How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 92 90: Training

Chapter 92 90: Training

Qin Miao, who suddenly found out that her girlfriend was a "dump", although she was cursing, was very honest, so she immediately asked Qiu Meng for a set of accessories.

Qin Miao has no psychological burden to hold her girlfriend's things.

However, since most of Qiu Mengtun's items are accessories that can be seen in the game, such as gloves, daggers and box stickers, such as weapon skins, she didn't stock up on any of them.

So Qin Miao asked her for accessories, and she just gave Qin Miao two pairs of gloves and two daggers.

A pair of lightly worn Miami Vice, a brand new pair of mints, plus a brand new emerald butterfly knife and ruby ​​M9 bayonet.

Although the gloves and the dagger don't match very well, they are indeed the four most expensive accessories in Qiumeng's inventory.

To be honest, after these four accessories, I already have a small 15.

After putting on the new accessories, Qin Miao couldn't wait to drag the two into his team. He wanted to enter the game to try the quality of these accessories.

Watching this scene, Zhou Guanyu was also envious, but what he envied was not that someone gave Qin Miao jewelry for free. As a rich second generation, he was not short of this money.

What he envied was that Qin Miao could actually find a girlfriend who likes to play CSGO as much as he does, what can Qin Miao do! ? ?
After entering the game, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu actually thought that they would take Qiumeng as a weight training. After all, there are very few girls who play CSGO games, and female players who can play CSGO and play well less.

So the two of them didn't have much expectations for Qiu Meng's strength.

But after entering the game, Qiu Meng's operation is not like a newcomer who has never touched the game. On the contrary, the preview is simple and neat, the body position control is precise and elegant, the reaction speed and positioning ability are also excellent, and even the map understanding is no better than the two. How much is the difference between people.

He looked like a high-end player.

As a result, the team that originally planned to team up with two people to kill in the game became three people.

However, due to the addition of one more person, the game environment among the three of them began to become less favorable.

Although there is no big brother who bows his head and drives directly, the obvious micro-sighting and the 5-member convoy encountered from time to time also beat the three of them into pain masks.

After playing for about an hour and a half in the afternoon, the three of them left the Internet cafe at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

For the rest of the afternoon, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu went to the gym to practice their physical fitness, while Qiu Meng went back to the room to continue reading, and the three of them met in the hotel restaurant at dinner time.

After dinner, the three of them didn't continue to run to the Internet cafe. It wasn't that the three of them lost their internet addiction. The main reason was that Zhou Guanyu was going to check out and go home today. He felt that since Qin Miao and Qiu Meng couldn't do anything in a short time, Leaving the UK, in this case, instead of spending money to stay in a hotel that is not very safe, it is better to stay directly at his house. Anyway, he is the only one in his house, and there are still many vacant rooms for two people to use.

In addition, Zhou Guanyu at this time had a rough understanding of Qin Miao's personality, so he was relieved of him and recognized this friend.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng looked at each other, Qin Miao didn't care, but Qiu Meng agreed with a smile after thinking about it.

After dinner, the two went to the hotel to check out, packed their things and got into Zhou Guanyu's car.

Zhou Guanyu's car is a Renault. After all, he is now a member of Renault's youth training. Although his influence is not as good as those of F1 drivers, F2 drivers also have certain influence. If people see a Renault youth training The driver, driving a car of another brand, is slapping Renault in the face.

The three of them could always find something to chat with on the way, and they didn't feel bored along the way. When they returned to Zhou Guanyu's house, it was already two hours later.

Zhou Guanyu is a veritable rich second generation. After all, he is not a rich second generation, so he really can't afford racing cars.

He didn't rent his residence in London either, but directly bought a large flat of more than 170 square meters.

Usually only Zhou Guanyu lives alone, and at most there is a housekeeper who comes to clean it once every two days.

Now that there were two more people suddenly, Zhou Guanyu not only didn't feel noisy, but felt that his home was much more lively.

Of course, when assigning rooms to these two bastards, Zhou Guanyu was inevitably stuffed with a lot of dog food.

