Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 315 The boy who came to the top of the Kanagawa inner line!

Chapter 315 The boy who came to the top of the Kanagawa inner line!

Hiroshi Mori's violent slam dunk took the lead in helping Hainan High School score two points.

Moreover, the two points were obtained by defeating the "monster" Yuzhu through one-on-one inside.Immediately, the audience was in an uproar, casting their eyes on the NO.15 player from Hainan.

"Did you see that?! That No. 15 actually scored in front of Yuzu!"

"It's still a back attack. He actually suppressed Yuzhu with a back attack and got points!"

"Yuzhu is a third grader, the chief center of the championship team, but was singled out by a first grader?"

Yuzhu Chun, who was talking about the incoming players around, was in the ears of the third-year champion center in Lingnan. At this time, he couldn't hold back his face at this time, and shouted at Fujima when serving:

"Fujima, give me the ball!"

"I want to get the points back from that kid!"

Yuzumi put his thumb on his chest after the ball was out.Fujima, who was holding the ball, didn't respond immediately when he saw this, but instead looked at Shinomiya Tianno who was about to leave for the frontcourt.Seeing Fujima's gaze, Shinomiya Tianye spread his hands indifferently and nodded slightly.

After receiving Shinomiya Tano's approval, Fujima nodded towards Uozumi and began to advance with the ball.

"Oh, it looks like Lingnan is planning to fish and live here?!"

"That's right, that first grader was shitting on Yuzhu's head, so it's really unreasonable not to respond."

"However. Is it really enough for fish to live?!"

The exchanges between Lingnan and others in the backcourt were noticed by Jinguji Budao who was watching the game from the stands.Although Wu Dao understands why Lingnan wants to fish and live here, he is not optimistic about Yuzhu Chun.

Mori Shigehiro's strength, Budo is really not very clear, but it is also known that the competition between Mingpeng Industry and Aihe students led by Mori Shigehiro can score a terrifying statistic of 50+20.

This is absolutely impossible for Uozumi, and how about Hiroshi Mori's defensive strength can be seen from his athletic ability.Yuzhuchun may not be able to eat Mori Shigehiro alone smoothly.

While Jinguji Budo was thinking, Kenji Fujima had already entered the front court with the ball.

Just as they planned, Shinomiya Tianye, who was going to play singles, dragged Mu Shenyi's defense and ran to the bottom corner.Xiandao, who was originally standing at the horns, also chose to sink to the bottom, but the direction of movement was opposite to that of Shinomiya Tianye.

Although the flower shape cuts towards the inside line, it does not go to the basket and snatch the best position outside the paint area. Instead, it stands in the middle distance of the baseline, leaving a large space open.

At the top of the arc, Fujima had just approached the three-point line with the ball, and he lobbed the ball directly, and it was smoothly given to the inside line Uozumi Jun.


The position where Yuzhu purely received the ball happened to be one step on the side of the free throw line, and there was still some distance from the basket.Here, in fact, it is not the most comfortable offensive position for fish to live in.

But Uozuki, who was holding the ball, had no intention of passing the ball back. He directly turned his back to the basket and looked slightly sideways at Hiroshi Mori, who was sticking behind him.

"Boy, let me show you the strength of the top center in the country!"

Yuzumi thought in his heart, and quickly dropped the ball to hit his back, and his heavy body directly hit Mori Shigehiro's body.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound when the two giants collided, and Mori Shigekan's muscles tensed up. Under Uozumi's back blow, he didn't back down at all, maintaining his position. The terrifying power ushered in the exclamation of the surrounding audience.

"Blocked!! That No. 15 blocked Yuzhu's back attack!"

"So strong! This kid's strength is so strong, he won't give up in the confrontation with the monster Yuzhu!"

Jun Uozumi, who failed to break into the gap in a back attack, also stared blankly, and then hit back with the ball again, but this time, Uozumi pressed the center of gravity lower and used more force, which was more violent than the previous attack. .


There was another muffled sound, and Mori Shigekan hit Yuzhu's back and only took a small step back before standing still.Raise your arms high, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"This kid!" Yuzhuchun's eyes flashed fiercely. Seeing that Yuzumi couldn't hit the back, Tengzhen from the outside line knew something was wrong, and immediately shouted loudly: "Don't be impulsive, Yuzu, pass it on!"

However, Kenji Fujima's reminder was half a beat late after all, and he failed to score two consecutive back hits. Uozumi immediately changed his strategy, fell short, and directly dropped the ball to make a breakthrough.I don't know whether Mori Shigehiro was intentional or unintentional, Yuzhu's breakthrough actually passed Mori Shigehiro smoothly and invaded the inside line.

Jun Uozumi, who entered the basket, held the ball with both hands without any hesitation, stood up from the ground, and tried to smash the ball into the basket.

Just as the basketball was rising to the level of the basket, a white figure appeared behind Jun Uozumi at some point, with a big hand, from top to bottom, directly pressing on the basketball.

