How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 91: Chapter 89

Chapter 91: Chapter 89

Lawson didn't ask why Qin Miao could find a suitable training venue but couldn't rent the car he wanted.

Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Son, I appreciate your always-hungry trait. You don't want to improve yourself all the time. This is a good thing, because this is a trait that all geniuses possess.

But child, you also need to know the principle of combining work and rest. Although I know that this test after you come to Maranello is very important to you, but believe me, as long as your performance is not too bad, you will definitely Will pass the exam easily and become my student.

So while there is still time, enjoy your free time. You must know that the Ferrari Driver Academy is not like a normal school. Our study schedule is very intensive. After you officially enter the school, there is no free time for rest. "

Hearing what the other party said, generally young people at Qin Miao's age might shrink back a bit and feel worried, so they simply had a good time while there was still a while.

But Qin Miao is different. With the system, he can clearly see the improvement of his attributes.

These obvious positive feedbacks naturally immediately raised Qin Miao's pain tolerance threshold for training.

Even the pain of training may be another level of reward for Qin Miao.

So in the face of Lawson's persuasion, Qin Miao was unmoved: "Thank you, Mr. Lawson, for your suggestion, but I still want to improve myself more before the test officially starts, and my test scores will look good by then. Wouldn't it prove your unique vision?"

Lawson was taken aback for a moment, then laughed dumbfounded.

But in the end, Lawson didn't persuade him anymore, and after thinking about it, he said: "Since you are so persistent, how about it, there is an F3 team that has a good relationship with our academy and it happens to be training in Silverstone today.

I asked them to prepare a spare F3 car for you. You can just follow them and train with F3 during the recent period. "

After finishing speaking, Lawson asked again abruptly: "Do you know how to drive F3?"

Qin Miao subconsciously wanted to tell the truth, saying that she had never driven an F3, only an F4.

But after thinking about it, the other party asked if he would drive an F3 car, and Qin Miao, who had already received the race photo issued by the system, actually had a wealth of theoretical knowledge about driving an F3. Strictly speaking, he could indeed drive a car. F3 racing car.

"Will do."

"That's fine. I'll give you a call. You can contact them at any time. But let's forget about today. Even if we go, we won't be able to practice for long. Relax for a day and start training tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Lawson, for bothering you." Qin Miao was grateful.

Lawson said with a smile: "You're welcome, goodbye, Qin."

After hanging up the phone, Lawson pulled out a black folder from the filing cabinet behind his desk.

After opening the folder, there was a color photo of Qin Miao on the top.

There are a lot of information related to Qin Miao recorded on the information, including his birth date, and his home address, but most of them are Qin Miao's game records.

Among these competition records, Qin Miao finished No.1 in most of the competitions.

The few games that did not win the first place were also due to some other accidents, not because of Qin Miao's strength, which was a non-war crime.

And in this document, Qin Miao's last race was not the one he ran at the Shanghai International Circuit, but a go-kart race.

The document showed that Qin Miao had a car accident during the karting race and suffered serious head injuries. The doctor said that Qin Miao would probably lose his memory, and if it was serious, he might directly become a vegetable.

Afterwards, the recording of the documents will end here, because the staff of the big teams who are responsible for discovering talents will not pay attention to a genius who has died.

After confirming that this document belonged to Qin Miao, Lawson took out a pen and filled in his new evaluation of Qin Miao in the column of Qin Miao's follow-up evaluation.

[Self-discipline, full of enthusiasm for improving one's own strength. 】

And there are several comments in this column.

For example: [The simulator is excellent. 】

[Excellent defensive ability. 】

[Excellent learning ability, one or two simple instructions can quickly realize your mistakes. 】

[Be good at learning, not afraid of authority, and dare to ask questions to those who have a status gap with themselves when in doubt. 】

This document fully proved that it was not a coincidence that Lawson found Qin Miao, nor was it because he saw Qin Miao in Ferrari's P room and felt that he had some special temperament unique to a genius.

