Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 76 A Calf as Steady as an Old Dog

Chapter 76 The Calf as Steady as an Old Dog (5000+ word chapter)
"Come with me, I'll take you to sign your first endorsement contract!"

Arina gently held Wu Di's arm, and led him to the direction where entrepreneurs and executives of famous companies gathered in the lobby, and said as she walked:
"Do you still remember, we once discussed that the first endorsement is very important, the amount of the contract determines your future worth, and the specific brand will affect your future tone..."

Wu Di nodded, they chatted about this matter on the plane to Huaxia.

He was in urgent need of money at the time, and if it wasn't for Ariana, he might have signed a contract with Mengniu or Yili.

He remembered very clearly that when he was passing customs in Los Angeles, he used some tricks to swindle the quotation from the marketing director of Mengniu.

That is [-] million RMB in [-] years, which is equivalent to about [-] million US dollars in [-] years.

Because of the milk powder incident, Mengniu is actually more eager to cooperate with the two parties, and the price offered is actually not low from the current point of view.

After all, he has played so many games now and broke Chamberlain's record. The sneaker contract for the mainline endorsement is only a one-year price of $[-] million.

Among other brands, Green Arrow paid relatively high, [-] million U.S. dollars for [-] years, and the annual endorsement fee was almost double that of Mengniu.

After all, this was [-], and inflation was not so severe. Even the price of real estate in Pengcheng, which was later skyrocketing, averaged less than $[-] a flat.

One million dollars is enough to buy a [-]-square-meter mansion in Pengcheng.

I don't know which brand Ariana will let him sign for the first time, and what the contract amount is...

"Wu, this is Janet Megan, Global Marketing Director of PepsiCo."

Arina brought Wu Di to a beautiful woman in her 50s and solved the mystery.

"Hello, Ms. Meghan!"

Wu Di couldn't stop the smile on his face, my God, it turned out to be Pepsi!
This is a TOP brand endorsed by Michael Jackson, Messi, Madonna, Beyoncé, Britney and many other superstars!
Ranked No. [-] in the "[-] BrandZ Top [-] Most Valuable Global Brands List"!

One place higher than Nike's [-]th!
Although Wu Di personally thinks that Pepsi is not as delicious as Coca-Cola, one thing I have to admit is that the advertisements of Pepsi are definitely better than Coca-Cola.

And in terms of brand tonality, Pepsi is more representative of the challengers of the younger generation!
"Hello, Wu, I am very glad to send you a verbal quotation on this occasion today. After the decision of the headquarters, the quotation we made to you is [-] million US dollars for four years, and the signing level is the highest signing level of Pepsi spokesperson, which is the Pepsi brand Global image ambassador! In addition, every time you win a championship, the endorsement fee will be doubled!"

Megan stretched out her palm with a smile and said.

What the hell! ?
[-] million dollars in [-] years!

[-] million dollars a year!

It is directly [-] times the price of Green Arrow's endorsement!
[-] times the price of Mengniu endorsement!
It is only [-] million lower than his current sneaker contract offer of [-] million a year!
More importantly, every time you win a championship, you will be doubled directly!
In other words, if you can create three consecutive great achievements, it will rise to [-] million in the second year, double to [-] million in the third year, and double to [-] million in the fourth year!
[-] million, beautiful knife!


It is still at the level of global image ambassador!

Suddenly, Wu Di tasted the sweetness of Pepsi!
Go to fucking Coca-Cola, Pepsi will be the best drink in the future, no one will be able to use it!
Wu Di shook hands with Megan excitedly and said:

"Looking forward to our cooperation!"

Ariana, as expected of a member of the Rockefeller family, does have energy...

As soon as he made a move, he solved the problem of the contract price of the sports brand!
Are you unwilling to raise the price?

The signing price of non-sports brands has reached [-] million US dollars. Do you want to follow?

If you follow, it must be at least twice or even three times the price of Pepsi's contract!

In other words, the basic price of his sneaker contract is at least [-] million US dollars after tonight!

Or higher!
Because the foundation is already there!

The sedan chair has been lifted!