"What?!" Jun Uozumi was startled when he felt the huge power coming from his hand.

Under Mori Shigekan's blockade, Yuzu dunked directly on the basket with both hands, and with a "bang", the dunk flew directly.

The flying basketball was caught by Kazuma Takasago with quick eyesight and quick hands. After a feint to avoid the blooming steal, it was passed directly to Mu Shenyi, who was marching towards the front court, and launched a counterattack.

"Return to defense!!"

On the sidelines of the court, Lingnan's substitute players shouted loudly.On the court, the second Mu Shenyi received the basketball, Shinomiya Tianye was already firmly behind Mu Shenyi, waiting for the opportunity to move.

While Hainan was making a fast break, Lingnan's reaction speed was also very fast.

As soon as Mu Shen hung Sigong Tianye, he ran in the front. At his speed, he could completely throw off everyone except Sigong Tianye, play a frontcourt one-on-one, and counterattack layup.

But Mu Shenyi didn't seem to have the idea of ​​a one-man fast break. After approaching the three-point line with the ball, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and stopped outside the three-point line with the ball, without any intention of invading. The meaning of the basket.

Mu Shenyi's choice of attack was really beyond Shinomiya Tianye's expectation, he was already ready to put a hat on the opponent from behind Mu Shenyi, but unexpectedly, Mu Shenyi did not choose to attack by force.

"Smart choice but, too lazy!"

Shinomiya Tianye finished the emergency stop a second later, turned around and came in front of Mu Shenyi, and murmured.

Mu Shen was unmoved by Shinomiya Tianye's taunt at all, he dribbled the ball sideways and waited for the players to come forward.

Soon, Hiroshi Mori and others entered the frontcourt, Ichiro Shinmune sank into the bottom corner, Kazuma Takasago and Hiroshi Morishita cut in towards the inside, while Kosuge, wearing the No. 8 jersey, immediately leaned towards Shinomiya Fields to prepare Help Mu Shen with a pick and roll.

After Xiaosuge's pick-and-roll was in place, Mu Shenyi swayed in the direction of the pick-and-roll, and then broke through in the opposite direction. He had no intention of using the pick-and-roll at all.

Maybe Mu Shenyi himself knows that Kosuge's pick-and-roll will have no effect on Shinomiya Tianye at all, and even if Shinomiya Tianye chooses to squeeze, the unstable Kosuge will also affect Mu Shenyi's own breakthrough .

Taking advantage of Kosuke's brief distraction of Shinomiya Tano's attention, Mu Shenyi rushed forward quickly, but after only two steps, he was stuck by Shinomiya Tano again.Although his pretense interfered with Tano Shinomiya's judgment, it was not enough to get rid of Tano Shinomiya.

"As expected of Shinomiya Tianye, it's really difficult to deal with." Mu Shen sighed secretly, and quickly passed the ball while walking, and the basketball hit the ground and directly bounced back into the hands of Hiroshi Mori, who was in the inside line.

Although Mu Shenyi was unable to get rid of Shinomiya Tianye's defense, he was still able to play the ball in front of Shinomiya Tianye. Although it was more difficult to play the ball, it would not affect the team's offensive rhythm.

"Good pass!" As soon as Mu Shen successfully played the ball, the Hainan players on the sidelines became excited.Everyone's eyes fell on Mori Shigekuro in unison, their eyes full of anticipation.


Morishigakaro who was holding the ball dropped the ball, still with an unpretentious back hit, and his body was directly chiseled on Uozumi's body. This time, although Uozumi was prepared, he was still forced to retreat under the tremendous force of Morishukiro half a step.

"Good weight!!"

"Is this kid really a first-year freshman?!"

"Damn it, I absolutely can't lose!"

Yuzumi clearly realized that his strength seemed to be inferior to the opponent's, but he didn't intend to give up. His center of gravity dropped again, and his foot became more stable.

Just when Yuzu was fully prepared to meet the second impact, Mori Shigehiro suddenly stood up, sideways with a small hook and shot directly, the basketball flew over Yuzu's head, hit the backboard, and rebounded into the basket.


"A hook near the basket?"

Yu Zhu was taken aback when he saw that the opponent actually made a shot, and the basketball fell into the net under his astonished eyes.

Mori Shigehiro's consecutive goals immediately made Hainan's rest area boil.A group of Hainan players waved towels and cheered for Mori Shigehiro. When Mori Shigehiro returned to the defense and scored another goal, he punched Mu Shen in celebration, without showing too many other emotions on his face.

"very good!"

"Just fight like this, Kuan, Mu!"

Coach Gaotou saw that the difference between the two teams had come to 4 points, and Hainan was still in the lead. With a smile on his face, he slowly unfolded the folding fan in his hand, fanning the wind gently, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"Ignored the temptation to score fast breaks alone, and chose to wait for teammates to play positions"

"Is Mu Shenyi the kind of person who is afraid of the strength of the field?!"

