How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 77: Chapter 76

Chapter 77: Chapter 76
As soon as she entered the entertainment area, Qin Miao felt the sense of atmosphere rushing towards her face.

Whether it is the decoration of the F1 team on the surrounding people, such as team uniforms, team hats, or driver's head cards, or promotional posters and F1 elements that can be seen everywhere.

All show the British racing background and the excitement of the F1 British Grand Prix.

After all, it was the British Grand Prix, and most of the tourists on the scene were locals. There were also spectators like Qin Miao who came from abroad to watch the Grand Prix, but they were a minority after all.

Therefore, compared with other teams, the Mercedes team obviously has the most fans, and spectators wearing Mercedes black uniforms can be seen everywhere.

The reason why there are so many fans is very simple, because there is a five-time champion Hamilton in the Mercedes team.

Mercedes is still unabated this year. If there is no accident, Hamilton will achieve his six championships in Mercedes, and it is foreseeable that before the rules of F1 are changed, Mercedes' dominance will continue.

So for the British local audience, it is undoubtedly a kind of spiritual and physical enjoyment to come to their home court to watch Hamilton on the podium or even win the championship.

However, Qin Miao loves Ferrari very much. He and Qiumeng both wore Ferrari team hats. When they were on the sightseeing bus, there were genuine Ferrari hats on every seat.

Entering the entertainment area, the first thing they saw was a McLaren F1 car placed on a booth. Qin Miao observed it carefully. It seemed to be this year's McLaren F1 car: MCL34.

However, judging from the posture that everyone can sit in the car and take a group photo, this should be a model car with a superficial appearance. After all, no F1 team will show the car that is about to race.

But despite this, Qin Miao queued up for a while to get on the McLaren MCL34.

Even if it's a model car, Qin Miao doesn't really want to miss this opportunity to sit on an F1 car.

One thing to say, when sitting on the F4 without the Halo system, Qin Miao's entire field of vision is very spacious. Although the viewing angle is relatively low, at least there will be no obstructions.

But after sitting in the F1 car with the Halo system, the Halo system in front of you blocks the view ahead, and you have to turn your head slightly to see the road in front of you clearly when driving.

Fortunately, the Halo system does not block the vision in front of you too much. It can only be said that it has a certain impact, and it will be fine after a little time to get used to it.

It is impossible for Qin Miao to stay in this place alone for too long, so after Qiumeng took two photos, Qin Miao got out of the car and didn't have time to feel if sitting in the cockpit of an F1 racing car would be fun. What doesn't fit.

After bidding farewell to McLaren's MCL34, the two visited the Pirelli tire display shop again, where you can become a tire changer for the F1 team in a short time.

There will even be a machine to help you time when you change a tire.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't queue up because they were VIPs, so they went up to try it out. There was also a younger brother who was also Chinese with them.

Qin Miao was in charge of picking the tires, Qiu Meng was in charge of removing the nuts with an air gun, and the last Chinese brother was in charge of installing the tires.

Watching those tire changers on TV with quick hands and feet, the slowest tire change during the race only takes [-]:[-] seconds, so Qin Miao thought this tire was easy to change before the experience began.

But Qin Miao didn't realize that the tires were not light at all, and each tire weighed at least 20 catties. It was not easy to change tires as fast and error-free as the F1 team staff for the first time.

The three tried three times together, and the best results were around seven seconds.

Qin Miao is fine. After all, he has been exercising intensively during this period of time, and his core strength is enough for him to easily lift the tire. Qiu Meng used to rely on Qin Miao at most when she slept, but now she has to let go of her hands every day when she sleeps. From Qin Miao's chest muscles, it can be seen that Qin Miao's physical fitness at this time.

But the other Asian guy didn't have such good physical strength. He gritted his teeth the first two times and was able to forcibly pick up the tire and buckle it to the drive shaft, but the third time he almost couldn't even pick it up.

But after all, this is just an entertainment project for the tourists who come to the paddock to experience, and there are no rewards or the like.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't have too much pursuit of the speed of tire change.

After a brief experience, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng looked at other projects.