"Then it's a deal! Next Monday, November [-], we will hold a signing ceremony at the Pepsi headquarters in Westchester County, New York. Here is my business card. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me!"

Megan laughed, and nodded to Ariana who was beside her, then clinked glasses with Wu Di and said:

"Wu, we have bet heavily on you and look forward to the day you win the championship!"


After bidding farewell to Megan, Wu Di still couldn't believe that Pepsi would sign him at such a high price...

You know, when Bill Duffy uttered this idea just now, he was severely refuted by Tailem.

However, it was realized after being turned around by Ariana:
"Ariana, how did you do it?"

Arina smiled and explained:
"There are two logics in this. The first one is that Pepsi is a top-level brand. It started from topical marketing, and its own traffic is even higher than that of sports brands!"

"So they don't care whether you have the traffic brought by sports brands. They will relatively independently evaluate how much money to sign with you. That is to say, we have the opportunity to sign a big contract with them first."

"The second logic is also the most essential part. Pepsi's contract price is not set at will, but is exactly the same as the contract price between Coca-Cola and LeBron James, which is $[-] million a year."

"This kind of benchmarking will undoubtedly stir up hot topics. Rookie No. [-] VS Super Jumbo No. [-], the Cavaliers who are not expected to challenge the Heat with the Super Big Three!"

"Just like Pepsi's challenge to Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola has been established for a longer time and has a larger market share! But Pepsi is a young brand that dares to challenge!"

"So signing with you at this price is itself a hot promotion for Pepsi. Moreover, if you can beat No. [-] to win the championship, the signing price will be doubled directly. This is also a potential nuclear explosion. If If you can win the championship, it means that Pepsi will defeat Coke, and young people can come from behind!"

Wu Di took a deep breath, tall, really tall!
The first step is to find the super funders in the market, and the second step is to locate the needs of the super funders!
After hearing these two logics, he even felt that it would be impossible for Pepsi not to pay so much money...

But in fact, just yesterday, the highest offer he received from other brands was only $[-] million a year...

Ariana abruptly increased the price by four times!
Of course, the catalytic effect of the name Rockefeller must also be indispensable.

Ariana became his agent, and even members of the Rockefeller family were optimistic about his future, so these big brands were willing to bet with him with real money.

"I will give you the highest brokerage share in the market, [-]%!"

Wu Di solemnly said that although his current status is not what it used to be, and even a veteran manager like Bill Duffy only dared to mention [-]% of the share, he still felt that Ariana was definitely worth the share.

Ariana smiled brightly, with [-]% share, he is finally going to be deeply bound with Wu Di!

Yes, she doesn't care about Wu Di's relationship with other women. After all, with Wu Di's physical fitness, she can't bear it alone, so it's better to be indifferent.

What she cares about is whether she can establish a deep interest bond with Wu Di:

"I will use one-third of the commission to establish the Ariana Wu Charity Foundation!"

Wu Di was deeply touched, Ariana was the first name, Wu was the surname, and Ariana was expressing her love to him in this way...

In the middle of the night, the two young people are sketching the future while pushing each other to the clouds again and again...

November [-]


Wu Di went to Dallas with the team to watch the game between the Cavaliers and the Mavericks.

Located in the western part of the United States, Texas is the birthplace of the western cowboy and is rich in oil and natural gas.

It has three "seconds" among the states in the United States: the state with the second largest area, the state with the second strongest economy, and the state with the second largest population.

With so many "Second Brother" buffs stacked together, if nothing else happens, something big will happen.

That's right, three "Seconds" plus one piece is just the "Sixth".

This is the place with the most rednecks in America.

And because Texas has a good economy, rednecks here are more arrogant and defiant than rednecks elsewhere.

Therefore, when Wu Di was captured by the camera at the game site, the Mavericks' home court and the American Airline Center were instantly booed.

Wu Di sat on the bench, tilted his mouth and made a thumbs down gesture towards the camera, resulting in the arena full of laughter.

The DJs at the scene said that this was a wave of good interaction.

Dallas Mavericks, translated into Dallas Mavericks is more appropriate.

