How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 76: Chapter 75: VIP Privileges

Chapter 76: Chapter 75: VIP Privileges

After landing, the exhausted two people had no extra energy to observe the specific differences between the streets of Britain and the humanities in China.

Somewhat dispirited, the two found a British-style black Black Cab taxi at the airport exit, and then the two took this British-style taxi to the hotel that had been booked.

On the way to the hotel, the two of them had no interest in chatting, and just sat in the back seat cuddling each other.

After all, they had been on the road for 20 hours. Although there was no strenuous exercise or physical labor on the road, the two of them had a lot of mental exhaustion along the way.

Came to the hotel full of exhaustion, checked in, and entered the hotel room.

As soon as he entered the room, Qin Miao threw the suitcase away and wanted to lie on the bed and sleep directly, but Qiu Meng stopped him, and only let Qin Miao lie down to sleep after changing a set of sheets and quilt covers.

And she didn't have the strength to tidy up anymore, so she took off her clothes and got into Qin Miao's arms directly.

The two of them didn't even take the planned bath, let alone eat dinner.

Although the journey was exhausting, the two of them slept comfortably this afternoon.

When I woke up again, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning of the second day.

No way, I went to bed too early last night.

And even if they woke up at 5:00 in the morning, the two of them still slept for nearly 11 hours.

Since the UK is a high-latitude country, it dawns very early in the UK during this period of July, and it dawns at more than four o'clock in the morning.

It was still light when Qin Miao and the two got off the plane at six o'clock last night.

After getting up in the morning, I wash up very often, simply tidy up my personal belongings, and after making sure nothing is left behind, the two check out and leave.

After all, I came to watch the F1 Grand Prix, and the venue of the Grand Prix is ​​not in Hounslow.

Taking the Black Cab taxi with British characteristics again, Qiumeng was obviously very interested this time. All the way to Silverstone, she was very interested in the interior decoration of this taxi.

And Qin Miao is more concerned about the buildings on the roadside and the clothes of pedestrians. Britain can be regarded as a country with a relatively long history. Even though it has experienced a little bit of war, it still retains a lot of ancient buildings.

Qin Miao was really curious about these buildings with different architectural styles from his own country, but with their own characteristics.

In fact, Britain is only that big. If you really want to count it, Daiying is equivalent to the size of 4 Tongliao, which is comparable to Guangxi.

So it may be seen from the map that there is a long distance between Silverstone and London, but in fact it is only about 100 kilometers.

Starting from the hotel in Hounslow, the two arrived at the Silverstone Circuit in an hour and a half by car.

The tickets that Qiu Meng bought for the two of them were the most expensive tickets, more than 4 for one ticket, and [-] for the two tickets together.

To be honest, if Qin Miao's money hadn't been blown by a strong wind, Qin Miao really couldn't bear to pay after seeing such a terrifying figure.

Of course, being expensive also has its advantages. First of all, what Qin Miao and the others bought was the most expensive VIP Ferrari package.

In other words, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng can go directly to the Ferrari team's P room to watch the race in the Ferrari team's main race or the first, second and third practice sessions, and the preparation stage of qualifying.

The second is a VIP viewing position with an excellent view, which is located at the end of Turn 16.

In this position, Qin Miao can clearly see the exit of Turn 15 and the three consecutive turns of 16, 17, and 18. The viewing angle is not bad.

Moreover, compared to the densely packed common watching seats, the crowd density of Qin Miao and his team is very low, and there are professional service staff to provide food and drinks at any time.

The most important thing is that their position has a high awning, which can block the scorching sun without affecting their view of the stadium.

Afterwards, you can also communicate face-to-face with F1 drivers, and signing autographs is naturally a no-brainer.

You can also join the team party after the race.

For the two of them now, the most important point of this ticket is that this ticket includes hotel accommodation service for three days of play time, but because Qin Miao and the others came a day early, they need to pay for an extra day of accommodation .

In any case, although the ticket is a bit expensive, it has to be said that with so many favorable conditions and privileges, it is definitely worth the money spent.