All this proves that Lawson has done a very in-depth investigation of Qin Miao, and also referred to Leclerc's evaluation of Qin Miao. It is obvious that three of the comments have been confirmed by Leclerc.

In addition, after seeing Qin Miao in reality, Lawson discovered that Qin Miao had traces left over from long-term training.

For example, there are calluses on the hands that will remain after using the steering wheel for a long time, a neck that is obviously thicker than normal, and a rather strong body.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, Qin Miao is just a relatively strong young man who exercises regularly.

But in the eyes of a person like Lawson who has been engaged in youth training for almost a lifetime, people trained in the normal way of training athletes are completely different from those trained in the way of training drivers. of.

So it seems that Lawson fell in love with Qin Miao at first sight. He saw Qin Miao's overflowing talents with discerning eyes, and felt that his future was limitless.

But in fact, Lawson's emphasis on Qin Miao was purely the inevitable result of multiple considerations, in-depth investigation and weighing the pros and cons.

After writing this line of text, Lawson picked up the landline again.

After searching among the contacts, he dialed the number.

After the call was connected, the other party said hello in surprise: "Mr. Lawson, good afternoon, what can I do for you?"

At this time, Lawson no longer had the gentleness and reservedness he had just chatted with Qin Miao, and said bluntly: "Phinney, you are training in Silverstone today, right? I have a child here, and he can't leave in the UK recently. You Arrange an F3 racing car for him, help him with the logistical support of the vehicle and the debugging of the racing car, and of course, send me a backup copy of his practice data, which will be useful to me.”

"No problem Lawson."

"I gave him your phone number, he should call you tomorrow, wait for his call, I hung up."

"Goodbye Lawson."

After hanging up the phone, Lawson folded Qin Miao's files and put them back into the filing cabinet behind him.

There are at least a dozen of the same folders behind Lawson like Qin Miao.

Although the final decision to sign Qin Miao was the result of deliberation, but when signing Qin Miao, Lawson somewhat intended to scratch the lottery ticket.

So Lawson's attention to Qin Miao is nothing more than that. After all, compared to whether Qin Miao will win the lottery and how many lottery tickets he can win, Mick, the guy who graduated from the shadow of his father, is what he really deserves. focus on.

Even if Mick's talent is not as good as his father's, his father Schumacher's connections in this paddock can be regarded as resounding.

Whether it is Toto from Mercedes or Mr. Bi from Ferrari, both of them have a close relationship with his father, not to mention the people in power behind these big teams.

Even Ferrari's youth training system was instigated by Mick's father.

For the child of the founder of the old Ferrari Zhenghong Prancing Horse Flag youth training system, Ferrari's youth training is naturally well taken care of.


After confirming that she could get a car for practice, Qin Miao felt relieved.

However, Zhou Guanyu looked at Qin Miao's actions, and his heart continued to murmur.

Is there really a little girl like Qiu Meng who just wants her boyfriend to be good and doesn't care about her own feelings?Where did Qin Miao find such a rare girlfriend?
Give me one if you can.

Qin Miao didn't notice Zhou Guanyu's weird eyes, looked at Qiu Meng and asked, "Anyway, I can't practice driving anymore, can I go online after training today?"

Hearing this, Qiu Meng didn't say anything yet, Zhou Guanyu was sweating for Qin Miao.

The EQ of this friend I know doesn't seem to be very high. Everyone can understand that this kind of opportunity to go abroad, you usually need to train and so on, so you don't have time to spend with your girlfriend.

But you obviously have a break in the afternoon, so at this time, not only do you not want to take advantage of your free time to go shopping abroad with your girlfriend, but instead say in front of your girlfriend that you want to go online?

I, Zhou Guanyu, respect you for being a man!

Among other things, Zhou Guanyu felt that if he was Qin Miao's girlfriend, after hearing these words, he would have to give Qin Miao a little strength and let him know what a tigress is.