The reason why it is called the Lone Ranger may be because people here like maverick western cowboys. Anyway, it should have nothing to do with their assassination of the Democratic Party's most popular president John Nikondi in Dallas... right?

This team was founded relatively late, only in 30, and this year happens to be their No.[-] year in the NBA.

In the parallel time and space of the previous life, the Mavericks won the first championship in team history this season.

But they were not favored at the beginning. They faced the Bobcats, Grizzlies, Clippers, Nuggets, and Hornets in five games in the regular season, and lost to the Grizzlies and Hornets. They achieved three wins and two losses, ranking in the West fifth.

That's right, it's the same as the current record of the Cavaliers...

The off-site website gave them the winning odds of 1 to 20. In contrast, the Heat's winning odds were only 1 to 1.7.

How many knights?

Cavaliers pay 1 to 50...

It's a pity that it's taboo for players to gamble, otherwise Wu Di would stud directly.

In any case, if the Cavaliers can break into the finals, then they face the Mavericks.

If he wanted to double Pepsi's endorsements, he had to figure out how to get past it.

The Mavericks' starting lineup today is Jason Kidd at No. 1, Jason Terry at No. 2, Shawn Marion at No. 3, Dirk Nowitzki at No. 4, and Tyson at No. 5. - Chandler.

This lineup, some people later said it was the Five Tigers lineup, or even the core of the [-]th National Congress...

Isn't that right, they are all superstars one by one!

Not to mention that Kidd was selected to the top 75 later, he is still an All-Star this year, the absolute king of point guards.

Terry just won the best sixth man, because of the unique celebration called "jet", jet king.

Marion has also been in the All-Star, nicknamed Hacker, the Hacker King who can play basketball the most among the Hackers.

Not to mention Nowitzki, the MVP of the regular season, the same as Kidd in the 75th, the King of Nowitzki.

Chandler, the first cake king of the league.

Five people, all of them are kings.

It’s a bit old, Kidd is now 37 years old, Terry is 33 years old, Marion is 32 years old, Nowitzki is 32 years old, and the youngest Chandler is 28 years old...

For the Cavaliers, Davis at No. 1, Williams at No. 2, Jamison at No. 3, Hickson at No. 4, and Jordan Jr. at No. 5.

It was supposed to be Williams facing Kidd, but in order to prevent this guy from being misfired by Kidd, it was replaced by Davis.

But it doesn't necessarily have an effect, because the head coach of the Mavericks is the famous academic coach Rick Carlisle.

Academic coaches just like to engage in zone defense.

The lineup of the Mavericks is also suitable for zone defense. They are old and have limited running ability, but in terms of experience in zone defense, they are all veterans.

Jump ball, Chandler vs Jordan.

There are too many similarities in the fate of these two people.

Both were selected by Baylor of the Clippers. One was the second pick in the first round, and the other was the second round pick. The difference is not much, just two words.

It was also Chris Paul who fed them the cake king. Chandler was fed the first generation cake king when he was in the Hornets, and Jordan was fed the second generation cake king when he was in the Clippers.

Then these two people also have super domineering names, let alone Jordan, Chandler was dubbed the "Champion of Boxing" by netizens because of the name "Tyson".

The boxing champion is 2 meters tall and has a wingspan of 16 meters. Although his bounce and bounce speed are slightly inferior to Jordan's, the advantage of static talent is too great, so the ball still came to Kidd.

As one of the "Four Wonderful Point Guards", the 37-year-old Kidd is like an old monster on the court. Just now, the old man dribbled the ball across the center line, and suddenly his wrist was slapped. The next moment, the basketball Run to Dirk Nowitzki in the low post at the elbow.

Naturally, Nuo Tianwang will not dunk with you in a hot manner. He took a dribble against Hixon in a leisurely manner. In fact, he did not open up the space, but just a symbolic push, and then easily smashed the board and scored. ...

"What is this..."

Wu Di shook his head as he watched the first goal. The fans at the scene were already familiar with it, and the cheers were not even as loud as the boos to Wu Di just now.

And the Mavericks' defense doesn't feel like they are paying much attention, especially in the regular season.

