Chapter 78 77: Huh?

Soon, everything was ready, and the five red lights in the game came on one by one. Qin Miao also stepped on about one-fifth of the accelerator to keep the engine speed at 9500 rpm, and pressed his finger on the clutch button .

Qin Miao also focused all her attention on the signal lights, waiting for the moment when the five red lights went off.

However, Qin Miao also took part of his mind to look at his own system.

He was quite looking forward to the system sending him a mission or something. It was not for rewards, but mainly because Qin Miao wanted this game to be more challenging.

It's a pity that Qin Miao's expectations turned into fantasy, maybe because this was just a game on the simulator, the system didn't move at all, and no system tasks were assigned to Qin Miao.

Qin Miao was not disappointed either, and withdrew her mind.

At the same time, the five red lights on Qin Miao's screen went out at the same time, and Qin Miao pressed the clutch button almost as fast as he could, keeping the accelerator deep and started quickly.

As the saying goes, if you compare people, you will die, if you compare goods, you will throw them away.

Qin Miao's starting ability is only 59 points, which is not worth mentioning in front of those F1 drivers, but compared with the few tourists who participated in this small challenge with Qin Miao, Qin Miao's starting ability can be called crushed.

Among the other two tourists who participated in the event, one person forgot to turn on the traction control system that comes with the game, and immediately kicked the floor oil after starting, and his Mercedes also spun on the spot.

The other person's start was quite satisfactory, very stable, but only stable, without any speed at all, and was pulled away by Qin Miao at the very first start.

With just one start, Qin Miao pulled away from the Mercedes behind him by at least a second, let alone another buddy who couldn't even get started.

Since the rules stipulated that the guarding driver had to give the challenger 5 seconds, so when Qin Miao drove out, he had already entered T1, and the following guarding driver started.

Moreover, the five-second interval did not include the acceleration of the car, so the gap between Qin Miao and the chasing driver was about eight seconds.

There was nothing to describe in the first two laps. After all, there was an eight-second gap. Except for the unlucky guy who skidded at the start, the guard driver couldn't even catch up with the man behind Qin Miao in the first two laps.

And Qin Miao kept pulling away the driver behind him by at least 1.5 seconds every lap. By the end of the second lap, the gap between Qin Miao and the driver behind him had reached nearly 4 seconds.

If this gap appears in the race, the drivers behind the car will definitely feel desperate.

However, Qin Miao didn't let down his vigilance because the driver behind him was no match for him, and even the interests of the two were the same, neither of them wanted to be overtaken by the guarding driver.

And in the middle of the second lap, the guard driver had already arrived in the DRS area of ​​the person behind Qin Miao.

However, Qin Miao was still lucky at this time. He felt that no matter how amateur the person behind him was, he would at least know how to play racing games. It shouldn't be a big problem to block the ring driver for half a lap.

But what Qin Miao didn't expect was that when he once again divided his attention to the ranking options in the upper left corner, the guard driver had already easily surpassed him on the first DRS straight with a faster exit speed. that driver.

And at this time, the gap with Qin Miao has been rapidly shortened.

At this moment, Qin Miao really had the illusion that the chrysanthemum was tightening.

At the same time, the driving style in my hand has become more aggressive and adventurous inadvertently.

Although it was just a small and innocuous competition, Qin Miao still had a strong desire to win. Although the systematic Qin Miao didn't say anything, she still thought that she was stronger than ordinary GT3 professional drivers.

But despite this, the gap between Qin Miao and the defending driver, which was originally more than 6 seconds, was rapidly shortening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Basically, each lap can be shortened by nearly 2 seconds.

In fact, with the opponent's approaching speed, Qin Miao didn't have to worry about the opponent catching up with him at all. After all, there were still two laps left in the race.

But Qin Miao's attention was all on the game at this time, and she didn't have any extra thoughts to pay attention to how long the game would be over.

And the guarding driver behind him exerted a lot of psychological pressure on Qin Miao invisibly.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand this feeling. There is an extremely fast person behind you chasing you at an unbelievable speed.

Although you can win as long as you maintain your own rhythm, there are always people following you behind you, but if you make a mistake, the pressure that you can win at your fingertips will disappear. It will make a person breathless .

And Qin Miao's mentality system has been analyzed very early, and he barely passed the level of 61 points. After a period of high-intensity training, his mentality attribute growth is also the lowest, and it has increased to 65 points.

