Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 4 Let's go, Miami!

Chapter 4 Let's go, Miami!

Since the sooner the better, Wu Di decided to catch the earliest flight to Miami!
Maybe, this is a test for the boss of the team!
In addition, don't forget, he also has a reward system for playing basketball!
Wade ranks 75th among the 30 superstars. Because of his playing style, the 28-year-old is at the peak of his career.

"Playing with such a super giant, I don't know how much the system will award for one goal..."

Wu Di murmured.

one thousand?two thousand?Or five thousand?
No matter how much, no more dare to think!
You should know that even if you score one thousand goals, you can win one hundred thousand...

And... the prizes are all beautiful knives!

In the past, Wu Di's teammate Turner was considered a relatively high-quality tool for making money. If you fight against him, you can almost win $[-] for a ball.

Just like this, if you hit it from morning to night, you can get about [-] to [-].

Turner is still only the second place in the rookie list, and Wade is the superstar who started the All-Star!
If you can enjoy typing for a day and get the money out, it is like legally robbing a bank!

Thinking of this, he couldn't stop his moaning...

Book tickets, book tickets now!

Call the front desk of Marriott directly. The front desk of this five-star hotel can provide business services. Not only can you book air tickets, but also send you a special Cadillac Escalade to take you to the airport.

"Hi, I'd like to book the nearest flight to Miami, first class."

Wu Di said while feeling secretly refreshed, finally able to fly first class!
In order to save money, he used to fly economy class in the draft, and he had nowhere to put his long legs, which made him aggrieved.

But today Schwartz said that the president wants to stay for a few days, so he only stays for one day, and the money he saves is enough to go back and forth, and it saves him money by rounding up.

The voice of the lady at the front desk came from the other end of the phone, as sweet as orange juice at breakfast:
"Dear Mr. Wu, I have booked the nearest flight for you. It takes off from JFK International Airport at 11:50 p.m. and lands at Miami Airport at 3:20 p.m. the next day. You can pack your luggage now, and the car will arrive at you in 30 minutes. Wait downstairs."

"No, I'm leaving now!"

Straight away from the suitcase, a real man never looks back at New York.


Unlike the young and beautiful stewardesses of domestic airlines, most of the stewardesses of American Airlines are out-of-shape aunts.

But these are all previous impressions.

Sitting in the first class this time, Wu Di refreshed his knowledge.

The four flight attendants are like four flowers of different varieties, exuding the beauty of youth.

The navy blue slim uniform sets off the waist, the elegant gray velvet stockings wrap the slender ankles, and the red-soled high-heeled shoes...

It turns out that those attractive covers of aviation magazines were photographed by these girls.

Only in the first class can you enjoy what you see is what you get.

Although this flight was a large passenger plane, it was a red-eye flight after all. The spacious first-class cabin was empty, and there were not as many passengers as there were flight attendants.

Not a while after take-off, Wu Di put down the seat directly. This is the essence of the first-class cabin. The stewardess can only watch but not eat, and has not slept comfortably yet.

A stewardess handed Wu Di a crystal goblet with fruit juice:

"Sir, you ordered pineapple juice."

Wu Di smiled and nodded. This stewardess was the most beautiful among the four first-class stewardesses, with blonde hair and blue eyes, a tall figure, and her skin was so white that it glowed.

However, the moment he took the goblet, the other party's index finger painted with red nail polish intentionally or unintentionally slid across his palm.

Wu Di was startled by the feeling of electric shock, looked up, and found that she was biting the right side of her lower lip lightly, and Kazilan's big light-colored eyes were flickering.

"The evil capitalism is here to test the cadres again..."

Wu Di looked at the extra piece of paper in his hand, which was a string of phone numbers.

It's a pity, I have to go to play with Wade immediately after getting off the plane, I guess I will miss this affair.

He took a gulp of pineapple juice and decided to put on an eye mask and go to bed.

Pineapple juice is a good sleep aid, but this time it was completely ineffective.

In his mind, the red lips shaped like the bow of Cupid couldn't get rid of it, and it was so bright.


"How do you sleep?"

"At your age, at your stage, can you sleep well?"

An ancient memory kept replaying in his mind like chanting sutras. Wu Di took off his blindfold and looked at his phone. It was almost two o'clock in the morning.

The first-class cabin was dark, except for a small light on the seat of the stewardess in front.

Under the dim light, the flight attendant just now was playing with a ballpoint pen with her slender fingers, back and forth on the paper.

Wu Di was bored admiring the world-famous painting "Stewardess Playing with a Pen" in front of him.

Suddenly, as if feeling Wu Di's gaze, her movements froze, and then her playing method suddenly became ambiguous.

