How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 61 61: Harvest

Chapter 61 61: Harvest

After chatting, the car almost arrived at the place, and the three got out of the car.

Now that I have arrived in Shanghai, I will naturally eat the local dishes of Shanghai and drink rice wine.

In fact, Qin Miao doesn't like drinking at all, but there's nothing he can do about it. Yu Jialiang just gave him a Ferrari. Regardless of whether the Ferrari was in Qin Miao's hands because of systematic influence, he deserves it, so He must have this drink.

Fortunately, today they just had a light meal, which was finished in about half an hour, and the two of them didn't drink much wine, adding up to a bottle and a half.

After dinner, the three of them went out and saw a brand new Ferrari 488 pista parked at the door.

A staff member was waiting at the door.

After discovering that the three of them had come out, he came up to them with a smile, handed the car key to Qin Miao with a smile, and said, "Mr. Qin, here are your car keys. Alright, the license plate number is Shanghai A0307Q, and the documents for the formalities have been placed in the front trunk of the car, the fuel tank has been filled up, and the car has been run-in by us, please inspect the car."

At this time, Qin Miao, who was still sober, subconsciously took the key, feeling that it is so convenient to have money. The other party not only filled up the gas for you and put on a license plate, but even helped you run the car.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work." Qin Miao responded politely.

The other party just nodded and smiled. Seeing that Qin Miao had no other requests, he asked, "Is there anything else we can help you with?"

Qin Miao shook her head.

"Then I won't disturb the three of you. If there are any quality problems with the vehicle, you can call the dealer at any time, and we will do our best to deal with it for you."

After finishing speaking, the other party left under the watchful eyes of the three.

After the man left, Yu Jialiang patted Qin Miao on the shoulder and said, "Tonight, I have an issue with my three friends. Would you like to bring your younger siblings to experience the nightlife in Shanghai?"

Without even thinking about it, Qin Miao shook her head and said, "Forget about it today. After a race, the physical exertion is a bit exhausting. Now that I've drank some wine, I'm starting to feel a little dizzy."

Yu Jialiang didn't force it either. Qin Miao didn't have anything to do with the game at night, so what he said was just a polite way of saying it.

"That's okay, don't drive after drinking tonight, can my younger siblings drive? If not, I'll call a substitute driver for you."

At this time, Qiumeng stood up and supported Qin Miao's arm and said, "No need for Lao Yu, I can drive."

"That's fine, I'll go first, and I will keep in touch in the future."

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

Yu Jialiang didn't drive away by himself. The real rich people actually cherish their feathers, and they don't touch those things that violate the law and discipline.

When Qin Miao and Yu Jialiang were eating, his driver was already waiting in the Maybach, and when he got in the car after eating, the car drove away.

Now that the external interference factors have been ruled out, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng beside him turned their eyes to the bright red super sports car parked at the intersection in front of the hotel.

Although this place is not the kind of crowded area, this rare super sports car on the market still attracts the attention of many passers-by.

However, the kind of Internet celebrities who don’t care about anything for the sake of fame are a minority after all. Most of these passers-by are far away and use their mobile phones to take pictures of the car. No one will be bold enough to touch the car.

After all, this is an information age, and everyone knows that a car with a Prancing Horse logo will not be cheap. If you break something on the car by leaning on it, there will be nowhere to cry.

Qin Miao looked at the car, then at Qiumeng, and asked in a low voice with some concern: "Mengmeng, are you okay?"

Qiu Meng couldn't guess Qin Miao's mind, she was just afraid that he would accidentally scratch or hit his precious car while driving.

However, Qiu Meng didn't intend to deliberately tease Qin Miao's nerves. She confidently gave Qin Miao a thumbs-up and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Putting all her belongings into the front trunk, Qiu Meng seemed so cautious when she actually sat in the driver's seat and drove the car.

It's not that Qiumeng is afraid of anything, she can actually drive faster, and she can drive faster without any problems.

But Qiumeng knew that Qin Miao had been distracted since the car appeared at the entrance of the restaurant. She glanced at the car from time to time, her eyes full of joy and longing when she met her favorite toy.

It can be said that this car is completely Qin Miao's heart, and maybe this car has a higher status in Qin Miao's heart than Qiu Meng.

Therefore, in order to reassure Qin Miao, Qiumeng was careful in all operations when driving, and did not dare to step on the accelerator.

Qin Miao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was also relieved to see Qiu Meng driving so softly.

At this moment, Qin Miao was a little confused because of alcohol. In fact, he didn't drink much when he was with Yu Jialiang, but Qin Miao didn't drink alcohol at all in his daily life, and the rice wine he drank had a lot of stamina. , Qin Miao was a little confused at the moment.

