Chapter 316 Bankrupt O'Neal!

Hiroshi Morishi scored from Uozumi's head three times in a row. Even Coach Tagoka couldn't maintain his composure, and jumped up from his seat in shock.

The supporters of Lingnan are also collectively silent for a while.Mori Shigehiro's previous attacks can be understood as Uozumi not being serious and not yet in the game state, but this time, everyone can see clearly that Uozumi has indeed made an effort, but Even so, his defense was still broken by Mori Shigehiro.

If Breakthrough Fish lived today with Takenori Akagi from Shonhoku High School, or Kazuma Takasago from Hainan, the audience would not be as surprised as they are now.After all, both Akagi and Takasago are third-year players with rich experience in competitions, and it is understandable that they can break through the blockade of Yuzhu.

But today, it is a little-known freshman from Hainan who lives in Breakthrough Fish, who wears the No. 15 jersey, Hiroshi Mori.

"It's really amazing! The strength of that No.15 is stronger than that of the monster Yuzhu!"

"Could it be that Hainan can beat Lingnan today? Kanagawa is about to change?!"

"How is it possible? The Sigong Tianye and Xiandao in Lingnan haven't exerted their strength yet. They are about to open, and Hainan will definitely not be able to stop them."

At this moment, the audience in the stands began to discuss that Hainan's inside line was very strong. Some people thought that relying on Mori Shigehiro, Hainan had a chance to defeat Lingnan. Of course, there were also supporters of Lingnan who expressed their opposition.

But all in all, at this moment, the audience is no longer blindly superstitious about Lingnan High School.

"Hey! Live fish!"

"Go back to God!"

In the stadium, Jun Uozumi looked at the back of Hiroshi Morishi who was leaving, a little dazed.Fujima ran to the backcourt to catch the ball, and when he saw Uozumi's expression, he immediately reminded him.

After regaining consciousness, Uozu's attention was still not concentrated enough. After a few seconds of stunned, he went to the bottom line to serve. exception.

"Yuzhu this guy, the concentration is starting to slack?!"

"The game has just begun. With his mental quality, this should not have happened."

"Is it because of the huge gap in his heart caused by being scored consecutively by the first-year students?"

Sensing Uozumi's abnormality, Fujima didn't continue to remind him. He knew that the reminder at this time might not be useful, but might further hurt Uozumi's self-esteem.

The best way now is to let Yuzhu come out by himself!

As long as Yuzhu can score on the opponent's head, or can stop the opponent's attack.Then the psychological barrier of Yuzhu will completely disappear!

"Give him the ball!"

Shinomiya Tano also noticed Uosumi Jun's state at this time, pointed at Uosumi Jun who entered the front court, and shouted loudly at Fujima.Although he and Fujima didn't have much communication, but at this time, they formed a tacit understanding in handling the ball.

Soon, everyone in Lingnan entered the front field.

Jun Uozumi, who had just entered the paint, just stood under the basket. It seemed that he was going to grab a rebound, but he didn't have a position.This made Fujima, who was about to throw the ball to the fish, stagnate.

"Hey, fish live, come out and get the ball!"

The place where the fish lived was too deep, and it was really difficult for Teng to throw the ball to the opponent, so he shouted immediately.

Uozuki was stunned when he heard this, and hurried out from the inside to receive the ball from Fujima.It's just that the place where he catches the ball this time is some distance from the basket, which is not his most comfortable offensive position.

"Hello, senior from Lingnan."

"Don't force yourself."

Mori Shigekuro silently followed behind Yuzhu, his chest firmly pressed against Yuzhu's back, and he raised his arms high.


The taunt from the enemy made Yuzumi regain consciousness in an instant, with a strong anger on his face.

"Crack!" After the ball exploded once, Uozumi forcibly punched back, and the terrifying force poured directly on Hiroshi Morishi.But this time, Uozumi's power was greater than ever before.

The ridicule of the young opponent completely stimulated Uozumi's potential.


Mori Shigekan took a step back from being caught by Yuzhu, somewhat surprised that Yuzhu's strength was so great.Immediately put away the little contempt in his heart, his center of gravity continued to sink, and he stubbornly withstood Yuzhu's second wave of back attack.


However, this time, Yuzumi's back kick failed to accomplish anything. Yuzumi's angry back kick could only take half a step against Mori Shigekuro this time. It's like hitting a concrete wall.

"That kid's strength is stronger than Uozumi's!" Shinomiya Tianye has been observing Uozumi's matchup, seeing that Uozumi's second back attack can only push away the opponent's little gap, he immediately made a judgment, and then shouted road:
"Fish live, don't use brute force, footsteps, feint!"