It's not like playing with it, it's more like stroking a cat...'s tail.

The bright red nail polish kept jumping, as if an evil fire was burning his lower abdomen.

Under her playing, the ballpoint pen flipped to the limit, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground.

She unbuckled her seat belt, picked up the pen and walked towards him.

The red stilettos made a pattering sound on the carpet, and when she walked past Wu Di, she paused her graceful figure, without any movement, but left behind a faint fragrance.

Wu Di watched her enter the bathroom, and watched the still green warning light in the bathroom...

His eyes widened, and his heart suddenly started beating wildly. At two o'clock in the morning, the first-class cabin was extremely quiet at this moment, only the sound of the wind whizzing past the window...


At 3:40 in the morning, the plane landed steadily. In the left chest pocket of Wu Di's suit, the black silk fabric with lace trim showed that he had fully warmed up.

When getting off the plane, looking at the blond girl who was flirting at the cabin door, Wu Di couldn't help asking:

"What's your name?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that her expression was a little flustered, and a flight attendant who appeared from nowhere stared at them suspiciously.

"Oh, I want to compliment the airline on her service."

With an idea, Wu Di said quickly, and the flight attendant turned around and left.

"Lena, Lena Anderson."

Lina smiled and gestured for a phone call, and blew a kiss with her lips. The aunt turned her head suspiciously again, and saw her gesture, as if I finally caught you.

"Dear sir, remember to call the airline!"



On the way, Wu Di found an emerald green capsule from the boarding box.

It contained a drop of recovery essence that he had exchanged from the system before, and after using it, all physical energy could be restored instantly.

Although the name of this thing sounds very Hextech, but the system says that it is extracted from pure herbal essence, and it is non-toxic and harmless within three drops.

However, because the price is very expensive, one talent point can only be exchanged for one drop, and there are restrictions on banning during the competition, Wu Di rarely used it before.

To play with Wade later, he will have to show his full strength, so he plans to use it now.

He put the capsule in his mouth, and the smell of wind oil mixed with fish sauce came to his head after scratching.

The next moment, a cool feeling swept over his whole body instantly, and his stamina refreshed instantly!
At 4:50 in the morning, before dawn, Wu Di finally arrived at the address Wade gave him.

In the humid sea breeze blowing, under the embellishment of the lone star and the morning light, the sound of the Atlantic waves beating the beach is extremely charming.

Miami is truly America's vacation destination.

And the Spanish-style villa in front of Wu Di is even more unique. In addition to the flowery courtyard, there is also a standard-sized basketball court.

It seems that this is the legendary Wade's mansion in Miami.

Although Wade has the reputation of the top ten hardworking stars in the NBA, he also told him to arrive as early as possible.

But facing the pitch-black villa, Wu Di realized that he was still early, and this is not Los Angeles after all.

However, the intercom on the door made a sound. It turned out that the servant on duty saw Wu Di standing outside the door wearing a suit through video surveillance, so he came to ask what he could do.

Wu Di showed the invitation text message to the surveillance camera at the door, and the intercom chatted nonsense.

Suddenly, the lights in the mansion were brightly lit, and then, the sound of slapping a basketball came from the other side of the court...

Just when Wu Di was surprised what happened, the servant's loud voice came:
"Mr. Wade, someone is visiting at the door!"

Wade responded. Just as he put away the basketball, he suddenly thought of something and asked loudly:

"How long have I been fighting?"

The servant was stunned for a while before replying:
" have been practicing for at least an hour!"

Wade was very satisfied with this answer, patted the servant on the shoulder and said:
"Very good, you go to rest first, I will open the door myself!"

Wade was wearing a nightgown, holding a basketball, and ran over from the court. Looking at Wu Di who was holding back his laughter, he puffed out his cheeks and angrily said:
"Damn it, why did you come here? I've been practicing for over an hour!"

After speaking, he showed his big white teeth and laughed first. There is no way, he wants to be the top three in the league, oh no, the number one in the league, so even if it is the first time to meet the rookies of the team, he can't help it To compare.

After the two laughed, Wade opened his arms and gave Wu Di a firm hug:

“Welcome to Miami Heats!”

Wu Di hugged his idol when he was young, feeling mixed feelings for a moment...

It's just a welcome that makes people dream, it's just an arm that makes people trust and depend on, but at this moment, it's like a dream, echoing in my mind constantly!

“Welcome to Miami Heats!”

At this moment, the dream came into reality, he succeeded, he entered the NBA, and the idol was still alive, they became teammates!
He really wanted to let time stop at this moment forever...

(End of this chapter)

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