How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 62 Chapter 62: Reading Comprehension

Chapter 62 Chapter 62: Reading Comprehension

Cards, drinks, event funds and discretionary funds have already been mentioned, and Qin Miao also knows the general purpose of these things.

So let's not pay attention to these for the time being, Qin Miao put his attention on the two newly acquired skills.

The first skill: appease machine soul.

【Comfort Machine Soul (Blue)】

[Description: Active skills, after use, can greatly reduce the failure rate of the target mechanical creation within the next two hours. 】

[How to use: Keep a pious attitude, put the five fingers of your right hand together, tilt upward at 45 degrees, and slap any part of the mechanical creation three times with appropriate force. 】

After seeing this skill description, Qin Miao was very excited, because for a racing driver, this skill is undoubtedly a magic skill.

What do racers fear?It's not that I'm not as good as others, or that the car is not fast enough to catch up with others.

What the racer group really worries about is:
When racing you have the advantage, you are faster than your opponent.

But in the middle of the race, you found that your car had a mechanical failure, which could not be repaired during the race, and you had no choice but to retire.

All the preparations before the race, all the practice, all the careful calculations, the hard-working car tuning by the staff, all went to waste because of a mechanical failure, and all the hard work for a week was in vain.

It's okay if this happens once or twice, it's inevitable after all.

But if there are too many times, no matter how stable the mentality is, the racing driver will not be able to bear it.

With this skill, the possibility of Qin Miao encountering mechanical failure will be greatly reduced. For Qin Miao, this skill is a strong guarantee and the confidence for him to step on the accelerator.

For example, we all know that the engine of a racing car has a service life, and it must be replaced with a new engine after the engine has been used to a certain extent.

But changing the engine does not mean that you just change the engine if you find that there is wear and tear. After all, an engine is not cheap, and like F1 competitions, there is a limit on the number of engine parts to replace. There is a penalty for replacing the same part multiple times.

This means that you have to wear a part to the point where it is close to useless before replacing it.

But the closer you are to a component being scrapped, the more likely it is to have stability issues.

Naturally, when you use this kind of engine, you will subconsciously give fuel less aggressively during the race, because you will be afraid that it is because you give too much fuel when you accelerate once, which will cause the engine to be crushed by you.

But with this skill, Qin Miao will not have such worries in this state. He can safely and boldly step on the gas pedal into the fuel tank. At least within the two hours that the skill lasts, Qin Miao will not Worry about what's going to happen to your car.

Although this skill is very idealistic, I have to say how important this skill that comes from the Warhammer universe is very important for a racer who needs to deal with machinery.

After identifying this skill as a particularly useful one, Qin Miao turned her attention to the next skill.

【Strong and healthy (blue)】

[Description: Passive skill, after equipping this skill, body loss will be reduced by 3%]

[How to use: Insert this skill into the skill slot]

After seeing the description of this skill, Qin Miao frowned, because he felt that this skill was not worthy of the level of blue compared with the previous skill to appease machine soul.

Because no matter how you say it, reducing consumption by only 3% is a bit too little. After running 33 laps in a race, Qin Miao saves only enough energy for him to run one more lap.

No matter how you look at this skill, it doesn't match virtue. If it was a green skill, Qin Miao could accept it, but he happened to be a blue skill.

Qin Miao was a little bit pained, but soon he was relieved.

Just like there are good and bad things at the same level, the last skill may be the worst kind of blue skills.

However, if Qin Miao had one more skill slot, he would definitely not mind using this skill card on a daily basis. Although a 3% loss reduction does not seem like much, it is a small amount to reduce loss. The physical strength saved is also a considerable figure.

After classifying this skill as a weak skill, Qin Miao let out a sigh of relief, and planned to take out his mobile phone to find out if there was a place nearby that sold lottery tickets. His racing fund had arrived, so he had to find a way to get it out.

Originally, Qin Miao was still a little short of money, but now with the 2 million racing fund in the lottery function, plus the 000 million from the task, Qin Miao didn't have to worry about his own consumption of racing in a short time.

After finding out that he had so much money, Qin Miao wanted to buy a GT3 racing car in the name of the team he signed with.

Qin Miao felt that as an official driver with a contract, he should have this right.

He is not in a hurry to take this car to participate in any competitions. He bought a GT3 racing car just to keep it for himself to practice skills. Anyway, Qin Miao has money now, and the money is all blown by the wind. Qin Miao There is no psychological burden to spend.

Qin Miao was a little concerned about whether he would be in trouble if he won two large lottery tickets in a row.