"It shouldn't be, that is to say, do you believe that No. 15 will definitely be able to score on Yuzhu's head?!"

"Hainan, do you want to fight with us and tear the hole from Yuzhu's body?!"

"The target is not Fujima, but Uozumi"

Losing points in a row, Coach Tian Gang's face has also darkened, his eyelids are drooping, and he is deep in thought.

He thought that in today's game, Hainan would find a way to find a breakthrough from Fujima. Even, in order to make up for Fujima's weak defense, Coach Tianoka specially asked Shinomiya Tiano and Fujima to switch defenses. Weaknesses that look like "weaknesses" are hidden.

But unexpectedly, Hainan never thought of using the pick-and-roll to make Mushen get the opportunity to play Fujima in a misplaced single. Instead, he concentrated the ball in the hands of No. 15 and launched an attack from the inside.

"Who is that No. 15?!" Coach Tian Gang looked at Hiroshi Morishi who followed his teammates back to the defense quickly, and couldn't help talking to himself.

On the court, Lingnan High School did not lose confidence in Yuzhu Chun because of Yuzhu's miss.

Although Hainan's No. 15 scored two goals in a row, the difficulty of scoring goals was not that high, and the upper limit of his level had not been fully revealed.

Teng really wanted to continue to try Yuzhu, but he also couldn't believe that Yuzhu, the third-year champion center, would lose to a first-year freshman.

Soon, the basketball came to Jun Uozumi's hands after several transmissions, and it was still the formation of the rest of the players who opened up the inside line and played one-on-one.And Hainan seems to be very relieved of this first-year player, and no one wants to help Morishi Kan, and let him live alone.

This time, Yuzhu purely catches the ball a little deeper, only about three steps away from the basket.

Realizing that Morishihiro's strength is very strong, Uozumi gave up the reckless back attack, and instead planned to compete with the opponent with the face-to-basket technique.

But Uozumi seems to have forgotten his noodle basket technique.
"Crack!" Yuzumi held the ball and turned to face the basket. After the ball fell, he directly held the ball and forced it. It was only one step, and he directly raised the ball and hooked the ball.

However, just as the basketball flew out of Uozumi Jun's hand, it was slapped flying by Hiroshi Morishi.

Mori Shigekan saw the whole series of breakthrough moves of Yuzu, and followed every movement of Yuzu firmly.This huge first grader has quite flexible footwork and strong explosive power. He can easily block the fish's hook when pulling onions on dry land.

The basketball was shot down by Hiroshi Morishi, and Kosuge, who was also guarding the inside line, took it into his hands. Kosuge picked up the basketball and held the ball with both hands. After the players in Lingnan started to return to defense, he gave the ball to Mu Shenyi. Mu Shenyi Advance with the ball.

Two consecutive blocks made the audience pay attention to Hainan's No. 15 player.

The fans of Lingnan High School couldn't stand Yuzhu's successive gaffes, and they all shouted for Lingnan players to give the ball to Shinomiya Tianye or Xiandao.

The fans in Kanagawa Prefecture belong to the kind of people who have a clear love and hate. If you play well, you will never hesitate to praise and praise you crazily.

But once you play badly?Don't expect anyone to comfort you, if Yuzhu destroys the invincible image of Lingnan in his mind, he will definitely be able to retire Yuzhu pure spray on the spot.

Now, with just two goals, Lingnan's champion fans can't stand it anymore.

"Don't worry, fish live, defend well."

"Hainan will definitely play inside. That kid looks very strong. When defending, give yourself some room for evasion and bounce."

"Don't stick it too tight, fish live!"

Shinomiya Tiano could hear the complaints from the audience around him, and he could only talk about Yu's situation.

It wasn't until this moment that Shinomiya Tianno took a few straight glances at Mori Shigekan after taking his seat, and the originally relaxed facial muscles began to tense up.

"This No. 15 is not weaker than Yuzhu in terms of height and tonnage."

"If it's just like this, it's fine, but this guy's speed is also very fast, and his defensive movements are also quite agile."

"This kid's talent far surpasses that of Yuzhu."

"Even if he's a little worse than me, this kind of talent is enough to overwhelm the inside."

"There is no doubt that this kid is the top center in Kanagawa Prefecture even if he only relies on talent!"

Just as Shinomiya Tianye was thinking, Hainan's offense had already arrived, and Mori Shigekuro was still in the important position inside, and Mu Shen made a lob pass.

Hiroshi Morishi, who was catching the ball inside, showed his brand-new skills this time. After catching the ball, he went straight to the basket with a deep step, and then violently went straight to Uozumi's head and staged another dunk.

The terrifying force during the slam dunk knocked Jun Uozumi, who was trying to defend, back two steps before he stood still.Surprised by his terrifying ability at the basket, Coach Tian Gang stood up from his seat and looked into the court in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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