But to Zhou Guanyu's surprise, Qiu Meng was not angry when she heard Qin Miao's words, but instead nodded happily, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you, I haven't surfed the Internet in England yet."

Zhou Guanyu:? ? ?

No wonder they can be together, a perfect match!
"We'll go together when the time comes." Qin Miao put on a smile on his face, and then said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

After Qin Miao left, Zhou Guanyu looked at Qiumeng curiously, but in the end he couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart, and asked curiously, "Qiumeng, I want to ask you a few questions."

Looking at Zhou Guanyu whose brows were directly knit together due to entanglement, Qiu Meng smiled.

She knew why Zhou Guanyu behaved like this, it was because she doted on Qin Miao too much, he found it incredible.

"I know what you want to ask. You may think that I spoil Qin Miao too much, but I think this is very good. Both he and I like this state."

After listening to Qiu Meng's explanation, which was not considered an explanation, Zhou Guanyu frowned again, and then said: "I don't understand, but I was greatly shocked."

Qiu Meng asked back: "Go online later?"

Zhou Guanyu, who was still full of tangled faces just now, raised his head immediately after hearing Qiu Meng's words, and said, "Come on, my buddy played AWP really hard. We both lost energy because of staying up all night yesterday. I will definitely bring your boyfriend to the scene today." Big Earth!"


After eating, neither Qin Miao nor Zhou Guanyu started physical training immediately because it took a while to digest.

Instead, he turned around and came to the Internet cafe, skillfully turned on three computers.

Originally, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu thought that Qiu Meng followed them in just to watch the video, or visit the little bluebirds abroad to see the world.

Unexpectedly, after both of them opened Steam and entered CSGO, Qiu Meng, who was sitting next to Qin Miao, also opened her own Steam, and opened CSGO like the two of them.

Qin Miao raised her eyebrows: "Mengmeng... how can you play CSGO?"

Zhou Guanyu on the side also poked his head over. Although he didn't say anything, Qiu Meng also saw a strong sense of curiosity in his eyes.

A tricky smile appeared on Qiu Meng's face: "What? As a girl, I can't play CSGO? This is in a foreign country. I can sue you two for discrimination against women for this kind of behavior!"

"Yes, yes, but..." Zhou Guanyu's facial features twisted together again.

"Why would a girl like CSGO? I don't understand? But I'm very happy! Add me as a friend, your boyfriend will show you what it means to be a real master." The reactions of Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu were completely different. up.

Qin Miao's feeling at this time is a bit like, one day suddenly found that your girlfriend no longer likes cosmetics, bags and undressing, but starts to like fighting Gundam, figurines, and e-sports.

The old lady got into bed, and it was true that she made me laugh.

But soon the expressions on Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu's faces froze.

Because while waiting to add Qiumeng's friends, Qiumeng opened her system inventory.

Appearing in the most prominent position is a row of seven black stock storage components.

The entire page of stock is knives except for this one.

But these knives are the cheapest kind of knives, but they all feel better in the hand.

Like the high wear butterfly knife, claw knife and M9 and the like.

Although at the current market price, this butterfly is only more than 1000 points at most, but quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. At first glance, Qiumeng's inventory is full of various knives.

Eight in a row, four columns in total, 32 slots, and all but those seven black stock storage components are knives.

Even if the average price of a knife is 800 yuan, the starting price of Qiumeng's page is at least 2 yuan.

And judging from the slider on the far right, Qiumeng's inventory is obviously more than that.

Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu gasped as they looked at Qiu Meng's terrifying inventory,

"Dump the dog?" Qin Miao blurted out after seeing Qiumeng's inventory without even thinking about it.

Qiu Meng, who originally wanted to show off in front of her boyfriend, turned dark instantly when she heard Qin Miao's words.

He lightly touched Qin Miao's head: "If you can't speak, you don't have to!"

(End of this chapter)

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