Arriving at the hotel, I paid the extra day's money, and then put the luggage in the hotel. After the two sorted it out, it was only nine o'clock in the morning.

The two of them were not hungry, so they simply went directly to the largest nearby tourist attraction, which is one of the most prestigious tracks in the UK: "Silverstone Circuit".

Compared with other circuits on the F1 calendar, Silverstone is one of the most historical circuits.

Because this track was the site of the first F1 World Championship, this track has become synonymous with British racing after the precipitation of history and the baptism of time.

Therefore, the British racing atmosphere and racing background are extremely profound, and many F1 teams have their headquarters in the UK.

After the two came out of the hotel, they immediately felt the racing atmosphere.

The billboards that can be seen everywhere on the roadside of the Silverstone Circuit are no longer an advertisement for a specific product, but photos of F1 cars or drivers are printed on them.

What is sold in the shop window is no longer common clothes and ordinary drinks.

What they sell are F1 team uniforms, hats, and even glasses with the team logo, and most of the products in the supermarket have been replaced with products that are linked to the F1 team.

After seeing all this on the road, Qin Miao felt that before F1 was a competitive sport, it was more like an unprecedented grand tour, commercial activities, and big shows.

The economic benefits that each F1 Grand Prix can bring are extremely terrifying, which is why there are more and more F1 races in recent years.

Who is not confused by such a strong ability to attract money and the opportunity to drive the development of local tourism?

If there is no accident, the gang of big dogs in the Middle East may make a move. After all, they have nothing but money.

At the same time, Qin Miao also noticed that when the locals at the scene saw tourists like Qin Miao and the others, they would always wear a reserved and proud smile on their faces.

After all, Britain is considered the birthplace of F1. As the orthodox heir to the old London Union Jack, every old Englishman has a special feeling for racing and is proud of it.

A F1 grand prix lasted for three days, and Qin Miao and his package arranged their three days in an orderly manner.

Although today is only Thursday and the British Grand Prix will officially start tomorrow, the packages of the major teams have been delivered to the paddock today, and many tourists have poured into the paddock.

As mentioned earlier, the F1 Grand Prix is ​​actually more like a grand performance event, and this event will naturally generate many economic benefits.

So even though today is not a match day, the paddock is still open to the public, and the shops in the arena are also open for customers.

Anyway, there are no team members in the paddock at this time. Put these tourists in, they can't do anything else except wander around, and at this time the store is open, so there is no need to guess what they might do .

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't join in the excitement. Although they were young and in good health, they didn't have a good rest for more than [-] hours, and they couldn't recover after a night of sleep.

Today, Qin Miao also reduced his training volume in a rare way. He found a gym in the hotel where he stayed, and only completed half of his usual training volume.

In the afternoon, the two didn't enter the track, they just walked around outside the track. They didn't meet any drivers, but they saw many spectators wearing F1 team uniforms.

I didn't go out to wander around at night anymore, foreign countries are no better than domestic ones, Qin Miao really didn't dare to take Qiu Meng to wander around in the middle of the night.

After a long absence, she used the computer in the hotel to play CSGO for a while, while Qiu Meng continued to study.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, the two quickly washed and dressed. Today was the start of the British Grand Prix. Although today was just one or two practice sessions, it was the first time for the two of them to participate in the F1 Grand Prix. That dream came true. The emotions generated by the feeling of reality are indescribable in words.

The start time of the first practice is [-] am local time.

Although with the VIP tickets of Qin and Miao, they can enter the venue whenever they want.

But after all, it was the first time to participate in the F1 Grand Prix, and neither of them wanted to miss any pictures, so they came to the scene early.

However, when they came to the scene and completed the ticket check at the VIP entrance, when they thought they could go to the seat to watch the practice now, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng were directly pulled away by a sightseeing car with the Ferrari logo printed on it. up.

The two of them were still a little confused at first, but after careful inquiry, they found out that these cars were specially for customers like Qin Miao and the others who had bought VIP fleet tickets.

