How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 79: Chapter 78: Ferrari

Chapter 79: Chapter 78: Ferrari

"That's right, it's me." Leclerc nodded with a smile, and then praised sincerely: "Your driving skills are very good, and you are one of the best simulator players I have ever seen."

Facing Leclerc's praise, Qin Miao still looked a little dumbfounded.

If you substitute Qin Miao's perspective at this time, you won't feel any surprises in Qin Miao's performance.

Originally, you just participated in a small competition with the idea of ​​having fun, and after a little effort, you won the game. You were happy, and the person who gave you a lot of pressure suddenly knocked off the helmet on his head. Tie: Didn't expect that?I'm Ferrari's F1 driver Leclerc.

In this situation, anyone would be confused for a while.

"Damn it..." After a while, Qin Miao blurted out the quintessence of nationalism, and then held Leclerc's hand in a flattered way and said, "I can't believe it's actually Leclerc who is competing with me."

Leclerc replied: "I also feel very honored to be able to race with you, and congratulations on beating me and winning."

When talking about this, Leclerc pointed to something that looked like a camera and said: "The reward of this small event is that you may appear in my documentary, and of course you can refuse. In addition The other reward besides was originally to give you a VIP ticket for the Ferrari team, but..." Leclerc paused and pointed to the bracelet on Qin Miao's hand, the meaning was already obvious, You, Qin Miao, are already the VIP of the Ferrari team, so it's useless to give you another one.

"So, this helmet of mine is for you." Leclerc patted the white BELL helmet resting on his lap.

Qin Miao was just very surprised that the person who was competing with him was Leclerc. Now after Leclerc reminded him, Qin Miao realized belatedly: I seem to have defeated... Leclerc in the competition?
"Fuck!" For a moment, Qin Miao didn't know whether it was a sense of accomplishment or something else, and he felt goose bumps all over his body.

But this feeling didn't last long, and soon another surprise was sent by the other party. Leclerc was going to give himself a helmet he had worn!
The most important thing is that this helmet will be unique to Qin Miao. To put it shamelessly, this is the trophy he got after defeating Leclerc.

"Thank you, thank you...Thank you very much." As a fan of Wofa, I can compete with Leclerc, one of the two Ferrari drivers, on the same stage on the same simulator. Wearing a helmet, Qin Miao has undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of fandom at this moment.

Qin Miao reached out to take Leclerc's helmet, but the other party did not give the helmet to Qin Miao immediately, but said, "Wait for me."

After he finished speaking, he waved to the staff on the side, and the staff also handed over a black marker pen in a timely manner.

Leclerc quickly signed his name on Qin Miao's helmet.

After signing, Leclerc turned to Qin Miao and asked, "What's your name?"

"Qin Miao."



"...Okay." After signing his name and writing another paragraph of blessings, Leclerc handed the helmet to Qin Miao.

Now this white helmet not only bears Leclerc's autograph, but also has a special blessing written by Leclerc to Qin Miao.

At this very moment, Qin Miao knew that he had become a big fan of this wave. Among other things, just putting this helmet at home can make a town house.

After sending the helmet out, Leclerc said: "My work here has come to an end, and I have to go to the next event. I wish you a happy time in Silverstone~"

Qin Miao nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I hope you can find the training settings you want today."

Hearing this ingenious blessing sent by the young man who had just defeated him, Leclerc looked back at Qin Miao in surprise, and then said with a smile, "I'll see you in room P."

Qin Miao nodded, and then watched Leclerc leave through the back door surrounded by security guards.

Watching Leclerc leave, Qin Miao was free to observe the surrounding situation at this time.

After the other party left, Qin Miao began to have some doubts. Why did no fans rush to ask Leclerc for his autograph after Leclerc appeared in such a crowded place?

Looking back, Qin Miao found that the simulator was surrounded by fans, many of whom were wearing Ferrari clothes, and there was a wall of sighs made up of security guards in front of them. Everyone was firmly blocked out.

It seems that this small event has been planned by the authorities long ago, and the security measures are so perfect.

It wasn't until Leclerc's departure that the security gradually let go of the crowd.

Now that Leclerc is gone, most of the fans turned and left with disappointment on their faces.

At this time, Qin Miao realized belatedly that when he was chatting with Leclerc just now, he ignored the noise in the crowd behind him.

But after the security guards let go of the crowd, several people came to Qin Miao in a hurry.

One of them cut to the chase and said: "Man, how about giving me Leclerc's signature helmet? I'll give you £5000 in cash."

But before he finished speaking, another person who came over said, "I'll offer 6000 pounds!"

The person who made the quotation first looked at the person who made the quotation next to him with displeasure, and quickly turned to Qin Miao to increase the price to 8000 pounds.

"Sixty million pounds!"


Inexplicably, the prototype of a small auction appeared in front of Qin Miao.

The current price of 1 pounds is considered very high in Qin Miao's opinion. After all, the two of them spent almost the same amount of money when they came here from China this time.

Just because he met Leclerc and played a not-so-intense e-sports match with him, Qin Miao won a helmet, and if he wanted to sell this helmet, all the expenses for participating in the British Grand Prix this time would be It can be reimbursed directly.

Leclerc invited Qin Miao to participate in the British Grand Prix, and the board and lodging were all included.

At the same time, Qin Miao was deeply shocked by the added value of these F1 drivers.

Is it worth five dollars for a piece of dandruff on this F1 driver?

However, it is impossible for Qin Miao to sell this helmet that Leclerc specially signed his name. Although Qin Miao would not keep this helmet at home, he will carefully protect it with an acrylic display cabinet after returning home. Yes for sure.

