Chapter 67
Suddenly received a notice from editor Fengda that it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

To be honest, I was really unprepared, and I didn't expect this day to come so soon.

No more nonsense BB, it's not my character to sell miserably, let's be more practical.

In the future, there will be a minimum guarantee of 200 words a day, a monthly pass of 10000 plus one change, and a reward of [-] plus a change.

Seven more on the first day on the shelves.

that's all
Finally, I would like to thank the friends who have given rewards recently:
Book Friends 20190408123837131: 100
Little Princess Harry: 500
Zeus' Ponytail: 500
Flying flames: 100
Gemini ZMY: 500
Bright-eyed Husky: 100
Xinghai starry: 100
Little Princess Harry: 500
Amorous man: 500
Book friend 20210628000752657:500
Willow: 500
(End of this chapter)

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