"These two rooms are next to each other, and both have independent bathrooms. The two of you share one room."

At this time, the naive Zhou Guanyu thinks that although these two people are glued together all day long, they usually stick together, but the faces of these two people are very tender, and it seems that they have just grown up not long ago.

And it is.

But what he didn't expect was that after saying this, Qin Miao came over and patted Zhou Guanyu on the shoulder, carrying his luggage into a room with a strange expression on his face.

Just when Zhou Guanyu was bewildered and didn't know why Qin Miao had such an expression, Qiu Meng also came to him.

Originally, Qiu Meng also wanted to pat Zhou Guanyu's shoulder like Qin Miao did, but due to her height, she would have some difficulty patting Zhou Guanyu's shoulder.

So Qiu Meng just looked at Zhou Guanyu shaking his head and let out a long sigh.

Zhou Guanyu:? ? ?

"what happened?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Miao came to the door after putting the things away, hugged Qiu Meng's waist in front of Zhou Guanyu and kissed her on the mouth.

Zhou Guanyu: ...

"I regret calling you two here now..." Zhou Guanyu said sadly, "Why am I so confused?"

Since Zhou Guanyu only had one computer at home, which he usually used to play games, and Qin Miao couldn't find an Internet cafe nearby even with a map, his plan to go online was irresistibly put on hold.

However, Zhou Guanyu's racing simulator managed to arouse Qin Miao's interest.

The left and right nights are also idle, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu will just take a lap with you and me, to see who can make a faster lap on the simulator.

One of them is a driver who actually drives F2 on the field, and the other is a wall-mounted driver with a system.

In addition, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu were both willing to share their experience with each other when they encountered problems, so the two of them insisted on increasing their average lap times on the Silverstone Circuit in just one night. At least 0.2 seconds, Qin Miao's proficiency at Silverstone also reached 20.

Because they have to practice tomorrow, the two didn't play too late, and finally competed again. Under Zhou Guanyu's proud expression, Qin Miao narrowly lost by 0.1 seconds, and Zhou Guanyu accepted today's game with a smile. Small game wins.

The unhappiness of being fed a mouthful of dog food just now was also swept away.

Silent all night.

The next day, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng packed up their things and took Zhou Guanyu's car to the Silverstone Circuit.

But this time Zhou Guanyu reported to the team, while Qin Miao borrowed a car from an F3 team in Silverstone.

So Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu separated in the parking lot of the Silverstone Circuit. After all, Zhou Guanyu still had work, so he couldn't wait for someone in the parking lot with Qin Miao, so he went to report to the team first.

After separating from Zhou Guanyu, Qin Miao dialed Lawson's phone number.

After the call was made, Qin Miao greeted the other party respectfully, but unexpectedly the other party was also very polite to him.

Before Qin Miao took the initiative to find him, the man named Fei Ni came to the parking lot and found Qin Miao.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three of them went to the warehouse of the Feeney team.

At first, Qin Miao felt that although the other party would give him a car, the condition of the car he gave him would definitely not be very good, and the tires would most likely be tires that had been used for a while. Or it could be a car with a limited engine power like last race.

But after following Feeney to their team's warehouse, he pointed to an F3 car that had obviously been cleaned and replaced with a new set of hot-melt tires.

Qin Miao has no way to judge the condition of the car at this time with the naked eye, but at least from the appearance, the car prepared by the other party is definitely not perfunctory.

Just listen to Fini's introduction: "This is our spare F3 racing car, with a 2.0T V4 engine, a maximum output of about 125 kilowatts, a maximum speed of about 250 kilometers per hour, and an empty weight of 455 kilograms. road machine."

Although the attributes of F3 are not as good as F2 and F1, but the general civilian super sports car is a younger brother in front of him.

Feeney also introduced: "This car has only temporarily run two races this season, and the engine has only run more than 50 laps. It is in good condition, and other parts have also been overhauled. I am sure She is in the best condition at this time and should be able to support your training needs for the next period of time.

Of course, during this period of time, we will also have dedicated staff to complete all your debugging needs, but they are still holding morning meetings, and they will come over in about 15 minutes. If you have any doubts, you can ask them.

