How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 90 88: Short-Term Planning

Chapter 90 88: Short-Term Planning

People are like this, after gaining an inch, it is easy to want to gain more, not to mention that Qin Miao is still young now, and does not have so much life experience to judge whether his actions are inappropriate, and do whatever comes to mind.

"Actually, we can ask Zhou Guanyu." Qin Miao explained: "Although Zhou Guanyu is Chinese, he moved to the UK to live in 12 years, and it has been almost eight years now. After staying for such a long time, He is also considered to be half a local, and those of us outsiders may not be able to find a suitable training venue after searching for a long time, but for a local snake engaged in related industries like him, it may be just a matter of thought."

"Is that so?" Qiu Meng was a little surprised: "I thought he just came to England to compete."

Qin Miao patiently explained: "Although there are people who play racing cars in China, to be honest, domestic racing cars are not one ten thousandth as good as foreign ones in terms of professionalism, market recognition, or training of young drivers.

Although it hurts to say it, when it comes to racing circles, foreign countries are the best. "When he said this, Qin Miao was a little bit uncomfortable, but he couldn't help it. After all, the development of the domestic automobile industry was too late.

"Among the European countries, Britain is one of the countries with the most popular racing culture. You must know that the first F1 Grand Prix was held in Silverstone, England. Many F1 teams are also headquartered in the UK. The racing atmosphere is very strong, and the corresponding supporting facilities are perfect enough.

So for the sake of his future career as a driver, it is not difficult for Zhou Guanyu to come to the UK to study and live, right? "

Qiu Meng nodded in response, but at this time the two were on the phone, and Qin Miao couldn't see Qiu Meng's expression.

"It's always inconvenient to talk on the phone. You come back first, and we'll meet and talk about anything."

"Okay, where are you now?"

"The restaurant below the hotel is not far from the entrance, you should be able to see it when you come in."

"I'll pull!"

While waiting for Qiumeng, Qin Miao sent Zhou Guanyu a message on WeChat.

【Are you awake? 】

[Ask me something, I can’t leave the UK recently because of visa requirements, but I don’t want to stop professional training during this time, do you have a suitable training venue? 】

When chatting, Qin Miao didn't like to send 【Are you there? ], wait for the other party to answer, and then talk about the purpose of finding him this time.

Qin Miao likes to narrate all her goals directly at once. After the other party sees her message, she will definitely reply as soon as possible. This method saves time for herself and the other party.

I thought it would take a while for Zhou Guanyu to reply to himself, but I didn't expect that Qin Miao would reply not long after typing the second sentence.

【woke up】

【very simple】

【I'll ask you later】

After speaking, the other party did not reply to the message. Qin Miao thought that the other party might have gotten up, dressed and washed.

Qin Miao replied with a [OK]

More than ten minutes later, Zhou Guanyu sent another message.

[It just so happens that there is no competition to occupy the Silverstone track recently, and our team will also train at Silverstone. You can come and use the track, and no one will care about you. 】

After seeing the news from Zhou Guanyu, Qin Miao was very surprised.

Because the headquarters of many teams are located in the UK, the Silverstone Circuit, where the British Grand Prix is ​​held, is not a track that is open to the outside world all year round.

The occasional open day is basically full of cars, and Qin Miao, who has checked the information, knows this very well.

Qin Miao originally thought that this time to participate in the British Grand Prix, at most, he would be able to experience the Silverstone circuit in the simulator, but now, according to Zhou Guanyu, he seems to be able to drive a car into the Silverstone circuit to experience all at once?

For Qin Miao, this opportunity was really once in a lifetime.

Qin Miao is not so happy because he can easily master the proficiency of the Silverstone track. For those who love racing, it is already a great opportunity to have the opportunity to drive a car on a well-known track. A very happy thing.

What's more, this track was still hosting the F1 Grand Prix yesterday.

Now Qin Miao really understands why Qiumeng allows herself to make friends with heroes when she has nothing to do, because sometimes things that may be troublesome to you are just a matter of one sentence to the friends you know.

