How did I become an F1 driver?

51 Chapter 51: Qualifying

51 Chapter 51: Qualifying
However, Qin Miao is not driving a professional racing car after all, he does not have these telemetry data on the dashboard, and he does not know how his performance is after this lap.

But Qin Miao knew that there were a few corners where he was not at the limit, and his braking point was earlier than the limit on the long straight. If he went all out, Qin Miao felt that his score would improve by at least one second. space.

And after running this lap, Qin Miao felt that the downforce of this AMG was much weaker than that of the F4 he had driven, which led to a lack of cornering directivity, and other Qin Miao was very used to it.

After all, he now knows this car very well, and it is easy to operate.

And returning to the track again, Qin Miao felt an indescribable sense of excitement.

This feeling is always so addictive.

But just when Qin Miao was about to strike while the iron was hot, he felt his arm was touched.

Qin Miao, who experienced it on GT3 just the day before yesterday, clearly remembers that the driver who drove him to do the lap time told himself: If you can’t stand it, don’t shout, because he can’t hear it, and if you feel that you can’t stand it, just pat him on the arm .

Looking back, Qin Miao saw Yu Jialiang's pale face through the goggles of his helmet.

Qin Miao was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized, this guy got carsick?

Qin Miao, who had stepped on the accelerator to death and was about to continue the next flight circle, let off the accelerator on the spot and pulled over to slow down.

After turning off the noise reduction function of the earphones, Qin Miao asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

The other party took a deep breath, and his face, which was still a little pale, returned to rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even became a little flushed.

Yu Jialiang planned to get off the car after Qin Miao completed the first flying lap. Qin Miao's driving style was completely different from what he expected.

Originally, Yu Jialiang only thought that Qin Miao came to experience the game just like himself, and his strength was ordinary.

But when he really got to the track, his extremely aggressive driving style and clever cornering lines made him tremble with fear.

Especially the heavy braking from 280 kilometers per hour to 3 kilometers per hour in 60 seconds on the back straight, he was so scared that he was unprepared.

During the time when Qin Miao asked him what was wrong, Yu Jialiang had other thoughts.

Yu Jialiang and his three friends made a bet, but the bet changed a little because of Qin Miao's existence.

Originally, they planned to have one car for each of the four people, and then go to the arena for a race, but now that Qin Miao took the place of one car, the car was not enough.

When one car was missing, someone suggested that Yu Jialiang, who had the worst driving skills, go to Qin Miao's car.

Anyway, with his driving skills, even if he drives a car by himself, he will be a life companion. It's better to let him gamble on the possibility that Qin Miao's final result represents Yu Jialiang's result.

When Yu Jialiang got into Qin Miao's car, he asked Qin Miao if he would drive.

At that time, Qin Miao said that he was on the track for the third time, and Yu Jialiang was already mentally prepared to lose the bet and bleed profusely.

But he never expected that Qin Miao would do such a trick to him.

Now Qin Miao's speed has slowed down, and Yu Jialiang has regained his ability to think.

Immediately, Yu Jialiang had the confidence to win the bet.

As far as Qin Miao's skill is concerned, wouldn't the taillights of the three cattle cars be invisible during the race?

Yu Jialiang felt an inexplicable feeling of regaining what was lost, like suddenly drinking a bottle of iced happy water in extremely hot summer.

From Tianlinggai to toenails.

"It's okay, I just didn't prepare myself mentally, and I was a little scared, let's continue?" Yu Jialiang's tone even had a hint of flattery.

Qin Miao was speechless, her T16 corner was pretty good, and she was planning to strike while the iron was hot and then do another flying lap, but you interrupted me, and now I’m asking you what’s wrong and you’re fine...

Rich people are really hard to serve...

Shaking his head, Qin Miao could only continue to cheer him up, pinching his nose and thinking about his bad luck, while running another tire warming lap.

Two minutes later, Qin Miao came to T2 again.

This time T16 Qin Miao still walked steadily, and the speed after exiting the corner was good, even a little faster than the speed of the first flying circle.

In the second flying lap, Qin Miao is still not pushing forward with all his strength, because for Qin Miao now, the most important thing is to complete the three flying laps with valid results stably, and then do the limit lap to try to track the top three. ranking.

In the second flying lap, Qin Miao was still three-stage purple without knowing it, and the result was improved by 0.2 seconds compared with the previous flying lap.

In the third flying circle, Qin Miao was purple in the first two sections. In the third section, Qin Miao encountered a slow car on the back straight. The results are also useless.

But the abolition here means that Qin Miao's purple and white in the first two sections have been brushed. For the competition organizer, Qin Miao's third effective flying circle has been completed.

Qin Miao's ranking results are also considered valid.

After confirming in the earphones that the three flying circles he made were all valid and currently ranked first, Qin Miao began to try to test the limits of this AMG GT.

Qin Miao also dared to step on the accelerator on some corners where he was afraid to open the gas in advance. The tail speed of the curve increased significantly, the cornering line became more aggressive, and the squeal of the tires became more obvious.

Yu Jialiang noticed that during the first three flying laps, Qin Miao's steering wheel was very stable when exiting the corner, and the steering wheel basically did not make any corrections when exiting the corner.