Qin Miao discovered that besides the entertainment items for changing tires, there were many things for sale in the booth.

Such as the tire rubber that fell off on the tire, the scaled down tire model, and the small tire that was reproduced in 1:1 on the pole position.

Qin Miao bought such a small tire.

Just like the small tires that drivers who get pole position will get, they also have F1 and Pirelli logos, track maps and some text descriptions printed on them.

After all, they are all produced by Pirelli, so the degree of restoration is naturally very high.

After coming out of Pirelli's tire shop carrying the box containing the tires, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng went to watch the live stage performance again.

The one on stage should be a well-known singer in the UK. Many local car fans in the audience were excited after seeing her. Unfortunately, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't know the star on stage at all.

But there is one thing to say—his singing is really good. Qin Miao decided to find out if he could find this song on domestic music software after returning to the hotel.

After listening to a song briefly, the two went to the next location.

The next area is the display area for supercars and racing cars, such as Lamborghini, Porsche, Audi, they can be seen everywhere, and these cars are exhibited in the open air.

Some cars even allow tourists to sit on them directly, but they are not too expensive supercars.

In addition, there are many places selling things, clothes, food, drinks, and small souvenirs in the paddock.

The two were also infected by the atmosphere of the scene and bought a lot of souvenirs, such as scaled-down models of F1 racing cars, scaled-down helmets of drivers, and autographed photos of drivers.

Before entering the entertainment area of ​​the paddock, the two were alone. Apart from a little money, there were only Ferrari hats on their heads and a bag.

But after the two came out after wandering for half an hour, no matter whether it was Qin Miao or Qiu Meng, both of them had a lot of things in their hands.

Should it be said that it is a grand prix that has already formed a scale? They can always easily arouse tourists' desire to buy.

However, after shopping around a large circle of shops, the two of them had reached the end of the entertainment area and were about to walk out.

But just before they went out, a simulator experience area appeared in front of them, and many children walked through it.

Seeing this place, Qin Miao immediately felt relieved.

This kind of place can easily arouse the interest of young people like Qin Miao.

Walking into the simulated experience area with a face full of excitement and curiosity, Qin Miao was already ready to start a ruthless massacre of British children.

However, the pictures inside disappointed Qin Miao, because Qin Miao only saw three or four professional racing simulator equipment, and the others were arcade racing games that could be played in the game hall.

And there are still people on the few racing simulators, and there are many people queuing behind them.

Qin Miao lost most of his interest after seeing this scene. After all, as a man who aspires to rule GT3, he basically has no interest in arcade racing games.

And there were so many people beside the professional racing simulator, Qin Miao didn't want to use his privilege to jump in line.

But just when Qin Miao was about to turn around and leave, Qiu Meng noticed something like the introduction board next to the group of people who were queuing up.

"Qin Miao, Qin Miao, look at the words on it." Qiu Meng patted Qin Miao.

Qin Miao looked in the direction Qiu Meng pointed.

[Entertainment Challenge: If you defeat the defender, you will get a mysterious gift. Note: Each person only has one chance to challenge. 】

After carefully distinguishing the words written on the sign, Qin Miao roughly knew what these people were doing here.

Although Qin Miao is not a person who can't get up early without profit, the interest that had dissipated after seeing the instructions on the sign came back.

In Qin Miao's view, this is just an entertainment competition at best, and the drivers who can be invited are probably professional, but they are definitely not too strong.

Otherwise, the tourists who came here would be embarrassed. They just came here for fun, but they didn't expect to be severely beaten by someone on the simulator.

Although Qin Miao is not so confident that he thinks he is invincible in the country, but Qin Miao feels that in terms of his current strength, he belongs to the ranks of two brushes.

In fact, Qin Miao at this time is a bit like a person who has just returned from learning martial arts in the mountains. He knows that he may have some strength, but he doesn't have a B number in his mind about how much strength he has, so he urgently needs to find someone to fight against him. Give a lesson or be taught a lesson.

Qin Miao's original plan was to wait for his GT3 car to compare with the drivers in the team, and then let the engineers in the team see what he still needs to improve.