[Awesome!Boss Zhou, you have great supernatural powers, and the sophistication of your means amazes me, little brother! 】

[It’s good to know, next time in CSGO...understand? 】

[Yes, yes, the money you have at the beginning of the game will never exceed 4750, and the sniper rifle in your hand will not break]

【Well...Xiao Qin, you are very sensible, and your future is boundless (funny)】

【That is that (dog head)】


The two simply boasted for a while, and then Qiu Meng came in from outside the hotel restaurant carrying two bags.

At a glance, the girl spotted Qin Miao, who stood out from the crowd among the many foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes who communicated with an old London accent.

After sitting next to Qin Miao with her things, Qiumeng said: "I'm done with the visa work, and now I'm waiting for the result. The other party said it's not too difficult, but it just needs to wait a while, at least 7 working days."

Basically what was said on the phone.

"Are you hungry?" Qin Miao didn't care about this, and Qin Miao absolutely believed in Qiu Meng's ability.

So compared to this, Qin Miao was more concerned about whether the girl would be hungry after running outside for so long, and pushed a dessert specially ordered for her to Qiu Meng.

Looking at the pudding pushed in front of her, Qiumeng couldn't help but smile on her little face, then she kissed Qin Miao's face hard, and then happily took the pudding and ate it.

Although Qiumeng had already had lunch, Qiumeng, who had been running through the formalities, had no time to have a good lunch. She just bought some snacks at the convenience store to fill her stomach.

After returning to Qin Miao's side now, although the other party did not greet her with care, but a dessert that looked like it was specially reserved for her could easily cheer up Qiu Meng who had been busy all morning, and the exhaustion of running all morning was also relieved. Swept away.

While the two were eating and chatting, Zhou Guanyu also went downstairs.

Needless to say, the physical fitness of the driver is indeed first-class. Like Qin Miao, Zhou Guanyu, who stayed up all night and only slept for about six hours, did not feel much fatigue on his face. hairstyle.

Qin Miao spotted Zhou Guanyu immediately and waved to him.

Zhou Guanyu also found Qin Miao and Qiu Meng, and took advantage of the opportunity to come to them.

However, during this process, Zhou Guanyu ignored Qin Miao and stared curiously at Qiu Meng who was sitting next to Qin Miao.

After careful calculation, this is Zhou Guanyu's first meeting with Qiu Meng.

After Zhou Guanyu sat down, Qiu Meng, who was concentrating on the dessert in front of her, realized that there was someone in front of her.

After seeing who came, Qiu Meng was a little surprised: "Zhou Guanyu?"

Zhou Guanyu nodded politely: "Hello."

Qiu Meng hurriedly put down the spoon in her hand, wiped her mouth and hands with a napkin before standing up and reaching out to Zhou Guanyu: "Hello, I am Qin Miao's girlfriend: Qiu Meng."

Zhou Guanyu was quite relaxed at first, but when he saw that Qiu Meng had stood up, he couldn't sit still, so he also stood up and shook hands with her to show respect.

"Zhou Guanyu, Qin Miao's friend."

The two know each other now.

After sitting down again, Zhou Guanyu casually ordered something to eat, and then turned to look at Qin Miao: "You have already agreed on your car practice, tomorrow morning from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], and from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] You can go to practice during this time, but we can't provide you with a racing car, you have to figure out your own way."

"It's the utmost kindness for you to help me. It's impossible for me to ask you to help me find a car without compulsion." Qin Miao naturally knows what is good or bad, but his curiosity about F2 racing still makes Qin Miao a little I couldn't control my mouth: "Then what, old Zhou, I just asked, after your training is over, is it convenient for me to try your F2?"

After hearing Qin Miao's words, before Zhou Guanyu could do anything, Qiu Meng stomped on Qin Miao hard in the audience.

Although she felt that Qin Miao's behavior was a bit embarrassing, Zhou Guanyu was still an outsider in Qiumeng's eyes. She still wanted to save Qin Miao's face, so she just warned Qin Miao in private and did not give up. He didn't say anything to his face.

Qin Miao's face changed slightly, feeling Qiu Meng's strength was not light, Qin Miao knew that he might have said something wrong.

But Zhou Guanyu said unexpectedly: "Of course, you can drive it casually. It will be fine if you hit it. An F2 is not expensive for one hundred thousand euros. You can drive it casually if you can afford it."