They're good lads, and you should have a good time with them.

That's all I said, I still have work to do, so I'll get busy first. "

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Qin Miao thanked him and watched the other party leave.

"There are so many good people in this world." After the other party left his sight and withdrew his gaze, Qin Miao sighed while looking at the F3 car he was about to drive.

Qiu Meng didn't say anything, but followed Qin Miao to look at the F3 racing car in front of him curiously.

The exterior painting of the F3 racing car in front of us is simpler and much cleaner than that of F1 and F2.

Naturally, there are also a lot fewer sponsors on the car.

At the same time, compared with the F1 car, the overall size of the F3 car is also smaller, but this does not affect the awe-inspiring temperament exuded from this track machine that was born for the track.

Qin Miao originally wanted to drive a car to run on Silverstone, but judging from the meaning of Feeney's words, it seemed that he could use this car for a long time until he went to Maranello.

Qin Miao would not be polite about this.

After the team's staff finished their regular morning meeting and returned to their jobs, Qin Miao had already changed into her racing suit, put on her helmet and Hans system, and was waiting for the staff to help her adjust. The brake and gas pedals are off.

After all, with this setting, Qin Miao couldn't complete the debugging alone.

These staff also received early notice that a driver would come to borrow a car today.

So it wasn't surprising to see Qin Miao. He greeted them first and said that they were going to have a pre-match inspection and that Qin Miao had to wait for them for a while.

The inspection was completed soon, and the other party handed something like a form to Qin Miao for him to confirm and sign.

Qin Miao glanced briefly, and most of the records on it were the inspection status of racing car parts.

Qin Miao needs to confirm that the inspection is correct and sign for receipt before he can drive the car away.

Because of the driver's license, Qin Miao had the knowledge of rechecking the status of the racing car in his mind, so holding this form, Qin Miao rechecked the racing car again.

After confirming that there was no problem, Qin Miao signed his name on the form.

After Qin Miao confirmed, the staff smiled and put away the files for backup, and then signaled Qin Miao to sit in the racing car for final debugging.

But to everyone's surprise, Qin Miao didn't sit in the racing car immediately.

He came to this F3 with a solemn face while everyone was watching.

Then Qin Miao patted the F45 flip-flops gently with the five fingers of her right hand together, tilted upward at 3 degrees.

After seeing Qin Miao's actions, everyone was full of question marks. Even after Qiu Meng saw this scene, a thought flashed through her mind, is her husband crazy?
But Qin Miao knew that he had used his skill: [Comfort Machine Soul (Blue)]

Effect: After use, it can greatly reduce the failure rate of the target mechanical creation within the next two hours.

Although it is confirmed that this is a new car, the engine condition is also very good.

However, in order to avoid mechanical failures when he experienced the F3 racing car for the first time, Qin Miao decided to use his skills.

After appeasing the soul of the machine, Qin Miao sat in the cockpit with peace of mind, regardless of other people's expressions.

Seeing that Qin Miao just patted the racing car's flip-flops and did not do anything more excessive, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that what Qin Miao did might be just a self-suggested pre-match ritual
The experience after sitting in this kind of formula car is really not very good.

It feels a bit like sitting directly on the ground, the viewing angle is very low, and because the body position of the driver is restricted when the G force is pressed in the monocoque, the interior is not spacious and feels very crowded.

But this feeling completely disappeared after Qin Miao adjusted the position of the pedals, started the engine under the staff's instructions, and completed the ignition operation.

As the 2.0T V4 engine behind him sang loudly, Qin Miao's adrenaline began to secrete crazily along with the engine's wonderful music, and his heart rate also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Qin Miao felt that just listening to the engine's sound The sound, the blood in my whole body is about to boil.

Calculating carefully, Qin Miao hasn't touched a real car for almost half a month since he drove an F4 and an AMG GT in Shanghai.

No matter how good the simulator is, no matter how close the simulation software is to reality, it is not real.

Qin Miao felt that if he really wanted to ignite the throbbing flame in his heart, he had to be a real guy.

(End of this chapter)

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