But right now, there happens to be someone who is obviously a professional driver who can compete with each other. This is a rare opportunity.

Qin Miao, who had nothing to say, also went in line.

While waiting in the back, Qin Miao also paid attention to the competition items.

The person guarding the ring was a man wearing a Ferrari short-sleeved top and gray trousers, but for some reason, he wore a white racing helmet on his head, which prevented Qin Miao from seeing his face clearly.

There are two types of competitions.

The first is that the challenger runs for five seconds first, and the defenders of the ring chase after him. If he is caught up and overtaken within five laps, the challenger has failed, and another person will come up and continue.

The second is that both sides do the flying circle without any interference. The challenger can do five flying circles, but the defender can only do one flying circle, and finally compare the final results of the two sides.

The map of the game is naturally Silverstone, where the Grand Prix is ​​held today.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, it was Qin Miao's turn.

And for the sake of efficiency, there are a total of four people, three challengers and one guarding driver in a race.

Qin Miao happened to be sitting next to the guarding driver.

The driver saw Qin Miao wearing a Ferrari team hat and the Ferrari team logo on the VIP bracelet, so he extended his hand to Qin Miao: "Welcome."

Qin Miao didn't notice anything unusual and shook hands with him.

When the other party shook hands with Qin Miao, they found that the VIP customer of Ferrari was full of confidence and fighting spirit.

Smiling indifferently, he turned his head and turned his attention to the simulator.

After Qin Miao sat down, she simply adjusted the position of the pedals and steering wheel.

After everything is almost ready, signal to the staff on the side to get ready.

The other party nodded after receiving the signal, and after the other two challengers were ready, they asked the three of them, "Which challenge method do you want to choose?"

In fact, when queuing up, Qin Miao had already thought about which challenge method to choose.

After all, people have clearly released these two methods, and Qin Miao has no reason to choose the option that is not good for him.

"I choose the first one." Qin Miao said to the referee.

The other two chose the same choice as Qin Miao, both being the first.

The referee nodded and then looked at the driver guarding the ring. Seeing that the opponent also nodded to make sure that there was no problem, he began to prepare for the race.

It is not hard to guess why Qin Miao chose the first option. After all, if the first option is to win, the opponent not only has to chase Qin Miao for five seconds, but also has to overtake Qin Miao on the track.

Qin Miao's defensive ability of 79 points is not a joke. He has enough confidence to defend this man's attack before the 5 laps of the track are finished.

As for why he didn't choose the flying circle, the reason is relatively simple. Qin Miao's proficiency in Silverstone is not too high. Dao knows more about it because of the previous e-sports competitions on this track.

So Qin Miao can only say that he has a good understanding of the Silverstone street, but he can't compare it with Spa, Red Bull Ring, and the track where he has already brushed his proficiency to 100 in the last race.

The referee quickly adjusted the computer, and the four entered the game at the same time.

The game for this competition is "F1 2019". Qin Miao is quite familiar with this game. After all, this is the only officially certified F1 game on the market.

But this is just an entertainment game after all, there is no need for the official to deliberately develop any functions for such a small game.

So this competition is relatively rudimentary, it's just a two-person heads-up competition room.

It is worth mentioning that the DRS in this race is opened directly, and it does not need to run two laps to open it like in the main race.

Silverstone is a high-speed track with considerable difficulty. In reality, it is the corner with the highest G force in F1, Turn 9.

Some Mars rovers can even turn with full fuel in this place, and the G force can reach a terrifying 300G at a speed of 5.1 kilometers per hour.

In the stage of choosing the car, Qin Miao chose this year's Ferrari F1 car, which is the SF90.

Speaking of Ferrari's racing cars, we have to mention the way they named their cars.

Because unlike other teams who name their cars for the new season, they at least have rules. When Ferrari names its cars, it’s like rolling a dice. How many obsessive-compulsive Ferrari fans have died.

Both the guarding driver and Qin Miao used Ferrari cars, and they even used Leclerc's No. 16 car.

The other two guys who look like they are British natives are using Mercedes, driving Hamilton's No. 44 car.

ps. Sorry, forgot to set automatic update...

(End of this chapter)

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