Although Tano Shinomiya yelled loudly, Uozumi really heard it in his ears, but Tano Shinomiya seemed to have forgotten that Uozumi in their team was a rough guy
Although Jun Uozumi is now in the third grade, his basketball practice time is probably only two and a half years.Moreover, Coach Tianoka's position for Uozu has always been a high-end blue-collar role. With Shinomiya Tanno, Sendo, and Fujima in the breakup, how could it be Uozu's turn to attack with the ball.

Even if Lingnan wants to attack from the inside, the starting point is the flower shape with long-range shooting ability.

Yuzhu has offense, but his offense relies on strength and height, not skill.
Compared with Uozumi, Akagi Takenori's basket skills are much richer.

After all, Akagi has also been playing since he was a child. As for why Akagi was able to smash his feet when he dribbled the ball when he first entered Xiangbei, it is also easy to understand, because Akagi had no professional training when he was in primary and secondary school, and he relied on himself for practice. In the basketball team when I was in school, the team also used him as a center forward.

Dribble?Then what is the inside line like Akagi that needs to be practiced, standing under the basket and eating cakes is enough.But after Akagi came to Xiangbei High School, it was different. How could coach Anxi, who attaches great importance to basic skills, endure a player dribbling and smashing his feet? !

After the dribbling level improved, Akagi, who has always regarded Mitsui Hisashi as his opponent, will naturally practice some offensive skills at the basket.A center who can only eat cakes under the basket, why should he compete with a middle school MVP like Mitsui Hisashi?

However, Yuzhu in Lingnan did not get a perfect low-position exercise. Although coach Tian Gang improved Yuzhu's physical fitness, he did not give Yuzhu too much guidance in terms of technology, and Yuzhu is also very suitable for blue-collar workers Work, don't take possession of the ball.


With a soft sound, after realizing that the back shot was not good, Uozumi turned around and broke through, but his movement was so easy to judge. Hiroshi Morishi poked the basketball from behind and completed the steal.


Mori Shigekuro's long hands were fast, and this sudden steal made Yuzhu's movements froze again. He didn't seem to have thought that the opponent would be so sharp.


"Yuzhu, it's too bad!"

However, at this moment, a blue shadow suddenly appeared from behind Uozumi, picked up the basketball that was about to hit the ground, and after a dribble, two steps directly bypassed Uozumi Jun and Mori Shigehiro. Invaded to the basket.

"Shinomiya Tano!!"

Kazuma Takasago, who was also guarding the basket, saw the approaching person clearly, and immediately felt his scalp numb, forcing himself to take steps to make up for the defense. However, his footsteps had just moved a step, and Shinomiya Tianye, who was more than one meter away from the basket, was He jumped directly with the ball, dunked with one hand, and poured the ball into the basket.


Kazuma Takasago under the basket only felt his eyes dim, and Shinomiya Tianye had already ridden on his head to complete the dunk.The huge movement during the slam dunk made all the audience stunned, and then amazing cheers broke out.


"Lingnan!!! Lingnan!!!"

"Shinomiya Tianye! Shinomiya Tianye has begun to exert strength!"

Cheers from the audience poured into the arena, Shinomiya Tano, who fell back to the ground, just glanced at Takasago, then turned around and came to Uozumi, reached out and grabbed the back of Uozumi's head, and pressed his forehead against Uozuki's forehead Up, whispered:
"Fish live!"

"Wake up!"

"Your strength is definitely more than that, your concentration has dropped!"

"If you can't play well, just go down for me and don't block my eyes on the court!"

Shinomiya Tano, a second-year student, didn't give Uozumi any face at all. Although his voice was relatively low, Hiroshi Morishige who was nearby could hear him.Mori Shigehiro didn't expect that the second grader Shinomiya Tianye would dare to talk to the third grade seniors like this, and couldn't help but look at Shinomiya Tianye a few more times.

After Shinomiya Tianye said this, he cast a cold glance at Morishagakan who was not far away, and a smile suddenly appeared on his cold face.

"Boy, I'm looking forward to you!"

"Try to stop me!"

For some reason, Shinomiya Tianye's smile made Morishigakaro's hair stand on end, and an invisible pressure enveloped his whole body in an instant.

"Is this person Shinomiya Tianye from Lingnan High School?"

"What a strong spirit."

Mori Shigekuan lowered his eyelids, turned his head and ran towards the front court, his calm heart suddenly became hot.This kind of feeling is something that you can't feel when you are in the counterpoint with Yuzhu. He is heavy and wide, and he doesn't feel too much pressure from Yuzhu.

But facing Shinomiya Tianye at this time, the feeling is completely different from when facing Uozumi.

"Tano Shinomiya. Can he take it anymore?"

"Now is the time to really test Ah Kuan, you must hold on! Ah Kuan!"

The tall coach on the sidelines watched what happened on the field, and the folding fan in his hand was already closed, and he held it tightly in his hand.

Offensive and defensive conversion.