This 65 points is similar to the mentality of most young people, and they can think calmly in a normal state without severe interference.

You can be stable even with a little pressure, and ensure that your mentality is not out of balance.

But when the pressure is high, it is easy to collapse the mentality and make mistakes.

Unfortunately, Qin Miao felt the tremendous pressure coming from behind her right now.

So Qin Miao also made a mistake unexpectedly and reasonably, and it was a relatively low-level mistake.

From Qin Miao’s understanding, the concept of this year’s Ferrari team is to build cars with low resistance and high speed, unlike Mercedes’ F1 cars, which can be driven at full throttle in Silverstone’s T9.

Although Ferrari doesn't have such a low resistance that you have to step on the brakes to get through this corner, you still have to loosen the accelerator a little bit.

However, Qin Miao, who was under great pressure, was a little late when he let off the accelerator at this corner, and because of this, he went a little too far. Qin Miao had to apply the brakes to stabilize the front of the car.

Because of this small mistake, Qin Miao lost at least a second.

Qin Miao, who had been able to win as long as she drove steadily, now had to face the attack of the Ferrari behind her.

The car behind naturally also discovered Qin Miao's mistake. After all, the distance between the two cars was gradually approaching. The place where Qin Miao made a mistake was at the end of the straight road. Qin Miao's car taillights could still be seen. of.

In fact, the ring guard felt that Qin Miao was still capable. After all, the average person would be overtaken by him after three or four laps.

But Qin Miao is different. If Qin Miao doesn't make mistakes, he really can't catch up before the five laps are finished.

But now it seems that Qin Miao is indeed capable, but his mentality is not good enough, and he makes mistakes when he exerts a little pressure.

In the last lap, the gap between the two cars came to two seconds.

This is also the lap where the guarding drivers really want to kill.

T1 and T2 are two false curves, Qin Miao and the car behind kept the same distance, and after T3, Qin Miao braked normally to enter the corner, the braking point of the car behind was the same as Qin Miao, but I don’t know why, when entering From T3 to T4, the car behind can erase Qin Miao's 0.2-second advantage.

After exiting T4, go through the false curve of T5 and come to the DRS area between T5 and T6.

Since the opponent did not catch up with Qin Miao when passing the DRS monitoring point, the opponent did not have DRS at this position, but the distance of 1.8 seconds was enough for the opponent to catch up with Qin Miao's wake, and when he was out of T4 It also has a faster tail speed than Qin Miao, so after the DRS straight, the opponent disappeared Qin Miao for about 0.2 seconds.

So when the two cars entered the T6, Qin Miao realized with a tingle that the gap between the other and her was only 1.6 seconds.

Qin Miao felt that there was nothing wrong with the combination of T6 and T7, but the other party could easily smooth out the speed gap between the two cars in this relatively basic corner, and the 0.2 seconds disappeared.

Before Qin Miao knew it, the clothes behind him were already wet with sweat, and sweat was slightly visible on his forehead.

However, after exiting T7, it was the fastest corner of Silverstone. Qin Miao felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief anyway, because there is no DRS on this straight.

This was indeed the case in the early stage. The car behind Qin Miao only got a little bit of wake and did not lose much time on the straight between T8 and T9, but a T9 opponent directly chased Qin Miao for 0.2 seconds.

The approaching speed of the other party scared Qin Miao into a cold sweat and at the same time made him confused. Qin Miao even wondered whether he and the other party were driving the same car.

How could he eliminate himself by 9 seconds at the high-speed corner of T0.2?Why is he?
Still busy waiting for Qin Miao to figure out the reason, the two cars came to the combined corners T10~T14 one after another. In these corners, Qin Miao was unsurprisingly eliminated by the other party for 0.3 seconds.

Now the opponent has caught up to within one second behind Qin Miao. The good news is that the opponent did not catch up to within one second of Qin Miao during the monitoring point in the DRS area between T10 and T11, so the opponent in the DRS area behind T14 There is no way to open DRS.

The bad news is: the opponent has already entered Qin Miao's wake area, and can easily absorb Qin Miao's wake, and his cornering speed is faster than Qin Miao's.

But what made Qin Miao slightly relieved was that the other party hadn't been able to tap before coming to T15.

Wake flow is indeed a good thing, but without DRS, it is still difficult for two F1s with the same performance to overtake each other.