After the three flying laps, Qin Miao's flying laps were often corrected when exiting the corners, and the G force increased significantly when cornering, and the body shook more violently.

Fortunately, Qin Miao's stable performance in the first three flying circles gave Yu Jialiang enough confidence and a sense of security, and did not make him too nervous.

Qin Miao didn't know how he was doing in the next few laps, but he was very happy anyway.

When Qin Miao finished the last flying lap, the engineer's reminder sounded in the earphones: "The qualifying race is over, you can go back to the maintenance area, your position is at P2, congratulations."

Qin Miao was a little surprised that she was able to get this result. Although there seemed to be no professional drivers among the people who came to participate in this competition, rich people must often drive racing cars. Among them, there was only one person who was faster than himself. Qin Miao didn't expect it.

After slowing down the speed and taking a leisurely stroll around the last race, Qin Miao drove into the pit lane with a faint smile on his face.

After all, he is a young man, no matter how he pretends before the start of the qualifying round, after the qualifying round is over and he gets a good result, the expression on his face becomes a bit tense.

After qualifying, Qin Miao happily returned to Room P.

He was the first to come back, parked the car outside the P room, and then reversed into the parking space, Yu Jialiang, the co-pilot, couldn't wait to get out of the car.

He didn't go to a trash can to retch, but rushed to the engineer's work area, grabbed the engineer who was providing technical support for Qin Miao, and asked, "How is Qin Miao's grades?"

The other party answered honestly: "2 minutes 12 seconds 036, P2."

Hearing this result, Yu Jialiang smiled happily: "Hahahaha, this wave is stable, let's see how those three animals are doing in the main race."

After laughing, he seemed to realize something again, and came to Qin Miao who was unbuttoning his seat belt and getting out of the car.

"Qin Miao, you are awesome!" But Yu Jialiang changed the subject again: "We are friends now, right?"

Qin Miao shrank into the car in a daze, and then nodded hesitantly.

"Then if your friend is in trouble, don't you have to act righteously?"

"Ah..." Qin Miao thought for a while and continued to nod.

Yu Jialiang looked outside the P room like a thief, and then said to Qin Miao in a low voice: "When my friends come back later, if I want to ask you about your grades, don't tell me what your ranking is, just say that your grades are average. Thank you at the end of the game.”

Qin Miao didn't know why, so she could only nod stiffly.

Then Yu Jialiang went to discuss with the engineer about concealing Qin Miao's grades with a smile on his face.

This wave he is going to give his friends a small wave of network shock.

It didn't take long. After about 5 minutes, all three AMG GTs returned to Room P.

During this time, Qin Miao asked the staff to look at the data of his laps.

However, this car is only used for mild entertainment competitions, and has not undergone too many modifications for racing. Naturally, it did not use the computer for testing Qin Miao's operations, so what Qin Miao can see at this time is only Qin Miao also took a look at the results of the person in P1 for his lap times in these few laps and the speed of the three divisions.

The opponent is the same as myself, there is basically no difference between the second and third sections, but at the turns of T1, T2, and T3, it is about 0.1 seconds faster than myself, and it is because of this 0.1 second advantage that the opponent got the pole bit.

Qin Miao didn't care after reading it.

Anyway, his primary goal in this competition is to get the top three. As for finishing first, second or even third, it will not have much impact on the final result.

After briefly reviewing the qualifying process in his mind, Qin Miao asked the engineer to add 30 liters of fuel for him.

At this time, Qin Miao still has about 11 liters of fuel in the car, and the AMG GT has an average fuel consumption display. Qin Miao has just driven violently, and the car shows that the fuel consumption per 40 kilometers is [-] fuel.

The following race has a total of 19 laps. The length of the single lap in the previous race was 5.451 kilometers, and the total length of 19 laps was [-] kilometers.

Qin Miao will be running a gentler race then, and a little less fuel should be enough for him to finish the race.

The engineer did some calculations and found that Qin Miao had at least two laps of oil missing.

Originally, I wanted to persuade him, but I gave up after seeing Qin Miao's results.

From Qin Miao's results, it can be seen that Qin Miao is obviously good at driving, and he probably wants to lose weight by taking less fuel for a few laps.
PS. The next chapter will increase from 2000 to 3000 words.

A reward of 10000 points will add a chapter, and a monthly ticket of more than 500 will add a chapter.

By the way, I would like to thank the big guys who gave the rewards.

Thanks: Another hour tomorrow: 100
Dawn: 200
YY2893MOMO: 500
Richter Bachlev: 1500
Fire Pokémon Master: 500
Zeus's Ponytail: :3500
Darkness at night: 500
huhuhuhuhuhuhu: 1500
Darkest ray of light: 100
Watermelon grape cantaloupe: 500
Geomatic: 4000
Barley Cha: 500
Devil next door: 100
Ariesd: 100
_ED: 588
Book Friends 160807141328587: 100
Book Friends 20170517194913948: 100
Book Friends 20210118202450161: 100
Book friend 20220820163114002:100
Total: 14688.

The update has been added yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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