How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 66 Chapter 66: Let's learn

Chapter 66 Chapter 66: Let's learn
Qin Miao saw that the few people were still unwilling to let go, so she simply walked around them flexibly, trotted to the side of the car, opened the driver's door, and quickly sat in.

The woman who took off her clothes in front of Qin Miao was the fastest among them. Seeing that Qin Miao got into the driver's car and came to the front passenger door, she was about to open the door.

But what kind of person is Qin Miao, playing e-sports, who can still achieve results is not a fierce person with superb reaction speed?Seeing the other party approaching the co-pilot's door and reaching out to open it, Qin Miao's brain had already predicted the other party's thoughts, and locked the car door directly.

And the young lady who didn't treat Qin Miao as an outsider grabbed the door handle and pulled it violently. She was also afraid that Qin Miao would lock the door directly if she moved too slowly.

But after pulling it a bit, her face was full of regret, because the car door had already been locked by Qin Miao.

But also because of her forceful pull, Qin Miao stared blankly at the turbulent waves in front of him.

What did this man eat to grow up?

"Cough cough..."

Without leaving a trace, Qin Miao stepped on the brake and started the engine.

尽管法拉利488 pista的发动机动静比起458那种高亢的自吸发动机的声音低沉了不少,可这毕竟也是台3.9T V8双涡轮780匹的机器。

Even if it's not that high-pitched, the sound of this car's engine when it starts up is by no means gentle.

With a sound of "Boom!", the women who were still surrounded by the car shrank subconsciously, because while the sound of the engine starting was low and deep, the movement was not small at all.

And taking advantage of their dazed opportunity, Qin Miao drove her car out of the parking space, kicked the accelerator and ran away.

In Qin Miao's own feeling, this gas pedal was a bit awkward, and there was a sense of urgent desire to escape from Pansi Cave.

After driving out of the parking lot, Qin Miao soon saw Qiu Meng carrying two plastic bags at the entrance of the convenience store.

Under the envious or jealous or plain eyes of passers-by, Qin Miao slowly parked the car in front of Qiu Meng.

In the driver's seat, he opened the front trunk of the vehicle, and Qiu Meng, who came over with a bag, took advantage of the opportunity and put a relatively large bag into the front trunk.

Then Qiumeng sat in the co-pilot holding a relatively small bag, and after putting her bag and bag on the floor mat, Qiumeng asked casually, "Why is it so long?"

Hearing Qiu Meng's question, Qin Miao recalled the women he met in the parking lot, the corners of his mouth twitched, and at the same time, his eyes subconsciously glanced at Qiu Meng's chest.

Qin Miao didn't hide it, and there was nothing to hide about it. After all, nothing happened between Qin Miao and those women.

I briefly told Qiu Meng what happened just now, but Qin Miao summed up the part that might make Qiu Meng unhappy with the phrase "rather bold".

Although Qin Miao's Taoism is relatively shallow in terms of seeing people and dealing with people, Qin Miao is still proficient in using the spring and autumn brushwork.

After hearing Qin Miao's words, Qiu Meng's small face was also full of surprises. She didn't expect such a group to exist.

"Long time to see..." Qiu Meng shook her head and sighed while putting two bottles of Red Bull into the storage slot under the center console, and the other plastic bags and her bag were placed in the armrest box.

It is worth mentioning that the 488 does not have an armrest box, and the position of the armrest box is directly empty.

"Is there anything left behind?" Qiu Meng asked before preparing to leave.

Qin Miao thought about it carefully, then shook her head and said, "Probably not."

"Let's go then!"

"Sit still~" Qin Miao stepped on the accelerator slowly.


In the first two hours of departure, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng were in high spirits, and Qiu Meng even touched around inside 488, curious about everything.

But as time goes by, the disadvantages of this super sports car are highlighted.

Even in the mildest Sport mode, and Qin Miao also turned on the shock absorption mode for bumpy roads, the chassis suspension of this car is still a bit hard, and the seat is not particularly comfortable.

It's okay to sit for a short time. After more than four hours in the car, Qiu Meng, the person in the car, felt a little bit unbearable, let alone Qin Miao, who was in charge of driving.

As long as the speed is slower when passing the speed bump, the car may jump up, and at the same time, the vibration feeling of passing the speed bump is very strong and clear.

When I found a rest area on the side of the road to rest and refuel, I saw that there was still nearly 8 hours of driving time on the navigation map. No matter how much I liked my 488 pista, Qin Miao couldn't help but feel a little nervous. At the same time, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to support his waist.

But after all, he is a young man, and the world has the greatest face, so even if Qin Miao felt that his waist could not bear it anymore, he still stiffened and said nothing.

Of course, on the way back, apart from the not-so-good ride and driving experience, everything else was relatively comfortable.

