to go, but you also have to go to exercise with me."

Qiu Meng is speechless, I am thinking about your future, but you just want to make a fool of yourself.

Are you sick? !

"Okay, okay, together."

However, Qiu Meng originally wanted to enroll in a body class during the summer vacation. After all, if Qin Miao's achievements get higher and higher in the future, there will definitely be more and more excellent women around him.

Although Qiumeng doesn't think these women will threaten her status in Qin Miao's heart, Qiumeng still hopes that Qin Miao will focus more on herself, so it is necessary to keep freshness in Qin Miao's eyes .

The two left Shangsai just like that, and returned to the hotel where they were staying.

After arriving at the hotel, the two put their things away. Originally, Qin Miao thought that after putting away his things, he would go to the gym.

But after putting the things away, Qin Miao saw Qiu Meng take out the racing suit he just wore out of the bag, and then walked to the toilet.

"What are you... doing?" Qin Miao asked curiously.

Qiu Meng was a little baffled, and replied naturally: "Washing clothes, what else can I do?"

Hearing the other party's words, Qin Miao was in a trance for a moment, and something in her heart was strongly touched: "I'll do it."

Qiu Meng ignored him, just pushed him out of the toilet and said: "Okay~ good boy, just leave these things to me, and you can't wash them clean at all, even if you wash them and wear them out, it will still smell like sweat , You don’t smell well, and others don’t smell well either.”

"You haven't seen me wash clothes, how do you know I can't wash them clean?" Qin Miao tried to argue.

"Get out!" Qiu Meng's voice lowered a little, and the originally soft smile on her little face turned serious.

"Okay, you're tired." Qin Miao hesitated, and exited the toilet resentfully.

Qin Miao touched her nose helplessly, and then looked at the slim figure behind the frosted glass who was washing her racing suit. At this moment, Qin Miao really accepted Qiu Meng's existence.

This is my girlfriend, the kind that I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

After more than 20 minutes, Qiumeng finished washing the clothes. Qin Miao and her grabbed one end, wrung out the clothes, hung them by the window of the hotel, and opened the window to wait for it to dry.

After finishing these, the two went out.

There happened to be a gym under the hotel where Qin Miao and the others stayed.

They took the elevator to the gym. Since the two of them would not live here for a long time, they didn't follow the coach's recommendation to open a card here, so they only got a two-day package.

Then the two started their respective training.

(End of this chapter)

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