Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 75 Broker Confirmation

Chapter 75 Broker Confirmation

Tailem and Bill Duffy had a tense discussion for a long time, but they still couldn't get a [-].

And the more he talked, the more he said, if Wu Di and Dayao hadn't been blocking him, they might have punched each other.

The four golden flowers didn't attract any firepower, but Wu Di almost drew the two managers into a fight...

This is America, and Mane is more attractive than anything else.

Fortunately, the auction started soon, and everyone's attention was attracted by the auction, and the two major brokers calmed down.

"Today's first auction work, "Elegy", is from Argentine cutting-edge artist Miguel Ross..."

An auctioneer in a tuxedo came to the stage, knocked the gavel three times and began to introduce an installation art to the guests.

The main body of this work is a photo of the sea printed on a special fabric, and then suspended in mid-air by countless transparent fishing lines.

Although I can't understand it, it can make people feel unclear. Obviously, I have touched the essence of modern art.

Because it is a charity auction, it cannot be taken away after the auction, but will be sent to the museum for exhibition, so the auction price will not be very high, and everyone just means it symbolically.

However, the identity of the bidder is very distinguished, and he is the president of Cleveland Medical Center, Toby-*****.

Although the price is not high, not all the products are appreciated. Soon, two works failed to be auctioned because no one raised their placards.

This is equivalent to not being recognized by any guests present, which is a bit miserable to be true.

In the middle of the auction, there was also a painting from a Chinese artist, Qiu Fei's "Heat Therapy".

This painting is about a woman with a fire in her hand under the night sky.

Wu Di and Dayao looked at each other, showing interest in each other. jpg's expression.

Siduo Jinhua was also very curious about this painting, Wu Di explained a little bit, and the four people understood what it meant.

In the end, Wu Di spent [-] US dollars to express his support, and Qiu Fei expressed his gratitude to him with folded hands.

Finally, his No. [-] signed jersey finale appearance.

"Today's finale auction is the No. [-] autographed jersey of Wu Di, the new emperor of the Cavaliers!"

The auctioneer leaned forward and deliberately prolonged the syllable "new" when he said the new emperor of the knight, which made everyone in the room laugh.

While showing the blue special edition jersey framed in the glass frame behind him, he introduced:

"Wearing it, Wu Di completed the first game of his career and scored 46 points, breaking Chamberlain's [-]-year career first game scoring record!"

"The number [-] on this jersey is the hope of revenge for the Cavaliers, the totem of Cleveland's spirit, and the symbol of Ohio's revival!"

"Of course, whether it can enter the Cleveland Museum for exhibition depends on everyone present. The starting price is [-] US dollars, and the price is increased by [-] US dollars each time. Each person has one chance to bid, and the cap is [-] US dollars."

As soon as the words fell, Governor Kasich held up the No. [-] number plate in his hand.

The auctioneer immediately spread his fingers in his direction and said:
"No. [-], $[-]..."

But soon, it was covered by other people's placards, and the auctioneer kept shouting prices.

Seeing this scene, Dayao said in amazement:
"That's great, brother, the governor is here to cheer you on!"

Wu Di laughed and joked:
"Brother Ming, don't you want to support me?"

"Hey~ you kid!"

Dayao cursed and raised the number plate in his hand.

"No. [-], $[-]..."

But soon it was covered by the number plate held up by the painter Qiu Fei.

Seeing that the price of his jersey kept setting new highs, Wu Di felt very flattered!

The player version of the jersey only costs [-] US dollars, which has been doubled by dozens of times, and it is still a charity auction!
It seems that he will have to keep his jersey and shoes for every game in the future, they are all money!
"No. [-], $[-]..."

Wu Di's eyes widened, because Sister Ka just raised the number plate in her hand...

He was raised by the princess!

Sister Ka smiled back at him flirtatiously, but was soon overwhelmed by another person's gesture.

When the auctioneer called for $[-], the speed began to slow down.

In order to avoid hurting the dignity by viciously raising prices, each person has only one opportunity to bid for each work, so if you want to reach the capped price of [-] US dollars, [-] people must raise their cards to support.

But there should be less than [-] number plates at the scene, so he has auctioned almost [-] works just now, and none of them has reached the capped price of [-] dollars...