Soon the sightseeing car pulled the two of them into the area where the staff stayed behind the team's P room.

But at this time, the active staff here are not wearing the uniforms of the F1 team that Qin Miao knows.

"What's the matter with these people? Why did staff from the non-F1 team appear in the paddock during the Grand Prix?" Qin Miao was a little curious.

"These people are the staff of the F2 team." The staff replied and asked: "It should be the first time for the two guests to participate in the Grand Prix, right? Before the start of the F1 Grand Prix, there are usually warm-up races, and The pad race before the British Grand Prix is ​​an F2 race."

This is really the first time Qin Miao heard about it. Originally, Qin Miao thought that F2 would be held in the same way as F1, adopting the grand prix competition method.

But hearing what the other party said, Qin Miao analyzed again, it seems that compared with F2, F1 does not have any attention at all. If the grand prix competition is adopted, there will be no money at all.

On the contrary, making F2 a back-up race for F1 saves expenses on the one hand and gives F2 enough attention on the other hand.

Kill two birds with one stone!

While Qin Miao was thinking, the sightseeing car also came to the entrance of the viewing area above the P room.

After parking the car, the staff did not rush to let Qin Miao and Qiu Meng get out of the car, but turned to them in their seats and said, "Now is the time for the F2 race, so the two of you cannot go to the P room to watch the race for the time being. , now I recommend three ways to play for you two."

The first is to go to the stand area above the P room and wait for the start of the first and second practice.At that time, you can go directly to the P room of the Ferrari team by yourself.

"The second way is to go directly to the VIP stand area to watch the F2 practice match. One hour after the F2 practice match is over, there will be the first and second practice of F1."

"And this third option is the one I most recommend to the two. As a staff member, I can tell the two guests that there is nothing to watch in the practice sessions of F1 and F2, because the team spends most of the time in In the racing debugging and verification stage, unless it is a professional, it is difficult to figure out what they are doing, so I recommend the two of you to go to the entertainment facilities in the paddock."

"The British Grand Prix has a long racing history and racing culture. There are many opportunities for the two of you to get close to F1 cars in the paddock. For example, experience the work of a tire changer, use the F1 team's dedicated simulator, and try to ride an F1 car. In the cockpit, you can get in close contact with F1 drivers, watch singers perform, and you can even go to the driver’s entrance and wait for the drivers to enter. Because the two of you are VIP tickets, you don’t have to worry about not having a good place to watch the game when you come back after going to the entrance. .”

In Qin Miao's opinion, the professional ability of this staff member is worthy of recognition, because after such a long passage, he didn't stumble at all.

After careful consideration, Qin Miao finally chose the third option.

After all, Qin Miao and Qiumeng came out to play this time, and they couldn't let go of the basics.

Moreover, Qin Miao only has longings for F1. He is self-aware, and he knows that it will be difficult for him to truly become an F1 driver.

The last reason is to listen to people's persuasion to eat enough. The locals have said so that practice games are boring, so Qin Miao will naturally not be paranoid and want to try.

"Then please take us to the entertainment facilities in the paddock." Qin Miao said.

A decent and confident smile bloomed on the staff's face: "Okay, you two will definitely feel that this trip is worthwhile."

The sightseeing car started again, and took Qin Miao and Qiu Meng to the entertainment area in the paddock.

From a distance, Qin Miao could hear the sound of music coming from a distance, and when he got closer, he could hear very dynamic and exciting music.

The sightseeing car stopped at the entrance, and the staff handed a bracelet with the Ferrari logo and a QR code to Qin Miao: "This is the VIP ticket for the two of you. If you get tired of playing, you can find it anywhere." A sightseeing car let them take you to see the stage or P room."

"Finally, thank you both for your support and affirmation of Ferrari!"

After speaking, he smiled and waved to Qin Miao and Qiu Meng and left.

Wearing their own bracelets, the two walked into the entertainment area outside the paddock hand in hand with curiosity and anticipation on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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