However, the system may also give the money to Qin Miao in other unexpected ways, but Qin Miao is still looking forward to the specific method.

In addition, Qin Miao called up the blue <Human-vehicle Integration> (blue) skill card from his system with some curiosity.

He was a little curious about the difference between the blue skill cards and the white ones.

The explanation that appeared in front of Qin Miao did indeed shock Qin Miao once.

Although this card didn't have any very clear description like a skill, after clicking on it, Qin Miao naturally knew why this card had a blue name.

It is different from the white one: the skill cards that will be unbound after adding oil and changing tires.

The conditions for unbinding the blue skill card after use are no longer as strict as before.

After the blue skill card selects the car, change tires, refuel, change engine oil, change glass of water, these normal maintenance will not affect the binding status.

But that's all. Changing the wheels, installing an aero kit or a roll cage, changing the exhaust, etc. will still unbind in an instant.

However, compared with the white skill card, Qin Miao is already very satisfied that the blue skill card can improve to such a degree.

Looked at the health potion (blue) again.

What puzzled Qin Miao was that the so-called health potion did not have the same effect as the blue skill card.

It can be said that the effect of this bottle of health care medicine is the same as that of white, the difference is that the effect of this health care medicine is stronger and the effect is faster.

But at this time Qin Miao did not dare to take out the potion to try the effect. Although she was very relieved of Qiu Meng, Qin Miao did not bring health potion with her when she went out, and Qiu Meng followed Qin Miao all the way.

If she asked why there was an extra bottle of potion in the room, Qin Miao would have a hard time explaining it.

I secretly planned in my heart that I would have to buy a bigger water bottle in the future, and put these health care medicines in the water bottle when I wanted to drink water.

Seeing that Qiumeng still hadn't woken up, Qin Miao had no choice but to continue lying on the bed.

But Qin Miao didn't feel bored either. Hearing Qiumeng's pleasant smell and her even and steady breathing, Qin Miao felt very at ease.

Just maintaining this comfortable state, Qin Miao fell asleep again before he knew it.

Qin Miao woke up again because of Qiu Meng.

Opening his eyes in a daze, he saw Qiu Meng's small face appearing in front of him, holding something dangling in front of his nose.

Seeing that Qin Miao woke up, Qiu Meng took back the steamed stuffed bun dangling in front of Qin Miao's nose, lowered her head and kissed Qin Miao's lips, Qiu Meng said mischievously, "Good morning, dear~"

Qin Miao rubbed her nose and asked, "What time is it?"

"[-]:[-], you got up late, let's have breakfast first."

Nodding, Qin Miao got up from the bed, and after getting dressed, Qin Miao asked, "Any plans for today?"

Qiu Meng shook her head: "No, is there anything else you want to play?"

Qin Miao scratched her face in embarrassment and said, "I want to go to the race again and try my Ferrari..."

I thought that Qiumeng would be somewhat dissatisfied after saying this, after all, Qin Miao only cared about enjoying the game, and didn't even think about taking Qiumeng to relax.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Meng nodded very naturally and said, "Okay! I just want to experience the feeling of racing on the track in your car."

"Hey, Mengmeng, you are so kind!" Qin Miao was naturally full of joy.

"Eat breakfast first, or you won't have the strength to drive later."


After breakfast, Qin Miaozai cleaned himself carefully inside and out, and then, with Qiumeng's helpless and doting smile, he took the Ferrari key that Qiumeng put on the bedside table in his hand like a pilgrimage.

The Ferrari key is standard Ferrari red, a string of Ferrari silver English characters are printed on the back of the key, and there are 4 buttons on the front, which are to lock the car, unlock it, open the front trunk and turn on the lights.

Because the shell is made of carbon fiber, the key is not heavy, but it feels good in the hand, and the appearance is also very design. Qin Miao can't put it down in his hand.

After holding the key in his hand, Qin Miao turned to Qiumeng expectantly and asked, "Where is the car parked?",

Seeing Qin Miao's anxious look, Qiu Meng shook her head and smiled, knowing that this guy would be in a hurry to go to the race to experience his new car after waking up today.

So after returning to the hotel last night, Qiu Meng only washed Qin Miao's racing suit, and Qiu Meng didn't remove the helmet and the inner lining of the helmet for cleaning.

"You'd better put on your helmet first, the car was parked in the hotel parking lot by me."

Qin Miao nodded quickly, put on the helmet, Qiu Meng picked up her bag, and the two went out.

(End of this chapter)

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