When Zhou Guanyu said this, he said it with a smile. Qin Miao didn't know whether he was serious or joking, but Qin Miao knew that he really could afford the [-] Euro. It may be a bit troublesome to exchange money.

But for the temptation of being able to drive the F2 by himself, this price is something Qin Miao can afford.

But with Zhou Guanyu's unclear words and Qiu Meng's kick, Qin Miao knew that this topic should be stopped at this time.

So Qin Miao began to think about how he could get a car so that the next seven working days would not be too boring.

Qin Miao's first thought was to rent a car.

Because Qiu Meng did this before, Qin Miao had such an impression deep in her heart that when it comes to such things, the first thing that comes to mind is to rent a car.

But soon Qin Miao put this idea behind her.

It is undeniable that there are also car rental companies in the UK, and some sports cars or super sports cars can also be rented.

But Qin Miao did not dare to drive the rented car to practice on the track.

Because the condition of the car from the car rental company is difficult to figure out, what if the rented car can drive normally, but it just cannot drive fast?
Moreover, driving someone else's car fiercely on the track made Qin Miao feel a little bit guilty in his heart. Qin Miao's good education did not allow him to take advantage of others.

Another one, this is not his own car, in case of any accident on the track, Qin Miao, who has signed the car rental contract, needs to pay not only the damage to the car, but also the follow-up procedures will be very troublesome.

It is also because all kinds of troubles will come to the door after the car crashes, so Qin Miao will definitely have concerns when driving this car.

When you have concerns about practicing, you will not be able to find your best state, and the effect of practice will inevitably decline.

So this option is passed out.

"Is there a place to rent a car in Silverstone Circuit? Can I rent an F3 or F4." Qin Miao turned to Zhou Guanyu.

Zhou Guanyu: "There are indeed clubs that specialize in car rental in Silverstone Circuit, but those clubs are generally only open on open days, and they are not open under normal conditions.

And they only lease cheap sports cars like F4 and Lotus. They don't have professional sports cars like F3. "

Qin Miao scratched her head: "Then I'll think of a way."

Soon Qin Miao thought that besides Zhou Guanyu, she had another contact abroad, and that was Lawson.

Since he has said that he is the person in charge of Ferrari's youth training, it should be considered a reasonable request to ask him to help him get a car for training. If it is not possible, Qin Miao can rent a car at his own expense, but he needs Lawson to give it to him. Provide a door.

But if even looking for Lawson can't solve Qin Miao's urgent needs, then Qin Miao probably has to start looking for travel guides in the UK.

Because there is no car, even if Qin Miao can go to Zhou Guanyu's training place to take classes, most of the things he learned will not be able to verify the authenticity and adaptability to himself.

Although Qin Miao claims to have a good memory, if he doesn't immediately practice what he has learned to deepen his impression, even Qin Miao may forget it after a long time if he doesn't use these skills or professional knowledge often after memorizing them.

Thinking about it, I did it, took out my mobile phone and signaled to Zhou Guanyu and Qiu Meng that I was going to make a call, and then Qin Miao called Lawson.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Even in Europe, this was normal working time. Qin Miao didn't worry that the other party was resting when the call came.

The other party answered the phone very quickly. "Hello?"

Qin Miao said politely: "Mr. Lawson, I am Qin Miao."

"Oh, Qin, our future star of Ferrari, what do you want me to do? And when will you be able to report? We have prepared a contract for you, and we have prepared a test for you As soon as I prepare, I will wait for your visit." Lawson's tone was very cheerful.

Qin Miao explained: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lawson, I can't go to Italy temporarily because of visa issues, and it will take at least 7 days for the visa to be approved.

I came to you because of this matter, because I don't want to waste these few days.

At present, I have found a suitable training venue, but I have not found a suitable training vehicle, so I would like to ask if you can find me a car so that I can go down the track for a few days. After all, you You know, soon I will face a big test in my life, and I want to face this challenge with the best condition. "

After hearing Qin Miao's words, Lawson on the other end of the phone smiled involuntarily.

After all, the young juniors I fancy are motivated and have a clear self-awareness. For some people who are good at being teachers, this is undoubtedly a happy experience.

It feels a bit like playing a development game.

(End of this chapter)

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