Hainan launched an attack. Although Mu Shenyi, who was holding the ball, didn't know what Shinomiya Tianye and Yuzumi said just now, he could feel that Yuzumi's demeanor had changed a little. He knew that Lingnan's center forward had completely changed from Came out of the blow.

"Now, Shinomiya Tanno should start to pay attention to the inside line, and he has to be careful about attacking."

Mu Shen took the ball into the frontcourt, but until he approached the three-point line, Shinomiya Tianye's defense hadn't come up yet, he just stood inside the three-point line and waited for Mu Shenyi to take the initiative to attack, which was different from the previous defensive method of close defense very different.

Shinomiya Tianye completely let go of Mu Shenyi's three-pointer, and stood closer to the inside line, and what this meant, Mu Shen knew instantly.

It is conceivable that if he still gives the ball to Hiroshi Morishi, Shinomiya Tanno will inevitably double-team the opponent, and will not give Hiroshi Mori the chance to play alone.

"Ah Kuan, it's not what you think."

Mu Shenyi easily lobbed the ball to the inside line to complete the positioning, and tried to catch Mori Shigehiro, who wanted the ball, while he quickly cut towards the inside line.

Shinomiya Tianye watched the basketball fall into Morishenghiro's hands, just about to double-team, but saw the direction of Mu Shenyi's movement, his expression became concentrated, he resolutely gave up double-teaming Morishenghiro, and chased after Mu Shenyi.

No matter whether Mu Shenyi faced Yuzu alone or Mori Shigekan faced Yuzu alone, it was not a good thing.Comparing the two, it is better to let Mori Shigehiro face the fish alone!
"Flower shape! Take a look!"

Shinomiya Tianye chased Mu Shenyi and prevented the opponent from getting the ball inside, while reminding Huagao.After receiving Shinomiya Tano's instructions, Hanayoto immediately distanced himself from Takasago, and leaned towards Morishagahiro and Uozumi's side, ready to defend at any time.

Morishihiro, who was holding the ball, also held the ball high and hit it high. He took the ball in one fell swoop, and after giving a shot, he quickly dropped the ball and rushed in. After intercepting Yuzhu from behind, he turned his back deftly, stuck to Yuzhu and passed it. The opponent, instantly invaded the basket and jumped up holding the ball with both hands.

"Don't think about it!!"

Morishigakaro's dexterous turnaround surprised everyone, but at this time, Hanagata had already reached the basket. Facing Morishenghiro who was trying to dunk, Hanagata jumped up and pressed his hands directly to the basketball.



Huaxing's defense is quite in place, and his hands are precisely pressed on the basketball.However, the huge force of Mori Shigehiro was not something that Huaxingtou could resist. He had already pressed his hands on the basketball, but Huaxing's hand was forced down by Morishigekan, and the basketball was also slammed into the basketball by Morishikan. In the basket, there was a loud noise.

The astonishing buckle was staged on the high school field.

Hua Xing, who quickly fell back to the ground, staggered, unexpectedly couldn't stand steadily, and sat down on the ground directly, looking up at Sen Zhongkuan who was hanging the basket in surprise.

Mori Shigehiro, who was grabbing the basket with one hand, also looked down at Hana Gatorade, and he was very satisfied with the astonishment on the other party's face.

Mori Shigehiro enjoyed the condescending feeling of looking down on people. The surprised flower shape on the ground made his adrenaline soar, and his face showed a fascinated look.Holding the basket with one hand, looking at the flower shape, he did not let go for a long time.

"Beep beep!!"

"The number 15 is not coming down yet!"

However, when Mori Shigekan was immersed in this feeling, the referee's hasty whistle brought him back to reality.

Technical foul!
Because Hiroshi Mori hung the basket for too long, he was called a technical foul by the referee.

The tall head coach off the field smiled helplessly when he saw that Mori Shigekan was fined for a technical foul.Although the players ate a T, the face of Gaotou coach was full of smiles.

Hiroshi Mori's buckle is quite morale-boosting, and eating a T is irrelevant. Of course, the premise is that Hiroshi Mori will not make repeated mistakes and control the number of fouls.

Although Mori Shigekan was called a technical foul, everyone in Lingnan didn't look very good at this time.

Mori Shigehiro's flexibility was beyond everyone's expectations, and Hua Xing was dunked, which also greatly affected the morale of their team.

Sinomiya Tianye looked at his teammates who were silently looking at him all around, and heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that from now on, their Lingnan could no longer waste offensive opportunities, otherwise, their morale would be destroyed.

"Super rookie"

"It's really strong, the bankrupt young shark, and I don't know how Lingnan will deal with this guy."

"It's tricky!"

Jinguji Budao on the stand straightened up excitedly at this moment, ready to see how Lingnan would deal with this "baby shark" in Hainan. He knew that it was impossible for Shinomiya Tianye to sit idly by.

(End of this chapter)

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