Because of this, both sides of the T15 cornered normally without incident.

Since T15 is really not difficult, Qin Miao not only was not chased by the opponent in this corner, but also bought himself 0.2 seconds of breathing space.

But Qin Miao knew that the next thing he had to face was the real test.

If he defends the three corners from T16 to T18, he will be the champion of this small race. If he fails to defend, the first five laps will be in vain.

In the straight between T15 and T16, the opponent still eats the wake to speed up, but with the foreshadowing in front, before entering T16, the defending driver has enough speed taps.

Qin Miao had already had a psychological expectation this time, and had already firmly guarded the inside line before the opponent made a move.

At this time, someone wants to ask: Although T16 in Silverstone is a left-turning curve, T16 and T17 after T18 are right-turning curves. It is of course an advantage to keep the inside line at this time, but after entering the curve, wheel-to-wheel , Qin Miao must not be taken down on the spot by this ring guard?

This passage is indeed true, but what if Qin Miao never thought about entering a wheel-to-wheel session with the other party?

Before entering T16, Qin Miao, who was stuck on the inside line, placed his car in the center of the track, while the opponent was in the outermost normal line position.

If the script develops normally, both of them should brake normally, and Qin Miao may brake a little later to deliberately block the other party's line.

But Qin Miao didn't, he deliberately forced the opponent's position to the right before entering the braking point.

When performing this step of forcing operation, Qin Miao was instantly blessed, and when defending to the right, he just left a car body position for the opponent.

On the one hand, Qin Miao made this move to prepare for more track width to slow down and enter the corner, and before making this move, he had kept in the middle of the track without changing the line, so it was not considered a dragon defense.

Another reason is that doing so can compress the space of the car behind to a certain extent and affect the rhythm and speed of the car behind.

Because of Qin Miao's sudden operation, the opponent had no choice but to slow down

Qin Miao's operation was also successful. Originally turning wheel-to-wheel, in the next two right turns, relying on the corner advantage to force Qin Miao's defenders, the driver did not expect that Qin Miao would suddenly oppress himself.

Subconsciously, he eased off the accelerator a little and stepped on the brakes for half a second longer.

It was not until Qin Miao's car turned left that it started to refuel.

In fact, half a second of braking is not long, and the speed lost is not much.

But after all, the two sides are driving F1 cars. For F0.5 drivers, 1 seconds can determine the outcome of a game.

Just when Qin Miao thought that he could breathe a sigh of relief and directly win the race, the opponent caught up again in the last two corners, and sucked Qin Miao's wake when exiting the corner.

The most important thing is that he tapped his head again, ready to attack Qin Miao.

Qin Miao, who saw this scene, really admired the opponent. Not to mention his strength, he would not give up lightly even in the final stage.

It's a pity that the starting straight is too short. Even if the opponent sucked into Qin Miao's wake, they couldn't overtake Qin Miao in the end without DRS and enough straight.

As two Ferrari SF90s crossed the line successively, F1's exclusive BGM "Formula 1 Theme" also sounded in Qin Miao's earphones.

The prompt of P1 appeared on Qin Miao's monitor.

This means that Qin Miao has won the championship of this competition.

It can be said that Qin Miao's victory in this game was mainly due to his 79-point defensive ability. If he didn't have so much theoretical knowledge to support him, Qin Miao would have never imagined that the dirty one he had used, but it was not counted. Foul defense.

After winning, Qin Miao smiled and raised her hands high and cheered.

In fact, Qin Miao is not such an unsteady person, but the pressure put on him by this ring guard is too great. Once he wins suddenly, the pressure put on Qin Miao by the opponent during the race has become Qin Miao's. Feeling refreshed, it is naturally difficult to control yourself a little bit.

And Qiumeng, who had been observing behind Qin Miao all the time, heaved a sigh of relief after realizing that Qin Miao won in the end, and happily hugged Qin Miao's neck to be happy for him.

"Congratulations on winning this race, your driving skills are very good."

Suddenly, the ring guard driver sitting next to Qin Miao took off his helmet and stretched out his hand to Qin Miao again.

And at this moment, the whole room was silent.

Qin Miao looked puzzled. The guard was wearing a Ferrari team jersey, with brown curly hair, a thick neck, brown eyes, and a handsome face.

Qin Miao was also stunned.


I really like the saying that CSGO players often say: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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