Davis changed direction a few times on the far left wing, and then threw Kidd half a body away.

It instantly proved that their previous worries were a little overdone.

When he rushed in, Nuo Tianwang, who was closer, was seamlessly connected, showing excellent defensive awareness, but this side gave the ball to Hickson, and Chandler was already a little too close to the basket when he made up. up.

But Chandler's defense is really good, coupled with a pair of sky-defying long arms, Hickson's shot was interfered, and Jordan grabbed a rebound to make up.

After playing back and forth for a few more rounds, the Mavericks played the old man's style throughout the whole process, and they could play a positional battle with fast breaks.

The key is that the Cavaliers are not the kind of team that returns to defense quickly...

This feeling, to be honest, 1 to 20 to win the championship is not a loss.

But looking at it, Wu Di also saw some tricks.

It's not that the Mavericks have no rhythm, but their rhythm is one word, steady.

Stable enough to even make people feel a little dragged.

But the round efficiency is very high, basically every round can be scored, even if the first miss, the offensive rebound can be grabbed.

Regardless of whether the Cavaliers play fast or slow, their rhythm has not changed throughout the process.

So at the end of the half, the Cavaliers didn't seem to be overwhelmed, but the score was already 49:59.

Facing the defensive colander Hickson, Nowitzki didn't even score in double figures, and only scored 6 points, obviously pulling back.

Instead, Marion scored 14 points against Jamison's defense.

For the Cavaliers, Williams scored 15 points and shot over 50%, which was quite impressive.

Breaking the zone defense, the most effective way to play is to shoot as soon as the space is created, especially against a team with excellent help defense like the Mavericks. Chance.

And Williams' strength is the mid-range jumper.

Not only did he have a basket, he also contributed a steal in the middle of the second quarter, and he felt like he was pressing against Jason Terry.

Less than halfway through the third quarter, the driver clocked out and replaced Brandon Heywood and Chandler to form twin towers at the basket, and the Mavericks' defense line shrunk even further.

Williams seized the opportunity to score consecutive mid-range shots, leading the Cavaliers to narrow the point difference to 5 points!
Wu Di couldn't help but praise him for his performance at this critical moment.

So so many teams from the outside world are optimistic about him, not only because he was selected as an All-Star last year, but also because of his ability to attack tough problems.

Rick Carlisle traded Jason Terry for the more defensive Deshaun Stevenson to hold him back a bit.

But it’s only a little limited. After the whole game, Williams played 38 minutes and scored 32 points, 4 rebounds and 8 assists. The overall shooting rate was 55%, the three-point shooting rate was 37.5%, and the free throw shooting rate was 100%. , can also be considered a member of the alternative 180 club.

If you can continue to play with this performance, it is really not impossible to change Love alone!

While Wu Di was excited, he was also a little worried.

Although judging from this game alone, the Mavericks' loopholes are indeed quite big, and they were beaten like this by Williams.

But the game was still fixed at 89:97, the Cavaliers trailed by 8 points, and Nowitzki and Kidd obviously didn't exert their full strength, and the sharpshooter Peja was not in place yet.

So once it is a playoff encounter, the Mavericks can definitely beat the Cavaliers.

It's useless even if he plays, his jumper is stronger than Williams, but Kobe, who has the same top jumper, was swept out 0-4 in the playoffs...

The Mavericks' rhythm is too steady, and if Nowitzki exerts more force, it will be difficult for the Cavaliers to parry the second attack.

Although Hickson can play the 4th position, he is still too reluctant to play against Nowitzki.

Only when Love comes to form twin towers with Jordan, can it be restricted.

 Last night I revised it to [-]:[-], but I revised it many times and still didn’t release it, so I simply rewrote it directly, and now my eyes hurt when I look at the screen...

  Next week, I plan to continue to go to Sanjiang for free. Although the editor said that the hope is almost zero, but the sports category has not been on Sanjiang for a long time, so I am still going to give it a try, because the possibility of falling V is not ruled out, so everyone is willing to give it a try. Look at it and cherish it, let’s get up to speed reading together, and give it a try in Sanjiang~
(End of this chapter)

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