Because today is neither a holiday nor a peak travel period, the two of them never encountered traffic jams on the road when they set off.

The road is unimpeded, and after leaving the Shanghai border, there are fewer cars on the expressway. Qin Miao can keep the speed of 488 at 120 for a long time.

On the road, they rested one after another and drove several times, and the two finally entered the territory of Hunan.

"Go to Changsha first, and then go home."

On the road, Qin Miao was sitting in the co-pilot with a small pillow on his back, and heard Qiu Meng who was driving say this.

Qin Miao didn't ask anything, but just nodded: "Yes, do you want me to reset the navigation point?"

Qiu Meng nodded: "Let's find a gift shop, let's buy something and go see Boss Zhou."

Originally, Qin Miao didn't care whether he went to Changsha or not, but after hearing what Qiumeng said, Qin Miao also felt that it was necessary for the two of them to go.

Because Qin Miao got this 488 and everything he got in Shanghai mainly because of the invitation letter from Boss Zhou.

So both Qin Miao and Qiu Meng owe Boss Zhou's favor, and if they don't go along the way, that's another story, but the two of them happened to be passing through Changsha this time, so they both had to meet Qin Miao's friend nobleman.

After resetting the navigation point, the two stayed in the car for another three hours.

By the time we entered the urban area of ​​CS, it was already past 2 o'clock in the morning. The two of them only set off in the afternoon, so it's natural that they arrived late now.

They didn't bother Boss Zhou at this time. The two found a hotel to take a comfortable bath and rest for the night. After waking up the next day, they found a gift shop to buy gifts.

That's the good thing about being young. I was so tired from driving yesterday that I almost couldn't straighten my waist, but after waking up from a sleep, the two of them were still alive and well like normal people.

In fact, what Qin Miao thought was just to carry two bottles of Moutai over there, but Qiu Meng looked over with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and then took Qin Miao to choose an ashtray with a very exquisite design and a price of up to 2000. I bought an equally expensive Zippo lighter.

When Qin Miao looked at these two things, she was still a little puzzled: "Can Boss Zhou like these things? And are these things too cheap?"

Qiu Meng patiently explained: "My dear, do you think that Boss Zhou who can give that level of invitation letter will be a poor man? Of course not. Since he is not short of money, there must be many people around him who want to curry favor His people, it is impossible for these people to send expensive tobacco and alcohol. Besides, we can't get that kind of really top-notch tobacco and alcohol, so instead of sending those that are piled up at home for Boss Zhou There are a lot of things, it's better to give something thoughtful."

"The last time we went there to play, I noticed that Boss Zhou's ashtray was just an iron box containing wafer biscuits, and the lighter was just a few yuan windproof lighter."

"If we want to give it away, we have to give it something thoughtful and something he can use often. Then as soon as he uses it, he will have an idea in his heart: Oh, who gave it to him?"

"Isn't the favorability going to go up?"

After listening to Qiu Meng's explanation, Qin Miao's face was full of enlightenment, and then Qin Miao sincerely gave Qiu Meng a thumbs-up: "It's so thin, I'll let you finish it!"

Qiu Meng frowned, and her small fist was already waving, hitting Qin Miao's arm with one fist.

Qin Miao was beaten for no reason: "Why are you hitting me when you have nothing to do?"

"How dare you call me old!"

Qin Miao:? ? ?

After fighting and fighting, the two drove to the downstairs of Boss Zhou's shop around ten o'clock in the morning.

It is still the same as when Qin Miao and Qiu Meng first came here, and there is no obvious change, but this is also normal. It has not been more than a week since Qin Miao and Qiu Meng went to Changsha, so it is not normal for there to be a big change .

After parking the car, the two went upstairs with the beautifully wrapped gift.

The simulator experience store is still open normally, but since today is not a day off, and it is a bit early now, there are no customers in the store, so it looks empty.

Boss Zhou fully demonstrated what a rich person's usual life would be like after he truly realized the freedom of wealth.

He was driving with VR glasses on the six-axis simulator that Qin Miao sat on last time, and he didn't notice anyone coming in the door.

Qiu Meng made a silent gesture to Qin Miao, and then the two of them found a place to sit and wait in the rest area without disturbing Boss Zhou's game.

Fortunately, the two didn't wait long. After about 5 minutes, Boss Zhou's racing seat stopped changing its position, and he took off the VR glasses on his head.

After taking off the VR glasses, Boss Zhou naturally saw the two obediently sitting on the side.

After seeing the two, Boss Zhou raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then asked with a smile, "You two are back so soon? How was the game?"

As he spoke, he unfastened his seat belt.

Qiu Meng walked up to help, and Qin Miao followed suit, but was blocked by Boss Zhou with a smile.

"The competition was okay, and I took second place." Qin Miao replied honestly.

Hearing this ranking, Boss Zhou's face was full of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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