However, Qin Miao's current head is just a little dizzy, and his thinking speed has slowed down, not directly unable to act.

Back at the hotel where the two stayed, parked the car in the parking space, took the things and went back to their room.

After returning to the room, Qiu Meng first put Qin Miao's helmet and racing suit into the toilet, then carefully put away the trophies and medals, and then took out those important documents and car purchase information.

After browsing all of them briefly, Qiu Meng packed them all into a file bag.

When Qiumeng finished her busy work and turned to ask Qin Miao to take a bath, she found that Qin Miao had fallen asleep on the bed.

Qiu Meng pursed her lips helplessly, but soon smiled again.

Although this guy's alcohol capacity is very poor, and he became drunk before finishing a bottle of rice wine, Qiu Meng still likes Qin Miao's dislike of drinking, and Qin Miao is very quiet after drinking, basically As long as it touches the bed and falls asleep, it won't be too noisy.

But Qiumeng didn't let Qin Miao continue to sleep. Although she knew that Qin Miao must really want to sleep at this time, Qin Miao's body smelled of sweat after driving all day today.

When sleeping at night, not only would I smell sweat when lying next to him and feel uncomfortable, but Qin Miao would also feel uncomfortable sleeping with sweat sticking to her body.

So Qiu Meng pulled Qin Miao up and forced her to turn it on.

"Don't sleep yet, go to bed after taking a shower!"

Qin Miao is still a little confused now, but after hearing Qiu Meng's words, she seemed to be instinctive, drowsily got up from the bed and ran to the toilet to take a shower.

After taking a bath, Qin Miao hurriedly wiped her body, and got into the quilt again.


There was nothing to say all night, and Qin Miao woke up very early the next day.

After opening her eyes, Qin Miao was stunned for a while, and then went through all the things that happened yesterday in her mind.

In just one night, Qin Miao felt that the world he was facing had undergone tremendous changes.

After one day, I not only had my dream Ferrari as my car, but also became a driver of the GT3 team in China GT, although my identity as a driver is in the eyes of the team's boss It seems more like a nominal rich second generation.

Last night, Qin Miao might still feel that if he had the strength, he might be able to participate in the competition with this contract.

But after sleeping and waking up with a clearer mind, Qin Miao realized that unless his strength directly crushed the two drivers in that team, it would be impossible for him to replace the two official drivers in the team.

After thinking of this, Qin Miao sighed silently, she was so happy last night.

Although there is no way to rely on this status to participate in the official GG3 competition, but this contract is still good for Qin Miao.

He can rely on this contract to let the team provide him with data support for free. Among other things, Qin Miao builds a GT3 racing car himself, and then he can ask the team's engineers to analyze his driving data for himself, and let them give him The vehicle guarantee, logistics for themselves, these are written in the contract.

But Qin Miao didn't plan to contact the other party in a short time.

On the one hand, it is because Qin Miao has no money to buy a car now, and on the other hand, after running the races in the past few days, Qin Miao feels that what he needs to improve most is not his driving skills, but his physical strength.

The race yesterday was fine. The AMG GT was slower than the F4, but the comfort of the AMG GT was also better than that of the F4. After 19 laps and more than 100 kilometers of racing, Qin Miao’s physical strength was still strong. live.

However, running down the F4 in the third quarter almost gave Qin Miao a psychological shadow on the spot, so Qin Miao felt that what he needed to improve most now was his physical strength.

But before that, Qin Miao turned his head and looked at the bedside table, and he saw a bunch of red car keys, and the iconic prancing horse icon was so eye-catching.

Just as she was about to reach out and hold the bunch of keys in her hand to take a good look, Qin Miao felt that her hands were imprisoned and could not be lifted at all.

Looking down, she found that Qiu Meng was holding her right arm tightly, and her small face was stuck to her arm.

Too lazy to try to get the key, Qin Miao simply opened his own system interface.

After finding the lottery draw function, I used all my 10 blue lottery draws at once.

I thought that the blue lottery would have different special effects, but I didn't expect that it would still have no special effects like the white lottery. After thinking about it, the information of the ten winning items appeared in Qin Miao's mind.

【<Person and vehicle in one> (blue)*2】

【Health Drink (Blue)*3】

【100 million RMB*1】

【1000 million racing fund*2】

[Skill: Appease Machine Soul (Blue)]

[Skill: Physical Strength (Blue)]

These things are all that Qin Miao has gained in this competition.

However, this lottery gave Qin Miao a lot of surprises, because he found that the background color of the items given by the white lottery was also white, while the background color of the items given by the blue lottery was blue.

Qin Miao, who often plays games, can easily tell that the blue item names mean that the level of these items is higher than that of the white items. If there is no accident, the effect will be better.

(End of this chapter)

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