I don't know if Wu Di's jersey will achieve this achievement.

"Mr. [-], $[-]..."

The auctioneer smiled and signaled that Gilbert had also raised his card just now.

"No. [-], $[-]..."

Seeing this, Grant, Jamison, and Scott raised their placards one after another, once again increasing the auctioneer's bidding speed.

"No. [-], $[-]..."

It's only half a step away from $[-]!
At the moment of sprinting, Bill Duffy held up the number plate in his hand. Although the price of [-] US dollars is expensive, he is going to use this matter to enhance his relationship with Wu Di.

"WOW, there are so many people raising placards for $[-]?!"

The auctioneer exclaimed that at least ten people raised their number plates at the same time when the price was capped...

However, he didn't worry too much, he sent his palm to a lady in the front row, and said with a hammer:
"However, congratulations to No. [-], who bought the No. [-] jersey signed by Wu Di on the record night of the first game of Wu Di's career for $[-]!"

Everyone was relieved, it turned out that the auction was taken on the [-]th, and the auctioneer really wanted to facilitate this beautiful coincidence.

Bill Duffy let out a long sigh of relief, just now this guy from Tailem also raised his card, as long as the latter didn't make the deal, then it wouldn't be a big problem!

After the auction ended, the crowd dispersed, and a beautiful woman in a white evening dress appeared in front of Wu Di. It was Ariana holding the number plate No. [-].

"It's you!"

Wu Di smiled, stroked her smooth back, and kissed her face-to-face.

After all, Ariana is his doctor. Although they can't attend the reception together, they can still practice this kind of intimate etiquette when they meet at the reception.

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight."

Arina breathed in his ear like a rand.

Wu Di's heart trembled. This was their code, which meant asking him if he could play poker today:

"Cloudy to sunny tonight."

Can fight!Must be able to fight!
The sponsor who bought the jersey for $[-] must provide good service!
Ariana nodded and greeted Dayao, Bill Duffy, and Tailem who were beside him one by one, and started talking.

At the same time, several elites also came over to say hello to Wu Di, as if the social session had started again:

"Hi, Wu! I'm James Murdoch, nice to meet you."

Wu Di was surprised when he heard the words, James Murdoch?
Sister Deng's stepson?

Future head of Fox News Corporation?
Then this is the super rich second generation!

"Hello there!"

Wu Di looked at the other party, with a meticulous cropped cut and gold-rimmed glasses, he looked refined.

But now he is a little allergic to the name James, so he didn't talk much, and then greeted the next person.

Soon, he chatted with the future eldest princess Ka Jie.

Tonight she wore a dark blue tube top evening dress, the protruding collarbone is very eye-catching.

Sister Ka is [-] meters tall with bare feet, and at least [-] meters with high heels. She is taller than many boys present, and her temperament is also very outstanding.

But upon closer inspection, Wu Di can only say that she looks too much like her father...

The two chatted for a while about the real estate market. This is Sister Ka's family business and the reason she came here. Gilbert's Quicken Loans Company is the largest mortgage lender in the United States.

Sister Ka is still very professional in this area. Wu Di quickly learned about the latest trends in New York real estate, such as the newly opened ONE[-] next to Central Park, and what it means.

But just when Wu Di wanted to have an in-depth discussion with Sister Ka, Gilbert interrupted them:
"Ahem, Wu, didn't I say I would introduce you to an agent?"

The two had no choice but to share their phone numbers with each other, and agreed to discuss in detail when Wu Di went to New York for the competition.

Gilbert took Wu Di to the place where several members of the team were. The reception was coming to an end, and people in the basketball circle were basically chatting here.

In addition to the Cavaliers, Dayao, Bill Duffy, and Tailem were also there.

Wu Di's eyes widened, he was indeed one of the two, right?
But Gilbert brought him to Ariana:
"Wu, I want to introduce you again. This is Arina, Ms. Arina-D-Rockefeller. I recommend her to be your agent!"



That famous old capitalist family?

In the team, Ariana has never told everyone what her last name is, and she is usually very low-key, and the United States pays more attention to privacy, so everyone didn't ask much...

But now, Gilbert announced that his surname is Rockefeller!