Politely declined the tourists who came to quote and tried to buy helmets, Qin Miao held the helmet tightly in her arms, pulled Qiumeng and left the simulation experience area.

After shopping all the way, Qin Miao was also hungry, so she took Qiumeng to find a restaurant in the paddock, and ordered butter shortbread and barbecue.

To be honest, for people like Qin Miao and Qiu Meng who came from the gourmet country, the taste of the food here can only be regarded as average, barely edible.

After eating something to pad their stomachs, the two found a sightseeing bus on the road and went to the P room of the motorcade.

Although the F2 practice race has not been finished yet, it won't be long. Qin Miao walked back to the viewing area above the team's P room and took a short break before the F2 practice race was over.

When watching the competition area, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng saw a young man who was about the same age as them also appeared in the competition area, but he appeared in the F2 car as a driver.

Although Qin Miao likes racing cars, he usually only watches F1 races. For example, he doesn't know much about F2 races and the players.

However, Qin Miao still has a certain degree of curiosity about this driver, who is this buddy?Chinese?

It's a pity that Qin Miao didn't stay in the stands honestly during the first F2 practice, and couldn't get more information through the big screen on the stands.

And now it's time for the F2 team to withdraw. Qin Miao above the P room can see some F2 team staff pushing small trolleys out of the P room after the first practice. The racing car was also pushed away.

After a while, the F1 staff came out of their rest area with their big bags and small bags, and opened their P room, parked their F1 car inside the P room, and practiced for the British Grand Prix. Last preparations before.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng also took advantage of the opportunity to go downstairs at this time. After showing their bracelets, they successfully entered Ferrari's P room.

The VIP area where the two stayed was very close to the F1 car, which was a baffle behind the rear of the F1 car, and behind the baffle was where the VIPs watched the race.

At this time, Leclerc and Vettel have not yet arrived, and the racing car has not yet started. Qin Miao is curiously observing the internal facilities of the F1 team.

A lot of monitors showing professional data charts, a walkie-talkie and noise-cancelling headphones for each person, and arms that can run horses.

Among the many monitors, Qin Miao was not able to see the specific use of many, and Qin Miao had only a half-knowledge of what the Ferrari staff were busy with at this time.

But soon the Ferrari staff handed Qin Miao and Qiu Meng a red noise-canceling headset with the Ferrari Prancing Horse icon printed on it.

Because it was a practice race, the other VIPs from Ferrari didn't come at all. Only Qin Miao and Qiu Meng, two cute newbies, wanted to come over to see how the F1 team worked during the practice race out of curiosity.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't know why they had to wear earphones, but Qin Miao would not refuse anyone, so I'll put them on if you give them to me.

There is one thing to say, the effect of this noise-canceling headset is indeed immediate.

After taking the area, the noise decibels from the outside world can be said to have been reduced by more than 50.00% in an instant, and there is an illusion that the whole world is quiet for a moment.

But the attention of the two soon shifted away, because they found that Ferrari was already preparing to start its own car.

I saw a Ferrari staff pick up a pole nearly two meters in length. The front end of this pole had some structure that Qin Miao could not understand, and there was a large motor and control panel at the back end. Then the Ferrari staff directly got out of the car. The tail pokes the pole in.

But this is not the end, but just the beginning, because after the pole was poked in, another staff member connected a hose to a gap in the car's engine and began to fill it with water.

Qin Miao was at a loss. How could the F1 car have to be filled with water?The cooling effect of other mixed liquids is better than water anyway?
But Qin Miao soon noticed a detail, the water they added to the racing car was actually boiling water.

Now the fineness of the parts of F1 racing cars has reached the micron level, and the tolerances between parts are very small.

Therefore, the parts are directly bitten together in the cold car state, and there is no way to perform the so-called cold start.

Only when the temperature of the engine rises and the shell expands after the temperature rises, will there be enough gaps between the parts to run freely.

The two just watched a group of Ferrari staff tossing about at the rear of the car for more than half an hour, and then a Ferrari staff ran to the side of the long pole that was poked into the back of the car to start the motor on the long pole.

With a "boom".

The Ferrari SF90 was finally started amidst a loud noise.

To be honest, since F1 entered the hybrid era, audiences no longer hear the high-pitched but unique engine roar of V12 and V10.

But after experiencing the back of the current F1 car, Qin Miao feels that the V1 hybrid engine of F6 is not quiet at all, and the sound is not bad at the same time, but it is indeed less passionate than the V10 back then. a feeling of.

After the SF90 was started, everyone in the Ferrari P room put on noise-canceling headphones.

Qin Miao took off the corner of her noise-cancelling headphones curiously, wanting to feel how noisy it is outside.

Soon he regretted it. The noise of at least 130 decibels directly penetrated into Qin Miao's ears roughly, stinging his eardrums and shocking his whole body.

Quickly put the earphones back on, and now Qin Miao finally understands why all the staff of the F1 team wear noise-cancelling earphones when they have nothing to do.

If there is no pair of noise-cancelling headphones to protect the ears in such a working environment, it will definitely affect people's hearing for a long time.

And aside from these things, this huge noise will make people feel upset after listening to it for a long time, and it will definitely not be working after a long time.

After the car started, Ferrari's staff began to check the status of the car again.

They need to ensure that there is no force majeure damage to the vehicle during transportation.

Not long after, there was a commotion at the entrance behind the P room.

Qin Miao looked back and saw a man with a visually estimated height of at least 1 meters, brown curly hair piling up, and a pair of black round-rimmed glasses on his nose.

Qin Miao, who often watches F1 races, is no stranger to this man's appearance. He is the leader of Ferrari: Mattia Binotto.

Ferrari fans always warmly and affectionately refer to Binotto as: Bihi.

(End of this chapter)

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