How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: The Strange Request

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: The Strange Request
This method was figured out by Qin Miao when he was bored. At that time, Qin Miao couldn't grasp the timing of a few bends, so he was thinking about how to operate it in his mind.

Then after thinking about it, I realized that I could actually reproduce the model of the entire track in my mind.

Moreover, the length, width, and even height changes of the entire track model can appear in Qin Miao's mind.

And the error of this model will not exceed five meters. After all, it is reproduced in the mind, and a little error is normal.

Coupled with his understanding of the F4 car, Qin Miao found that he could combine the two together, and use the F4 he felt in his mind to simulate cornering on the track in his mind.

Looking back at the present, Qin Miao feels that the AMG GT under him is like another limb in his body, and he can control his own hands just like his arms and fingers.

With this clearer feedback than F4, when Qin Miao used AMG GT to simulate the track in his mind, the feedback was actually more real and clear than F4.

Qin Miao found that she could drive this car to do lap times in her mind.

The only pity is that the practice circle system that Qin Miao simulated in his mind was not recognized, so Qin Miao was not given the proficiency of the track.

Even so, Qin Miao learned some more aggressive cornering skills through this method, and became familiar with the fueling timing of several consecutive corners, but it was not really useful, so he had to see it on the track.

Just when Qin Miao continued to close her eyes and was about to "drive" this car to Spa for a try.

"Dong dong..."

There was a knock on the window from Qin Miao's left.

Qin Miao had to withdraw from this comfortable state.

Frowning and looking at the window of the driver's seat, a young man who looked slightly older than himself was standing outside his car window.

Qin Miao didn't go out either, but just lowered the car window.

"Hello friend, can I trouble you with one thing, we have four friends who are going to participate in the competition, but we don't really want to be separated, and we want to be in a P room, can you see if it is convenient for you to change cars? "

The other party spoke politely, and was not as aggressive as a rich man.

If it was Qin Miao 5 minutes ago, then he would definitely not hesitate, after all, this is just a matter of little effort.

But it’s not working now, Qin Miao has used up her only skill card, the most important thing is that Qiu Meng only recognizes her own car now, if she changes the car now, Qiu Meng won’t be able to be sure after the race own place.

But the other party was so polite, Qin Miao couldn't just throw him away.

So Qin Miao explained apologetically: "I'm really sorry, I gave up the car to you 10 minutes earlier, but my girlfriend has already gone upstairs to the grandstand area, and she knows I'm driving this red car , if I change with you at that time, I'm afraid she won't be able to find me."

The other party scratched his head: "Can't you make a phone call? Brother, please help me."

Qin Miao spread her hands helplessly: "I want to help you too, but I can't remember my girlfriend's phone number, and I don't have a mobile phone with me, so I'm really sorry."

The other party also scratched his head, but seeing that Qin Miao really couldn't change here, he had no choice but to give up in the end.

"sorry for disturbance."

Qin Miao nodded and closed the window.

Qin Miao started the simulation again after seeing the other party leave, but he was only halfway through Spa when the window was knocked again.

One thing to say, Qin Miao feels a little annoyed now.

What are you doing?
Didn't you say it's inconvenient to change?
It's not over, is it?
Qin Miao frowned and opened the car window again, but because he was wearing a helmet, people outside the car could not see Qin Miao's expression.

This time it was still the same person who knocked on the car window.

He said with some embarrassment in a negotiating tone: "Brother, it's like this. Our friends really don't want to separate, but it's really inconvenient for you. Look at this, isn't your co-pilot empty? Do you think it’s okay for a person who comes out to sit in your co-pilot to experience the feeling of the race?”

Since the other party was very polite, and after Qin Miao decided to accompany Qiumeng as the main player, he had already had a low opinion of whether he could get the top three in today's game, so it didn't matter how much weight was on the car.

Coupled with not wanting to be interrupted by these people, Qin Miao nodded after sighing.

"Thank you, then I will trouble you buddy. We will treat you to dinner then." After thanking Qin Miao, the young man immediately raised his head: "Old Yu! Come here, get in this car."

Following the greeting, a man in short-sleeved shorts and only a helmet on his head came over.

This person and the acquaintance next to Qin Miao nodded and then directly got into Qin Miao's co-pilot.

The other party was also very polite. After sitting in, he opened the goggles on his helmet and reached out to Qin Miao first: "Hi buddy, I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but the brothers made a small bet before coming, if I don't participate , they have an excuse to ridicule me, I hope it won't cause you any trouble."

Qin Miao reached out and shook his hand, after all, he didn't want to hit the smiling face.

"It's okay, the important thing is to participate."

"My name is Yu Jialiang, you can call me Old Yu."

"Qin Miao, First Emperor Qin, Sanshui Miao." Qin Miao also introduced himself.

Yu Jialiang is a very talkative person. Seeing that the equipment on Qin Miao's body looked much more professional than that of him and his friends, he asked curiously: "What about this equipment, buddy? Do you often play racing? "

Qin Miao said embarrassingly: "No, my girlfriend prepared it for me for safety. You may not believe it. This is the third time I drove on the track."

After hearing Qin Miao's words, Yu Jialiang's eyes darkened a little, but it was basically invisible under the cover of the helmet, and then he quickly returned to normal, and said in a joking and relaxed tone: "Qin Miao will drive later. The time is right, buddy, this life is now in your hands."

Qin Miao just smiled, he is a person who can take jokes: "Don't panic, am I still there, if something happens, we will have a companion on the road."

"No, if you want to go, you can go by yourself, and I won't bother you to take it with you."


After a few simple words, Qin Miao felt that the other party was quite interesting.

While the two were chatting, the engineer's voice came from Qin Miao's earphones.

"Qualifying starts in 1 minute..."

"Got it." Qin Miao replied, then turned to look at Yu Jialiang and said, "Old Yu, the qualifying is about to start, please fasten your seat belt."

"Oh... good." Yu Jialiang hurriedly turned around and put on the three-point seat belt.

Although this is a race, the performance of the AMG GT is not that powerful. Even in qualifying, the G force will not exceed 2.5G. The three-point seat belt on a normal vehicle is enough to meet the needs of use.

During the countdown to the last minute, Qin Miao, who had a very stable mind, suddenly felt nervous. If he put a heart rate monitor on Qin Miao's body at this time, he would find that Qin Miao's heart rate had already reached 1 at this time.

In order to divert the tension in her heart, Qin Miao randomly picked a topic: "By the way, what bet did you make?"

The other party said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just that the four of us all drive a car, and whoever ranks higher after the race will win, and the other three will treat us."

Qin Miao nodded clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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