For a moment, everyone's expressions were brilliant. Scott, Jamison, and Grant in the team were all stunned, while Williams' jaw was about to drop!
In particular, he didn't understand why such a rich daughter wanted to be Wu Di's doctor, even if she was a doctor, but now she wanted to be Wu Di's manager...

What does this mean about him?

Is it so easy to be handsome?
Bill Duffy was also speechless. Just now Ariana was talking to him about the brokerage industry...

He thought that Ariana was just a rich girl similar to Sister Ka, so he basically didn't hold anything back, and roughly talked about the highlights and troughs of the work over the years.

But who knew that she turned out to be a competitor, or was introduced by Gilbert...

Cheng Yaojin, who appeared suddenly, is rich and beautiful!

Bill Duffy looked at Tailem on the other side, and found that the other side was also speechless, and suddenly he felt a little balanced.

Sister Ka, Murdoch and the others silently drank the wine in their hands. From the shocked expressions of the people around them, they quickly understood that Arina had hidden her identity from the beginning.

They didn't understand why Ariana kept such a low profile. For them, wealth meant nothing if they didn't show off.

But they knew that this was the style of the Rockefeller family. The fourth generation heir of the family, Peggy Dulani, even gave up this extremely prominent surname...

Of course, the most shocking thing was Wu Di, the person next to his pillow turned out to be a member of the Rockefeller family?

He went back to his previous Ohio State history class.

The Rockefeller family, a veteran capitalist family, once monopolized the energy industry through Standard Oil Company, creating a famous era of monopoly in history.

It was in Cleveland that the founder of the family, John D. Rockefeller, became the world's first billionaire from an accountant at a Cleveland dry goods store.

At its peak, its net wealth accounted for about [-]% of the GDP of the United States at that time.

Converted to the present, it is almost [-] billion U.S. dollars, which is the richest man in the world and the super rich generation.

As the saying goes, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be knifed.

Everyone cannot escape the fate of being cut leeks, and Old John is no exception. Not long after he became a billionaire, the United States slashed the trust group, and the energy empire he built fell apart in an instant.

Old John, who had been extremely frugal all his life, suddenly discovered that after digging a trench and paying the inheritance tax that was just enacted, his children might not have a few steel coins left...

Why don't you donate yourself, at least you can get some reputation!

And there is no tax on the inheritance of reputation.

So he donated most of the money he earned to create a modern charity, and he was the most famous among the capitalists of that generation.

Although he moved to New York after becoming a billionaire, he still returned to his roots after his death and was buried in Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland.

The surname of such a legendary figure really bears too much...

Wu Di couldn't accept it for a while, the feeling was like "tonight the sky turns into a thunderbolt".

"Why, do you want to turn your face and deny anyone?"

Arina laughed and said that she didn't particularly like others to equate Rockefeller with her. In fact, she was very independent and earned her own living expenses.

But now, she is going to be Wu Di's manager, so she must use her family's influence to seek some benefits for Wu Di.

"Didn't you...didn't you tell me that when you were a child, you had to wash the dishes and mop the floor at home to earn pocket money? Why..."

Wu Di asked with some dumbfounding, he could tell that Ariana had an outstanding temperament, and he had also inquired about her family background, but that was how she replied, and he was dubious at the time.

"Of course, this is the family rule of our family. My great-grandfather set it down. It's all in the book. If you don't believe me, go check it out."

Arina replied, but she didn't want to get too entangled with Wu Di on this issue, so she smiled and asked:

"Didn't you ask me before if I want to be your agent? Now I answer Yes, so let's move on to the next step?"

Wu Di nodded, this is the best, he still trusts Ariana more than Bill Duffy and Tailem.

Moreover, Ariana announced her background at this time, probably because she wanted to use the family's resources for him.

Although Bill Duffy and Tailem are veteran agents in the NBA, after so many years in the industry, they must have accumulated quite a lot of resources.

But compared with the Rockefeller family, it is probably only a drop in the bucket.

This kind of family may not have a lot of wealth on the surface, especially when there are more than 200 family members passed down to the present.

But in terms of resources, they are absolutely terrifying.

After all, a great philanthropist has spent countless fortunes throughout his life, and when he needs help, he will definitely respond to everyone.

Wu Di swallowed his saliva, he might not have to worry about running out of money soon!

(End of this chapter)

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